YuJa Panorama LMS Accessibility Platform Update – v24.9.0 Release
We have successfully pushed an update to all YuJa Panorama LMS Accessibility Platform instances residing in the US, Canada, Australia, Singapore, the Middle East, and the European Union. This update includes a new alternative format of library reference, new how-to-fix guides and tutorials for HTML content, a new option to organize content by transferring items across folders, and more.
- New Alternative Format: Create a Library Reference to Help Locate Your Reading Material
In certain situations, such as when only a chapter of a text is provided, your readers may want the complete reference for material so they can find it on their own. To assist them, we have introduced a new Library Reference Alternative Format that allows you to include details about the reading material, such as the author’s name, date of publication, and publisher.
- New How-to-Fix Guides and Video Tutorials for HTML Content Specific to the LMS
To make our embedded “How to Fix” guides more accessible and easier to follow, we have focused our efforts on an industry-first project to create over 90 guides and video tutorials that address HTML accessibility issues specific to D2L Brightspace, Canvas, and Moodle. This will ensure that whenever you are unsure how to resolve an issue manually, each guide is tailored to your LMS so that you can follow the steps exactly as they are shown.
- Organize Content by Transferring Items from One Folder to Another in DocHub
With our new options for moving items between folders, organizing content in DocHub is easier than ever. You can select the content you want to move and click the Move button to transfer files or folders. Alternatively, you can simply drag and drop your items into and out of folders.
- Optimized First-Time Scans for D2L Brightspace Courses to be More Efficient
By optimizing how we handle our API calls for D2L Brightspace, we’ve addressed throttling issues to ensure that first-time scans for newly created courses start immediately and are completed within 20 minutes or less rather than being delayed to a later date. - Resolve Missing Human-Generated Caption Issues by Manually Verifying that Captions are Present for Video Content
In cases where human-generated captions are not required or feasible for all videos, YuJa Panorama will identify the issue and allow you to override it by confirming that the video has at least auto-generated captions.
- High-Performance Administrator Audit Log to Track All Major Activities on the Platform
In this release, we have set up our backend infrastructure to fully support in-depth audit logging for administrators to monitor user actions and changes performed on YuJa Panorama. Administrators will soon have access to the audit logs, allowing them to view users’ activities, such as deleted items, configured settings, downloaded reports, and more. Keep an eye out for the next YuJa Panorama update alert, which will provide a full-featured release of our audit logging capabilities. - User-Friendly Improvements to the Remediation Process
We have made a couple of tweaks to the remediation process to help you fix your documents more quickly.- Turn off the Confetti Animation: To make remediating many documents less disruptive, you can disable the confetti animation that activates after a document is remediated.
- Updated Buttons in the Accessibility Report: The “Fix Issue” button is now the primary indicated action you can take to fix issues. If you prefer to manually know how to fix issues, the “Learn more” link replaces the “How to Fix” button, providing access to our step-by-step guides.
- Turn off the Confetti Animation: To make remediating many documents less disruptive, you can disable the confetti animation that activates after a document is remediated.
- Significantly Faster Accessibility Report Generation for HTML Content
We have improved the process for generating Accessibility Reports for HTML content, ensuring reports are generated up to 60% faster. - D2L Brightspace Support for Viewing “Accordion” Content in the Gradient Reader and Enhanced HTML
We have expanded YuJa Panorama to new areas of D2L Brightspace. Now, for Content pages that organize items using an “accordion,” the Gradient Reader and Enhanced HTML formats can be generated to display content within the layout.
- Improved Capabilities for Retrieving Files in Moodle Instances Using AWS Storage
For institutions that utilize AWS storage with their Moodle instance, we have updated YuJa Panorama to retrieve these files more accurately, allowing Accessibility Reports to be generated more consistently.