YuJa SmartSpeaker AI Platform Update – v25.1.0 Release

We have successfully pushed an update to all YuJa SmartSpeaker instances residing in the US, Canada, Australia, Singapore, the Middle East, and the European Union. This update includes the option to embed YuJa SmartSpeaker into course content, expanded support to read content in D2L quizzes, more options to adjust YuJa SmartSpeaker, and a report template for presenting analytics in Power BI.


  1. Embed YuJa SmartSpeaker into Canvas and D2L Course Content
    As an instructor, you can embed YuJa SmartSpeaker into course content to allow students instant text-to-speech audio without them needing to highlight content manually. If you prefer using the SmartSpeaker widget as an overlay rather than embedded, you can simply adjust this preference in Default Course Settings.
    YuJa SmartSpeaker AI Platform Update – v25.1.0 Release
  2. YuJa SmartSpeaker Support for D2L’s Quiz-Taking Page
    Building on its existing capabilities to read aloud course content, such as in Announcements and Discussions, Yuja SmartSpeaker is now available on the D2L quiz-taking page, offering text-to-speech support for students when taking a quiz.
    YuJa SmartSpeaker AI Platform Update – v25.1.0 Release
  3. Redesigned YuJa SmartSpeaker Widget for a More Personalized Experience
    The YuJa SmartSpeaker Widget has been revamped with a redesigned UI and enhanced capability for a more customized listening experience. Key updates include:

    • Redesigned SmartSpeaker Widget UI with an expandable icon, allowing you to collapse the widget when not in use.
    • Included an on-hover volume bar for easy volume adjustment during audio playing.
    • New option to disable the rewind and fast-forward functions according to your listening preferences.

    YuJa SmartSpeaker AI Platform Update – v25.1.0 Release

  4. New Report Template for Presenting YuJa SmartSpeaker Analytics in Power BI
    As an administrator, you can now easily present your YuJa SmartSpeaker analytics in Power BI using our report template. Simply upload the template along with your exported report in a JSON format to visualize your report.
    YuJa SmartSpeaker AI Platform Update – v25.1.0 Release