Category: YuJa Panorama LMS Accessibility Platform
February 6, 2021
YuJa Panorama for Digital Accessibility – Update RC20210206 Released to All Zones
Canada Zone European Union Zone YuJa Enterprise Video Platform YuJa Panorama LMS Accessibility PlatformWe have successfully pushed an update to all Panorama instances residing in the United States, Canada and the European Union.
- Reports and Configuration Now Available Within New LTI-based Application
Unified and updated the Panorama reporting into a consolidated LTI-based application. Now all reports can be accessed within a unified LTI application. Please contact your Customer Success Manager for updated installation steps.
- New Blackboard Plugin for Easier Installation
The Blackboard installation steps just got easier with the release of a YuJa Panorama Visualization Plugin for Blackboard. This capability also adds an additional layer of security and integrity checks. Please contact your Customer Success Manager for updated installation steps.
- New Configuration Panel within LTI-based Application
Added ability to view the latest Visualization version, with the corresponding integrity hash on the Configuration panel.
- Reports and Configuration Now Available Within New LTI-based Application
January 17, 2021
YuJa Panorama for Digital Accessibility – Update RC2021016 Released to All Zones
YuJa Panorama LMS Accessibility PlatformWe have successfully pushed an update to all Panorama instances residing in the United States, Canada and the European Union.
- Faster File Scanning with Smart Prioritization
In addition to the automatic background processing of newly added LMS content, Panorama now prioritizes newly added files to pages that LMS users have visited recently.
- Per-Course Activation of Panorama within Moodle
The YuJa Panorama for Moodle Plugin has been updated to support enabling Panorama on a per-course basis. To take advantage of this new capability, please request the latest Moodle plugin.
- New LTI-based Canvas Application for Enabling Courses Selectively
Canvas deployments can now take advantage of a new LTI application which provides Administrators the ability to enable and disable courses, as well as update how Panorama is configured with your LMS.
- Support for Term-Level Reporting
Instructors can select all terms, one term, or many terms to be included in both Course-level and Institution-level reports.
- Faster File Scanning with Smart Prioritization
November 14, 2020
YuJa Panorama for Digital Accessibility – Update RC2020113 Released to All Zones
YuJa Panorama LMS Accessibility PlatformWe have successfully pushed an update to all Panorama instances residing in the United States, Canada and the European Union.
- Added Ability to Request Accessible Formats On-Demand Ahead of Queued Processing
The Panorama integration with Canvas and Blackboard LMS platforms now makes it possible to request accessible formats to be generated on demand. Availability on other LMS Platforms to follow.
- Improved Support for Blackboard SaaS Deployments vis REST APIs
Blackboard is now fully supported using their new REST API protocols, enabling improved support for SaaS-based Blackboard deployments.
- Additional Improvements
– Resolved accessibility preview for PDFs that didn’t have accessibility issues
– Resolved issues Accessibility Checker for PDFs not utilizing full capabilities
- Added Ability to Request Accessible Formats On-Demand Ahead of Queued Processing
October 22, 2020
YuJa Panorama for Digital Accessibility – Update RC20201023 Released to All Zones
YuJa Panorama LMS Accessibility PlatformWe have successfully pushed an update to all Panorama instances residing in the United States, Canada and the European Union.
- New Feedback Feature to Provide Product Team with Improvements on Accessibility Alternate Conversions
A new document accessibility feedback widget allows site administrators and course instructors to provide the Product Team with feedback about their experiences. The feedback widget can be found in two locations, the Institution Accessibility Report and the Course Accessibility Report. On both reports the feedback widget can be opened by clicking on the feedback icon located on the bottom right of the screen.
We strongly encourage administrators and instructors to submit feedback as it helps guide our development to continue to deliver a product that meets your needs.
- Improved Accessibility Report Layout Within LMS Viewport
Course Accessibility reports and Institution Accessibility reports have been updated with an improved UI. This iteration is focused on improving user experience with many components having been restyled to be more responsive and decluttered.
- Additional Improvements
-Improved contrast of component selector buttons
-Fixed course title getting cut off
-Fixed long filenames breaking styling in Accessibility Reports
-Fixed accessibility shortcuts not being invoked sometimes
-Fixed issues not being correctly categorized in the Accessibility Reports
-Improved loading performance of Accessibility reports
- New Feedback Feature to Provide Product Team with Improvements on Accessibility Alternate Conversions