Category: YuJa Enterprise Video Platform

  • March 3, 2023

    Enterprise Video Platform – Update RC20230224 Released to US Zones

    United States Zone YuJa Enterprise Video Platform

    We have successfully pushed an update to all instances residing in the United States. For a complete summary of the release, please refer to the corresponding RC20230224 release tag.

  • March 3, 2023

    Enterprise Video Platform – Minor Update RC20230303 Released to US, CAN, AU and EU Zones

    Australia Zone Canada Zone European Union Zone United States Zone YuJa Enterprise Video Platform

    We have successfully pushed a minor follow-up release to all instances residing in the United States, Canada, Australia, and the European Union. This update allows Content Creators to broadcast and publish RTMP live streams to multiple locations.

    1. Broadcast and Publish RTMP Live Streams to Multiple Locations
      We have redesigned how media is distributed to the Video Platform to provide Content Creators with more options for where to publish and stream their media. When activating an RTMP session, Content Creators may now select multiple locations, including EnterpriseTube and CampusTube, to publish and view their recordings. To learn how to set up and use RTMP streaming, please visit our Overview of RTMP Live Streaming guide.
      RTMP Session Panel for users to set up their session, publishing and live streaming locations.

  • February 24, 2023

    YuJa Enterprise Video Platform – Update RC20230224 Released to CAN, AU and EU Zones

    Australia Zone Canada Zone European Union Zone YuJa Enterprise Video Platform

    We have successfully pushed an update to all Enterprise Video Platform instances residing in Canada, Australia, and the European Union. This release provides our users with updates to delay a Video Platform release cycle, add non-video content to the EnterpriseTube, enable automatic human captioning, add custom resolutions to images, faster load times for the Media Library, the option to suspend users, download audit logs, disable speed controls for video quizzes, live caption usage, and over 200+ improvements and optimizations. This update will be released to US zones next Friday.

    1. “Blue-Green Version Self-Selection”: Ability to Delay a Video Platform Update by One Release Cycle
      Originally dubbed our “Blue-Green Version Self-Selection” to complement our Continuous Update Architecture, institutions can now opt to delay their Video Platform by one release cycle. By providing the flexibility to align version updates to an institution’s academic calendar, admins may choose to remain on an older version of the Video Platform.

      To learn more about this feature, please visit our guide on Delaying a Video Platform Release Cycle.
      Release Settings panel showing Delay By One Cycle selected from the Controlled Release drop-down menu.
    2. EnterpriseTube Now Supports Non-Video Content
      In expanding the content available for users to publish on EnterpriseTube, we have added support for documents such as PDFs, text files, Word documents, and Excel spreadsheets. Future releases will focus on adding support for additional media content, such as images.
      A folder within the EnterpriseTube featuring a gallery view of videos and documents.
    3. Automatic Course-Level Human Caption Requests
      Institutions that are required to provide a human-captioning accommodation for a particular set of student(s), may now setup their course to automatically send videos for human captioning. To learn how to request human captioning for your course, please visit our guide on Enabling Automatic Course-Level Human Captioning.
      The Course-Level Human Captioning settings features options to select a language and turnaround time for when captions should be completed.
    4. Accelerated Image Loading with Support for Industry-Standard SRCSET Capability
      Content Creators can now predefine resolutions for images using the industry-standard srcset. By using the srcset, users can create responsive images to help save bandwidth by only displaying the correct resolution for their screen. Whether that be on mobile or computer devices, Content Creators can let the browser decide which predefined resolution is best for the user’s viewing experience. To learn how to add custom sizes for images, please visit our support guide on Adding Custom Sizes for Images.
      The links tab within Media Details for an image. Features various widths and heights for the image.
    5. New Design for My Media Enables Faster Load Times for Media Library
      Users with large volumes of images in their Media Library will notice significantly faster response times when navigating their content.
      My Media collection featuring image assets.
    6. Suspend Users After a Specified Number of Days
      Admins can automatically suspend users who have not accessed the Video Platform after a specified number of days. To learn how to use this feature, please visit our guide on Changing the Account Status of Users.
      The Additional Options panel within the Video Platform features the setting to suspend users after a set number of days.
    7. Download Filtered Audit Logs
      Admins can now download a filtered list of audit events for use in third-party analysis tools to gauge activity on particular events on their Video Platform instance.
      The audit log show various events occuring on the Video Platform such as new folder being created and logins. The feature is shown inside the notification tabs in the Admin Panel.
    8. Disable Speed Controls for Video Quizzes
      To ensure that students pay full attention to video quizzes, instructors can now disable video-speed options to prevent students from watching video quizzes at an increased speed.
      Video Quiz settings features the Disable Video Speed Options setting within Quiz Options.
    9. Video Ownership Changes Also Change Associated Video Quiz Owner
      Content Creators who wish to change the ownership of a video will now have any associated video quizzes moved to the new owner as well.
    10. Video Quiz Sync Reports with Bulk LMS Gradebook Re-Send
      In providing admins with greater insight into their video quiz integration, a report containing a list of completed video quizzes that still need to be synced to the Learning Management System grade book can be generated. Admins can then attempt to synchronize the grades to the LMS using our new Bulk Grade Book Sync option located within the interface.

