Category: YuJa Lecture Capture Portfolio
May 26, 2020
Software Capture for PC (v10.6) Released to All Geographic Zones
Canada Zone European Union Zone United States Zone YuJa Lecture Capture PortfolioWe have released a new Software Capture for PC version (version v10.6) to all instances located in the United States, Canada and the European Union.
- Upload Progress Window Integrated with Both PC Application Recording Toolbar and Standalone Window
Post-recording, users can now see a status upload bar to track the status of in-progress uploads. This is available on both the Recording Toolbar and a Standalone Upload window. - Improved Alert When a Source is Unplugged
In instances where a recording source is disconnected mid-recording, in addition to the alert shown on the Confidence Monitor, a Windows Toast Notification alert is also provided. - Improved Pause Processing in Instances of Dozens of Pause Operations
Videos where a significant number of pauses exist (10+ pause-resume sequences) now are processed in a manner that better maintains the synchronization of the audio and video feeds. - 15+ Smaller Fixes and Improvements Including:
- Resolved issue that would prevent an unregistered Software Capture device from utilizing Watch Point.
- Resolved issue where a recording could, in a specific instance, become corrupt if a source is unplugged mid-recording.
- Resolved issue where the Video Encoding process could get stuck during an active recording.
- Upload Progress Window Integrated with Both PC Application Recording Toolbar and Standalone Window