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  • June 21, 2024

    YuJa Panorama Digital Accessibility Platform Update – June 2024

    Australian Zones Canadian Zones European Union Zones Middle East Zones Panorama for Digital Accessibility United States Zones

    We have successfully pushed an update to all YuJa Panorama Digital Accessibility Platform instances residing in the US, Canada, Australia, Singapore, the Middle East, and the European Union.

    This update includes scoring rubrics to define how accessibility scores are calculated, a new audio player for Alternative Formats, use Panorama with Power BI, redesigned reports across the platform, semantically structured audio formats and Gradient Reader, publish OCR Reconstructed HTML content into Canvas as a page, customize the highlight color of issues, elements within documents will be highlighted when using PDF Remediation Engine Max, use AutoPilot within WYSIWYG editors, integrate Smart Speaker into any website, and more.

    1. New Scoring Rubric to Define How an Institution’s Accessibility Scores Are Calculated
      Considering an institution’s unique accessibility requirements, they now have the option to choose from various scoring rubrics that will be applied across their Panorama instance. These scoring rubrics will determine the accessibility scores of documents based on a strict set of criteria. To know how each rubric aligns with the types of documents an institution might have, administrators can review different scenarios to determine which rubric best suits them.
      Panorama's Scoring Rubric page showing various rubric modals and detailed scenarios.
    2. New Audio-Player for Audio Podcasts and OCR Audio with Visual Waveform and Playback Speed Controls
      Our recent UI update incorporates a waveform to help visualize playback for audio-based Alternative Formats, including Audio Podcast and OCR Audio. Additionally, we provided speed controls, allowing listeners to customize the audio playback speed according to their preferences.
      A waveform is shown as a visual representation of the audio.
    3. Use Panorama With Power BI to Create Visual Analytics
      Users can download Panorama reports and upload them into Power BI to create visual analytics with their data. Learn more.
      A bar and a line graph are shown representing Panorama's data in Power BI.
    4. New Redesign of the LMS Report – Compare the Accessibility Scores of Each Document Type
      We’ve redesigned the LMS Report and provided a new graph consolidating the previous Cumulative Accessibility Score and Score by Document Type charts. The new graph offers a comparative analysis of the institution’s overall accessibility with various document types, such as HTML content, PDFs, and DOCX files.
      The LMS report showing it's new graph.
    5. New Redesign of the Issues Report – Compare the Number of Issues for Each Document Type
      We’ve redesigned the Issues Report and provided a new graph that allows administrators to compare their institution’s overall accessibility issues with selected document types to view which files contain the most issues. We’ve also updated the view for the Most Common Issues into a tabular structure for improved responsiveness with various screen sizes.
      The new redesign of the Issues Report.
    6. New Redesign of the Content Report – Simplified Viewing of Data for Documents Processed and Alternative Formats Downloaded
      Previously, administrators would have to look at two charts to compare and analyze the files processed by Panorama and those processed by document type. We’ve consolidated both charts into a simple-to-view line graph showing the total files processed and files processed by each document type. Similarly, this feature extends to the Alternative Formats’ charts within the Content Report, showing the total number of Alternative Formats downloaded and a breakdown of each format downloaded.
      The content report shows two new UIs for its graphs.
    7. New Semantic Structure to Preserve the HTML Elements in the Gradient Reader
      Users viewing content within the Gradient Reader can choose to generate a Semantically Structured Gradient Reader, which will analyze the HTML content within the document to produce an accurate representation of the file.
      The OCR Gradient Reader is shown.
    8. New Semantic Structure to Preserve the HTML Elements in an Audio Format
      Users will be able to perceive the semantic structure of audio content, allowing them to hear details like rows, columns, and bullet points, providing an auditory representation of the visual format.
      OCR Semantic Audio format.
    9. Ability to Fix HTML Accessibility Issues Within the Issues and Content Table
      The Issues and Content table in the Course Report will allow users to fix accessibility concerns for content created with WYSIWYG editors in their LMS.
      Fix issue option shown for an HTML document.
    10. Publish OCR Reconstructed HTML Content as Canvas Pages
      The OCR Reconstructed HTML format can be generated for content and uploaded to Canvas as a page.
      The option to publish a content into a Canvas page.
    11. Customize the Highlight Color of Issues Within Documents
      To ensure that highlighted issues remain visible on various background colors, users can customize the highlight color and adjust the spacing between the highlighted border and the text.
      The option to customize the highlight color of issues.
    12. New Redesign of the Storage Report – Compare the Total Storage Accumulated for Each Document Type
      We’ve redesigned the Storage Report to allow administrators to compare their institution’s overall file storage with different document types within a single graph.
      The storage report showing the new graph.
    13. New Redesign of the Course Report – Compare the Overall Accessibility Score with Each Document Type
      We’ve enhanced the Course Report graph, enabling users to assess a course’s overall accessibility score and compare it with the accessibility scores of individual document types within the course. Users can also, based on preference, choose between a chart or table view for the files processed and Alternative Formats downloaded within the course.
      The course report showing the new UI graph.
    14. View the Total Number of Improved Documents Within Each Course
      Administrators can access the Course Analytics in their LMS Report to view the total number of documents improved in each course.
      The course Analytics table shows improvements made in each course.
    15. Option to Ignore SSO Role Mapping in Favor of LMS Mapping
      Recognizing that most institutions favor mapping roles based on their LMS, administrators can choose to disable SSO role mapping. This ensures that user mappings are only determined by their LMS roles.
      The option to disable SSO role mapping.
    16. Panorama Support for Canvas Rubrics
      We’ve expanded Panorama’s support within Canvas to provide Accessibility Reports for rubrics.
      The canvas rubric's page shows the panorama accessibility icons.
    17. Users Will Be Notified of Unsaved Panorama Settings
      When users navigate away from unsaved changes within the Panorama LTI app, they will receive a notification informing them that their changes have not been saved.
      A pop-up modal warning users of unsaved changes.

    Panorama Add-On: PDF Remediation Engine Max

    1. Elements in PDFs Will be Highlighted When Hovered Over
      When viewing a document’s structural hierarchy, elements will automatically be highlighted when hovered over, allowing users to easily identify which content they are adjusting.
      Elements are highlighted in the document as they are hovered over in the accessibility report.

    Panorama Add-On: AutoPilot

    1. AutoPilot Support Remediation for WYSIWYG Editors
      AutoPilot will automatically apply accessibility fixes for issues detected within WYSIWYG editors.
      Autopilot is shown resolving issues in a WYSIWYG editor.

    Panorama Add-On: Smart Speaker

    1. Integrate Smart Speaker Directly into Websites
      Site administrators can now integrate Smart Speaker directly into their website’s HTML, making it accessible to all users.
      Smart Speaker shown integrated in a website.

