Panorama Digital Accessibility Platform – Update RC20230302 Released to US, CAN, AUS, and EU Zones
We have successfully pushed an update to all Panorama Digital Accessibility Platform instances residing in the US, Canada, and the European Union. This update includes a personal repository to upload and test the accessibility of documents, synced document uploads, YouTube caption detection, and the ability to adjust the access to Alternative Formats at the institution or course level.
- New Content Repository for Creating Accessible Media
Panorama’s goal is to provide a centralized Digital Accessibility strategy with Learning Organizations. This release, we are delivering the next major part of this vision with the introduction of new Contents Repository for use by both individual users, as well as, Departments. Use cases include:- Instructor Repository – Organize a personal repository of documents with detailed Accessibility Scoring, as well pre-generated Accessibility Alternatives.
- Library and Reserve Desk – The University Library can manage their digital reserves and provide resources to students in an accessible way.
- Student Content Store – Students are now empowered to self-manage their digital content with their private repository for digital contract
- Improved Versions Automatically Update to Canvas
Our Canvas users will be pleased to know that improved versions of documents uploaded within the Panorama Platform will automatically update to the underlying LMS course.
- YouTube Caption Detection Added as a Real-Time Accessibility Suggestion
Building upon the Real-Time Accessibility Engine capabilities, we have added a new accessibility suggestion that will detect if captions are available for linked YouTube videos.
- Launch the Panorama Platform from the Redesigned Browser Extension
We have provided a more modern look to the Panorama browser extension and have included direct access to the Panorama Portal through the new Launch Portal button.
- Instant Access to Panorama-Enabled Courses
Previously, newly added courses to Panorama would require instructors to wait 24 hours before their course reports could be viewed. We have improved this to allow instructors access to Panorama-enabled courses as soon as a course has been added. - Enhanced Navigation Sidebar
To easily navigate the Panorama Platform, we have organized the navigation menu into specific drop-down menu sections for reports and configurations.
- Pre-Generate Panorama Reports
Institutions with a large data sets can choose to pre-generate their Institution, Issues, and Content Reports to provide instant access to their analytics. Panorama will automatically suggest this feature when generating reports take longer than expected, or admins may directly access this feature from their Panorama settings.
- View All Documents for Each Issue Type
Panorama’s Course Report now offers admins and instructors the option to view a list of documents generated by any issue. Users may view the Accessibility Report of the documents and upload improved versions to fix accessibility issues.
- Adjust the Access to Alternative Formats at the Institution or Course Level
Admins that want to adjust the access to alternative formats can do so within their Panorama institution settings. Instructors may then enable or disable alternative formats for their specific course, such as disabling translations for language courses.
- Improved Accessibility and Responsiveness of the Website Accessibility Panel
The Website Accessibility panel can now be translated into French and Spanish and will automatically adjust to either language if they are the browser’s preferred setting. Additionally, we have improved its responsiveness to allow for comfortable viewing on any screen size.