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  • November 27, 2021

    Enterprise Video Platform – Update 20211126 Released to US, CAN, and EU Zones

    Canadian Zones Enterprise Video Platform European Union Zones General Platform Live Streaming Media Management Media Player Video Quizzes

    We have successfully pushed an update to all instances residing in the United States, Canada and the European Union. This update provides new quiz capabilities, new enterprise connectors to third-party hardware, as well as 150+ smaller bug fixes and updates.

    1. Video Quizzes Now Offer the Ability to Assign LMS Gradebook Credit Based on Percentage Watched
      In addition to assigning credit based on Percentage Watched Threshold, users now have the ability to give credit to students based on the percentage of the video they watched. For example, if a student has watched 50% of the assigned video, they will receive a credit of 0.5 points. This Playback Quiz can also be enabled via the Video Quiz Editor. Click here to learn more about how to create a Playback Quiz.
    2. Ability for Users to take Video Quiz in External View
      In addition to standard view, students will now have the option to take their Video Quizzes in External View.  This allows students to fully utilize the space on their device to create an optimal viewing experience.
    3. Refreshed Admin Panel Platform Tab with Unified Preferences, Settings, Metadata, API and System Alerts Sub-tabs
      This update reduces the numbers of tabs in the Admin Panel and simplifies the organization, layout and usability of many of the configurations. Click here  to learn more about the Admin Panel’s Platform tab.
    4. Refreshed Roster Tab with New Summary Cards and Filtering Options 
      Administrators now have the ability to filter and identify users that match specific criteria. This update will now allow users to generate quick search results as opposed to manually searching for their desired results. Click here to learn more about the Admin Panel’s Roster Tab.
    5. Ability to Redo Actions in the Video Editor 
      Users will now be able to perform a redo of their last action in the Video Editor. This allows users to easily retrieve their edit as opposed to recreating it. Click here to learn more about using Redo in the Video Editor.
    6. The Media Chooser Now Offers Expanded Display of Filter Options
      This update entails displaying filter options in a horizontal window for easier navigation and selection. This feature aims to help power users, with a large quantity of diverse media, retrieve their desired content. Users can customize the filters to be as specific or general as they please, ranging from file types, including YouTube and Vimeo, to specific publication status, and location where stored.

    7. Ability to Generate Indexes Based on OCR
      Users will now be able to generate indexes based on OCR via the Accessibility tab in the Media Details panel. This will replace the previous feature which generated indexes based on the closed caption file, and based on our research creates better and more structured indexes. Better indexes allow students to easily navigate between topics within lengthy videos. Click here to learn more about how to generate indexes.
    8. Media Player Now Shows Video Next to Sidebar in Small Viewports (Instead of Overlay)
      To optimize the viewing experience of the Media Player for smaller windows, this update supports side-by-side viewing of the Media Player and Sidebar for users who have smaller device screens or prefer to view content in smaller windows.
    9. New Epiphan Enterprise Connector for Integration with Epiphan Capture Hardware
      With Epiphan Video’s Pearl integration with YuJa’s Video Platform, users will experience easy data management through automatic recordings and live-streaming of their scheduled and impromptu events. Upon completion, users’ recordings will be automatically uploaded into their YuJa media library. Click here to learn more about the Epiphan Enterprise Connector.
    10. New Matrox Enterprise Connector for Integration with Matrox Monarch LCS Capture Hardware 
      The Matrox hardware integration with YuJa’s Video Platform enables users to define their profiles and record video content using Matrox LCS devices. Built as a partnership with Matrox’s Product Management Team, this integration provides Matrox customers with the ability to use their Matrox hardware for classroom lecture capture use cases. Click here to learn more about the Matrox Monarch LCS Enterprise Connector.
    11. Ability to Disable YuJa Credential Login for Non-Admin Users
      For institutions that connect YuJa directly to an LMS and/or SSO, Administrators can now disable the YuJa Credentials direct login capability. Click here to learn more about choosing a default login method.
    12. Improved Live Stream Fault Tolerance with Repeated Pause/Resume Events and Improved Streaming of High Bitrate Content
      This update includes resolving minor bugs and issues to provide an enhanced livestream experience.
  • October 10, 2021

    Enterprise Video Platform – Update RC20211008 Released to CAN and EU Zone

    Analytics Browser Capture Canadian Zones Enterprise Video Platform European Union Zones General Platform Media Player Video Editor Video Quizzes

    We have successfully pushed an update to all instances residing in the European Union and Canada. Next week, we will perform the same update to United States-based instances.

