Video Conference Platform – Update RC20220121 to all Zones
We have successfully pushed an update to all instances residing in the United States, Canada and the European Union. This release focuses on providing users a refreshed UI layout that is aesthetically and functionally pleasing.
- Refreshed UI Layout + Increased Number of Video Participants In addition to providing users a refreshed UI layout, we have increased the number of on-video participants to 20 (with up to 200 total participants as before). This allows for the easier exchange of ideas and enhance overall collaborative experience. For future releases, we intend to increase the number of participants to 25 and incrementally through the course of 2022 attaining 200 on-video participants.
- Ability to Switch Between Sidebar View and Gallery View Users can now select a view type that best caters to their needs. Participants can opt to hold their meetings in the Sidebar View (as depicted above), allowing them to easily view all participants through the pagination feature. Or, they can opt for the traditional Gallery View. For future releases, we intend to provide more functional opportunities such as the ability to pin viewers.
- Optimized Performance & Resolved Minor Bugs To provide our users an enhanced Video Conference experience, we have resolved several minor bugs and issues.