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  • June 26, 2021

    Enterprise Video Platform – Update RC20210618 Released to US Zone

    Analytics Enterprise Video Platform General Platform Himalayas HTML5 Player Live Streaming Media Management Media Player SSO United States Zones Video Quizzes

    We have successfully pushed an update to all instances residing in the United States. For a summary of the release, please refer to the corresponding tag for the most recent Canadian and EU zones release.

  • June 19, 2021

    Enterprise Video Platform – Update RC20210618 Released to EU and CA Zone

    Analytics Canadian Zones Enterprise Video Platform European Union Zones General Platform HTML5 Player Live Streaming Media Management Media Player SSO Video Quizzes

    We have successfully pushed an update to all instances residing in the European Union and Canada. Next week, we will perform the same update to United States-based instances.

    1. New Storage Management Capabilities Including Download Archive and Additional Policy Rules
      With more users creating content and storing media assets on the Video Platform, storage management is a priority concern for many organizations. We’ve introduced new tools to our Data Management toolset to help Administrators identify archivable media content and manage their ever growing storage. Click here to learn more about data archiving.

      • We’ve added two new features to the Data Management toolset found under the Admin Panel. Administrators can add Bulk Tags to matching media content, and a Download Zip capability for selected media.
      • New Rules (matching criteria) can be added within the Policy Editor to identify content by Role Type and Content Type. For example, an Administrator could use these rules to easily identify Exam Proctoring Sessions created by Students that should be archived to free storage.
      • More detailed audit tracking gives organizations transparency into archival events, making it easier for them to monitor the archive folder generation and total amount of storage archived.
    2. Advanced Transcode Management and Admin Bitrate Selection Capabilities
      Content Owners and Administrators can now manage the available transcodes within a video. This including adding specific transcodes for a particular resolution and bitrate, as well as removing an existing transcode. Transcodes provide alternative variants to provide more customizable adaptive bitrate capabilities settings but do occupy additional storage space. Click here to learn more about managing transcodes on a per-video basis.
    3. Advanced Transcode Management Custom Video Qualities Capabilities within Admin Panel
      Administrators can now select which transcode qualities they wish to make available to specific roles. For example, Admins could provide the ability for Content Owners to generate a 480p adaptive bitrate transcode, however permit themselves to generate 2160p transcodes. Click here to learn more about managing transcode generation.
    4. Microsoft Teams Enterprise Connector
      Complementing our Zoom and Webex Video Conferencing Enterprise Connectors, we now offer a Microsoft Teams Enterprise Connector. This provides the ability to automatically or manually ingest Microsoft Teams video conference recordings. Click here to learn more about our Microsoft Teams connector.
    5. Itemized Storage Report
      The Itemized Storage Report is a downloadable report that provides storage metrics for all media content accessible in the Video Platform including the Title, Owner, Date of the Upload, Size, and number of Views. Click here to learn more about the storage analytic reporting.
    6. Bulk Download Support for Multi-Stream Content
      Before, multi-stream video content could only be Bulk Downloaded as separate files which produced separate MP4 files for each stream. Now, users can Bulk Download multi-stream content as a single file allowing all available streams to merge into a single MP4. Click here to learn more about Bulk Downloading media content.
    7. Ingested RTMP Streams Can Be Recorded, Stream with Adaptive Bitrate Streaming and Use the Live Chat Capability
      RTMP-ingested streams can now be recorded by the Video Platform, as well as utilize the same adaptive bitrate streaming infrastructure previously deployed for live streams originating from YuJa Software Capture and Hardware Hub-originating live streams. The Live Chat capability has now been extended to RTMP-originating streams. The resulting recording can also be assigned a session owner, saved to a specific Media Collection, and optionally published to a particular location. Click here to learn more about about RTMP Live Streaming in the Video Platform.
    8. RTMP-Based Events Now Offer a Stream Preview Capability to Monitor the Event
      To enable Event Services teams to better manage RTMP-based Live Stream Events, the Video Platform now offers the ability to preview an active stream and monitor the outgoing audience feed. Click here to learn more about about RTMP Live Streaming in the Video Platform.
    9. RTMP-Based Live Stream Real-Time Event Statistics
      Live stream events, including RTMP-originating events, now offer real-time event statistics including the total number of viewers, active viewers, attendance length, as well as geo-location information on attendees. Future releases will deepen the available statistics, as well as introduce new data visualizations. Click here to learn more about RTMP Live Stream statistics.
    10. New Video Quiz Delivery Options Including “View After Submission” and “Permit Student Resubmission”
      Video Quizzes now support two additional settings available to Video Quiz creators. Instructors can specify if Students should be allowed to resubmit their answers after submission or if a Student can continue to access the video of a Video Quiz after the quiz’s Close Date. Click here to learn more about advanced Video Quiz settings.
