• February 10, 2025

    YuJa EqualGround Accessibility Governance Platform Update – v25.0 Release

    Australia Zone Canada Zone European Union Zone United States Zone YuJa EqualGround Accessibility Governance Platform

    We have successfully pushed an update to all YuJa EqualGround Accessibility Governance Platform instances residing in the US, Canada, Australia, and the European Union. The release introduces groups to organize web pages for independent scanning, an option to create teams and assign them for website management, customize the severity levels of issues, perform website crawls to locate new web pages for accessibility scanning, support for usability and SEO engines in the browser extension, and more.


    1. Organize Web Pages into Groups that Can be Independently Scanned
      Depending on your organization, your website is often organized into distinct sections, such as events, research, services, etc. To allow YuJa EqualGround to better detect issues in specific areas, you can group pages and schedule or manually scan them independently from the entire website. In future updates, we will allow capabilities to assign users and teams to grouped pages.
      An image of the Website page in EqualGround highlighting the Page Groups.
    2. Create Teams and Assign Them to Manage Websites on Your Platform
      To create a more organized structure for managing websites on your YuJa EqualGround platform, you can now group users into teams and assign them to specific websites. Each group can then be assigned a role that will give them access to view or manage reports for their respective sites.
      An image showing the team creation page in EqualGround.
    3. Customize the Severity Level of Issues to Align YuJa EqualGround with Your Organization’s Goals
      Every organization has unique goals and standards for its audience. To help you more accurately meet these objectives, you can now customize the severity levels of accessibility, SEO, and usability issues—setting them as severe, major, minor, or disabling them entirely if they’re irrelevant to your needs.
      An image of the Issue Settings page in EqualGround highlighting the severity level settings.
    4. Perform Website Crawls to Locate New Web Pages For Accessibility Scanning
      YuJa EqualGround now supports scheduled and manual crawling of websites to detect new pages and documents regularly to ensure they are included in scans. You can customize the crawl by configuring its depth, frequency, and WCAG Conformance Level.
      An image highlighting the Configure Crawl window in EqualGround.
    5. Support for Usability and SEO Engine in the Browser Extension
      The YuJa EqualGround Browser Extension has been enhanced with our new Usability Engine, which offers insights into the user-friendliness of your web pages, along with the SEO Engine for analyzing metadata, tags, and links. Simply visit any page on your site, launch your chosen engine, and view detailed issue reports and actionable recommendations for remediation.
      An image highlighting the enhanced EqualGround browser extension with Usability and SEO engines.
    6. Bulk Upload Websites to Your Platform
      Instead of adding websites one at a time to your YuJa EqualGround platform, you can now upload a CSV file containing a list of websites and their crawl details. This allows you to schedule crawls and identify pages and documents to be scanned.
      An image showing the Website page of EqualGround highlighting the website import window.
    7. Bulk Add Users to Your Roster Management
      Quickly add multiple users to your YuJa EqualGround platform by uploading a CSV file in Roster Management.
      An image showing the roaster management page in EqualGround highlighting the Upload Roaster window.
    8. More In-Depth ARIA Issue Detection and Recommendations for Best Practices
      Expanding on our existing accessibility checks, YuJa EqualGround now includes over 20 new detections for ARIA-related issues and accessibility best practices. Some of these checks include:

      • Ensure every ARIA button, link, and menu item has an accessible name.
      • Ensure that image alt text is not repeated unnecessarily to improve screen reader usability.
      • Ensure that tables have unique captions or summaries for better accessibility.

      An image of the website accessibility issues page highlighting the new ABP suggestions.