      1. Redesigned Media Player Sidebar with Improved Visualizations
        The Video Platform’s Media Player now offers a redesigned experience for each of the metadata panels of the Media Player. This change was focused on optimizing the visibility and usability of each panel. Click here to learn more about the Media Player Sidebar.

        • The new Chapter Index panel

        • The new Optical Character Recognition (OCR) panel

        • The new Resources panel
      2. Live Stream Integration Directly into Media Channels
        To make it easier for students to join course-level Live Streams, a new integration within the Media Channels provides notification of active Live Streams to the course.
      3. Video Editor Now Provides the Ability to Insert Video from Your Existing Media Content
        Content Owners can insert existing media into a video stream from their My Media library without having to first upload the content (as was previously the case). Click here to learn more about Insert Video.
      4. Video Editor Now Supports Simultaneous Editing of Caption Files in Multiple Languages
        Content Owners can now context-switch and edit multiple Caption Files within a single editing session. Click here to learn more about editing caption files in multiple language.
      5. Video Editor Now Supports Find-and-Replace for Editing Captions
        Caption editors now have a quick find-and-replace workflow to make editing captions more efficient.
      6. Video Editor Performance Optimizations (EU and CA Zone) 
        The processing infrastructure used by the Video Editor in the EU and CA zone has been optimized using the same elastic edit-processing infrastructure utilized in the US zone. The result is faster editing of long videos.
      7. Gradebook-Aligned Video Completion Scoring 
        The Video Platform now offers an LMS Gradebook-aligned video completion scoring capability previously offered within the Techsmith Knowmia product. With this product being sunset, the ability to apply a grade based on a percentage-threshold watched was a heavily requested feature by former Knowmia customers. Click here to learn more about how to create a Playback Quiz.

      8. Support for Organization-Approved Pre-Roll and Post-Roll (Trailer) Videos
        Organizations can now upload approved Pre-Roll and Post-Roll video content that can then be utilized by Content Owners. The goal is to allow Organizations to more easily distribute brand and compliance-aligned pre-roll and post-rolls. Click here to learn more about using Video Bumpers.
      9. Support for Downloading Video Podcasts with “Burned In” Captions
        Content Owners and Administrators can now opt to download their video content with a “burned in” copy of the time-synchronized caption file. For videos with multiple associated caption files, users can select which caption file to “burn in”. Click here to learn more about obtaining burn-in captions within your downloaded videos.
      10. Create Auto-Scheduled Placeholder Recordings That Can Be Immediately Inserted Into Instructional Content
        Auto-schedule recordings can now create placeholder videos ahead of the actual event. These placeholder objects can be inserted similar to actual videos. Click here to learn more about creating a Placeholder Video.
      11. Browser Capture Now Provides the Ability to Download a Single Stream Podcast of the Newly Created Content
        Users now have an option to immediately download an offline podcast of their newly created multi-stream content. Previously within the Brower Capture Studio, multi-stream content had to be downloaded as separate streams. Please note, the most popular workflow of saving directly to My Media is not affected by this enhancement.
      12. New Device Management and Integration APIs
        In an effort to continue to expand the capabilities of our Hardware Capture appliance partners, we have continued to extend our APIs to provide additional device management and integration APIs. These include: the ability to programmatically register and unregister third-party hardware capture appliances, integration of Live Stream ingestion, recording pause and resume support, and more.
      13. Support for D2L Homepage Link to Video Platform
        D2L institutions can now add a link to the YuJa Enterprise Video Platform that is not contextually associated with a course. When the LTI link is followed, the Video Platform will present the user’s My Media content and is agnostic to any specific course view.
      14. Support for Moodle Media Chooser Insertion of a Direct Link When the LMS Strips the Embed Code 
        Institutions that use Moodle can now use the Media Chooser in scenarios where the Moodle LMS strips the inserted video link, such as within a Moodle Forum post of a student. Now this scenario is detected and a link is, instead, inserted.
      15. Support for Bulk Human Caption Operation 
        Human captioned-enabled users can now bulk-select multiple videos to send for human captioning.
      16. Improved the Loading Time of the User-Level Analytics View
        Optimized the retrieval and tabulation functions of this user-centric analytics view. Now this user-level view loads, in most cases, within a matter of seconds rather than over a minute.
      17. Optimized Loading Speed of Media Player When Embedding 5+ Videos in a Page
        Now embedded videos will load much more quickly as a result of a number of packaging, caching, and localization optimizations.
      18. Continued Work on Accessibility Improvements Across Video PlatformAs part of our continued efforts to deepen the accessibility of our offerings, we have focused this release on improved Tab Ordering. For example, the Video Editor’s Tab Order is more logical and intuitive than it was previously.
  • July 24, 2021

    Enterprise Video Platform – Update RC20210723 Released to All Zones

    Analytics Browser Capture Canadian Zones Enterprise Video Platform European Union Zones General Platform Media Player United States Zones

    We have successfully pushed an update to all instances residing in the US, European Union and Canada.