    11. Redesigned Gradebook Analytics with Color-Coded, Single Pane Results View
      With a cleaner UI and a list of new features, we’ve given the YuJa Gradebook a whole new look-and-feel to provide an at-a-glance look for Instructors as they monitor their Students comprehension of course content. Instructors can grade each of their students’ Video Quiz short answer responses in a single click, view all attempts, the scores received and the answers selected. Click here to learn more about Video Quizzes and the Gradebook.
    12. Improvements to Keyboard Level Accessibility with Platform-Level Highlight Selection on All Keyboard Navigations
      As part of an initiative to deepen the accessibility capabilities of the Video Platform, we have introduced both improved the keyboard navigation visual element, refined the screen-reader support, and transitioned some UI panels into a more Universal Design. Over the coming quarters, we will continue to broaden and improve additional UI screens.
    13. XML Scheduling Upload Now Provides Collection-Level Specification Capabilities
      As more and more organizations move to remote scheduling for classroom lecture capture, we’ve made bulk scheduling even easier. Administrators can bulk schedule lecture capture sessions through the Devices page under the Admin Panel using an XML and can now specify the location to save the recording. Click here to learn more about uploading an XML schedule for automated recording.
    14. Added 10 New Auto-Captioning Languages including Finnish
      As YuJa continues to expands internationally, our user base has become increasingly diverse and English is no longer the only primary language spoken by Video Platform users. We’ve added 10+ new languages to our AI auto-caption toolset to support organizations including Finnish, Farsi, Danish, Hungarian, Indonesian, Norwegian, Polish, Romanian, Swedish, and Traditional Mandarin. Click here to learn more about requesting auto-captions on a per-video basis.
    15. Transcript Downloading from within the Media Player
      With our initiative to improve digital accessibility for all users, we’ve added the ability to download the video transcript directly though the Media Player’s Sidebar so viewers who are watching an embedded video can download the transcript. Click here to learn more about downloading resources through the Video Platform Media Player.
    16. Prioritizing Proctor Session Initiation for Students Enrolled in Proctored Courses
      We know that students can make mistakes when trying to initiate a proctoring session on their device so we’ve made it easier to launch the tool by prioritizing proctor sessions for students when they click Create Recording. Students are now less likely to accidentally create a standalone recording instead of a proctoring session. Click here to learn more about enabling prioritization of proctoring sessions for students.
    17. Customizable Terms and Conditions Prompt for New Video Platform Users
      Video Platform security and transparency has always been our top concern. Organizations can now require all users to accept their organization’s custom Terms and Conditions before accessing the Video Platform for the very first time through their LMS or SSO. This ensure that user information isn’t passed from the LMS or SSO into the Video Platform until the student accepts the Terms and Conditions. Click here to learn more about enabling this feature for your Organization’s Zone.
    18. Class Media Channel Email Invitations
      Administrators can now control how users join a Class Media Channel through their email invitation by enabling or disabling different log in methods including SSO credentials, Video Platform credentials or even creating a new account. Click here to learn more about configuring Class Media Channel invitation options.
    19. New API to Obtain Audit Log Entries, Video Search Capabilities, and Per-User Schedule Retrieval
      The REST API now offers additional APIs to extract audit log entries, perform additional video operations such as video search, and retrieve auto-scheduled sessions on a per-user basis. These APIs will also be used by third-party video quiz partners to enable them to utilize YuJa-hosted videos for quiz creation. Click here to learn more about the available REST APIs in the Video Platform.
    20. Full Platform Localization Project Complete, including Support for French
      Our multi-quarter full Video Platform localization project is now complete with fully instrumented Globalization. This will enable seamless introduction of new Language Packs in the future. This release, we have completed the availability of our French Language Pack. Click here to learn more about changing your account’s preferred language. Note: We currently have our Test Engineers performing even more thorough sweeps of all tool-tips and older features to make sure we fully localized the UI. If you notice anything that isn’t localized, please let us know.
    21. General Availability of Multiple Single Sign On Enterprise Connectors for a Single Video Platform Instance
      The Video Platform now supports up to 2 SAML and 2 CAS vendors for a single Zone allowing institutions with multiple SSO vendors to provide an seamless login experience to all Video Platform users.
    22. Browser Capture Studio Now Offers an On-Demand Upload Capability to Support More Restrictive Firewall Settings
      With an improved network framework for Browser Capture, users using the online recording tool have a more consistent experience that improves upload response times on local networks running firewalls. Click here to learn more about using Browser Capture.
  • September 30, 2017

