YuJa EqualGround Accessibility Governance Platform Update – v25.1.0 Release
We have successfully pushed an update to all YuJa EqualGround Accessibility Governance Platform instances residing in the US, Canada, Australia, and the European Union. The release introduces groups to organize web pages for independent scanning, an option to create teams and assign them for website management, customize the severity levels of issues, perform website crawls to locate new web pages for accessibility scanning, support for usability and SEO engines in the browser extension, and more.
- Organize Web Pages into Groups that Can be Independently Scanned
Depending on your organization, your website is often organized into distinct sections, such as events, research, services, etc. To allow YuJa EqualGround to better detect issues in specific areas, you can group pages and schedule or manually scan them independently from the entire website. In future updates, we will allow capabilities to assign users and teams to grouped pages.
- Create Teams and Assign Them to Manage Websites on Your Platform
To create a more organized structure for managing websites on your YuJa EqualGround platform, you can now group users into teams and assign them to specific websites. Each group can then be assigned a role that will give them access to view or manage reports for their respective sites.
- Customize the Severity Level of Issues to Align YuJa EqualGround with Your Organization’s Goals
Every organization has unique goals and standards for its audience. To help you more accurately meet these objectives, you can now customize the severity levels of accessibility, SEO, and usability issues—setting them as severe, major, minor, or disabling them entirely if they’re irrelevant to your needs.
- Perform Website Crawls to Locate New Web Pages For Accessibility Scanning
YuJa EqualGround now supports scheduled and manual crawling of websites to detect new pages and documents regularly to ensure they are included in scans. You can customize the crawl by configuring its depth, frequency, and WCAG Conformance Level.
- Support for Usability and SEO Engine in the Browser Extension
The YuJa EqualGround Browser Extension has been enhanced with our new Usability Engine, which offers insights into the user-friendliness of your web pages, along with the SEO Engine for analyzing metadata, tags, and links. Simply visit any page on your site, launch your chosen engine, and view detailed issue reports and actionable recommendations for remediation.
- Bulk Upload Websites to Your Platform
Instead of adding websites one at a time to your YuJa EqualGround platform, you can now upload a CSV file containing a list of websites and their crawl details. This allows you to schedule crawls and identify pages and documents to be scanned.
- Bulk Add Users to Your Roster Management
Quickly add multiple users to your YuJa EqualGround platform by uploading a CSV file in Roster Management.
- More In-Depth ARIA Issue Detection and Recommendations for Best Practices
Expanding on our existing accessibility checks, YuJa EqualGround now includes over 20 new detections for ARIA-related issues and accessibility best practices. Some of these checks include:- Ensure every ARIA button, link, and menu item has an accessible name.
- Ensure that image alt text is not repeated unnecessarily to improve screen reader usability.
- Ensure that tables have unique captions or summaries for better accessibility.
- New Scheduling Options for Biweekly and Quarterly Website Scans and Crawls
YuJa EqualGround now supports biweekly and quarterly scan and crawl options when setting up their frequency, providing greater flexibility in scheduling website scans.
- New Report Template for Presenting Analytics in Power BI
As a website manager, you can now visualize your report analytics in Power BI using our custom-made template. Simply upload the template alongside your exported JSON report and instantly transform your data into actionable insights.
- Filter Accessibility Issues Based on Which Element They Appear In
When reviewing your Accessibility Report in web or HTML view, you can now filter issues based on whether they appear in the page’s header, metadata, body, or footer.
- Updated Sidebar with Expandable Design on Hover and Animated Iconography
YuJa EqualGround’s sidebar has been redesigned with an expandable navigation that reveals the menu items on hover, along with the new animated icons for a more streamlined navigation.
- Enhanced Web Responsiveness for Devices with Smaller Screen Sizes
We’ve optimized the website configuration page with better web responsiveness for smaller screen sizes, ensuring that all menu items are fully displayed and offering smoother navigation across devices.