    Panorama Add-On: Website Accessibility Widget

    1. New Redesign of the Website Report – Compare Content and Color Adjustments Over Time
      We’ve improved the Website Report graph, enabling administrators to compare color and content adjustments over time. Additionally, we’ve introduced a tabular structure to declutter the report and display only relevant information.
      The website report featuring the new graphs.
  • May 10, 2024

    YuJa Panorama Digital Accessibility Platform Update – May 2024

    Canadian Zones European Union Zones Middle East Zones Panorama for Digital Accessibility Singapore Zones United States Zones

    We have successfully pushed an update to all YuJa Panorama Digital Accessibility Platform instances residing in the US, Canada, Australia, Singapore, the Middle East, and the European Union. This update includes new remediation capabilities for 12+ issues, including remediating Excel issues, the option to set a minimum font size threshold, view a summary of accessibility issues, view a breakdown of how accessibility scores are calculated, copy course settings, custom role mapping for Blackboard and Moodle, export reports for offline viewing, new accessibility checks for AutoPilot, and dozens of UI improvements across the platform, and more.


    1. New Inline WCAG 2.2-Aligned Remediation Engine for Excel Issues
      Complementing our Remediation Engine for inline accessibility issue resolution of Microsoft Word documents, PowerPoints, HTML, and PDFs, we’ve now extended these capabilities to Excel documents inside Accessibility Reports to resolve issues such as:

      • Missing alt text
      • Font color issues
      • Non-descriptive hyperlink text

      Font color issue being remediated in the Accessibility Report.

    2. Accessibility Report Can Identify More WCAG 2.2-Aligned Accessibility Issues for HTML Content
      We have updated Panorama’s Accessibility Report to detect even more accessibility issues for HTML content:

      • Headings containing more than 120 character
      • Content is longer than 3000 words
      • Links are empty
        HTML issues are shwon.
    3. New Accessibility Checks for Panorama’s Remediation Engine
      We’ve enhanced the Remediation Engine’s capabilities to resolve accessibility issues in real-time by identifying more accessibility issues across various formats.

      • Unformatted Lists: DOCX and HTML
      • Text should not be justified: DOCX
      • Invalid language: DOCX and PPTX
      • Missing language: DOCX
      • Missing table header: DOCX and HTML
      • Heading structure does not start at 1: DOCX
      • Table header is longer than 120 characters: HTML
      • Missing table scope: HTML
      • Target size is too small: HTML
      • Adjacent hyperlinks: HTML
      • Missing title: PPTX and XLSX
      • Low contrast: XLSX
      • Font size is too small: XLSX
      • Missing alt text: XLSX
      • Missing text in cell A: XLSX
      • Non-descriptive hyperlink text: XLSX

      Resolving an issue for unformatted list within the Accessibility Report.

    4. Set a Minimum Threshold for Font Size Issues
      Panorama administrators can adjust the minimum threshold required for Panorama to detect font size issues, allowing them to set accessibility standards that align with their institution.
      Setting to adjust font size threshold.
    5. View a Summary of Issues Within a Document
      Administrators and instructors now have the option to conveniently access a single modal, where they can view all issues organized by the number of times they occur.
      A modal showing issues by type,
    6. View How Accessibility Scores Are Calculated
      Administrators and instructors can access a breakdown of their accessibility scores by hovering over the info icon. This breakdown includes details on how the score was calculated based on the number of tests performed and the issues identified at each level.
      A breakdown of the accessibility score is shown in the Accessibility Report.
    7. Copy Course Settings from One Course to Another
      Instead of changing course settings individually, instructors and administrators can easily copy settings from a single course and apply them to any available course.
      Settings from one course are copied to another.
    8. Map Custom Blackboard and Moodle Roles to Panorama
      Blackboard and Moodle administrators can map their custom LMS roles to existing roles on Panorama.
      Blackboard and Moodle logos.
    9. Greater Customization for the Threshold of Accessibility Scores
      Previously, we introduced options to customize how Panorama defines High, Medium, and Low Accessibility Scores. In this release, we’re adding additional options to define Very High Accessibility Scores and Very Low Accessibility Scores for documents and HTML content.
      Very high and very low accessibility thresholds are shown.
    10. Export the Accessibility Report for Offline Viewing
      Accessibility reports can be exported, allowing administrators and instructors to address issues offline within their original documents.
      A modal showing the option to send the report to an email.
    11. Support for Moodle Books
      In continuing to integrate Panorama into new areas of Moodle, we now generate Alternative Formats for Moodle Books.
      Alternative formats for Moodle books.
    12. Panorama Supports Previewing Documents in Canvas
      We’ve expanded support in new areas of Canvas by providing access to Alternative Formats and viewing the Accessibility Report when previewing documents.
      Alternative formats are shown when previewing a document in Canvas.
    13. Accessibility Report for D2L Brightspace Messages
      We’ve added the Panorama Accessibility Report to D2L Brightspace messages to ensure all outgoing content is accessible.
      The Accessibility Report is shown for D2L Messages.
    14. Filter Accessibility Report Results Using the Issue Icons
      In addition to our existing feature for filtering issues, administrators and instructors can now filter issues by simply clicking on the issue icons.
      Panorama's Issue icons inside the Accessibility Report are shown.
    15. The Accessibility Report Will Navigate to a Selected Issue in the WYSIWYG Editor
      Selecting a specific issue within the Accessibility Report will automatically navigate to the issue inside the WYSIWYG editor.
      The accessibility report scrolls through issues for content in a WYSIWYG editor.
    16. Select the LMS Placement for the Panorama LTI 1.3 LInk
      Administrators integrating Panorama into their Learning Management System through LTI 1.3 can choose where the Panorama LTI link appears: at the course level, for individual users, or at the global level.
      LTI placement settings in Panorama's integration page.
    17. View Your Account Information on the Panorama Platform
      Panorama now offers the option to view your account information from within the platform and options to quickly access settings.
      Account information is shown when the profile icon is selected.
    18. Enhanced Table View of Available Courses in Scope Settings
      The Scope Settings UI table has been updated to allow administrators to easily select which courses Panorama should be enabled in.
      Panorama's scope settings
    19. New Tabular View for Issue Settings
      Issue settings have been organized into a tabular structure, allowing administrators to access their desired settings quickly.
      Panorama's issue settings.
    20. Enhanced UI and User Selection for Roster Management
      We’ve updated the UI for Roster Management and provided the option to select multiple users for deletion instead of removing them one at a time.
      Panorama Roster Management page.
    21. Reorganized Branding Settings and Enhanced Iconography
      We’ve reorganized the Branding Settings in Panorama, introducing dedicated tabs for styling features. Additionally, we’ve given the iconography a modern look to enhance the experience when choosing your preferred styling.
      Panorama's branding settings page.
    22. More Descriptive Text for Institution Information
      We have updated the Institution Information text to allow administrators to easily understand the details related to their institution and how Panorama uses the information.
      Panorama's Institution information page.
    23. New Organized UI to Manage Panorama Add-Ons
      All Panorama add-ons have been organized into tabs to access settings specific to each add-on. Additionally, we’ve created informative videos explaining the features of select add-ons.
      Panorama Add-ons page.
    24. New Font Styling Across Panorama
      We have updated the font family Panorama utilizes to San Francisco Pro.

    Panorama Add-On: AutoPilot

    1. New Accessibility Checks for Panorama’s AutoPilot
      We’ve enhanced AutoPilot’s capabilities to propose accessibility solutions by identifying more accessibility issues across various formats.

