YuJa Panorama for Digital Accessibility – Update RC20210311 Released to All Zones

We have successfully pushed an update to all Panorama instances residing in the United States, Canada and the European Union.

  1. Updated Course Accessibility Report with Clearer Indications and Action Items

    The Course Accessibility report has been redesigned to provide clearer visual indicators, summary information, and more organized tables for detailed information.

  2. Updates to Microsoft Office’s Word and PowerPoint Accessibility Engines

    Based on feedback provided by our partner institutions – submitted through the integrated Feedback tool or through our support channels – we have updated the Accessibility Engines for Word (docx, doc) and PowerPoint (pptx, ppt) documents to provide improved preview accuracy.

  3. Improved Accessibility Score Calculations for Word Documents

    The heuristic used to provide Accessibility Scores for Microsoft Word documents has been improved to provide a better single-score assessment.

  4. Updated LTI Role Mapping

    Updated the default LTI role mapping to be more representative of the permissions provided by each LMS’s base roles.

  5. Updated Contents Tab with Clearer Indicators of Accessibility Scores and Additional Filtering Options

    The Contents Tab now provides clearer indicators of Accessibility Scores. Additional course and file filtering options were also implemented.

  6. Improved Navigation Structure Aligned with Other Products in the YuJa Portfolio

    The navigation structure of the YuJa Panorama for Digital Accessibility product has been refined and aligned with other products in our portfolio for a more consistent user experience, better use of vertical space, and product branding.

  7. Added Accessibility Status Information to the Institution Report

    Added a new courses tab inside the institution report, which allows administrators to easily view the accessibility status of their courses.

  8. Refined Settings and Configurations View

    The Visualization configuration and Course Settings have also been updated to provide the ability to configure Panorama options within a single, integrated panel.