YuJa Panorama Digital Accessibility Platform Update – May 2024

We have successfully pushed an update to all YuJa Panorama Digital Accessibility Platform instances residing in the US, Canada, Australia, Singapore, the Middle East, and the European Union. This update includes new remediation capabilities for 12+ issues, including remediating Excel issues, the option to set a minimum font size threshold, view a summary of accessibility issues, view a breakdown of how accessibility scores are calculated, copy course settings, custom role mapping for Blackboard and Moodle, export reports for offline viewing, new accessibility checks for AutoPilot, and dozens of UI improvements across the platform, and more.


  1. New Inline WCAG 2.2-Aligned Remediation Engine for Excel Issues
    Complementing our Remediation Engine for inline accessibility issue resolution of Microsoft Word documents, PowerPoints, HTML, and PDFs, we’ve now extended these capabilities to Excel documents inside Accessibility Reports to resolve issues such as:

    • Missing alt text
    • Font color issues
    • Non-descriptive hyperlink text

    YuJa Panorama Digital Accessibility Platform Update – May 2024

  2. Accessibility Report Can Identify More WCAG 2.2-Aligned Accessibility Issues for HTML Content
    We have updated Panorama’s Accessibility Report to detect even more accessibility issues for HTML content:

    • Headings containing more than 120 character
    • Content is longer than 3000 words
    • Links are empty
      YuJa Panorama Digital Accessibility Platform Update – May 2024
  3. New Accessibility Checks for Panorama’s Remediation Engine
    We’ve enhanced the Remediation Engine’s capabilities to resolve accessibility issues in real-time by identifying more accessibility issues across various formats.

    • Unformatted Lists: DOCX and HTML
    • Text should not be justified: DOCX
    • Invalid language: DOCX and PPTX
    • Missing language: DOCX
    • Missing table header: DOCX and HTML
    • Heading structure does not start at 1: DOCX
    • Table header is longer than 120 characters: HTML
    • Missing table scope: HTML
    • Target size is too small: HTML
    • Adjacent hyperlinks: HTML
    • Missing title: PPTX and XLSX
    • Low contrast: XLSX
    • Font size is too small: XLSX
    • Missing alt text: XLSX
    • Missing text in cell A: XLSX
    • Non-descriptive hyperlink text: XLSX