    1. A Brand New Browser Capture User Experience
      We redesigned the user experience of the Browser Capture to focus on a more intuitive interface, better control of source recording, and previewing of active sources. We also implemented 15+ stability and firewall traversal improvements. Reach out to your dedicated Customer Success Manager to learn how to enable Browser Capture for your Organization. We’ve got plenty more in store for the Browser Capture as we continue to enhance and extend this tool’s capabilities in future releases. Click here to learn more about Browser Capture.
    2. New Media Player Viewing Options for Multi-Stream Content
      User now have more flexible viewing options for multi-streamed content with the ability to hover over the multi-stream content in the Media Player to select from a Side-by-Side, Picture-in-Picture or Single Source view. Click here to learn more about configuring default settings for Multi-Stream viewing.
    3. Improved Media Player Accessibility with the Ability to Dynamically Move the Caption Bar
      Viewers can now dynamically move the caption bar around to suit their personal preferences. Click here to learn more about Media Player Accessibility tools.
    4. Better Messaging When Captions are Being Processed
      The “No Captions Available” when ASR-based captions are being generated has been replaced with the message “Captions are being processed and should be available soon.”. Further, when no captions are pending, a more prescriptive message of “No captions available. To request captions, please contact the Video Owner.” shows. Click here to learn more about Media Player Accessibility tools.
    5. Media Detail Advanced Capabilities Tucked Under “More Options”
      As the Video Platform expands, we’re constantly adding new features under the Media Details panel. We didn’t want to overwhelm the novice user and as such, we’ve tucked away advanced media tools under More Options.
    6. Editable Embed Code for Advanced Configurations
      We’ve added the ability to edit a video’s Embed Code elements to give power users more control over embed code behavior. Click here to learn more about editing a video’s embed code.
    7. Quick-Click for Direct Links and Embed Codes
      Copy a direct link or embed code in a single click using the new Copy button now available for all media content. Click here to learn more about sharing content using a Direct Link or Embed Code.
    8. Improved Publish Dialog Layout for Smaller Screens
      We’ve made changes to the Publish dialog to optimize the space for smaller viewports. Click here to learn more about publishing media in the Video Platform.
    9. Ability to Manage Video Quiz Open and Close Dates within the Media Chooser
      We’re continuing to improve our Video Quiz tools for Instructors who post video quizzes directly within their LMS. Now, Instructors can set the Video Quiz’s Open and Close dates directly within the Media Chooser. Click here to learn more about Video Quizzes.
    10. Additional Security for the Zoom Enterprise Connector
      A new Verification Code is now required when changing the email address associated with a Video Platform account. This was done to ensure that Zoom-mapped accounts are mapped securely to the correct Video Platform account.
    11. New Bulk Actions Options for Bulk Security
      Set the security of a group of videos from Private to Public, or enable Portal Authentication at the same time using our new Bulk Security feature. Content Owners managing large media collections can now set video security in bulk. Click here to learn more about Bulk Media Management options.
    12. Improved the Accessibility and Navigability of Charts and Graphs
      In our drive to improve digital accessibility for all users, we’ve added additional screen reader support for graphs and charts in the Video Platform which includes adding data tables to complement graphical chart elements.
    13. 24/7 RTMP Live Streaming
      We’ve more formally added 24/7 RTMP Live Streaming as we previously deprecated this capability only to release the ever-growing use cases our users had for 24/7 live streaming of content. Administrators can now start a non-recorded 24/7 RTMP Live Stream that can be used for permanent digital signage. Click here to learn more about RTMP Live Streaming.
    14. Archiving Notifications
      New archiving notifications alert users when their content has been archived by their Administrators. As organizations ramp up archiving media content using YuJa Himalayas, we will continue to roll out new Video Platform notification capabilities.
    15. Zoom Metadata
      New Zoom metadata like the Zoom Meeting ID, Name of the Organizer and List of Participants makes it easier for Content Creators and Administrators to search for Zoom recordings imported automatically using the Zoom Connector. Click here to learn more about the Zoom Connector.
    16. Additional Third-Party Hardware Integration APIs
      Added improved Device API error handling and new API to retrieve Device Status and Audit Logs. Click here to learn more about available Video Platform APIs.
  • June 26, 2021

    Enterprise Video Platform – Update RC20210618 Released to US Zone

    Analytics Enterprise Video Platform General Platform Himalayas HTML5 Player Live Streaming Media Management Media Player SSO United States Zones Video Quizzes

    We have successfully pushed an update to all instances residing in the United States. For a summary of the release, please refer to the corresponding tag for the most recent Canadian and EU zones release.

