Category: YuJa Engage Student Response System

  • December 22, 2022

    YuJa Engage Student Response System – Update RC20221222 to US, CAN, and EU Zones

    Canada Zone European Union Zone United States Zone YuJa Engage Student Response System

    We have successfully pushed an update to all YuJa Engage Student Response System instances residing in the United States, Canada, and the European Union. This release provides our users with automatic sync for courses and user data as well as redesigns for our UI. 

    1. Enhanced UI for Student Response
      We have updated the UI to provide a more modern look for students and optimize how they view and interact with Polls and Surveys. Future updates will continue to enhance our UI for creators and IT managers.

    2. Automatically Sync LMS Course Data and Users
      In providing a more synchronous experience with our LTI integration, IT managers may enable automatic sync for course data and users. This will allow YuJa Engage to automatically update any changes to the course name, course code, and students enrolled in a course once the LTI link is accessed.

    3. Bug Fixes and Optimizations
      We have optimized the performance of YuJa Engage and made several bug fixes to improve the user experience. Highlighting some of these optimizations and fixes are:

      • Resolved an issue that prevented images from appearing on the Class Results page.
      • Limited the pagination to ten when viewing polls, courses, and users.
      • Fixed issues for incorrect response count.
      • Resolved copy-and-paste issues. 
      • Minor UI changes to icons.
  • December 2, 2022

    YuJa Engage Student Response System – Update RC20221202 to US, CAN, and EU Zones

    Canada Zone European Union Zone United States Zone YuJa Engage Student Response System

    We have successfully pushed an update to all YuJa Engage Student Response System instances residing in the United States, Canada, and the European Union. This release provides our users with an improved Grade Book UI, live poll results for PowerPoint slides, and several optimizations and bug fixes.

    1. Live Poll Results for PowerPoint Slides
      We have updated our PowerPoint poll integration to provide instructors and students with instant feedback for polls and surveys. View live results during PowerPoint presentations to enhance the overall experience of class participation.
      PowerPoint poll slide featuring integrated poll results in PowerPoint.
    2. Improved Grade Book UI
      We have updated our Grade Book UI to provide instant access to poll questions and participants. Instructors may simply access their published polls, view questions, and analyze individual student responses.
      Grade Book features the user selecting a poll and viewing student responses and questions.
    3. Bug Fixes and Optimizations
      We have optimized the performance of YuJa Engage and made several bug fixes to improve the user experience. Highlighting some of these optimizations and fixes are:

      • Names entered for anonymous poll participants will now appear in the Grade Book.
      • Optimized backend LMS integration for Canvas and Blackboard Learn.
      • Poll codes for PowerPoint will now appear for each poll slide.
      • Fixed issues for missing question labels.
  • November 4, 2022

    YuJa Engage Student Response System – Update RC20221104 to US, CAN, and EU

    Canada Zone European Union Zone United States Zone YuJa Engage Student Response System

    We have successfully pushed an update to all YuJa Engage Student Response System instances residing in the United States, Canada, and the European Union. This release provides our users with Blackboard LTI 1.3 integration, new survey polls for non-graded questions, the ability for instructors to share an entire poll, as well as add images to their questions, and various performance optimizations and bug fixes.

    1. Blackboard Learn LTI 1.3 Integration
      This update will allow our users to integrate YuJa Engage into their Blackboard instance. Polls may be created and published directly to desired courses and viewed by admins, instructors, and students. Future updates will focus on providing Grade Book sync across all instances. For more information, please visit our support guide on Integrating YuJa Engage for Blackboard Learn.
      YuJa Engage is open within Blackboard and features the Create Poll page.
    2. New Survey Polls for Non-Graded Questions
      Instructors may now create and publish a survey to administer non-graded polls. These polls do not have correct answers and can provide insight into ideas and opinions students wish to express.
      The YuJa Engage Create Poll page featuring the new option to create an ungraded survey.
    3. Instructors Can Now Share Entire Polls
      We have added a new feature that will provide instructors and students with a more dynamic learning experience. In addition to being able to share individual questions throughout a lecture, instructors will now be able to share an entire poll with their students. Instructors may choose to use this feature as part of a mid-class structured assessment for their students to gauge student comprehension and boost engagement.
      The new Share Poll page UI featuring the option to set a time for an entire poll.
    4. Upload Images for Questions
      Poll creators may now add images to their questions. Future releases will allow creators to add images to possible answers.
      A multiple choice question with an inserted image into the question.
    5. Optimized Performance and Bug Fixes
      We have optimized the performance of YuJa Engage and made several bug fixes to improve the user experience. Highlighting some of these optimizations and fixes are:
      • Fixed an issue where poll results were not accurately displayed.
      • Resolved an issue where longer poll questions would not save.
      • The countdown timer is now synced for creators and viewers.
      • Resolved crash issues when pausing the poll.
      • Updated the UI text for viewers.
      • Fixed redirect links.
  • October 21, 2022

