Enterprise Video Platform – Update 20211126 Released to US, CAN, and EU Zones
We have successfully pushed an update to all instances residing in the United States, Canada and the European Union. This update provides new quiz capabilities, new enterprise connectors to third-party hardware, as well as 150+ smaller bug fixes and updates.
- Video Quizzes Now Offer the Ability to Assign LMS Gradebook Credit Based on Percentage Watched
In addition to assigning credit based on Percentage Watched Threshold, users now have the ability to give credit to students based on the percentage of the video they watched. For example, if a student has watched 50% of the assigned video, they will receive a credit of 0.5 points. This Playback Quiz can also be enabled via the Video Quiz Editor. Click here to learn more about how to create a Playback Quiz.
- Ability for Users to take Video Quiz in External View
In addition to standard view, students will now have the option to take their Video Quizzes in External View. This allows students to fully utilize the space on their device to create an optimal viewing experience.
- Refreshed Admin Panel Platform Tab with Unified Preferences, Settings, Metadata, API and System Alerts Sub-tabs
This update reduces the numbers of tabs in the Admin Panel and simplifies the organization, layout and usability of many of the configurations. Click here to learn more about the Admin Panel’s Platform tab.
- Refreshed Roster Tab with New Summary Cards and Filtering Options
Administrators now have the ability to filter and identify users that match specific criteria. This update will now allow users to generate quick search results as opposed to manually searching for their desired results. Click here to learn more about the Admin Panel’s Roster Tab.
- Ability to Redo Actions in the Video Editor
Users will now be able to perform a redo of their last action in the Video Editor. This allows users to easily retrieve their edit as opposed to recreating it. Click here to learn more about using Redo in the Video Editor.
- The Media Chooser Now Offers Expanded Display of Filter Options
This update entails displaying filter options in a horizontal window for easier navigation and selection. This feature aims to help power users, with a large quantity of diverse media, retrieve their desired content. Users can customize the filters to be as specific or general as they please, ranging from file types, including YouTube and Vimeo, to specific publication status, and location where stored.
- Ability to Generate Indexes Based on OCR
Users will now be able to generate indexes based on OCR via the Accessibility tab in the Media Details panel. This will replace the previous feature which generated indexes based on the closed caption file, and based on our research creates better and more structured indexes. Better indexes allow students to easily navigate between topics within lengthy videos. Click here to learn more about how to generate indexes.
- Media Player Now Shows Video Next to Sidebar in Small Viewports (Instead of Overlay)
To optimize the viewing experience of the Media Player for smaller windows, this update supports side-by-side viewing of the Media Player and Sidebar for users who have smaller device screens or prefer to view content in smaller windows.
- New Epiphan Enterprise Connector for Integration with Epiphan Capture Hardware
With Epiphan Video’s Pearl integration with YuJa’s Video Platform, users will experience easy data management through automatic recordings and live-streaming of their scheduled and impromptu events. Upon completion, users’ recordings will be automatically uploaded into their YuJa media library. Click here to learn more about the Epiphan Enterprise Connector.
- New Matrox Enterprise Connector for Integration with Matrox Monarch LCS Capture Hardware
The Matrox hardware integration with YuJa’s Video Platform enables users to define their profiles and record video content using Matrox LCS devices. Built as a partnership with Matrox’s Product Management Team, this integration provides Matrox customers with the ability to use their Matrox hardware for classroom lecture capture use cases. Click here to learn more about the Matrox Monarch LCS Enterprise Connector.
- Ability to Disable YuJa Credential Login for Non-Admin Users
For institutions that connect YuJa directly to an LMS and/or SSO, Administrators can now disable the YuJa Credentials direct login capability. Click here to learn more about choosing a default login method.
- Improved Live Stream Fault Tolerance with Repeated Pause/Resume Events and Improved Streaming of High Bitrate Content
This update includes resolving minor bugs and issues to provide an enhanced livestream experience.