  • June 19, 2021

    Enterprise Video Platform – Update RC20210618 Released to EU and CA Zone

    Analytics Canadian Zones Enterprise Video Platform European Union Zones General Platform HTML5 Player Live Streaming Media Management Media Player SSO Video Quizzes

    We have successfully pushed an update to all instances residing in the European Union and Canada. Next week, we will perform the same update to United States-based instances.

    1. New Storage Management Capabilities Including Download Archive and Additional Policy Rules
      With more users creating content and storing media assets on the Video Platform, storage management is a priority concern for many organizations. We’ve introduced new tools to our Data Management toolset to help Administrators identify archivable media content and manage their ever growing storage. Click here to learn more about data archiving.

      • We’ve added two new features to the Data Management toolset found under the Admin Panel. Administrators can add Bulk Tags to matching media content, and a Download Zip capability for selected media.
      • New Rules (matching criteria) can be added within the Policy Editor to identify content by Role Type and Content Type. For example, an Administrator could use these rules to easily identify Exam Proctoring Sessions created by Students that should be archived to free storage.
      • More detailed audit tracking gives organizations transparency into archival events, making it easier for them to monitor the archive folder generation and total amount of storage archived.
    2. Advanced Transcode Management and Admin Bitrate Selection Capabilities
      Content Owners and Administrators can now manage the available transcodes within a video. This including adding specific transcodes for a particular resolution and bitrate, as well as removing an existing transcode. Transcodes provide alternative variants to provide more customizable adaptive bitrate capabilities settings but do occupy additional storage space. Click here to learn more about managing transcodes on a per-video basis.
    3. Advanced Transcode Management Custom Video Qualities Capabilities within Admin Panel
      Administrators can now select which transcode qualities they wish to make available to specific roles. For example, Admins could provide the ability for Content Owners to generate a 480p adaptive bitrate transcode, however permit themselves to generate 2160p transcodes. Click here to learn more about managing transcode generation.
    4. Microsoft Teams Enterprise Connector
      Complementing our Zoom and Webex Video Conferencing Enterprise Connectors, we now offer a Microsoft Teams Enterprise Connector. This provides the ability to automatically or manually ingest Microsoft Teams video conference recordings. Click here to learn more about our Microsoft Teams connector.
    5. Itemized Storage Report
      The Itemized Storage Report is a downloadable report that provides storage metrics for all media content accessible in the Video Platform including the Title, Owner, Date of the Upload, Size, and number of Views. Click here to learn more about the storage analytic reporting.
    6. Bulk Download Support for Multi-Stream Content
      Before, multi-stream video content could only be Bulk Downloaded as separate files which produced separate MP4 files for each stream. Now, users can Bulk Download multi-stream content as a single file allowing all available streams to merge into a single MP4. Click here to learn more about Bulk Downloading media content.
    7. Ingested RTMP Streams Can Be Recorded, Stream with Adaptive Bitrate Streaming and Use the Live Chat Capability
      RTMP-ingested streams can now be recorded by the Video Platform, as well as utilize the same adaptive bitrate streaming infrastructure previously deployed for live streams originating from YuJa Software Capture and Hardware Hub-originating live streams. The Live Chat capability has now been extended to RTMP-originating streams. The resulting recording can also be assigned a session owner, saved to a specific Media Collection, and optionally published to a particular location. Click here to learn more about about RTMP Live Streaming in the Video Platform.
    8. RTMP-Based Events Now Offer a Stream Preview Capability to Monitor the Event
      To enable Event Services teams to better manage RTMP-based Live Stream Events, the Video Platform now offers the ability to preview an active stream and monitor the outgoing audience feed. Click here to learn more about about RTMP Live Streaming in the Video Platform.
    9. RTMP-Based Live Stream Real-Time Event Statistics
      Live stream events, including RTMP-originating events, now offer real-time event statistics including the total number of viewers, active viewers, attendance length, as well as geo-location information on attendees. Future releases will deepen the available statistics, as well as introduce new data visualizations. Click here to learn more about RTMP Live Stream statistics.
    10. New Video Quiz Delivery Options Including “View After Submission” and “Permit Student Resubmission”
      Video Quizzes now support two additional settings available to Video Quiz creators. Instructors can specify if Students should be allowed to resubmit their answers after submission or if a Student can continue to access the video of a Video Quiz after the quiz’s Close Date. Click here to learn more about advanced Video Quiz settings.