      The impetus of this feature was a customer situation where their Learning Management System had an outage and a large number of video quizzes could not be synced and were also hard to pinpoint which ones needed re-synchronization.
      The advanced filter in the notifications tab now features a new setting under Video quiz titled LMS Gradebook Failed to Sync.
    11. Metadata Tags Copy Over to Newly Saved Videos and Duplicated Media
      Content Creators who wish to duplicate or save their media as a new video using the Video Editor will also have their metadata tags copied.
    12. Enhanced Thumbnail Status for Browser Capture
      The status of Browser Capture recordings is accurately updated in real-time allowing Content Creators to view whether their recording is in progress, uploading, or has been uploaded to the Video Platform.
      Thumbnail status of a video stating that the Video is being processed in the background.
    13. Optimized Handling for Sub-Admins of Devices Tab within Admin Panel
      We have optimized handling to only allow sub-admins access to view and manage Device Schedules within their assigned sub-organization.
    14. View Live Caption Usage
      Admins can now access an overview of live ASR caption usage. We also improved the look-and-feel of all captioning usage summary interfaces.
      A summary usage of live captions being used. Live caption minutes left are shown for Software Capture, Hardware Hub, and Live Streams.
    15. Improved Permissions-Based Consistency for Actions in Search Results
      Previously, users searching for media content would be presented with inconsistent actions they could perform for media within their search results (e.g., Play, Share, Publish, etc.). We have now improved upon this feature to allow admins, instructors, and students to receive consistent actions based on their roles and permissions for specific content.
  • February 23, 2023

    Software Capture for PC – Update v12.0.0.0 Released to US Zone

    YuJa Enterprise Video Platform YuJa Lecture Capture Portfolio

    We have successfully pushed an update for Software Capture for PC binary to all instances residing in the US zone update. This update provides our users with the new Microsoft Media Foundation engine, improved compatibility for DirectShow capture cards, improved workflow for profile creation, new architecture for Remote Profile Management, horizontal and vertical orientation for cameras, updating the engine for proctoring, the ability to publish recordings into multiple channels, audio gain adjustments, and other optimizations.

    For details, please review the corresponding Release Note for the EU/CA/AU zone.

  • January 25, 2023

    Enterprise Video Platform – RC20232501 Hotfix

    United States Zone YuJa Enterprise Video Platform

    At approximately 10pm Eastern Time, we noticed unusual CPU spikes across many US-based Video Platform instances. Our first attempt to mitigate this by manually scaling the sub-system did not resolve the issue. Further investigation identified a code defect in a particular database query. A hotfix was implemented and deployed about 45 minutes late which has mitigated the issue. All instances are currently stable and we believe we have fully mitigated the situation. We will continue to monitor the situation.

  • December 31, 2022

    Enterprise Video Platform – Update RC20221223 Released to US Zone

    United States Zone YuJa Enterprise Video Platform

    We have successfully pushed an update to all instances residing in the United States. For a summary of the release, please refer to the corresponding tag for the most recent Canadian and EU zones release.

  • December 23, 2022

    YuJa Enterprise Video Platform – Update RC20221223 Released to CAN and EU Zones

    Canada Zone European Union Zone YuJa Enterprise Video Platform

    We have successfully pushed an update to all Enterprise Video Platform instances residing in Canada and the European Union. This release provides our users with updates to managing and embedding videos, editing published video quizzes, importing device schedules to new devices, viewing analytics for individual videos within a playlist, and several optimizations. This update will be released to the United States zones next Friday.