      • Unformatted Lists: DOCX and HTML
      • Text should not be justified: DOCX
      • Missing Table Header: DOCX
      • Heading structure does not start at 1: DOCX and PDF
      • The heading structure is not ordered properly: HTML
      • Missing table scope: HTML
      • Target size is too small: HTML
      • Missing table header: HTML and PDF
      • Missing title: PPTX
      • Invalid Language: PPTX
      • Missing language: PPTX and XLSX
      • Low contrast: XLSX
      • Font size is too small: XLSX
      • Missing alt text: XLSX
      • Missing text in cell A: XLSX
      • Non-descriptive hyperlink text: XLSX

      AutoPilot is launched to propose accessibility fixes

    2. Enhanced UI for AutoPilots Course-Level Remediation
      We have enhanced the user experience for AutoPilot’s course-level remediation capabilities by providing an overview accompanied by animations on how accessibility issues are resolved.
      The course AutoPilot modal.
  • March 27, 2024

    YuJa Panorama Digital Accessibility Platform Update – “Omu Peak”

    Australian Zones Canadian Zones European Union Zones Panorama for Digital Accessibility United States Zones

    We have successfully pushed an update to all YuJa Panorama Digital Accessibility Platform instances residing in the United States, Canada, European Union, and Australia. This release provides our users with updates to the gradient reader, detection for broken links in HTML content, the option to apply filters in Course Scans, enhanced institution scans for D2L Brightspace, view issues opened in the Course Report, a more streamlined integration process, and new voice settings and real-time text highlights for our Smart Speaker add-on.

    1. New Gradient Reader Settings for Color Adjustments and Transitions
      The Gradient Reader now offers custom color options for applying gradients to documents, which allows users to specify the frequency of color transitions for a personalized guided reading experience.
      New gradient reader settings are shown.
    2. The Gradient Reader Preserves Structural Formatting of Documents
      To enhance visual recognition of content, the Gradient Reader will maintain the original document’s structure, ensuring that inline videos, lists, tables, and spacing remain consistent.
      A video, list, and a table is shown in the gradient reader.
    3. New WCAG 2.1-Aligned Detection for HTML Issues: Broken Links
      We’ve added a new accessibility check to allow Panorama to identify broken links within HTML content.
      An issue for a broken link is shown being resolved in the Accessibility Report.
    4. Apply Filters to Course Scans
      Administrators can effectively track the progress of course scans by applying filters based on their current status, such as scans that have not yet started, are in progress, have completed, failed, or expired.
      Filters for the Course Scans page are shown.
    5. Enhanced Institution Scans for Large Institutions Using D2L Brightspace
      To efficiently scan institutions with a large number of courses in a shorter amount of time, D2L Brightspace administrators can input multiple access keys for their Panorama integration.
    6. The Review Issue List in the Accessibility Report Will Open to a Selected Issue from the Course Report
      When selecting a specific issue within a document from the Course Report, the Accessibility Report will automatically show it in the Review Issues list. Previously, the issue was highlighted only on the document.
      From the Course Report, an issue is selected and then viewed directly in the Accessibility Report.
    7. Streamlined Integration Process With Panorama
      We’ve enhanced Panorama’s integration page with improved on-screen text and relevant guides to help administrators self-manage LTI, API, and SSO integrations.

    Panorama Add-On: Smart Speaker Website


    1. Smart Speaker: New Voice Settings and Real-Time Text Highlighting of Active Spoken Section
      Smart Speakers now offers a variety of text-to-speech voices, with options to adjust the reading speed, volume, and highlight color.
      A new voice is selected for Smart Speaker.
  • March 8, 2024

    YuJa Panorama Digital Accessibility Platform – “Naltar Peak” Version Released to US, CAN, AU, and EU Zones

    Australian Zones Canadian Zones European Union Zones Panorama for Digital Accessibility United States Zones

    We have successfully pushed an update to all YuJa Panorama Digital Accessibility Platform instances residing in the United States, Canada, European Union, and Australia. This release provides our users with the option to view the previous version history of documents, more HTML accessibility issues detected, a new To-Do List, a new math alternative format, the option to customize the threshold of Accessibility Scores, more custom branding options, PDF structural remediation, tag scanned and untagged PDFs, and remediate entire courses using AutoPilot.

    1. New Version History: View and Restore Documents to Previous Versions
      When documents are updated using the Remediation Engine or through manual uploads, Panorama will automatically preserve the previous version of the document. Content Creators can then access a comprehensive history of all prior versions and choose to restore them if needed.
      The accessibility report shows a list of previous version history for a document.
    2. Additional WCAG 2.1-Aligned Detection for HTML Accessibility Issues
      To help Content Creators produce accessible HTML pages, we have added new accessibility checks to help identify issues such as:

      • The table header cell does not contain a scope attribute.
      • The target size for buttons and links is too small.
      • The header is greater than 120 characters.
      • Adjacent links contain the same URL.
    3. An html issue for missing heading scope is shown with instructions on how to fix the issue.

    4. New To-Do List: Create a List of Documents to Review
      Content Creators can efficiently manage documents they want to enhance the accessibility of by adding them to their To-Do List. The documents can then be updated within the To-Do List, or if the original documents are updated, the list automatically reflects those changes, allowing Creators to stay informed.
      Panorama's To-Do List shows a list of documents.
    5. New Alternative Math Format: Convert Documents with Math Equations into MathML
      Our new MathML format enables users to extract mathematical equations from documents and convert them into HTML files, providing an accessible solution for embedding math equations directly into HTML pages.
      Alternative Formats menu for MathML.
    6. Ability to Customize the Threshold of Accessibility Scores
      Institutions that would like to have rigorous accessibility standards for their content can now establish customized thresholds within Panorama. These thresholds determine how Panorama categorizes accessibility scores—whether they meet high, medium, or low accessibility standards. For instance, while Panorama’s default score designates 70 as highly accessible, organizations can adjust the threshold and mandate that highly accessible content must achieve a score of 85.
      global settings show the threshold numbers for high, medium and low accessibility.
    7. Customize the Branding of Panorama Icons
      To offer institutions a more personalized experience, they can now customize Panorama icons by selecting from a curated collection of pre-designed options. If you have a suggestion for a specific iconography, we encourage you to contact your Customer Success Manager.
      The branding tab for panorama shows various icons for accessibility scores.
    8. Customize the Panorama Portal Login Page
      Institutions can now customize the branding of their Panorama Portal login page by adjusting the colors of buttons and adding imagery.
      The customize login branding page shows the option to insert an image.
    9. The Accessibility Report Will Open to a Selected Issue from the Course Report
      When selecting a specific issue within a document from the Course Report, the Accessibility Report will open directly to the issue, allowing Content Creators to quickly view and address it.
      An issue is selected in the course report and immediately shown in the accessibility report.


    Panorama Add-On: Website Accessibility Widget

    The Website Accessibility Widget offers options to make content on any page more accessible.

    1. Enhanced Website Accessibility Menu to Provide a Single View of Profiles and Adjustments
      The Website Accessibility Widget’s menu has been updated with new toggles that allow users to enable profiles. Additionally, a single display now highlights these profiles, along with content and color adjustments.
      The Website Accessibility menu shows a summary tab highlighting all accessibility adjustments.