    9. New Scheduling Options for Biweekly and Quarterly Website Scans and Crawls
      YuJa EqualGround now supports biweekly and quarterly scan and crawl options when setting up their frequency, providing greater flexibility in scheduling website scans.
      An image of the page group set up page highlighting the scan frequency settings.
    10. New Report Template for Presenting Analytics in Power BI
      As a website manager, you can now visualize your report analytics in Power BI using our custom-made template. Simply upload the template alongside your exported JSON report and instantly transform your data into actionable insights.
      The image of the Document Report page highlighting the Export Report window in EqualGround.
    11. Filter Accessibility Issues Based on Which Element They Appear In
      When reviewing your Accessibility Report in web or HTML view, you can now filter issues based on whether they appear in the page’s header, metadata, body, or footer.
      An image showing the website accessibility issues page, highlighting the filter for webpage elements.
    12. Updated Sidebar with Expandable Design on Hover and Animated Iconography
      YuJa EqualGround’s sidebar has been redesigned with an expandable navigation that reveals the menu items on hover, along with the new animated icons for a more streamlined navigation.
      A gif file showcasing the updated sidebar in EqualGround with expandable design and animated iconography.
    13. Enhanced Web Responsiveness for Devices with Smaller Screen Sizes
      We’ve optimized the website configuration page with better web responsiveness for smaller screen sizes, ensuring that all menu items are fully displayed and offering smoother navigation across devices.
  • January 31, 2025

    YuJa AutoPilot AI Platform Update – v25.1.0 Release

    Add-On Platforms Australia Zone Canada Zone European Union Zone Geographic Zone Middle East Zone Singapore Zone United States Zone YuJa AutoPilot AI Platform

    We have successfully pushed an update to all YuJa AutoPilot AI Platform instances residing in the US, Canada, Australia, Singapore, the Middle East, and the European Union. This update includes the option to download and edit a template, which can then be uploaded into Power BI.

    1. New Report Template for Presenting AutoPilot Analytics in Power BI
      As an administrator, you can now present your AutoPilot analytics easily in Power BI using our report template. Simply upload the template along with your exported report in a JSON format to visualize your AutoPilot report.
      The option to download an autopilot report template is shown.
  • January 31, 2025

    YuJa AccessNotes Note-Taking Platform Update – v25.1.0 Release

    Australia Zone Canada Zone European Union Zone Middle East Zone Singapore Zone United States Zone YuJa AccessNotes Note-Taking Platform

    We have successfully pushed an update to all YuJa AccessNotes Note-Taking Platform instances residing in the US, Canada, Australia, Singapore, the Middle East, and the European Union. This update includes sharing audio recordings, supporting external audio devices, importing images from a web search, and embedding articles in tags to describe complex concepts.

    1. Import Descriptions in Your Tags to Understand Complex Terms
      When you’re unsure about a complex topic or concept and would like further clarification, adding descriptions allows you to search for and embed articles in your tags. By entering a few keywords, you can browse a catalog of search results to find the one that best clarifies the topic you’re struggling with.
      A description is searched for and added to an audio note tag.
    2. Import Images to Tag Through the Built-In Web Search
      In addition to embedding images from your device to a tag, AccessNotes now supports direct image import from the web through the built-in search engine. This allows instant embedding of visuals or illustrations without the need to download images. Simply search for an image, choose the one you like, and add it to the tag.
      An image is searched for to add to an audio note tag.
    3. Dedicated Option to Download Audio Transcripts as a TXT File
      We’ve updated AccessNotes to include a Download button in the Transcript panel, offering easier access to the audio transcripts in TXT format.
      A download button for the audio transcript is shown.
    4. Expanded Audio Source Options for Note Recording
      Previously, audio notes could only be recorded using your device’s built-in audio source. With this update, AccessNotes detects and displays all external audio sources connected to your device, allowing you to select the source that best meets your recording preferences.
      External audio sources are shown in the microphone selection setting.
    5. Share Your Audio Recordings with Anyone
      AccessNotes now supports audio note sharing through email, allowing materials to be easily distributed amongst peers or colleagues. Once an audio note is shared, recipients can easily view or download the shared notes without requiring an AccessNotes login. You can enable this feature as an administrator by navigating to Configurations > General Settings > Institution Settings.
      Option to enable audio sharing.
  • January 31, 2025

    YuJa SmartSpeaker AI Platform Update – v25.1.0 Release

    Australia Zone Canada Zone European Union Zone Middle East Zone Singapore Zone United States Zone YuJa SmartSpeaker AI Platform

    We have successfully pushed an update to all YuJa SmartSpeaker instances residing in the US, Canada, Australia, Singapore, the Middle East, and the European Union. This update includes the option to embed YuJa SmartSpeaker into course content, expanded support to read content in D2L quizzes, more options to adjust YuJa SmartSpeaker, and a report template for presenting analytics in Power BI.


