Enterprise Video Platform – Update RC20221014 Released to Canadian and European Union Zones
We have successfully pushed an update to all YuJa Enterprise Video Platform instances residing in Canada and the European Union. This update provides our users with an enhanced user experience for the Admin Panel’s Devices page, new Group Management options for internal CampusTube media distribution, added security options for Live Streams, and several improvements and bug fixes across the Video Platform. This update will be released to the United States zones next Friday.
- Redesigned and Higher-Performance Devices Panel with New Summary Statistics and Admin Options
We have released a comprehensive redesign of the Admin Panel’s Devices page. The focus of this re-design is to provide a more modern UX experience that also sets the stage for two features focused on Hardware Hub Fleet Management and Software Capture Application Remote Administration and Source Management.
New capabilities include better performance with hundreds of simultaneously connected Devices, new tab for reviewing and filtering upcoming device schedules, Device Status Summary Cards, as well as an improved Device Preview section. - New Group Provisioning, Automation and Permission Management for CampusTube Media Distribution
To provide Administrators with provisioning flexibility and automation for their CampusTube, Groups can now be created through their institution’s SSO integration. Content Creators may give special permission to entire Groups to edit media files within CampusTube Media Channels. For more information, please visit our support guides on Integrating Your Institution’s SSO with Groups and Sharing Folders with Groups. - The Advanced Search Console is Now Available Within the Media Chooser LMS Extension
In providing the same interactive search capabilities found within the Video Platform’s Media Library, the Advanced Search Console is now available to use within the Media Chooser for all LMS users.
- Ability to Create Secure Live Stream Links with Enhanced Security Access Controls, Including Single-Sign-On
We have added Live Stream Security Settings to the list of options for pre-scheduled Live Streams. Users can now create private Live Streams that have access-controlled restrictions including Institution’s Single-Sign-On, custom password, IP address, geo-location or domain. - Enhanced Gallery View Thumbnails for CampusTube
Users are now able to see summary statistics on the nested Media Channels within the CampusTube, as well as a thumbnail preview of recently added video content. - New API to Add or Remove Bookmarks from Recordings
We have added a new API that allows Content Creators to add or remove bookmarks for their recordings. To learn how to use this API or any of our other APIs, please visit our API support guide. - Enhanced Media Chooser User Interface
To provide users with more relevant metadata in the video descriptions, we have enhanced the Media Chooser UI and set the default layout to List View.
- Option to Require Students to Enable Third-Party Cookies to Ensure Tracking of Analytics and Course Grades
Instructors now have the option to Require Authenticated Viewing to ensure that video analytics are collected. If third-party cookies are blocked by the viewer, they will be prompted with an error message and instructions on how to enable Third-Party Cookies.