YuJa Himalayas Data Archiving Platform Update “Xanthium” Released to US, CAN, AU and EU Zones
We have successfully pushed a maintenance update to all YuJa Himalayas Data Archiving Platform instances residing in Canada, Australia, and the European Union. This update provides a new Himalayas dashboard for storage reports, detailed metrics for Job Management, the option to archive non-video files to Himalayas, and new email notification for scheduled deletions.
- New Himalayas Dashboard to View Comprehensive Storage Reports
To facilitate the effective administration of the Himalayas platform, we are pleased to present an informative overview of storage reports. These reports offer graphs to view monthly storage use, a breakdown of files stored within Active Storage and Archived Storage, and the types of formats stored on the platform.
- Key Metric Details for Himalayas Job Management
To provide administrators with comprehensive insights into their active Himalayas Jobs, we now provide more detailed information for each individual Job. Administrators can now effortlessly access data that includes the number of files archived/restored, the number of completed/failed files, and the number of pending files.
- Archive Non-Video Files to Himalayas
In our continuous efforts to enhance the capabilities of the Himalayas platform, we now provide archiving for non-video assets such as documents, images, and audio files when creating policies.
- Email Notifications for Scheduled Deletions in Himalayas
To ensure that Content Owners have timely and accurate information regarding their videos, we will now implement email notifications for scheduled deletions from Himalayas. Administrators will have the flexibility to customize the notification, specifying how many days before an item’s deletion an email should be sent.