    1. Embed YuJa SmartSpeaker into Canvas and D2L Course Content
      As an instructor, you can embed YuJa SmartSpeaker into course content to allow students instant text-to-speech audio without them needing to highlight content manually. If you prefer using the SmartSpeaker widget as an overlay rather than embedded, you can simply adjust this preference in Default Course Settings.
      SmartSpeaker settings in Panorama to enable embed option.
    2. YuJa SmartSpeaker Support for D2L’s Quiz-Taking Page
      Building on its existing capabilities to read aloud course content, such as in Announcements and Discussions, Yuja SmartSpeaker is now available on the D2L quiz-taking page, offering text-to-speech support for students when taking a quiz.
      SmartSpeaker is shown embedded inside D2L Content quizzes.
    3. Redesigned YuJa SmartSpeaker Widget for a More Personalized Experience
      The YuJa SmartSpeaker Widget has been revamped with a redesigned UI and enhanced capability for a more customized listening experience. Key updates include:

      • Redesigned SmartSpeaker Widget UI with an expandable icon, allowing you to collapse the widget when not in use.
      • Included an on-hover volume bar for easy volume adjustment during audio playing.
      • New option to disable the rewind and fast-forward functions according to your listening preferences.

      SmartSpeaker is shown with it's volume adjustment slider.

    4. New Report Template for Presenting YuJa SmartSpeaker Analytics in Power BI
      As an administrator, you can now easily present your YuJa SmartSpeaker analytics in Power BI using our report template. Simply upload the template along with your exported report in a JSON format to visualize your report.
      The option to export the report with a template.
  • January 31, 2025

    YuJa Panorama LMS Accessibility Platform Update – v25.1.0 Release

    Australia Zone Canada Zone European Union Zone Middle East Zone Singapore Zone United States Zone YuJa Panorama LMS Accessibility Platform

    We have successfully pushed an update to all YuJa Panorama LMS Accessibility Platform instances residing in the US, Canada, Australia, Singapore, the Middle East, and the European Union. This update includes an activity tracker to view a history of events on YuJa Panorama, support for automatic file replacement in Moodle and D2L, real-time progress of course scans, enhanced screen reader capabilities, and more.

    1. Comprehensive Activity Tracking and Audit Logging to Capture Platform Actions 
      The new Activity panel in YuJa Panorama now tracks activity by capturing detailed user actions across the platform, providing administrators with deeper insights into user behavior. Additionally, administrators can export activity reports for record-keeping or advanced data visualization.
      The Activity page features a list of notifications that have occured.
    2. Support for Automatic File Replacement in Moodle After Remediating the Document
      For documents added as files through the activity or resource section in Moodle, YuJa Panorama will support instant document replacement after accessibility issues have been remediated. This ensures that all resolved issues are automatically reflected in the original corresponding documents, providing students with the most up-to-date versions.
      A document is shown remediated and automatically uploaded in Moodle.
    3. Support for Automatic D2L Document and HTML Content Replacement After Remediating the Document
      Whether you are remediating documents or HTML content in D2L, YuJa Panorama will automatically update the original files or content to reflect the changes without requiring you to manually reupload them.
      A file is shown having been remediated and updated on D2L.
    4. View Real-Time Progress of Course Scans That Are Processing
      Institutions with YuJa Panorama enabled for selected accounts, organizations, or nodes can now access a detailed course scan log. This allows administrators to monitor the scan status of courses in real time, providing insights into whether the scan is in progress, complete, or has failed.
      In Scope Settings a list of courses are shown with their scan progress.
    5. The Flagged Broken Links Issue Will Provide Specific Error Codes
      When broken links are now flagged, specific error codes will be provided, helping you know what is wrong with the link without trying to access it.An error code is shown in the Accessibility Report for a broken link.
    6. New Search Bar to Locate Courses in the Scope Setting
      As an administrator, you can now use a search bar within the Scope Settings to more easily locate courses you wish to manage.
      A course is searched for in the Scope settings.
    7. More Flexibility to Set a Default Language for Your Institution
      Building on our previous localization support for individual language customization, administrators can set a default language for all users within the institution. To select a preferred language, go to Global Settings > Institution Language.The default language option in Panorama's Settings.
    8. Enhanced Compatibility with Screen Readers for Improved Accessibility
      We’ve improved compatibility with screen readers to ensure comprehensive content accessibility. Key updates include:

