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  • February 1, 2019

    Update for YuJa Software Station for PC Available to US Zones

    Software Station for PC

    We have successfully pushed an updated YuJa Software Station for PC to all physical zones residing in the United States. A corresponding release will take place in the Canadian and European zones next week.

    1. Improved Media Recoverability for Recordings with Simultaneous Live Streaming
      We’ve built upon the media recovery algorithms transitioned to the Cloud previously by extending PC Capture media recoverability capability in situations of abnormal or improper termination to include recordings that are also being live streamed.
    2. Extended Delcom Button Support
      We extended the Delcom button support available on PC Captures to include improvements to the pause/resume status indicator. Further, we added a stop action initiated by pressing the button for 5 seconds.
    3. General Fixes and Minor Improvements
      We also added about a dozen fixes to various resolution detection, boundary cases, and error handling. Highlights of the fixes are noted below:

      #162774776 – PC Capture – Improved detection of screen resolutions for some unusual resolution sizes such as 3000×2000. Previously the detection would be short a few pixels.
      #162917978 – PC Capture – Resolved rare issue where a Windows scaling factor (such as 125%) could fail to be detected properly and used during resolution size calculation.
      #163135066 – PC Capture – Resolved issue where the application could crash when selecting a Media Channel when authenticating via LDAP.
      #163099963 – PC Capture – Improved error handling where a selected Profile contains a device that is not available or changed name.
      #163373527 – PC Capture – Added lower bound threshold for minimal screen capture area when using the Capture Area capability. Previously an extremely small capture area could result in the recording to fail to process properly.

  • January 22, 2019

    United States Zone – Semi-Monthly RC20190125 Released

    Added Fixed General Platform HTML5 Video Editor Software Station for PC Video Editor Video Quizzes

    We have successfully pushed an update to all physical zones residing in the United States. Please note that this release will be pushed to Canadian and European Union zones next week. This release includes over 75+ new features and improvements.

    1. Media Chooser for Canvas Extension Now Supports Video Quiz Insertion and Multi-Column Gradebook Integration
      We have implemented deeper native LMS-specific integration for Video Quizzes that expand upon the more limited LTI-based Gradebook integration (which we still support). The result is that users can create video quizzes, insert them virtually anywhere in the LMS and better track the results with multi-column gradebook integration. We’ve implemented it for all LMS’s, however we are releasing it officially in stages starting with Canvas, then Blackboard and finally D2L Brightspace and Moodle.

    2. Architectural Changes for Improved Bandwidth Tracking and Deeper Analytics
      The new Bandwidth tab now derive source data directly from the Platform’s Content Delivery Network (CDN) edge nodes. This enables more accurate, timely and detailed analytics data. Additionally, we added tools to gather better insights into bandwidth usage including:

      – Summary Cards providing breakdowns of overall usage, utilization within groups and split between videos and non-video assets
      – Ability to view bandwidth usage by group and by digital asset object
      – “Leaderboard” for bandwidth usage by Top Media and Top Groups

      Please keep in mind that this new sub-system will begin populating with data commencing tonight for all usage henceforth.

    3. Improved Device Scheduling Delegation Capabilities and Opt-Out Options
      To better serve organizations doing auto-scheduled recordings, we’ve introduced more structured workflows to delegate a schedule and provide opt-out options to delegated users. Administrators can delegate session opt-out to a given user who can then review and opt-out of sessions within their My Account -> Upcoming Recordings.

    4. Audio-Only Files Can Now Be Edited with the Video Editor
      The Video Editor’s editing capabilities have been extended to edit audio-only recordings and uploaded audio files.

    5. Ability to Edit-and-Replace-Existing Right Within the Video Editor
      To expedite edit-and-replace video editing workflows, we’ve introduced a new Replace Existing Video option directly integrated into the Save dialog of the Video Editor.

    6. We also implemented about 75 smaller improvements and fixes. Some of the highlights include:

      • Improved the Media Chooser LMS extension to dynamically update for any new recordings made directly from the Create Recording button. This enables click to record and then immediate LMS insertion without requiring a refresh or re-opening the Media Chooser.
      • Improved API integration with Delcom in-room visual integrator integration with Software Capture application including press-button pause/resume capability.
      • Implemented more useful zoom-in and zoom-out capabilities within the Video Editor. This is now easier to use for shorter video files
      • Timeline elements within the Video Editor are now clickable to make adjustments to their options and values.
  • July 20, 2018

    United States Zone – Update to YuJa Software Station for PC RC20180713 Released

    Software Station for PC United States Zones

    We have successfully pushed a new YuJa Software Station for PC to all physical zones residing in the United States. Please note that this release will be pushed to Canadian zones next week. This release is a maintenance release with one key new feature: Auto-Updating Device Preview.

    1. Auto-Updating Device Preview – The Software Capture for PC now offers the ability to setup full and auto-updating Device Preview capabilities (video, audio and status) within the Devices tab of the Admin Panel. This enhanced room monitoring of active recordings. While the product documentation is being updated with this new capabilities, we provided a stop-gap guide on how to enable this capabilities (see below):
    2. Improved Error Handling When Source Unavailable – If a pre-selected source is unavailable, the software will now attempt to initiate a recording with the remaining available sources.
    3. Resolved issue on Windows Machines with Brazilian Localization – Resolved an issue where a PC running a Brazilian instance of Windows could fail to upload a software capture.