    Panorama Add-On: PDF Remediation Max

    We have enhanced the Panorama PDF Remediation MAX Add-On with deeper capabilities to perform structural remediation for PDFs.

    1. PDF Remediation MAX: Deep Structural and Reading Order Remediation for PDFs
      To address complex accessibility issues, PDF Remediation Engine MAX will allow Content Creators to adjust the following issues:

      • Structural Remediation: The entire hierarchical structure of the PDF can be viewed and adjusted to change elements, such as adjusting heading levels and updating the language tags. 
      • Update Reading Order: The reading order in which screen readers interpret information can be updated, allowing those with visual impairments to follow along more easily.

      The language tag for a PDF document is updated.


    Panorama Add-On: Smart Speaker Website

    This new add-on will provide similar and enhanced functionality for institutions that use tools such as ReadSpeaker webReader.

    1. New Tool! Smart Speaker Website Provides Text-to-Speech Functionality Embedded Directly Within Websites
      Panorama’s Smart Speaker provides text-to-speech functionality to users with visual impairments or learning disabilities, enabling them to access digital content on any website.
      The smart speaker's play bar is shown reading text.


    Panorama Add-On: AutoPilot

    The AutoPilot Add-On now does even more automatically. We like to think of it like TurboTax for accessibility improvements.

    1. AutoPilot Can Now Help Remediate Entire Courses Using Panorama’s Remediation Engine
      With AutoPilot’s advanced AI capabilities for proposing accessibility fixes and the Remediation Engine’s ability to apply those proposed solutions, the Course Report now provides the option to address accessibility issues across an entire course. With just a click of a button, instructors and administrators can resolve all currently supported accessibility issues in their documents.
      AutoPilot is shown within the course report to remediate all documents within the course.
    2. PDF Remediation Engine: Use AutoPilot’s AI Capabilities to Help Propose Fixes for Untagged and Scanned PDFs
      Whether PDFs are scanned or simply untagged, AutoPilot will propose solutions for tagging the PDF. These proposed fixes will then be sent to the Remediation Engine, ensuring all untagged issues are resolved.
      AutoPilot is used for an untagged PDF.
  • January 26, 2024

    YuJa Panorama Digital Accessibility Platform – “Mana Peak” Version Released to US, CAN, AU, and EU Zones

    Australian Zones Canadian Zones European Union Zones Panorama for Digital Accessibility United States Zones

    We have successfully pushed an update to all YuJa Panorama Digital Accessibility Platform instances residing in the United States, Canada, European Union, and Australia. This release provides our users with updates to our Remediation Engine to support PDF documents, a new AI-powered tool to propose accessibility fixes, enhanced support for OCR conversions, SAML-SSO integration for the Panorama Platform, the option to add users outside of the LMS, new accessibility design tools, Panorama support for files up to 50 MB, the option to bulk changes fixes, and more.


    1. New Tool! PDF Remediation MAX Engine: A Premium Engine Available to Customers with Deeper PDF Remediation Workflows
      A new PDF Remediation MAX Engine powers a new class of PDF remediation that enables users to address more complex PDF-related accessibility issues directly within the LMS, including contrast, font size adjustments, provision of alternative text for images, and more. As always, the Standard PDF Accessibility Engine is available to institutions.Issues within a PDF document are automatically remediated.
    2. New Tool! AutoPilot: AI-Powered Tool to Propose Accessibility Fixes
      We’re introducing an industry-first feature by launching AutoPilot, an AI-powered tool that automatically proposes document accessibility fixes for PDF, DOCX, PPTX, and HTML files. With just one click, AutoPilot users can send proposed fixes to the Remediation Engine, which will automatically remediate the document. In the future, AutoPilot will propose fixes for other issue types, as well as broaden the scope to Course and the full LMS. AutoPilot will currently propose fixes for the following issue types:

      • Font size
      • Color contrast
      • Missing alt-text

      The AutoPilot button is selected and proposed fixes are automatically applied.

    3. Enhanced Support for OCR Conversions: OCR Text and OCR Immersive Reader
      We are expanding our OCR conversion engine to provide two new capabilities for generating distinct documents based on the OCR’d content.

      • OCR Text: Generate a brand new text file.
      • OCR Immersive Reader: Use the immersive reader for OCR’d content.

      The Panorama Alternative formats menu for OCR.

    4. No LMS Required! SAML-SSO Authentication Support for the Panorama Platform
      Administrators, instructors, and students can access their respective reports and accessibility settings by signing in to the Panorama Platform directly with their SAML-SSO integration.
      Panorama SSO SAML sign-on page.
    5. Add Users Outside of the LMS to the Panorama Platform
      Administrators can add users not registered for their LMS into the Panorama Platform to manage Panorama reports and settings based on their assigned roles.
      The Create user modal inside Roster Management.
    6. Custom Panorama Portal URL Prefix
      Institutions can create their own custom Panorama Platform URL prefix. Simply contact your dedicated Customer Success Manager to get started.
    7. New Accessibility Design Tool Elements
      We have expanded our Accessibility Design Tool to incorporate two new elements when creating HTML content.

      • Progress Bar: Content Creators can place progress bars for long-form content to help their viewers keep track of their progress.
      • Expander: Content Creators can place discrete expandable cards to show viewers additional content.

      The expander and progress bar tools are added within an HTML editable area in Canvas.

    8. Generate Panorama Reports for Files up to 50MB
      Panorama will now support generating Accessibility Reports and Alternative Formats for files up to 50 MB in size.
    9. New Course Scans Page to View the Status of Courses
      Administrators can track the progress of Panorama’s course scans and view a list of all courses within their institution. If desired, they can also scan or re-scan courses to locate new documents or pages within the course.
      Panorama's course scan page shows a table of scanned courses.
    10. Panorama for Canvas: Website Accessibility Enabled Canvas-Wide
      The Website Accessibility icon is no longer restricted within a course. Instructors and students can access the Website Accessibility icon from anywhere within Canvas.
    11. New Branding Settings to Customize Website Accessibility Colors
      We have added a new Branding Settings tab that allows administrators to customize the colors of the Accessibility Icons and the Website Accessibility menu.
      Options to customize icon colors and the website accessibility menu colors.
    12. Pop-Out the How-to-Fix Window for a Wider View
      We have introduced a new pop-out feature in the How-to-Fix panel that displays the steps to resolve an issue in a larger window, making it easier to view.
      A pop-out view of the how to fix issues modal.
    13. Bulk Change All Instances of the Same Accessibility Issue
      Users can now choose to apply their accessibility changes to all instances of the issue when remediating a document.
    14. Panorama for D2L: Accessibility Reports for Documents within the Manage Files Page
      Panorama now supports generating Accessibility Reports and Alternative Formats for documents found within the Manage Files page in D2L Brightspace.
    15. Students Can Disable Panorama Accessibility Icons
      Panorama Accessibility icons can now be disabled by individual students.
  • December 8, 2023

    YuJa Panorama Digital Accessibility Platform – “Lincoln Peak” Version Released to US, CAN, AU, and EU Zones

    Australian Zones Canadian Zones European Union Zones Panorama for Digital Accessibility United States Zones

    We have successfully pushed an update to all YuJa Panorama Digital Accessibility Platform instances residing in the United States, Canada, European Union, and Australia. This release provides our users with updates to our Remediation Engine to support HTML documents, the option to add alt-text to all occurrences of an image in Canvas, a new OCR conversion engine, enable Panorama in specific LMS sub-accounts, new design tool elements, Themes and Templates for the Accessible Design Tool, increased accessibility checks for images, HTML and DOCX files, and so much more!