      • Enhanced screen reader support for the Fix Issue window and How to Fix Issue page
      • Updated narrative descriptions of accessibility icons to include distinct file names, ensuring accurate access to alternative formats for the desired documents.
    9. More Comprehensive API Checks to Ensure a List of Instructors is Retrieved 
      Administrators will be able to test their LMS API access to ensure a list of instructors can be retrieved.
      An API check shows that a list of instructors was fetched.
  • January 27, 2025

    YuJa Verity Test Proctoring Platform Update – v25.1.0 Release

    Australia Zone Canada Zone European Union Zone United States Zone YuJa Verity Test Proctoring Platform

    We have successfully pushed an update to all instances residing in the United States, Canada, Australia, and the European Union. This update includes a new assessment hub to simplify test-takers’ experience with YuJa Verity, integrated guided assistance for assessing assessments, an updated live proctoring scheduling page with a tabular view of live sessions, and more.

    1. New Assessment Hub: A Minimalist Experience to the YuJa Verity LTI App for Test-Takers
      As part of our more simplified workflow for test-takers, the YuJa Verity LTI app now features a single page that displays assessments in a newly organized tabular structure. This will let them know which assessments are ready to take, which are upcoming, and which need to be scheduled.
      An image showing the interface of the new assessment hub in Verity.
    2. Integrated Guided Assistance to Help Test-Takers Access Verity Assessments
      Test-takers who attempt to access a proctored assessment without authentication will have access to launch YuJa Verity on their assessment page. They will then be presented with steps to complete their authentication, which will be updated in real-time.
      A gif showing the integrated guided assistance to help test-takers to access Verity assessments.
    3. Updated the Live Proctoring Schedule Page with an Organized Tabular View of Live Sessions
      Previously, the live proctoring schedule page displayed all live sessions in a single view. This could sometimes be cumbersome for courses with many sessions. To provide a more simplified view, we are introducing a new tabular structure that houses sessions based on their status: Active, Upcoming, Pending, and Completed.
      A gif showing the live proctoring schedule page with tabular view of live sessions.
    4. Revamped Setup Pages for Browser Extension, Lockdown App, and the Mobile App
      The setup pages for the Browser Extension, Desktop Lockdown App, and Mobile Lockdown App have been redesigned with clearer instructions and helpful resources. Key updates include:

      • Browser Extension Setup: Enabling Incognito mode is included as a dedicated step with a guided video to ensure compatibility for taking assessments in Incognito mode. Once the entire setup is complete, students can click the “Assessments” button to navigate directly to the assessment page.
      • Desktop Lockdown App Setup: Included links to guides explaining the minimum system requirements for running YuJa Verity and instructions to identify the appropriate Mac version to download.
      • Mobile Lockdown App Setup: Updated with modernized iconography and pre-download reminders to ensure the devices are compatible before downloading.

      An image showing the new Browser Extension Setup page in YuJa Verity.