    YuJa Engage Student Response System – Update RC20221021 to US, CAN, and EU

    Canada Zone European Union Zone United States Zone YuJa Engage Student Response System

    We have successfully pushed an update to all YuJa Engage Student Response System instances residing in the United States, Canada, and the European Union. This update provides our users with the ability to Scan QR Codes to log-in, Progressive Web App support for iOS and Android devices, along with several performance optimizations and bug fixes.

    1. Scan QR Codes to Log In and Join Live Polls
      Students will now be able to log in and join live polls when scanning the QR code.YuJa Engage login page showing "Login & Join" button and the "Join Anonymously" button.
    2. Progressive Web App Support Enabling iOS and Android Device Support
      To provide users with quick access to Engage on their mobile devices, we have added support to implement YuJa Engage as a Progressive Web App. Download the web app through Safari or Chrome and access your account, join polls, and view results directly from your smartphone.
      YuJa Engage app icon.
    3. Optimized Performance and Bug Fixes
      We have optimized the performance of YuJa Engage and made several bug fixes to improve the user experience. Some improvements include enhancements made to the PowerPoint plugin, the login page, and the overall UI. Highlighting some of these optimizations and fixes are:

      • Resolved an issue that prevented poll result counts from showing in some cases.
      • Instructors will now be able to edit the title and description of a poll draft.
      • Class Results page will now be visible to those attempting the quiz as anonymous users.
      • Fixed an issue that prevented Bulk User uploads via CSV.
  • October 14, 2022

    YuJa Engage Student Response System – Update RC20221014 Released to US, CAN, and EU

    Canada Zone European Union Zone United States Zone YuJa Engage Student Response System

    We have successfully pushed an update to all YuJa Engage Student Response System instances residing in the United States, Canada, and the European Union. This is a new product, and this update provides our users with live polling and audience engagement capabilities, CSV file support for roster imports, and a Microsoft PowerPoint Ribbon add-in for Poll Integration.

    1. Student Response System for Understanding and Comprehension
      YuJa Engage offers an interactive course experience for students and instructors. With the goal of bringing an active learning environment to any course, the Student Response System (SRS) provides instructors the ability to create and publish live polls and view analytics for individual questions to gain a deep apprehension of student success. To learn more about our Student Response System, visit the YuJa Engage product page.
      A mouse cursor is shown, adding a new question. The mouse cursor moves to select the correct answer and publish the poll. A countdown begins, and the question is shown. An answer is selected and submitted. The user is congratulated for selecting the correct answer.
    2. CSV File Support for Bulk-User Import
      Courses may require a large number of users to be uploaded to the Manage Users panel. We now provide the option to have a CSV file of a list of users uploaded to the YuJa Engage platform. To learn how to create and upload import files, please visit our support guide on Creating a YuJa Engage CSV File. A list of managed users is shown. The list includes their Username, Role (as either IT Manager, Creator, or Viewer), First Name, Middle Name, Last Name, Email, Phone number, and the option to update or delete a user is shown for each individual.
    3. Microsoft PowerPoint Ribbon Add-On for Poll Integration
      The YuJa Engage plugin can be installed in the Microsoft PowerPoint ribbon to provide users with a more seamless Student Response System. The plugin will allow users to insert individual questions within their PowerPoint presentation and view the associated results. To learn how to install and use the plugin, please visit our support guide on Integrating the YuJa Engage Plugin with PowerPoint.
      The YuJa Engage plugin is shown within the Microsoft PowerPoint Ribbon. On the right-hand side of the image is the YuJa Engage panel. From here, users can select their poll and insert questions into their presentation.