      We also resolved some minor and rare issues which could occur when initiating the Screen and A/V encoders and auto-recovery if a XML configuration file is corrupted.

  • February 17, 2018

    Update for YuJa Software Station for Apple and PC Now Available to All Zones

    Software Station for Apple Software Station for PC

    We have successfully pushed a version update to both the YuJa Software Station for Apple, as well as PC, to all zones. This release includes:

    Software Station for PC

    1. Room Preview of Active Captures within Devices Tab – Install the latest PC Capture binaries to be able to see periodic previews of active room recordings within the Admin Panel –> Devices tab.
    2. Watch Point Support for M4V File types – The Watch Point capability now supports the ability to ingest multi-stream and single-stream M4V files.
    3. Product Fixes – Small bug fixes including resolution of a rare issue that could cause large log files to be generated.

    Software Station for Apple

    1. Room Preview of Active Captures within Devices Tab – Install the latest Apple Capture binaries to be able to see periodic previews of active room recordings within the Admin Panel –> Devices tab.
    2. Preview Mini-Bar for Pause and Stop – A very popular PC Capture feature is now available on Apple to manage active captures efficiently.
    3. Product Fixes – Small bug fixes including resolution of a rare desktop capture corruption issue, as well as some general stability improvements.

    Please note that this release will alter our semi-monthly release schedule slightly. We anticipate our next semi-monthly release to be March 2nd, 2018.

  • January 20, 2018

    Canadian and United Zones – Release RC20180119 – Minor Updates

    Canadian Zones General Platform Software Station for Apple Software Station for PC United States Zones

    This release resolves three issues that affected customers:

    1. Platform – Resolved issue with AST CaptionSync caption requests not being sent correctly in some cases.
    2. Software Station for PC – Resolved issue that occurs on PCs with extremely slow start-ups times (> 5 minutes) which could result in Windows Services failing to start. Software Station now can perform a delayed service start-up.
    3. Software Station for Apple – Clarified minimum installation requirements of YuJa Software Station for Apple. Now attempting to run the application will provide a clear error dialog indicating that MacOSX Version 10.10 (Yosemite) is required.
  • December 13, 2017

    Minor Version Update for YuJa Software Station for PC

    Software Station for PC

    We have successfully pushed a new minor version update to the YuJa Software Station to all zones. This release includes:

    1. Added the ability to select the Media Library folder as a Save location
    2. Optimized recording UI smoothness
    3. Added support for Datapath capture cards including detection of situations where the sampling and encoding rates are exceeded.
    4. Added permission checking to Watch Point when specifying a folder.
    5. Fixed issue with DPI scaling for certain desktop display and OS versions
  • November 4, 2017

    Semi-Monthly Scheduled Release Successfully Deployed

    Android App General Platform HTML5 Player Media Management Software Station for PC Update

    We have successfully pushed an update to all zones. This release includes:

    1. Improved Hardware Hub firmware which includes support for SDI and HDMI embedded audio within HLS-based Live Streaming, support for Hardware Appliance-based OCR meta-layer creation, and improved error and alert reporting. To receive this firmware update, please contact your Account Manager to receive an update appointment.
    2. New System Alert tab within the Admin Panel that enables Administrators to send custom email notices to users of the Platform within their organization including – but not limited to – internal policy changes, notices of newly available media relevant to all users, upcoming user training sessions, etc.
    3. Minor version update of the Software Capture for PC including general availability for screen region capture, improved behavior when the desktop icon is clicked on during an active capture, and more. We will be releasing another minor application update with some additional capabilities in a few weeks.
    4. General availability of Recycle Bin capability with an Admin-configurable retention period. The organization’s Administrators can establish a retention period (default is 30 days) for all users. All deleted media automatically goes to the user’s Recycle Bin (underneath their My Account) where it be self-recovered prior to the retention period.

    We also added about 65+ additional smaller features and improvements such as new third-party captioning vendor support, minor update to the Android app to support uploading locally stored photos and videos, and more.

    To take advantage of these new capabilities, you may need to clear your browser cache.

  • August 12, 2017

    Bi-Monthly Scheduled Release Successfully Deployed

    Media Management Software Station for Apple Software Station for PC SSO Video Classrooms Video Editor

    We have successfully pushed an update to all zones. This release includes:

    1. New branding elements to customize/hide channel names;
    2. Updates to both PC and Apple desktop captures to resolve some minor Single Sign On (SSO)
    3. Improved backend to the video editor for improved robustness in processing video edits. We will be further enhancing some of the visual capabilities in our September releases.
    4. New Blackboard Media Chooser Building Block (please request this from your Account Manager)
    5. Further improvements to the accessibility capabilities of the HTML5 Media Player
    6. New Sharing access type called Edit Access which provides essentially Full Access minus deletion rights to the user.
    7. Removal of the legacy JWPlayer and Flash-based media player which has been deprecated for the last 8 months.

    We also released over 50+ smaller improvements and enhancements.

  • July 11, 2017

    New YuJa Software Station for PC Version Released

    Software Station for PC

    We have released a new version of the YuJa Software Station for PC which includes an improved user interface, easier to configure (and configuration free!) capture profiles, as well as a mini-bar for Stop and Pause that is docked in the lower right of the screen. We will be providing a more extensive review of these new capabilities with our August newsletter.