    5. Redesigned Standalone Assessment Proctoring Setup with Detailed Guidance
      Building on our existing proctoring setup wizard for automated and third-party assessments, YuJa Verity now offers a similar wizard for standalone assessments with enhanced guidance. The streamlined proctoring setup wizard breaks down settings like proctoring methods and exemptions into clearly defined steps, ensuring a clearer visualization of the key information required for setup.
      A gif showing the redesigned standalone assessment proctoring setup in YuJa Verity.
    6. Delete Recordings of Proctored Sessions Based on Your Institution’s Policies
      As an administrator, you now have the option to enforce your institution’s policies regarding recorded proctoring sessions. If a recording violates your institution’s guidelines, you can easily delete the recording while retaining a detailed log of any potential misconduct identified by YuJa Verity.
      A gif showing the recording delete page in YuJa Verity,
    7. Retain Proctor Settings for Assessments Copied Between Courses in Canvas and D2L Brightspace
      When you copy a proctored assessment from one course to another in Canvas or D2L Brightspace, all associated proctoring settings are also included. This feature is similar to our existing functionality in Blackboard, and future updates will provide support for Moodle.
    8. Enhanced Lockdown App Compatibility with Moodle to Redirect Test-Takers to Continue with the Assessment After an Error
      In instances on the Lockdown App where test-takers cannot access their assessment due to an error, such as a poor internet connection, YuJa Verity will provide a “Continue” button once it’s resolved, allowing them to continue with their current assessment.
      An image showing the Continue button in the YuJa Verity page in Moodle for redirecting test-takers back to the quiz taking page.
  • January 21, 2025

    YuJa Engage Student Response System Update – v25.1.0 Release

    Australia Zone Canada Zone European Union Zone United States Zone YuJa Engage Student Response System

    We have successfully pushed an update to all YuJa Engage Student Response System instances. This release includes a redesigned poll-taking experience for participants to track the progression of their polls, a new results page to view the correct answer after completing a poll, and a revamped grading experience for both polls and attendance in the Grade Book.

    1. Redesigned Poll-Taking Page with Side Navigation Panel and Indication of Question Progress
      To help participants keep track of answered and unanswered questions, we have designed a new side panel that displays all poll questions, along with their respective points. As participants complete the poll, at-a-glance progression rings around questions will indicate answered, unanswered, and in-progress questions. 
      An image showing the poll taking page, highlighting the side question panel.
    2. New Progress Bar to Track the Completion of the Entire Poll
      The new progress bar on the poll-taking page offers a clear view of how much of the poll has been completed, helping participants manage their pace and complete the poll within the time limit.
      An image of the poll taking page highlighting the progress bar.
    3. New Results Page with Color-Coded Indicators for Correct Answers
      When participants review their responses after completing a poll, the results page will now feature new color-coded indications of whether they chose the correct answer, which will be highlighted in green, or the incorrect answer, highlighted in red.
    4. Revamped Poll Grading Page with New Question Side Panel and Summary Badges
      The updated poll grading page features a side panel that shows all poll questions, along with new badges indicating the scores participants received for each question. It also includes overall summary badges displaying the participants’ final grades.
      An image of the revamped interface of the Grade Book in YuJa Engage.
    5. New Grade Book Question Statuses and Color-Coded Icons
      We’ve replaced the previous text-based grading statuses with modernized color-coded icons to ensure less visual clutter. This also introduces new grading statuses to accommodate different question types and conditions:

      • Non-Gradable: Questions without assigned points are now labeled as non-gradable.
      • Ungraded: Short-answer questions will be marked as ungraded until grades are provided.

      An image of the Grade Book in YuJa Engage highlighting the grading statuses icons.

    6. The Grade Book Will Display Correct Answers Alongside Participant Responses
      When manually grading responses in the Grade Book, you will now see the correct answer for any response marked as incorrect. This will allow for more accurate grading for certain question types, such as fill-in-the-blank, where responses may vary but still be considered correct, allowing you to compare the participant’s answer with the correct one.
      An image of the Grade Book in YuJa Engage highlighting the display of correct answer.
    7. New Attendance Grading Window to Provide Greater Level of Details on Results
      The grade Book now includes a new attendance grading window to easily swap between participants and provides an overview of their geofence locations. This will help you more easily know the approximate location of the student to the geofence to ensure attendance accuracy.
      An image of the Attendance Grade Book in YuJa Engage highlighting the new grading window.
  • January 15, 2025

    YuJa FeedbackFlow Assessment Platform – v25.1.0 Release

    Australia Zone Canada Zone European Union Zone Middle East Zone Singapore Zone YuJa FeedbackFlow Assessment Platform

    We have successfully pushed an update to all YuJa FeedbackFlow Assessment Platform instances residing in Canada, Australia, and the European Union. This update includes the option to create interactive assessments featuring video-based questions and responses, customize grading methods for individual questions, embed YuJa FeedbackFlow Assessments to LMS with Grade Book Sync, and evaluate submissions using YuJa FeedbackFlow Grading Tool.


