Lecture Capture Portfolio Update – PC Capture and Apple Capture Updates – v25.1.0 Release

Exciting news! This week, we’re rolling out a significant product update across our Lecture Capture Portfolio! For the YuJa Software Capture for PC, this update includes improved screen reader compatibility with enhanced navigational focus, an audible countdown before recordings start, and integrated support for Kuando Busylight.

  1. YuJa Software Capture Will Automatically Switch to the Legacy Engine for ARM-Based Processors
    Currently, devices with ARM-based processors are only compatible with YuJa Software Capture’s Legacy Engine. To ensure the correct engine is always selected, YuJa Software Capture automatically detects ARM-based processors and switches to the Legacy Engine.
    Lecture Capture Portfolio Update – PC Capture and Apple Capture Updates – v25.1.0 Release
  2. Improved the Performance of YuJa Software Capture
    For this update, we have made major improvements to address dozens of defects that could affect your ability to record and upload content in more niche circumstances.

For the YuJa Software Capture for Apple, this update includes the option to remotely update YuJa Software Capture though Video Platform, remotely stop recording from the Video Platform, and set the default resolution for video captures, as well as the new toast notification to indicate issues during recordings, and a streamlined installation process with built-in internal audio script.

  1. The Annotation Toolbar Has Been Redesigned and Includes New Features
    The Annotation Toolbar now offers more features for creating on-screen text and drawings.

    • Draw various shapes on your screen, such as circles, squares, and stars.
    • Use the Vanishing Pen to draw on the screen, with your annotation fading away after a few seconds.
    • Easily reverse or reapply changes with the redo and undo options.

    Lecture Capture Portfolio Update – PC Capture and Apple Capture Updates – v25.1.0 Release

  2. View Who Is Logged in on the YuJa Software Capture Application
    For institutions that utilize a single device shared among multiple users, you can now view who is signed in to the YuJa Software Capture application by clicking the profile icon.
    Lecture Capture Portfolio Update – PC Capture and Apple Capture Updates – v25.1.0 Release