YuJa Himalayas for Data Archiving and Compliance – Update RC20211217 Released to US, CAN, and EU Zones
We have successfully pushed an update to all instances residing in the United States, Canada and the European Union. This release focuses on brand new features that will help Administrators easily organize and manage large quantities of data.
- Himalayas Now Provides the Ability to Track Archive and Restore Jobs via Job Management
We are excited to announce the new Job Management dashboard that allows Administrators to keep track of existing and upcoming jobs. The dashboard allows Administrators to identify a Job’s beginning and completion date, type, and its current progress.Moreover, Administrators will be able to refine their search by using the Job Management’s filtering options. In future releases, we intend to provide the ability to undo a restoring and archiving job, view associated files, access advanced filtering capabilities, and much more! To learn more about this feature, please click here.
- Ability to Undo Active Archive Jobs to Video Platform
This update will undo an archive job for files being transferred to the Video Platform. To learn more about this feature, click here.