YuJa Panorama for Digital Accessibility – Minor Update RC20230106 Released to US, CAN, and EU Zones
We have successfully pushed an update to all YuJa Panorama for Digital Accessibility instances residing in the United States, Canada, and the European Union. This minor update provides our users with access to Alternative Formats and Accessibility Reports from the LTI app, optimizations to the Feedback form, improved sign-up for the Panorama Management Platform, faster HTML to PDF processing speeds, and several minor UI improvements to the LTI app.
- Access Full Alternative Formats and Accessibility Reports from the LTI App
We have improved our LTI app to allow administrators and instructors to view Alternative Formats and Accessibility Reports from the content menu within their Course Report. In addition to viewing Alternative Formats, admins and instructors may also download and reprocess their documents.
- Optimized Submission Forms for Feedback
As Panorama continues to grow, we’d like to have your input on new suggestions, designs, and other comments you may have to enhance your overall experience when using Panorama. To help facilitate transparent communication on feedback, submitted forms will receive timely responses to requests.
- Enhanced Sign-up for the Panorama Management Platform
Users will no longer be required to sign up using an access token. Simply navigate to the User Setup page on the LTI app, and click Create Account to sign up for the Panorama Platform. For more information on how to sign up for the Platform, please visit our guide on Signing Up for the Panorama Management Platform.
- Optimized HTML to PDF Conversion
We have optimized our HTML to PDF conversion rates for faster processing speeds. - UI Enhancements for the LTI App
As Panorama has recently migrated to a new LTI App, we’ve touched up some finer details with our UI. Expect more of these enhancements in future releases.