    1. New Inline WCAG 2.1-Aligned Remediation Engine for HTML Issues Directly within Accessibility Reports
      Complementing our Remediation Engine for inline accessibility issue resolution of Microsoft Word documents and PowerPoints, we’ve now extended these capabilities to HTML documents inside Accessibility Reports to resolve issues such as:

      • Alternative text for images.
      • Non-descriptive hyperlink text.
      • Unformatted lists.

      HTML document issues are resolved in the Accessibility Report.

    2. Find-and-Tag to Add Alt-Text to all Occurrences of an Image Within Canvas
      Tired of alt-tagging the same image in multiple courses? Now Content Creators can instantly create and apply alt-text to all instances of the same image in multiple HTML areas of their LMS or only to instances without a description.
      Option to add alt-text to be applied either to all instances of the image or to instances that do not have an alt-text.
    3. Enhanced Support for OCR, PDF Tagging, DOCX, and HTML Conversions
      We’re introducing an OCR conversion engine to provide greater capabilities in generating distinct documents based on the OCR-ed content.

      • OCR Overlaid Tagged PDF: Generate a tagged PDF that allows for selectable text overlaid on the original document.
      • OCR Reconstructed Tagged PDF: Generate a brand new tagged PDF.
      • OCR Reconstructed DOCX Document: Generate a brand new DOCX file.
      • OCR Reconstructed HTML Document: Generate a brand new HTML file.

      The Alternative Formats menu showing a list of OCR formats.

    4. Enable Panorama in Specific Sub-Accounts / Sub-Orgs / Nodes
      Admins can now view a hierarchical list of institution sub-accounts / sub-orgs / nodes and choose which accounts to enable Panorama in to allow course-scanning for Accessibility Reports, Alternative Formats, and more.
      A modal shows a list of sub-accounts on the left side with sub-accounts that are active with Panorama on the right.
    5. New Accessible Design Tool Elements
      We’ve expanded our Accessible Design Tool to incorporate more elements when creating pages. Creators can now embed media content, create tooltips, highlight text, and so much more. To view all available features the Design Tool offers, visit our guide on the Accessible Design Tool Overview.
      The Tooltip element is selected and added into an editable HTML area within Canvas.

    6. WYSIWYG Design Tool Now Support Themes Based on Color, Spacing and Sizing Elements
      Our previous release introduced the Design tool, which lets LMS users add customizable elements inside HTML editable areas. We now offer the option to save an element’s color, spacing, and sizing to create its personalized style. Elements can then be grouped into a Theme that can be saved and used when creating new designs.
      A modal allowing users to select an element and then style its sizing, alignment, and colors.
    7. WYSIWYG Design Tool: Save Designs as Templates
      Have you created a design that you’re really proud of and would like to use again? If so, save it as a template and reuse it in other areas of the LMS.
      A modal for naming templates, selecting publishing location, and previewing before saving.
    8. Accessibility Report: Docx Lists Will Be Checked for Proper Formatting
      The Accessibility Report for DOCX files will check if ordered and unordered lists within the document are formatted correctly.
      Accessibility Report shows an issue for an unformatted list in a DOCX file.
    9. Broader Set of Accessibility Checks for Images
      We’ve added additional accessibility checks to ensure images are accessible to all viewers.

      • Flag alternative text longer than 120 characters.
      • Flag images that have the file name as the alternative text.
      • Flag images that have placeholder text as the alternative text (e.g. “Photo” or “Image”).

      WYSIWYG editor with Panorama’s Accessibility Report detecting issues for images.

    10. Increased the Number of Accessibility Checks for HTML Content
      We’ve also added additional accessibility checks to ensure that HTML content is accessible with two additional checks:

      • Flag adjacent links with the same URL.
      • Flag tables with no content.

      WYSIWYG editor with Panorama’s Accessibility Report detecting issues for HTML Content.

    11. Accessibility Check to Ensure Vimeo Videos Contain Captions
      Linked Vimeo videos in HTML documents will be scanned to ensure the video contains captions.
      Panorama's Accessibility Report has detected a linked Vimeo video without captions.
    12. Export Reports With a Date Range and the Preferred File Format
      Admins and Instructors can now select the date range of data to include in their reports and receive them as a JSON or Excel file via email.
      dates are selected for a storage report before requesting a download link to be sent by email.
    13. Downloaded Course Reports Will Include All Issues
      When downloading a Course Report, it will now contain all issues detected within the course. This will allow admins and instructors to receive all the information of the report as seen within the Panorama LTI app.
    14. New Alternative Format: Enhanced HTML View
      With Enhanced HTML view, HTML documents can be displayed in a dedicated tab to customize the appearance of the document using the Website Accessibility tool for a more personalized viewing experience.
      Alternative Formats menu showing the Enhanced HTML option.
    15. Keyboard Accessibility Support for the Design Tool
      Creators can access and navigate through the Design Tool through the use of their keyboard.
    16. Disable the Check for Specific Accessibility Issues
      We now allow administrators to turn off their preferred checks for accessibility issues. While we recognize the significance of not disabling issues that Panorama can detect, we understand the importance of providing institution administrators with the flexibility to meet their institution’s accessibility needs.
      Panorama Issue Settings to disable specific accessibility checks.
    17. Panorama REST API to Generate Alternative Formats Reports
      We have added additional support for third-party API integrations to allow individuals to access information regarding their documents and options to generate Alternative Formats and Accessibility reports. To learn how to use our APIs, please visit our Panorama API guide.
    18. Option to Disable the Panorama Design Tool
      We have provided a course-level setting instructors can use to disable the Panorama Design Tool.
      The option to disable the Design Tool.


  • October 20, 2023

    YuJa Panorama Digital Accessibility Platform – “King’s Peak” Version Released to US, CAN, AU, and EU Zones

    Australian Zones Canadian Zones European Union Zones Panorama for Digital Accessibility United States Zones

    We have successfully pushed an update to all YuJa Panorama Digital Accessibility Platform instances residing in the United States, Canada, European Union and Australia. This release provides our users with remediation capabilities for PowerPoint issues, an Accessible Design Tool to replace YouDoIt design tools, enhanced website scanning to support linked pages and documents, removed the need for third-party cookies, new faster processing queues for Alternative Formats, the option to hide the Website Accessibility Icon, enhanced UI designs, and so much more.


