Enterprise Video Platform – Update RC20200724 Released to All Zones
We have successfully pushed an update to all instances residing in the United States, Canada and the European Union.
- Audit Log Subscriptions with Subscription Management Capabilities
Administrators can now create email subscriptions to specific Audit Log events. These events are sent in real-time to the specific users or email aliases. This enables scenarios such as a Device Sub-Administrator setting up subscriptions to be informed of all Device-level alerts for low-audio and auto-scheduling error.
- Additional Auto-Captioning Languages
The Video Platform now supports Automatic Captioning (ASR) in the following languages: English, French, Dutch, German, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, Russian, Greek, Hebrew, Arabic, Japanese, Hindi, Turkish, Thai, Mandarin, Cantonese, and Korean.
- Improvements to Zoom Enterprise Connector
The Zoom Connector now permits ingestion of password-protected and host-only content. Additionally, organizations with multiple Video Platform instances can now simultaneously integrate the same Zoom enterprise account into multiple Video Platform instances. - Improved Localization of Date and Time Formats
The Video Platform’s Branding tab now supports the ability to use either a Day/Month/Year or Year/Month/Day format.
- Canvas Native Integration for Non-LTI Automatic Course Provisioning, User Creation, and Roster Sync
Complementing the IMS-certified LTI integration, the Video Platform now offers native Canvas synchronization. This native API-level capability pre-populates the Video Platform with LMS-side entities without the need for an LTI launch event. The course, user and roster entities are then continually updated to match their corresponding Canvas-side entity. For information on this capability, visit the YuJa Knowledgebase Article.
- Smaller Media Now Uploads Via Multi-Part Upload
Multi-part Upload was originally implemented for larger (500MB+) content. Now the robustness of this implementation, including the ability to permit uploads to withstand intermittent or temporary Internet connection interruptions, is now available for smaller media files. - YuJa Pro Captioning Now Supports Spanish Human Captioning
Organizations using the YuJa Pro Captioning can now human-caption their content in Spanish. - Improved Performance of Media Player When Large Number of Video Embeds
The load-time and performance requirements of the Media Player has been improved to better support situations where a large number of videos are embedded into a single LMS or webpage. - Improved Video Editor’s Video Insertion
Improved robustness of video insertion into an existing video in situations where: 1) the video being inserted is a silent video or, 2) the slide or image is being inserted at the last second of the video. - Ability to Automatically Perform Auto-Captioning (ASR) Directly into Preferred Language
For organizations that would like to perform ASR in a non-English language by default, the Video Platform now provides the ability to specify their preferred default.