    1. Create Unique and Interactive Assessments Featuring Video-Based Questions and Responses
      When text-based interactions aren’t enough, video-based questions and responses provide a richer, more dynamic range of expression. Simply record or upload a video of your question, and participants will respond with their own recording using YuJa FeedbackFlow’s built-in video recorder. 
      The image shows the interface of question creation in FeedbackFlow.
    2. Choose Your Preferred Grading Method for Individual Questions
      Each question can have its own grading method assigned to it to determine how many points the question is worth. These grading methods include:

      • Rubrics: For questions with multiple criteria for full points, you can create a rubric to define each criterion and allocate points based on how well the participant meets each one.
      • Scale Rating: Use a sliding scale to establish criteria with varying levels based on how well participants meet them. This method is ideal for non-traditional grading systems, such as letter grades, that aren’t based on points.
      • Comments: If you prefer not to assign points or levels to a question, you can add a comment to guide the participant on the type of answer you’re looking for.

      After creating your grading method, you can save it as a template to use in future assessments.
      The image of the grading method selection page in FeedbackFlow.

    3. Embed YuJa FeedbackFlow Assessments in Your LMS with Grade Book Sync
      With the YuJa Video Platform’s Media Chooser, you can easily embed assessments as LMS assignments, allowing students to participate directly in their course. Once you grade the assessment, the results are automatically synced to the LMS grade book.An image showing an embedded FeedbackFlow assessment in Canvas.
    4. Evaluate Submissions Using YuJa FeedbackFlow Grading Tool
      As participants complete their assessment, you will be able to use the grading tool to evaluate results. After reviewing each answer, you can assign a grade based on the grading method that was chosen. To help participants do better for future assessments, you have the option to provide constructive feedback, offering help on how they can improve their responses.
      An image showing the Grade Book in FeedbackFlow.
  • January 15, 2025

    YuJa GenAI Video PowerPack Update – v25.1.0 Release

    Australia Zone Canada Zone European Union Zone United States Zone YuJa GenAI Video PowerPack

    Exciting news! This week, we’re rolling out a major product update to our YuJa GenAI PowerPack! This update includes a Generative AI-based enhanced audio descriptions, an option to ask the video a question to clarify complex concepts by chatting with AI assistant during video playback, and the ability to customize the available tool set of Gen AI video tools.


    1. A Game-Changer for Helping Institutions Address Title II Compliance: Generative AI-Based Enhanced Audio Descriptions
      We’re introducing a powerful new addition to YuJa GenAI Video PowerPack that helps to make your videos more accessible than ever. With Generative AI-based Enhanced Audio Description creation, our AI intelligently identifies important on-screen details and generates clear, natural descriptions that pause your video to help describe scenes for viewers who need visual assistance. This process occurs in just a few minutes, eliminating the manual effort conventionally required to create descriptions, which could take hours to complete.

    2. Ask the Video a Question to Clarify Complex Concepts by Chatting with AI Assistant During Video Playback
      With our new Gen AI integration, you can chat with AI Assistant about the video you’re watching to help you understand its content. Whether you want clarification on complex topics, interesting facts, or key details, the assistant will remember your chat session and provide detailed responses.
      An image highlighting the AI Assistant panel in the Video Platform.
    3. Enable and Customize the Available Tool Set of Gen AI Video Tools
      The updated YuJa GenAI PowerPack settings enable institutions to enable and customize the AI tools that suit their institutional needs and goals. Our Client Success Team can also develop a custom plan for assigning credits to your institution to use YuJa GenAI Video PowerPack tools. Contact your dedicated Customer Success Manager to get started with AI-generated captions, audio dubbing, AI Assistant, Enhanced Audio Descriptions, and more.
      An image highlighting the GenAI Video PowerPack settings in the Video Platform.
  • January 15, 2025

    YuJa Enterprise Video Platform Update – v25.1.0 Release

    Australia Zone Canada Zone Middle East Zone Singapore Zone United States Zone YuJa Enterprise Video Platform

    This week, we’re rolling out a major product update across all YuJa Enterprise Video Platform instances. The highlights for this update include an option to create your enhanced audio descriptions with our built-in editor, upload a SRT or VTT file for enhanced audio descriptions, narrate video scenes with embedded audio descriptions and automatic speech-to-text, pin frequently used folders and channels to the video platform’s sidebar, and more.