    1. New Remediation Engine – WCAG 2.1 Aligned Microsoft PowerPoint Issues
      To recap, we offer Accessibility Engines to identify accessibility issues across all major document types. Remediation Engines take things to the next level by actually fixing the document all while inside your LMS. With the introduction of our Remediation Engine tailored for real-time resolution of Microsoft Word documents, we now extend these capabilities to Microsoft PowerPoint. The new Microsoft PowerPoint Remediation Engine enables users to address PowerPoint-related WCAG 2.1 compliance issues directly within the LMS, including issues such as contrast, font size adjustments, provision of alternative text for images, and dozens more.Remediating PowerPoint font size issue.
    2. Gamify and Celebrate Your Accessibility Improvements (a Newly Architected Processing Pipeline Makes It Possible)
      Improving the accessibility of documents is important work, and here at YuJa, we believe such efforts should be celebrated. Enjoy your success in using the Remediation Engine effectively with cheerful streamers and confetti animating your screen. We encourage and appreciate your ongoing efforts to impact student learning positively.
      For those more technically inclined, to provide ultra-fast inline remediation and gamification-ready response times, we rebuilt the processing pipelines to have multiple “swim-lanes”, each with independently scaling infrastructure. This updated architecture was purpose-built to accelerate Accessibility Engine processing.
      Document updated animation.
    3. New, Modern Accessibility Design Tools to Replace Need for YouDoIt Design Tools
      Our goal with Panorama is to provide a one-stop-shop solution for Accessibility. Part of that vision is to provide a more modern and capable WYSIWYG design interface to ensure that more accessible content is being created right from the start.
      Creating content within editable HTML areas of LMSs can be challenging, often resulting in content lacking visual appeal and accessible organization. To address these concerns, we’re introducing the Accessibility Design Tool to enhance the structuring, aesthetic, and usability of content in editable HTML areas.
      This will be a multi-cycle release, starting with three crucial areas for enhancement. Firstly, the tool will allow instructors to craft Banner Titles, allowing them to select custom colors and text alignment to suit their needs. Secondly, it provides the option to create containers of varying sizes, each adaptable with individual padding for flexible content spacing. Finally, the Text element grants instructors the option to position their content within containers with an array of formatting options, including headers, alignment, spacing, and so much more.

      A featured design using the Accessible Design Tool.
    4. WCAG 2.1-Aligned Website Scanning Tool Enhanced to Offer Accessibility Insights for Linked Pages and Documents
      To provide accessibility assistance outside of integrated LMS domains, Panorama offers Website Accessibility scanning designed to extend accessibility checks and support beyond integrated LMS domains. The scanning tool operates in three phases, starting by identifying content and linked pages within a specified domain. It then performs a scan to generate Accessibility Reports for the domain, documents, and linked pages. Finally, it enables users to create Alternative Formats for discovered documents.
      A comprehensive list of all scanned domains can then be viewed within the Website Report, offering the overall accessibility score, individualized scores for content found within the domain, and access to generate Alternative Formats.
      Robotic space alien scanning a web page.
    5. No More Third-Party Cookies!
      Panorama’s LMS integration, with its established and IMS-certified implementation of LTI 1.3/LTI Advantage protocols, has traditionally utilized third-party cookies to ensure secure data transfer between integrated tools. Now, thanks to the adoption of new enhanced protocols, the necessity for third-party cookies is no longer required. This development enables users to benefit from a more secure connection and straightforward product integration, especially with browsers that might default to having cookies turned off.
      A no cookies symbol.
    6. On-Demand Processing Queue for Faster Accessibility Report and Alternative Formats Generation
      As Panorama continues to expand, we have built an Elastic Media Cloud (EMC) that can process institutions and courses with hundreds and thousands of files within an hour. We’re now introducing an extension to the EMC, On-Demand Processing, to help manage processing requests for Alternative Formats and updates to documents made through our Remediation Engine. With a workload that is 99.9% lighter than the traditional general processing workload, the On-Demand queue assures the completion of these immediate processing tasks in two minutes or less.
      An Alternative Format being generated.
    7. Option to Hide the Website Accessibility Icon
      With an approach to optimizing viewability on smaller screens, such as mobile devices, instructors and students can conceal the Website Accessibility icon until they navigate to a new page or for a specified duration of one day. For those who prefer a consistently minimal interface, the option to hide the icon permanently is also available.
      Visibility options for the Accessibility icon.
    8. Customize the Institution Name on the Institution Information Page
      Panorama offers the option to customize the institution name displayed on the Institution Information page to provide a custom viewing experience. Administrators wishing to modify the name to align with specific branding or internal naming conventions can do so by contacting their Customer Success Manager.
    9. My Content Tab Supports Multi-File Drag-and-Drop
      We’ve introduced a new drag-and-drop functionality to Panorama, allowing users to upload multiple documents into their My Content Files or created folders.

      Multiple documents being dragged and dropped into My Content.
    10. Filter Issues by Severity in the Accessibility Report
      The Accessibility Report now allows instructors and students to organize and view identified issues based on their severity level—Severe, Major, and Minor.
      Option to filter issues by severity type in the Accessibility Report.
    11. Enhanced UI for Panorama’s WYSIWYG Editor
      To ensure a unified and modern user interface across Panorama, we’ve upgraded the WYSIWYG editor, aligning its UI with the refined aesthetic and functionality similar to that of the Accessibility Report UI. Users will now be able to view an organized list of accessibility issues, with the option to filter by severity to resolve the most concerning issues immediately.
      New redesign for the WYSIWYG editor.
    12. On-Demand Refresh of Institution-Level Reports
      For institutions utilizing the option to Pre-Generate Reports, we’ve introduced a new feature to update reports manually. A “Refresh” button is now available for each report, providing the option to initiate an update that will generate the most recent data within the hour.
      The option to refresh a report.
    13. Updated Support for LibreOffice Version 7.6.2
      Panorama continues to align with advancements in document technology, now offering support for LibreOffice version 7.6.2. This update is crucial in ensuring the security of documents, aligning with our commitment to providing a safe and up-to-date environment for all users.
      Libre Office logo.
    14. Improved Interface for Performing Accessibility Weighting Adjustments
      We have updated the interaction for adjusting accessibility weighting for various issue types—Severe, Major, and Minor. Admins can now select their preferred weights using a sliding bar while still having the option to input precise values with the textbox.
      New slider for severity weighting.
    15. Panorama Expansion with a Dedicated Server for Australian Institutions
      As Panorama grows, we’ve introduced a dedicated server specifically for Australian institutions to take advantage of our accessibility learning features.
  • September 8, 2023

    YuJa Panorama Digital Accessibility Platform – “Jackson Peak” Version Released to US, CAN, and EU Zones

    Canadian Zones European Union Zones Panorama for Digital Accessibility United States Zones

    We have successfully pushed an update to all YuJa Panorama Digital Accessibility Platform instances residing in the United States, Canada, and the European Union. This release provides our users with a new workflow for remediating accessibility issues, a Remediation Engine that fully supports Microsoft Word issues, a refreshed Accessibility Report, custom weighting for severity types, the option to replace the original document with a generated alternative format, localization support for Dutch and Finnish languages, and so much more.


