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  • September 30, 2017

    Semi-Monthly Scheduled Release Successfully Deployed

    Added Fixed General Platform HTML5 Player Media Management SSO Video Classrooms Video Quizzes

    We have successfully pushed an update to all zones. This release includes:

    1. Ability to create “virtual edits” using the Sub Clip capability within the HTML5 Player. This enables Content Owners to send a video link that plays at a certain start point or sub-section without needing to use the Video Editor to create a new copy.
    2. Improved accessibility of HTML5 Player with new use of highlight color on the buttons, the ability to initiate the initial play action with only the keyboard, and the ability to incrementally control the volume bar with only the up-and-down keys.
    3. Improvements to IMS role mappings to ensure LTI mapping roles are preserved within a Course for TA and other non-student and instructor roles.
    4. UI improvements including improved thumbnail icon for videos and more consistent dialog format across the Platform.
    5. Ability to customize the name of your Login options. For example, if your institution calls your Single-Sign-On a institution-specific name, you can now use that in the Platform label.

    We also used this release to improve a total of 115 separate items across the Platform. Looking ahead to October and early November we will be introducing some key features including: Metadata Schema Management and Enforcement, new filtering tools for administrators to better track Accessibility Compliance across all video assets, brand new secure HTML5 Live Streaming Player, configurable Transcoding Profiles, an update to the YuJa Software Station for PC, and much more.

    Important Notes:

    1. We introduced a feature to set a customizable color for the Sliding Side Bar within the Platform. This also updated the rendering of the icon colors which your web browser may have cached. To see your new or customized color palette, please clear your browser cache.
    2. With the new ability to customize Platform Login options, Administrators will need to re-select their preferred Login method. We apologize for the oversight in setting the most likely default for institutions.
  • September 16, 2017

    Semi-Monthly Scheduled Release Successfully Deployed

    General Platform HTML5 Player Media Management SSO Video Classrooms

    We have successfully pushed an update to all zones. This release includes:

    1. Probably the most noticeable is we made some cosmetic improvements to the look-and-feel with a more modern main menu, modern font-face and blue styling.
    2. Improved Media Extension improvements to D2L Brightspace and Moodle to bring them to parity with Canvas and Moodle, including: drag-and-drop upload, initiate capture, select media sub-folders, and more.
    3. Thumbnail preview for uploaded images
    4. Replace video capabilities which will replace video A with B.

    Since we had pushed back this release by a week, this semi-month release also includes 83 additional features and product improvements.

  • August 19, 2017

    Hotfix Applied to Video Classroom

    Video Classrooms

    To improve a narrow use-case which was causing some institutions issues with the Video Classrooms we pushed out a hotfix. A summary of the fix is provided below:

    #150115257 – Improved the UI responsiveness when a large number of users are marked as Owners and/or are interacting with the classroom UI elements heavily.

  • August 12, 2017

    Bi-Monthly Scheduled Release Successfully Deployed

    Media Management Software Station for Apple Software Station for PC SSO Video Classrooms Video Editor

    We have successfully pushed an update to all zones. This release includes:

    1. New branding elements to customize/hide channel names;
    2. Updates to both PC and Apple desktop captures to resolve some minor Single Sign On (SSO)
    3. Improved backend to the video editor for improved robustness in processing video edits. We will be further enhancing some of the visual capabilities in our September releases.
    4. New Blackboard Media Chooser Building Block (please request this from your Account Manager)
    5. Further improvements to the accessibility capabilities of the HTML5 Media Player
    6. New Sharing access type called Edit Access which provides essentially Full Access minus deletion rights to the user.
    7. Removal of the legacy JWPlayer and Flash-based media player which has been deprecated for the last 8 months.

    We also released over 50+ smaller improvements and enhancements.

  • July 29, 2017

    Bi-Monthly Scheduled Release Successfully Deployed

    Added Fixed General Platform HTML5 Player Improved Media Management Video Classrooms Video Quizzes

    We have successfully pushed an update to all zones. This release includes:

    1. Toggle capabilities for offline media download capabilities within the HTML5 Media Player;
    2. New Video Classroom capabilities for switching presentation sources;
    3. Resolution of some minor accessibility gaps within the HTML5 Media Player;
    4. Refined Polls & Quizzes user interface (we also pushed out an incremental set of capabilities that includes the ability to add a picture to a quiz question).

    In this release there were a total of 94 features, smaller improvements and fixes.

  • July 15, 2017

    Bi-Monthly Scheduled Release Successfully Deployed

    Fixed General Platform HTML5 Player Media Management Video Classrooms Video Quizzes

    We have successfully pushed an update to all zones. This release includes the introduction of configurable LMS-to-YuJa role mappings, new folder-level embedding and direct-linking capabilities to share a full media playlist, the ability to preview a linked-document right within the HTML5 Media Player, improvements to the Quizzes & Polls user interface, new settable roles and end-meeting workflows within the Video Classrooms. There are also 42 smaller features and fixes.

  • July 1, 2017

    Bi-Monthly Scheduled Release Successfully Deployed

    Fixed HTML5 Player Media Management SSO Update Video Classrooms Video Quizzes

    We have successfully pushed an update to all zones. This release includes a refined workflow within the Capture & Live Stream tab, improved performance and experience within the HTML5 Media Player, improvements to Video Classroom recording, and 67 other features and fixes. As a reminder, as previous indicated we sunsetted the Shared Files and Course Syllabus to better focus on the the capabilities most relevant to our customers.

  • May 5, 2017

    Bi-Monthly Scheduled Release Successfully Deployed

    HTML5 Player Improved Media Management Video Classrooms

    Per our bi-monthly release cycle, the YuJa Enterprise Video Platform has been updated with about 40 improvements and features. Major capabilities include new Video Classroom management tools for instructor-led training classes, refined HTML5 player capabilities, and new features within the Canvas Media Chooser including the ability to initiate captures directly from the Media Chooser extension.

  • April 22, 2017

    Bi-Monthly Update Released

    Added Media Management Update Video Classrooms Video Quizzes

    All production zones received a bi-monthly update which added over 150 new features and improvements including updated Video Classrooms, new Media Management capabilities, added capabilities within Visual Analytics, and general UI updates / enhancements.

  • March 29, 2017

    Unifying small and large group video classrooms

    Improved Video Classrooms

    For our release currently scheduled for release in all production zones on April 7th, 2017 we will move from to a unified model for Video Classrooms. This provides improved classroom management capabilities.