    YuJa Panorama Digital Accessibility Platform Update – May 2024

  4. Set a Minimum Threshold for Font Size Issues
    Panorama administrators can adjust the minimum threshold required for Panorama to detect font size issues, allowing them to set accessibility standards that align with their institution.
    YuJa Panorama Digital Accessibility Platform Update – May 2024
  5. View a Summary of Issues Within a Document
    Administrators and instructors now have the option to conveniently access a single modal, where they can view all issues organized by the number of times they occur.
    YuJa Panorama Digital Accessibility Platform Update – May 2024
  6. View How Accessibility Scores Are Calculated
    Administrators and instructors can access a breakdown of their accessibility scores by hovering over the info icon. This breakdown includes details on how the score was calculated based on the number of tests performed and the issues identified at each level.
    YuJa Panorama Digital Accessibility Platform Update – May 2024
  7. Copy Course Settings from One Course to Another
    Instead of changing course settings individually, instructors and administrators can easily copy settings from a single course and apply them to any available course.
    YuJa Panorama Digital Accessibility Platform Update – May 2024
  8. Map Custom Blackboard and Moodle Roles to Panorama
    Blackboard and Moodle administrators can map their custom LMS roles to existing roles on Panorama.
    YuJa Panorama Digital Accessibility Platform Update – May 2024
  9. Greater Customization for the Threshold of Accessibility Scores
    Previously, we introduced options to customize how Panorama defines High, Medium, and Low Accessibility Scores. In this release, we’re adding additional options to define Very High Accessibility Scores and Very Low Accessibility Scores for documents and HTML content.
    YuJa Panorama Digital Accessibility Platform Update – May 2024
  10. Export the Accessibility Report for Offline Viewing
    Accessibility reports can be exported, allowing administrators and instructors to address issues offline within their original documents.
    YuJa Panorama Digital Accessibility Platform Update – May 2024
  11. Support for Moodle Books
    In continuing to integrate Panorama into new areas of Moodle, we now generate Alternative Formats for Moodle Books.
    YuJa Panorama Digital Accessibility Platform Update – May 2024
  12. Panorama Supports Previewing Documents in Canvas
    We’ve expanded support in new areas of Canvas by providing access to Alternative Formats and viewing the Accessibility Report when previewing documents.
    YuJa Panorama Digital Accessibility Platform Update – May 2024
  13. Accessibility Report for D2L Brightspace Messages
    We’ve added the Panorama Accessibility Report to D2L Brightspace messages to ensure all outgoing content is accessible.
    YuJa Panorama Digital Accessibility Platform Update – May 2024
  14. Filter Accessibility Report Results Using the Issue Icons
    In addition to our existing feature for filtering issues, administrators and instructors can now filter issues by simply clicking on the issue icons.
    YuJa Panorama Digital Accessibility Platform Update – May 2024
  15. The Accessibility Report Will Navigate to a Selected Issue in the WYSIWYG Editor
    Selecting a specific issue within the Accessibility Report will automatically navigate to the issue inside the WYSIWYG editor.
    YuJa Panorama Digital Accessibility Platform Update – May 2024
  16. Select the LMS Placement for the Panorama LTI 1.3 LInk
    Administrators integrating Panorama into their Learning Management System through LTI 1.3 can choose where the Panorama LTI link appears: at the course level, for individual users, or at the global level.
    YuJa Panorama Digital Accessibility Platform Update – May 2024
  17. View Your Account Information on the Panorama Platform
    Panorama now offers the option to view your account information from within the platform and options to quickly access settings.
    YuJa Panorama Digital Accessibility Platform Update – May 2024
  18. Enhanced Table View of Available Courses in Scope Settings
    The Scope Settings UI table has been updated to allow administrators to easily select which courses Panorama should be enabled in.
    YuJa Panorama Digital Accessibility Platform Update – May 2024
  19. New Tabular View for Issue Settings
    Issue settings have been organized into a tabular structure, allowing administrators to access their desired settings quickly.
    YuJa Panorama Digital Accessibility Platform Update – May 2024
  20. Enhanced UI and User Selection for Roster Management
    We’ve updated the UI for Roster Management and provided the option to select multiple users for deletion instead of removing them one at a time.
    YuJa Panorama Digital Accessibility Platform Update – May 2024
  21. Reorganized Branding Settings and Enhanced Iconography
    We’ve reorganized the Branding Settings in Panorama, introducing dedicated tabs for styling features. Additionally, we’ve given the iconography a modern look to enhance the experience when choosing your preferred styling.
    YuJa Panorama Digital Accessibility Platform Update – May 2024
  22. More Descriptive Text for Institution Information
    We have updated the Institution Information text to allow administrators to easily understand the details related to their institution and how Panorama uses the information.
    YuJa Panorama Digital Accessibility Platform Update – May 2024
  23. New Organized UI to Manage Panorama Add-Ons
    All Panorama add-ons have been organized into tabs to access settings specific to each add-on. Additionally, we’ve created informative videos explaining the features of select add-ons.
    YuJa Panorama Digital Accessibility Platform Update – May 2024
  24. New Font Styling Across Panorama
    We have updated the font family Panorama utilizes to San Francisco Pro.

Panorama Add-On: AutoPilot

  1. New Accessibility Checks for Panorama’s AutoPilot
    We’ve enhanced AutoPilot’s capabilities to propose accessibility solutions by identifying more accessibility issues across various formats.

    • Unformatted Lists: DOCX and HTML
    • Text should not be justified: DOCX
    • Missing Table Header: DOCX
    • Heading structure does not start at 1: DOCX and PDF
    • The heading structure is not ordered properly: HTML
    • Missing table scope: HTML
    • Target size is too small: HTML
    • Missing table header: HTML and PDF
    • Missing title: PPTX
    • Invalid Language: PPTX
    • Missing language: PPTX and XLSX
    • Low contrast: XLSX
    • Font size is too small: XLSX
    • Missing alt text: XLSX
    • Missing text in cell A: XLSX
    • Non-descriptive hyperlink text: XLSX

    YuJa Panorama Digital Accessibility Platform Update – May 2024

  2. Enhanced UI for AutoPilots Course-Level Remediation
    We have enhanced the user experience for AutoPilot’s course-level remediation capabilities by providing an overview accompanied by animations on how accessibility issues are resolved.
    YuJa Panorama Digital Accessibility Platform Update – May 2024