    1. Create Your Own Enhanced Audio Descriptions with Our Built-in Audio Description Editor
      We’re introducing a new Audio Description Editor to help institutions create and edit Enhanced Audio Descriptions directly within the Video Platform to describe scenes for those who are visually impaired. This allows for pinpoint accuracy on where you would like the Enhanced Audio Descriptions to be read, by positioning the playback bar at the desired scene and writing out your descriptions.

      Not sure how to describe a scene? If you have GenAI PowerPack enabled on your Video Platform, our Gen AI comes integrated with our editor to help you write enhanced descriptions with a simple click of a button.
      An image showing the creation of manual enhanced audio description in the Video Platform.
    2. Upload a SRT or VTT File for Enhanced Text-to-Speech Audio Descriptions and Use Our Editor to Make Updates
      Have an SRT or VTT file ready for your Enhanced Audio Descriptions? Simply upload it directly to your video for Enhanced text-to-speech Audio Descriptions. If you need to update the file, our Enhanced Audio Description editor makes it easy to make manual adjustments. Plus, if your platform has the GenAI PowerPack enabled, you can use Gen AI to enhance and update your existing descriptions.
      An image showing the location to upload SRT or VTT file to add enhanced audio description in the Video Platform.
    3. The Media Player Pauses and Narrates Videos with Embedded Text-to-Speech Audio Descriptions
      In traditional cases where audio descriptions are provided, natural pauses in dialogue may not provide sufficient time to describe the scenes for those who need assistance. To address this issue, the Media Player automatically pauses videos to read your Enhanced Audio Descriptions in a natural way that provides enough time for viewers to understand the entire context of the scene.
      The Media Player includes an Enhanced Audio Descriptions option that allows users to skip the audio description.
    4. Pin Frequently Used Folders and Channels to the Video Platform’s Sidebar
      Easily keep track of important folders and channels by pinning them to the sidebar on the Manage Media page. In a future release, we will provide additional account-level and institutional-level customization capabilities.
      An image highlighting the pinned item in the side panel of the Video Platform.
    5. Protect Your Account With Two-Factor Authentication  
      As an institution admin, you can manage two-factor authentication on a role basis for all non-admin and admin users. This will ensure that when you or other users attempt to sign in to the Video Platform, they will be required to enter a six-digit authentication code sent to their email. By default, this feature is enabled for admins and can be managed for all roles by navigating to the Admin Panel > Platform > Platform Settings > Additional Options > Security & Privacy.
      An image highlighting the MFA settings in the Video Platform.
    6. The Authentication Page Has Been Updated With a New Modernized Interface
      If you are not logged into the Video Platform when you access a direct link, you will see our new authentication page, which is better aligned with our branding theme by providing an updated color palette and visuals.
      An image highlighting the Single SSO authentication in the Video Platform.
    7. Instructors Can Access the Content Report for Videos Through the Media Details Window
      As an instructor and course owner, you can now easily access the Content Report for any video through its Media Details window. This will ensure when you’re in a course, you never have to manually navigate to the Content Report to see video analytics.


    8. More Streamlined Publishing Capabilities for Recordings
      Previously, only after creating a recording did you have the option to publish it to your desired channels and save it to personal folders. Now, you can customize the publish and save locations anytime before or after the recording by accessing the settings for the Browser Capture.An image showing the browser capture studio with the Update Video Details window highlighted.
    9. Improved the Responsiveness for the Usage & Analytics Content Report
      We have updated the Content Report in Usage & Analytics to be more responsive on various screen sizes by adjusting spacing and alignment issues.
    10. More In-Depth Audit Logs to Track Deleted Items and Mobile Activities
      We’ve expanded our audit logs to track files that are permanently deleted from the Recycle Bin according to the retention policy.
      An image highlighting the log activities of deleting folder and files by the system in the Video Platform.