Category: YuJa Enterprise Video Platform

  • February 6, 2021

    YuJa Panorama for Digital Accessibility – Update RC20210206 Released to All Zones

    Canada Zone European Union Zone YuJa Enterprise Video Platform YuJa Panorama LMS Accessibility Platform

    We have successfully pushed an update to all Panorama instances residing in the United States, Canada and the European Union.

    1. Reports and Configuration Now Available Within New LTI-based Application

      Unified and updated the Panorama reporting into a consolidated LTI-based application. Now all reports can be accessed within a unified LTI application. Please contact your Customer Success Manager for updated installation steps.

    2. New Blackboard Plugin for Easier Installation
      The Blackboard installation steps just got easier with the release of a YuJa Panorama Visualization Plugin for Blackboard. This capability also adds an additional layer of security and integrity checks. Please contact your Customer Success Manager for updated installation steps.
    3. New Configuration Panel within LTI-based Application
      Added ability to view the latest Visualization version, with the corresponding integrity hash on the Configuration panel.
  • December 19, 2020

    Enterprise Video Platform – Update RC20201211 Released to US Zone

    United States Zone YuJa Enterprise Video Platform

    We have successfully pushed an update to all instances residing in the United States. For a summary of the release, please refer to the corresponding tag for the most recent Canadian and EU zones release. In addition to the features noted in the RC20201211 tag, the below feature was also included.

    1. Streamlined Single-Sign-On Process for Externally Embedded Content
      To make the sign-in process easier for the end user, we now provide an improved authentication process when embedded content is enabled with Single-Sign-On. Now, click on the secured video and a sign-in window opens that provides the ability to authenticate with the organization’s Single Sign-On. Once authenticated, the video will auto-detect the authentication and commence playback. To learn more, visit the YuJa Support article:

  • December 11, 2020

    Enterprise Video Platform – Update RC20201211 Released to EU and CA Zone

    Canada Zone European Union Zone YuJa Enterprise Video Platform

    We have successfully pushed an update to all instances residing in the European Union and Canada. Next week, we will perform the same update to our United States-based zones.

    1. Improved Browser Capture Studio with Screen Recording Capabilities
      The Browser Capture Studio now offers the ability to perform screen-recording alongside audio and video sources. To learn more about using the Browser Capture Studio, visit the YuJa Support article:

    2. Improved Browser Capture User Experience Offers Direct Download Capabilities
      The Browser Capture Studio now offers the ability to download the raw Webm video that the browser recorded (before it’s sent up to the Video Platform for processing).

    3. New API for Bulk Deleting Device Schedules
      To enable third-party workflows on device schedule management, an API to purge all device schedules is now available. Visit the YuJa Support article for details:
    4. Ability to Share Video Quizzes Editing Capabilities with Other Users (Beta)
      Content Owners can now share access to a Video Quiz to other editors. This heavily requested feature enables new collaboration workflows including the ability for Instructional Designers to pre-create quizzes on behalf of instructions and then share the resultant video and quiz. Through Q1 of 2021, we will continue to further refine this workflow.

    5. Ability to Insert a Video In-Situ into an Existing Multi-Source Recording without Overwriting Existing Timeline
      The Video Editor’s Insert Video capability now offers a “Current Time- Insert” (without Override) for multi-stream videos. This enhances the “Current-Time – Insert” that was previously only available for single-stream videos. Visit the YuJa Support article for details:

    6. Better Highlighting of Active and Selected Video and Folders
      A smaller “fit-and-finish” improvement to My Media provides a better indicator of the active or selected media.

    7. Improved Media Details User Interface
      The Media Details interface offers a cleaner design with dozens of minor UI fixes and improvements.

    8. Refreshed IMS Re-certifications for all LTI Enterprise Connectors
      We finalized the annual re-certification and compliance of all our LTI-based Enterprise Connectors including our LTI 1.1, LTI 1.3, LTI Advantage, and IMS Caliper integrations with the IMS Global standards organization.
    9. Ability to Disable Auto-Captioning for Specific Zoom-Mapped Users
      As part of a staggered roll-out of 20+ features in Q1 of 2021 focused on new Zoom capabilities and improvements, today we added the ability to selectively enable auto-captioning for a specific user’s content ingestion. Visit the YuJa Support article for details:

    10. New Notification When Human Captioning Requests Have Been Fulfilled
      A new Notification is now provided within both the Admin Panel’s Notification tab, as well as an email alert when a human caption request has been fulfilled.

    11. Improved Live Stream Player User Experience
      An improved Live Stream Player is now available that provides improved multi-source selection in instances with 3+ sources. In additional to other smaller improvements and refreshed icons, the Live Stream Player also aligns to the branding styles defined for the On-Demand Media Player (for both the Overlay and Fixed Bar style).

    12. Improved Device Schedule Management with Additional Capabilities to Select All, Select Partial and Clear All
      The Device Schedule Management tab now offer some bulk schedule management capabilities to select all, select partial and clear selected. Visit the YuJa Support article for details:

    13. Improved Audio Waveform Generation to Reduce Visual Skewing When Using Browser and Screen Level Magnification
      In instances where a current browser or screen-level magnification exists on the user’s computer, the improved waveform rendering of the audio waveform, reduced instances where it appears unsynchronized with the absolute time-codes.