    1. Streamlined Workflow for Remediating Accessibility Issues
      As part of our development for Panorama’s Remediation Engine, we have taken a deep dive into how users can easily resolve issues in real time within the Accessibility Report. As a result, we are introducing a dedicated ‘Fix Issue’ feature that offers immediate insights into the current problem and practical suggestions for a resolution. After adding the necessary changes, a comprehensive list of all fixes can be reviewed before applying the changes to update the document.
      Remediating an issue.
    2. Expanded Support for Microsoft Word Remediation Engine for Inline Remediation Within the LMS
      Our previous release introduced our new Microsoft Word Remediation Engine, designed to address font-size issues in real-time within Microsoft Word documents. Building upon this, we’re expanding our remediation capabilities by allowing users to resolve more WCAG 2.1 Microsoft Word issues:

      • Contrast issues
      • Alternative text for images
      • Non-descriptive hyperlink text
    3. Refreshed Accessibility Report Interface
      We have updated the Accessibility Report with a modernized UI showcasing an organized display of issues. To accomplish this, we have made the following changes: 1) issue can be seen within the new list-style view; 2) The number of issues have been categorized by their severity; 3) Filtering options to allow users to view specific issues in each severity.

      Accessibility Report

    4. Create a Custom Weighted Scale for Severity Types
      Panorama has consistently assessed accessibility issues with Severe, Major, and Minor importance. We’re now providing administrators the option to fine-tune the weight of each severity, allowing institutions to create a more precise accessibility score aligning with their unique priorities.

      Each severity level will now uniquely influence the final accessibility score through its customized weight. For instance, if Major issues are assigned a weight of 10 and Minor issues a weight of 1, Major issues will affect the accessibility score ten times more than Minor issues. To learn more about this feature and how to set custom weights for the severity of issues, please visit our guide on Customizing Severity Weighting Settings for Panorama

      Adjusting the weight scores.

    5. Replace Original Documents with a Generated Alternative Format
      Instructors have the option to seamlessly replace the original document within their Learning Management System with a newly generated alternative format.
      Replacing a document with its alternative format.
    6. Accessibility Icons Can Be Hidden at the Course Level
      To give instructors more control over their courses, they can now disable accessibility icons at the course level. This option will prevent students and instructors from accessing the Alternative Formats menu and Accessibility Reports within their LMS but will still provide analytical tracking for the course.
      Disable icon setting at the course level.
    7. Integrate Panorama into Specific LMS Sub-Accounts for LTI 1.3
      Panorama now offers targeted integration within specific LTI 1.3 sub-accounts to accommodate institutions utilizing hierarchical sub-accounts in their LMS. This will allow administrators to only enable Panorama for their desired accounts instead of applying it to the top-level account, which would activate Panorama for all sub-accounts.
    8. The Course Setting Page Offers Access to the LMS Course
      Administrators and instructors who wish to navigate back to their course after making course-setting adjustments can, with a click of a button, navigate directly to their course.
      Accessing a course from the Course Settings page in Panorama.
    9. Local Support for Dutch and Finnish Languages
      Complementing our English, French, and Spanish localization, Panorama will now fully support Dutch and Finnish languages across the entire Platform. Simply access your settings to adjust your language preferences.
      Adjusting language settings in Panorama.
    10. Updated Colors and Icons for the Panorama Sidebar
      As part of our ongoing commitment to elevate the Panorama experience with our new branding, administrators can expect vibrant color enhancements and new icons that provide a refreshed look to the sidebar.
      Panorama sidebar.
    11. Screen Readers Can Detect When Alternative Formats Are Generated
      Users who navigate through Panorama with the help of accessibility tools will now be notified by their screen reader when an alternative format has been successfully generated.
    12. Pre-Generate Course Reports to Provide Instant Viewing of Analytics
      Similar to pre-generating institution reports, activating this feature ensures that the Course Report stays consistently up-to-date, providing institutions with large data sets instant access to their analytics.
      Pre-Generate report setting.
    13. Increased Responsiveness for the Panorama LTI App on Canvas
      To enhance Panorama’s accessibility for users who prefer utilizing their browser’s zoom functionalities, Panorama will now dynamically adapt its interface to accommodate zoom levels exceeding 100%.
  • August 18, 2023

    YuJa Panorama Digital Accessibility Platform – “Mount Jasper” Version Released to US, CAN, and EU Zones

    Canadian Zones European Union Zones Panorama for Digital Accessibility United States Zones

    We have successfully pushed an update to all YuJa Panorama Digital Accessibility Platform instances residing in the United States, Canada, and the European Union. This release provides our users with reports for webpage accessibility scanning, a new interface for Website Accessibility, the option to adjust Accessibility Icon colors, unified HTML reporting, map Canvas custom roles to Panorama, the option to scan newly added courses, and more.

    1. New WCAG 2.1-Aligned Webpage Scanning and Reporting
      To expand on Panorama’s Website Accessibility Widget, the Platform can now perform WCAG 2.1-aligned accessibility analysis on webpages and its linked content.

      Website Administrators can easily view low-scoring webpages within a dedicated table to identify web pages that may hinder students’ learning or compromise an institution’s commitment to website accessibility. In an upcoming release, we will be adding optional, automated domain-level website traversal to provide fully automated scanning of websites which can replace legacy website accessibility scanning tools.Websites shown in the Panorama Webpage Accessibility table.
    2. Refreshed Website Accessibility Interface
      The Website Accessibility Widget, designed to improve the usability and accessibility of any website, now offers an improved user interface with a tabular view organizing Color Adjustments, Content Adjustment, and Accessibility Profiles. Select any adjustment or Profile to quickly apply an accessible preset or apply custom granular adjustments for accessibility issues such as text color, background color, font sizing, letter spacing, and so much more.
      Website Accessibility features shown in Canvas.
    3. Adjust Branding Colors for Accessibility Icons 
      Recognizing the diverse branding and accessibility requirements of different institutions, Panorama now offers administrators the flexibility to adjust color preferences for icons. Simply navigate to your institution settings and add any color to the accessibility icons.
      Accessibility Icon colors are being adjusted.
    4. Unified Accessibility Reporting for HTML Regions and Documents
      In an effort to unify how we present Accessibility Reports across Learning Management Systems, HTML pages will feature only the Accessibility Icon to access Alternative Formats and Accessibility Reports when additional HTML gauges are disabled.
      Option to disable additional HTML pages.
    5. Map Any Custom Canvas Role to a Panorama Role
      Administrators have the option to align their custom Canvas roles with Panorama’s Administrator, Instructor, or Student roles. This integration will allow unique institution roles to be recognized by Panorama, ensuring controlled access to accessibility features. To learn how to align custom Canvas roles with Panorama, please visit our support guide on How to Add Custom Canvas Roles to Panorama.
      Adding a custom admin role in Panorama.
    6. Enhanced Scan Management Tools to Scan New Courses or Re-Scan All Courses
      To enhance administrators’ control over scanning and processing courses, the Scheduled Scans panel offers new tools to scan newly added courses and rescan all existing courses. This will allow administrators to exclusively scan and process newly added courses or re-scan all existing courses according to their needs.Dialogue message when scanning a new course.
    7. Self-Service Tools to Test the Correct API Access on the Institution and Course Level
      Administrators will be able to test Panorama’s LMS API access to ensure APIs can retrieve relevant information about the institution or course, such as a list of roles, the names of courses, files added to a course, HTML pages created, etc.
      Test results for course API access.
    8. The Course Report Content Search Can Filter by Dates
      To allow admins and instructors to locate documents efficiently within a course, we have introduced a filtering option for the Content table that organizes search results by recently added.Content table organized by upload date of files.
    9. The Accessibility Report Will Prioritize Showing Document-Wide Issues
      We’ve enhanced our Accessibility Report layout to prioritize listing document-wide issues at the top of the issues list, organized by severity. For instance, concerns such as malformed or untagged documents now appear before issues such as alt text or hyperlinks. This can be used to focus on and resolve critical accessibility issues that have affected the entire document.
      Accessibility Report showcasing document-wide issues.
  • July 14, 2023

    YuJa Panorama Digital Accessibility Platform – “Iceberg Peak” Version Released to US, CAN, and EU Zones

    Canadian Zones European Union Zones Panorama for Digital Accessibility United States Zones

    We have successfully pushed an update to all YuJa Panorama Digital Accessibility Platform instances residing in the United States, Canada, and the European Union. This release provides our users with automatic font size adjustments through our new Remediation Engine, a comprehensive report for Website Accessibility, a student-centric tool to display Website Accessibility on any page, the option to add downloadable files from any page to My Content, new improvements to the WYSIWYG Editor, filters for content search in the Course Report, new admin-specific settings, and more.

