YuJa Panorama for Digital Accessibility – Update Released to All Zones

We have successfully pushed an update to all Panorama instances residing in the United States, Canada and the European Union. This update aims to provide users with more configurable settings to measure accessibility.

  1. Improved HTML Accessibility Checks
    To ensure all content meets accessibility standards, HTML WYSIWYG Editor content will be analyzed and assigned an Accessibility Score. Additionally, Panorama will guide instructors with steps to improve the Accessibility Score.
    YuJa Panorama for Digital Accessibility – Update Released to All ZonesYuJa Panorama for Digital Accessibility – Update Released to All Zones
  2. Updated UI of Accessibility Gauges 
    To create uniformity in the Score Report, Course Report and LTI Institution Reporting, the UI of the Accessibility Gauge has been updated.
    YuJa Panorama for Digital Accessibility – Update Released to All Zones
  3. New Configurable Course Default Settings
    To provide Admin and Instructors with more oversight in to the course, a Course Configuration Panel has been implemented. The Course Configuration Panel serves as a central location for Admins and Instructors to configure course-level settings.
    YuJa Panorama for Digital Accessibility – Update Released to All Zones
  4. Ability for Instructors to Enable or Disable Accessibility Report Gauges
    In the Course Configuration Panel, Instructors can configure the Report settings, choosing whether to enable or disable the Accessibility Gauges from appearing in their courses.
    YuJa Panorama for Digital Accessibility – Update Released to All Zones
  5. Ability for Admins to Review Default Settings
    In the Course Configuration Panel, Admins can set default Report settings on an institution-wide level.
    YuJa Panorama for Digital Accessibility – Update Released to All Zones
  6. Improved Tab Order and Keyboard Accessibility
    The Tab key can be used to navigate through the Panorama Platform, including the Alternative Formats.
    YuJa Panorama for Digital Accessibility – Update Released to All Zones