    14. Improved UI Responsiveness of Notification Tab’s Filtering for Narrow Viewports (Such as LMS Windows)
      The Admin Panel’s Notification tab now offers improved UI responsiveness in narrow viewports such as within LMS Windows. Visit the YuJa Support article for details:
    15. Downloading Media for Offline Use Now Routes through the Content Delivery Network (CDN)
      To improve both the speed of offline downloading, as well as compatibility with anti-virus software, content being downloaded for offline use will now route through the same Content Delivery Network (CDN) infrastructure used to perform live and on-demand video streaming.
  • November 14, 2020

    Enterprise Video Platform – Mid-Cycle Update RC20201113 Released to All Zones

    Canada Zone European Union Zone United States Zone YuJa Enterprise Video Platform

    We have successfully pushed a mid-cycle update to all instances residing in the United States, Canada, and the European Union. This release is focused on increased scalability and performance as we look to 2021 with the need to even further scale-up infrastructure.

    1. Improved Cloud-Side Performance of Device Monitoring within Admin Panel and Visual Analytics Suite

      With the increased load came a more definitive need to further optimize the Devices tab within the Admin Panel, as well as the Visual Analytics suite.

    2. Deployed Infrastructure to Move Static Asset Delivery to the Global Content Delivery Networks (Will Be Enabled Iteratively Within Video Platform Instances)

      To improve global performance of Video Platform static asset resource loading (images, CSS files, etc.), this has been moved off our AWS-side infrastructure and now will load via the Content Delivery Networks. This will reduce page load times, as well as reduce sever load. This functionality will be deployed iteratively through Q4 to customer instances.

    3. Resolved Rare Issues Which Could Stall Loading of Notifications Panel within the Admin Panel

      Deployed improvements to the Notifications tab that resolved rare issues which could cause the Notifications data to stall when being loaded.

    4. Added API for Hardware Hubs to Be Remotely Auto Started

      The original API call did not adequately address auto-starts to devices without Profile IDs. Now, an API is available to auto-start 2U and 1U Hardware Hubs.

  • October 31, 2020

    United States Instances – Enterprise Video Platform RC20201023 Released

    United States Zone YuJa Enterprise Video Platform

    We have successfully pushed an update to all instances residing in the United States. For a summary of the release, please refer to the corresponding tag for Canadian zones.

  • October 24, 2020

    Enterprise Video Platform – Update RC20201023 Released to Canadian and European Zones

    Canada Zone European Union Zone YuJa Enterprise Video Platform

    We have successfully pushed an update to all instances residing in the European Union and Canada. Next week, we will perform the same update to our United States-based zones. This release was primarily focused on 250+ internal scalability improvements, performance of key functionality, as well as fixes and product improvements.

    1. Improved Performance of Zoom Ingestion

      The Video Platform sub-systems responsible for performing Zoom ingestion has been bolstered to provide even more robust and scalable ingestion of Zoom recordings. Many of these capabilities will complement a soon-to-be-released product called YuJa Himalayas for Digital Archiving and eDiscovery aimed at helping organization better manage the onslaught of digital media in a more compliant, scalable and cost-effective manner.

    2. Data Management Tool Provides Ability to Export Matching Results as a CSV Table

      To provide better capabilities to review and archive potential content, the Data Management tool within the Admin panel now provides the ability to export the matching results table.

    3. Faster Generation Speed for Embed Codes and Video Links for Longer Videos

      Though link generation speed is relatively fast, we recognize that some users need the links nearly instantaneously. Now, the links are available within seconds of the video being uploaded.

    4. Improved Performance of Audit Logs (Notifications Tab) Data Loads

      With even mid-sized organizations routinely seeing hundreds-of-thousands of audit log entries, the Video Platform now offer a more robust and performant Notifications tab.

    5. Improved Load Time of Visual Analytics and Admin Panel with Ultra-Large Data Sets

      Refinements to the load time of summary statistical information within both the Visual Analytics and Admin Panel have been made. These improvements are most noticeable for customers processing large volumes of video data.

    6. Improved Summary Cards for Institution Storage Boxes with New Third-Party Storage Type

      New Storage Type Summary Cards provides a summary of the key storage types including a new storage type: Third-Party Imports. This new type summarizes the quantity of content being stored that arrived via an automated ingestion from a third-party systems such as Zoom.

    7. Performance and Throughput Improvements to Canvas API Module

      The Canvas API Sync module has been improved to perform higher throughput Canvas data synchronization. Additional capabilities include:

      • Improved compatibility with Canvas API’s Enforce Scopes
      • Better integration with Canvas instances which do not perform archiving of historical course and user data
      • Faster data synchronization of new Canvas entity data

    8. Improved Video Quiz Gradebook Synchronization and Related Improvements

      Based on user feedback, the Video Platform now includes about 15+ fixes and improvements for better Gradebook synchronization and handling of edge-cases. We will continue to review user feedback to resolve additional concerns.