    1. Remediation Engines: A New Class of Accessibility Tools
      With our latest update, we’re introducing an industry-first by launching a new class of Engines to Panorama called Remediation Engines. This type of Engine complements our existing set of Engines with the distinction that while an Accessibility Engine identifies accessibility issues, a Remediation Engine can actually remediate the issue within the document. In upcoming releases, we plan to broaden the scope of available Remediation Engines that will perform document remediations across a wider set of accessibility concerns and supported file formats. 
    2. New Microsoft Word Remediation Engine Capability – Adjust Font Size Issues for all Word Documents
      Our first innovation in the Remediation Engine space is a new Microsoft Word Remediation Engine which allows content owners to select specific font size adjustments for each issue, review their selection, and then directly apply the change to their actual document.
      Change Font Size.
    3. Comprehensive Website Accessibility Reporting Based on the Website Accessibility Widget
      Panorama now provides a new Website Accessibility Report, offering a comprehensive summary of key accessibility modifications performed when using the Website Accessibility Widget. This report includes:

      • The total number of adjustments, encompassing Content and Color Adjustments.
      • Most frequently utilized Content and Color Adjustments.
      • A detailed breakdown of each Content and Color Adjustment employed.

      By taking advantage of this feature, administrators gain valuable insights into students’ preferences for the accessibility of their Learning Management Systems (LMS) and external websites.
      Website Accessibility Report

    4. New Accessibility Tool Built for Students to Improve Accessibility of Any Website
      Our 2023 Four Quadrant Accessibility Strategy focused on delivering accessibility solutions on four quadrants:

      • LMS Accessibility
      • Website Accessibility
      • Content Library Accessibility
      • Student Self-Service Accessibility

      We are now delivering on the last quadrant – Student Self-Service Accessibility- with a Panorama Browser Tool that a user can apply to any website to create a more personalized and accessible web browsing environment. This means that students can traverse any website in their learning journey that is outside of university-managed infrastructure and benefit from Panorama’s accessibility tools.

    5. Website Accessibility Scans for Documents to Add to My Content
      When students have access to My Content, Website Accessibility seamlessly scans and presents a comprehensive list of downloadable files found on the web page. This intuitive feature allows students to effortlessly view files and conveniently add them to their personal repository, My Content.
      Alternative Formats option within Website Accessibility.
    6. New WYSIWYG Real-Time Engine Improvement: Detection of Unhelpful Descriptive Texts for URLs
      URL Descriptions provide users with information about the content contained within a website. Understanding that certain descriptive texts may not be helpful, the WYSIWYG Editor identifies common unhelpful descriptions, such as “click here” and “click more,” and allows users to adjust the descriptive text for their URLs.
      Accessibility Report issue for undescriptive URL text.
    7. New WYSIWYG Real-Time Engine Improvement: HTML Table Caption Check
      As part of our ongoing efforts to ensure comprehensive accessibility checks for our WYSIWYG editor, we have implemented a check for missing table captions. This check is essential in ensuring the content within tables is accurately described to users.Table Caption check
    8. New WYSIWYG Real-Time Engine Improvement: Classify Images as Decorative
      Decorative images are specifically intended for visual enhancement and do not provide any additional information. By categorizing an image as decorative with the WYSIWYG Editor, assistive technologies, such as screen readers, will disregard it, enabling users to navigate through relevant content in their learning environment.
      Decorative Image within the accessibility report.
    9. New WYSIWYG Real-Time Engine Improvement: HTML Lists will be Checked for Proper Formatting
      To generate precise accessibility reports for content, Panorama’s WYSIWYG Editor verifies the adherence to proper HTML formatting for ordered and unordered lists. This ensures that content meets the required standards, enhancing the overall accessibility of the material.
      Ordered List check
    10. Adjust the Visibility of User Setup at the Institution Level
      Similar to how administrators can adjust the visibility of My Content, we are now extending this feature to include the User Setup page. Simply adjust the visibility under Global Settings to be visible to all, available to instructors and administrators, or completely hidden from view.
      user Setup Visibility setting.
    11. Customize the “Help” Link for the Alternative Formats Menu
      The Alternative Formats menu offers a Help button which can now be customized by the administrator, allowing for a custom link to be specified.
    12. The Course Report Content Search Now Offers Filters by File Type
      To facilitate easy navigation for administrators and instructors, we have introduced a filtering option that organizes search results for Content in Course Reports based on file type.
      The Course Report Search Issues and Content Filter
    13. Administrators can Disable Course Settings for Instructors
      To provide administrators with complete control over the accessibility of learning environments for courses, we now allow them to turn off course-specific settings for instructors.
      Override course specific settings for instructors.
    14. Panorama will Verify Document Availability for Accessible Alternative Formats in Canvas
      Canvas offers instructors the option to mark specific documents as unavailable. When generating alternative formats, Panorama conducts a check every hour to verify that students have access to the document before proceeding with the generation of alternative formats. This ensures that alternative formats are created only for documents that are accessible to the student.
      Alternative format availability setting.
    15. Pre-Generation of Analytics Reporting will be Automatically Enabled
      As institutions incorporate more campuses into Panorama, we will automatically enable Pre-Generate Reports when All Courses are selected in the Scope Settings. This will provide institutions with increased performance results for their institution reports.
      Scope setting for Panorama has been enabled for All Active Courses.
    16. Enhanced Scanning of Courses for Large Institutions
      We have enhanced our backend infrastructure to facilitate efficient scanning for institutions with thousands of courses.
    17. Custom Placement for the Website Accessibility Icon on Individual Domains
      Previously, administrators could designate a single location for the Website Accessibility icon on web pages. We have enhanced this feature to provide administrators with the flexibility to set custom icon placements for each domain, offering greater control over the visual integration of Website Accessibility.
      Icon placement for individual domains
    18. Enhanced Branding Across the Panorama Platform
      As we continue to grow and partner with more institutions, we’re dedicated to providing a modern look and feel to the Panorama Platform. To achieve our branding goals, we have refined our designs for buttons and dialog boxes. Future releases will focus on color schemes for layouts, icon enhancements, and updates to our fonts.
      Modal displaying new branding for Panorama.