    1. Infrastructure for Continuous Update without Down-Time Deployed
      The Video Platform has been updated with the core infrastructure to perform a zero-downtime maintenance model for routine product updates, fixes, and improvements. This model enables us to perform most types of system upgrades and patches without having active users impacted. Over the coming releases, we will be adapting our release processes to transition from an update-window model to
      a “no down-time update” model.
    2. Video Quizzes Now Shared When the Underlying Video Is Shared
      In unifying video assets and video quiz sharing, once a video is shared, all quizzes associated with the video will automatically be shared as well (previously Video Quiz sharing was a separate action). This simplifies shared quiz creation workflows, especially those where Instructional Designers work collaboratively with Instructors to create video quiz content.
      Media Details view for quizzes.
    3. Ability to Edit Video Quiz Settings After the Quiz Has Been Published
      Content Creators can now edit settings for their video quizzes even after they’ve been published to their courses. This enables them to make minor corrections and adjustments that don’t affect the scoring of the video quiz.
      Edit quiz options within Media Details.
    4. Grade Book Shortcut in Video Quizzes
      To streamline the workflow for instructors when using Video Quizzes, we have added a Grade Book button that allows users to jump directly from the Video Quiz to the Grade Book page in Usage & Analytics. 
    5. Support for the Creation of Multi-Video Dynamic Playlists in Rich Textboxes of the LMS
      Content Creators can now multi-select videos to embed as a unified video playlist, as well as multiple, single videos. The specific capabilities vary slightly depending on the capabilities of your LMS’s Rich Text Editor region.
      The media chooser featuring the dynamic playlist option within Canvas
    6. Ability to Track Analytics for a Playlist of Videos
      Alongside the new dynamic playlist capability using the Media Chooser, Content Creators can now track analytical data on dynamic playlists that have been inserted using the Media Chooser.
    7. The Video Editor Will Now Allow Users to Merge Multi-Stream Videos with Other Multi-Stream Videos (Beta)
      Content Creators can now merge multi-stream videos to make the process of creating and uploading media as smooth as possible. This feature will release next Friday with the scheduled United States release. Please note that this capability requires a Processing Sub-System update that will be performed in all zones next Friday.
      The insert video panel for multi-stream videos.
    8. Institutions Can Now Reference Email Addresses in Place of YuJa User ID
      Institutions can now show their Email ID in place of the YuJa User ID on most interfaces within the Video Platform. This will allow admins to identify and distinguish between users under the same name.
      The Share this resource panel showing users with email identification.

    9. Enhanced Data Traceability for LMS and Single-Sign-On Attribute Data
      To provide enhanced debugging capabilities to configure and manage SSO and LTI integrations, admins can use the Admin Panel to view logs showing user sign-ins.
      Table showing logs for sing ins on the Video Platform.
    10.  Support Multiple, Simultaneous LTI 1.3 Configurations
      A single Video Platform instance can now be integrated with multiple LTI 1.3 LMS products simultaneously. This feature is primarily for supporting larger state and system-wide universities with independent LMS solutions.
    11. Improved Audio Only Player UI
      The experience for audio-only playback has been updated to provide a modern look.
      Thumbnail for audio only files.
    12. Improved Performance of Large Data Sets for Users
      We have optimized the Video Platform to provide faster load times for large sets of roster data.
    13. Ability to Swap Schedules from Registered Hardware Hub or Software Capture
      In an effort to make the replacement of devices seamless, we have added the ability to copy schedules from one device to another to prevent the existing schedule from being lost. The newly registered device will then continue recording as previously scheduled.
      De-Register Hub window for downloading device schedule.
    14. Improved Navigation for Inter-User Collection
      We have improved our Media Chooser’s navigation for User Collections. Admins who need to move across User Collections when finding content to embed may use our new search bar to filter through users, cycle back through folders, and navigate back to the User Collection menu after viewing a folder.
      Search bar feature for User Collections.
  • December 3, 2022

    Enterprise Video Platform – Update RC20221125 Released to US Zone

    United States Zone YuJa Enterprise Video Platform

    We have successfully pushed an update to all instances residing in the United States. For a summary of the release, please refer to the corresponding tag for the most recent Canadian and EU zones release.