    Semi-Monthly Scheduled Release Successfully Deployed

    Added Fixed General Platform HTML5 Player Media Management SSO Video Classrooms Video Quizzes

    We have successfully pushed an update to all zones. This release includes:

    1. Ability to create “virtual edits” using the Sub Clip capability within the HTML5 Player. This enables Content Owners to send a video link that plays at a certain start point or sub-section without needing to use the Video Editor to create a new copy.
    2. Improved accessibility of HTML5 Player with new use of highlight color on the buttons, the ability to initiate the initial play action with only the keyboard, and the ability to incrementally control the volume bar with only the up-and-down keys.
    3. Improvements to IMS role mappings to ensure LTI mapping roles are preserved within a Course for TA and other non-student and instructor roles.
    4. UI improvements including improved thumbnail icon for videos and more consistent dialog format across the Platform.
    5. Ability to customize the name of your Login options. For example, if your institution calls your Single-Sign-On a institution-specific name, you can now use that in the Platform label.

    We also used this release to improve a total of 115 separate items across the Platform. Looking ahead to October and early November we will be introducing some key features including: Metadata Schema Management and Enforcement, new filtering tools for administrators to better track Accessibility Compliance across all video assets, brand new secure HTML5 Live Streaming Player, configurable Transcoding Profiles, an update to the YuJa Software Station for PC, and much more.

    Important Notes:

    1. We introduced a feature to set a customizable color for the Sliding Side Bar within the Platform. This also updated the rendering of the icon colors which your web browser may have cached. To see your new or customized color palette, please clear your browser cache.
    2. With the new ability to customize Platform Login options, Administrators will need to re-select their preferred Login method. We apologize for the oversight in setting the most likely default for institutions.
  • September 16, 2017

    Semi-Monthly Scheduled Release Successfully Deployed

    General Platform HTML5 Player Media Management SSO Video Classrooms

    We have successfully pushed an update to all zones. This release includes:

    1. Probably the most noticeable is we made some cosmetic improvements to the look-and-feel with a more modern main menu, modern font-face and blue styling.
    2. Improved Media Extension improvements to D2L Brightspace and Moodle to bring them to parity with Canvas and Moodle, including: drag-and-drop upload, initiate capture, select media sub-folders, and more.
    3. Thumbnail preview for uploaded images
    4. Replace video capabilities which will replace video A with B.

    Since we had pushed back this release by a week, this semi-month release also includes 83 additional features and product improvements.

  • August 12, 2017

    Bi-Monthly Scheduled Release Successfully Deployed

    Media Management Software Station for Apple Software Station for PC SSO Video Classrooms Video Editor

    We have successfully pushed an update to all zones. This release includes:

    1. New branding elements to customize/hide channel names;
    2. Updates to both PC and Apple desktop captures to resolve some minor Single Sign On (SSO)
    3. Improved backend to the video editor for improved robustness in processing video edits. We will be further enhancing some of the visual capabilities in our September releases.
    4. New Blackboard Media Chooser Building Block (please request this from your Account Manager)
    5. Further improvements to the accessibility capabilities of the HTML5 Media Player
    6. New Sharing access type called Edit Access which provides essentially Full Access minus deletion rights to the user.
    7. Removal of the legacy JWPlayer and Flash-based media player which has been deprecated for the last 8 months.

    We also released over 50+ smaller improvements and enhancements.

  • July 1, 2017

    Bi-Monthly Scheduled Release Successfully Deployed

    Fixed HTML5 Player Media Management SSO Update Video Classrooms Video Quizzes

    We have successfully pushed an update to all zones. This release includes a refined workflow within the Capture & Live Stream tab, improved performance and experience within the HTML5 Media Player, improvements to Video Classroom recording, and 67 other features and fixes. As a reminder, as previous indicated we sunsetted the Shared Files and Course Syllabus to better focus on the the capabilities most relevant to our customers.