YuJa Panorama for Digital Accessibility – Update RC20210528 Released to All Zones
We have successfully pushed an update to all Panorama instances residing in the United States, Canada and the European Union.
- Audio Podcast File Alternative Formats Now Generated By Default
Panorama now provides users the option to request an MP3 audio file as an alternative format for DOCX, PPTX, PDF and more.
- Configurable Settings to Control Panorama Scanning Frequency
Brand new settings allow Organizations to specify how often Panorama scans their LMS to synchronize content between the Accessibility Platform and LMS, then automatically queue the content for processing. Before, content was synchronized daily.
- Alternative Formats in Canvas Pages
Users can now access alternative formats directly from the Pages activity in Canvas for all digital content processed by Panorama.
- Detailed Breakdown for Panorama Accessibility Reporting
Using Panorama’s Accessibility reports to drive improved digital accessibility using AI flagged issues is now even easier. Instructors can now view a detailed breakdown of files that qualify for an accessibility error by issue type.