  • November 25, 2022

    YuJa Enterprise Video Platform – Update RC20221125 Released to CAN and EU Zones

    Canada Zone European Union Zone YuJa Enterprise Video Platform

    We have successfully pushed an update to all YuJa Enterprise Video Platform instances residing in Canada and the European Union. This release provides our users with remote management tools for Software Capture, new third-party hardware support, new API scoping capabilities, Video Quiz improvements, Bulk Merge for videos, and much more. This update will be released to the United States zones next Friday.

    1. Enhanced Fleet Management and Remote Administration Capabilities for Software Capture Devices
      Building upon the recently improved Devices Panel, Content Creators may access the Devices page to perform operations on classroom-installed Software Capture application including:

      • Remotely create custom recording profiles for the YuJa Software Capture application.
      • Update existing profiles to shared recording profiles.
      • Adjust bitrate settings for live streaming and adjust recording devices settings.

      In essence, institutions can now remotely deploy Software Capture application packages, configure them with pre-defined configuration files, and then use the new Fleet Management tools to adjust remote configuration, deployment, and monitoring of the Software Capture application. To learn more about our remote profiles feature, please visit our support guide on Creating a Profile Remotely.
      Manage Software Capture Profiles panel to customize YSC video sources such as, Video, Audio, Screen, and Live Stream.

    2. Audio Segment Amplification Adjustments Available Within the Video Editor
      Content Creators may now digitally raise or lower the audio within their video with the Video Editor. Select specific segments and then adjust the audio to the desired volume for that specific section. To learn how to adjust audio, please visit our support guide on Adjusting Audio Levels in the Video Editor.
      The Video Editor features the new Audio Adjustment tool.
    3. Customizable API Endpoint Scopes for API Tokens
      Administrators now have granular control of API tokens for API endpoints. Create customized tokens that allow token-holders to have access to specific APIs.
      The API Token Settings features a list of devices and API endpoints that can be enabled.
    4. Streamlined Way to Bulk-Merge Videos into a New Video
      Content Owners looking to combine multiple videos into a single video can now easily do so. Our new Bulk Merge feature allows users to connect multiple videos without having to even launch the Video Editor. For example, this will allow individual students to merge their assignments effortlessly before submission.
      The Merge Media panel features three videos that will be merged into a single video.
    5. Add Multiple Video Quiz Questions at Given Timepoints
      In providing a complete learning experience, instructors can choose to add multiple pre-assessment, mid-video, and summative assessment questions to their Video Quiz at a given timepoint.
      Video Quiz features multiple questions added at the beginning of the video.
    6. Sync Video Quiz Gradebook Data for Group Owners
      Instructors wishing to preview the Video Quiz, including the Gradebook Sync, can now do so for their courses. Additionally, this feature will allow students with TA roles or other higher-level roles to take part in graded video quizzes.
    7. Drag & Drop Media Content Now Available in List View
      Achieving parity with the Grid View, Content Owners may now simply drag-and-drop media content into their media folders while in List View. This feature provides a completely streamlined experience between our Grid View and List View for media content.
      My Media in List View features the Drag & Drop feature.
    8. Metadata Schemas are Now Integrated with the Advanced Search Console
      The Advanced Search Console will now auto-populate metadata schemas that are defined by an Organization’s administrator.
      The Advanced Search Console features a list of predefined Metadata.
    9. Improved Auto-Scaling and Detection for Video Playback
      To provide users with faster initial playback, we have made improvements to the Media Player to adjust the video quality ahead of the initial playback based on the initial network characteristics.
    10. Added Support for NCast Third-Party Hardware Encoders
      Complementing our market-leading integration with Matrox, Extron, and Epiphan, we have now added support for NCast hardware encoders. Users can now register their NCast devices and upload recordings directly to their My Media folder.
      The NCast logo is above an NCast device.
    11. Live Stream Player Chat Can be Disabled
      Complementing the new Live Stream single sign-on capabilities added in the previous release, we now allow administrators to disable the Live Stream Chat for a live stream.
    12. Create Custom URLs for Videos
      Content Owners wishing to create personalized links to enhance URL branding may now do so for their media content. By creating unique links, media content will retain the underlying URL while providing custom identifiers.
      Custom Direct Link features a text box where users can edit the end of their link.
  • October 21, 2022

    Enterprise Video Platform – Update RC20221021 and RC20221014 Released to US Zone

    United States Zone YuJa Enterprise Video Platform

    We have successfully pushed an update to all instances residing in the United States. For a summary of the release, please refer to the corresponding tag for the most recent Canadian and EU zones release.