    11. Redesigned Gradebook Analytics with Color-Coded, Single Pane Results View
      With a cleaner UI and a list of new features, we’ve given the YuJa Gradebook a whole new look-and-feel to provide an at-a-glance look for Instructors as they monitor their Students comprehension of course content. Instructors can grade each of their students’ Video Quiz short answer responses in a single click, view all attempts, the scores received and the answers selected. Click here to learn more about Video Quizzes and the Gradebook.
    12. Improvements to Keyboard Level Accessibility with Platform-Level Highlight Selection on All Keyboard Navigations
      As part of an initiative to deepen the accessibility capabilities of the Video Platform, we have introduced both improved the keyboard navigation visual element, refined the screen-reader support, and transitioned some UI panels into a more Universal Design. Over the coming quarters, we will continue to broaden and improve additional UI screens.
    13. XML Scheduling Upload Now Provides Collection-Level Specification Capabilities
      As more and more organizations move to remote scheduling for classroom lecture capture, we’ve made bulk scheduling even easier. Administrators can bulk schedule lecture capture sessions through the Devices page under the Admin Panel using an XML and can now specify the location to save the recording. Click here to learn more about uploading an XML schedule for automated recording.
    14. Added 10 New Auto-Captioning Languages including Finnish
      As YuJa continues to expands internationally, our user base has become increasingly diverse and English is no longer the only primary language spoken by Video Platform users. We’ve added 10+ new languages to our AI auto-caption toolset to support organizations including Finnish, Farsi, Danish, Hungarian, Indonesian, Norwegian, Polish, Romanian, Swedish, and Traditional Mandarin. Click here to learn more about requesting auto-captions on a per-video basis.
    15. Transcript Downloading from within the Media Player
      With our initiative to improve digital accessibility for all users, we’ve added the ability to download the video transcript directly though the Media Player’s Sidebar so viewers who are watching an embedded video can download the transcript. Click here to learn more about downloading resources through the Video Platform Media Player.
    16. Prioritizing Proctor Session Initiation for Students Enrolled in Proctored Courses
      We know that students can make mistakes when trying to initiate a proctoring session on their device so we’ve made it easier to launch the tool by prioritizing proctor sessions for students when they click Create Recording. Students are now less likely to accidentally create a standalone recording instead of a proctoring session. Click here to learn more about enabling prioritization of proctoring sessions for students.
    17. Customizable Terms and Conditions Prompt for New Video Platform Users
      Video Platform security and transparency has always been our top concern. Organizations can now require all users to accept their organization’s custom Terms and Conditions before accessing the Video Platform for the very first time through their LMS or SSO. This ensure that user information isn’t passed from the LMS or SSO into the Video Platform until the student accepts the Terms and Conditions. Click here to learn more about enabling this feature for your Organization’s Zone.
    18. Class Media Channel Email Invitations
      Administrators can now control how users join a Class Media Channel through their email invitation by enabling or disabling different log in methods including SSO credentials, Video Platform credentials or even creating a new account. Click here to learn more about configuring Class Media Channel invitation options.
    19. New API to Obtain Audit Log Entries, Video Search Capabilities, and Per-User Schedule Retrieval
      The REST API now offers additional APIs to extract audit log entries, perform additional video operations such as video search, and retrieve auto-scheduled sessions on a per-user basis. These APIs will also be used by third-party video quiz partners to enable them to utilize YuJa-hosted videos for quiz creation. Click here to learn more about the available REST APIs in the Video Platform.
    20. Full Platform Localization Project Complete, including Support for French
      Our multi-quarter full Video Platform localization project is now complete with fully instrumented Globalization. This will enable seamless introduction of new Language Packs in the future. This release, we have completed the availability of our French Language Pack. Click here to learn more about changing your account’s preferred language. Note: We currently have our Test Engineers performing even more thorough sweeps of all tool-tips and older features to make sure we fully localized the UI. If you notice anything that isn’t localized, please let us know.
    21. General Availability of Multiple Single Sign On Enterprise Connectors for a Single Video Platform Instance
      The Video Platform now supports up to 2 SAML and 2 CAS vendors for a single Zone allowing institutions with multiple SSO vendors to provide an seamless login experience to all Video Platform users.
    22. Browser Capture Studio Now Offers an On-Demand Upload Capability to Support More Restrictive Firewall Settings
      With an improved network framework for Browser Capture, users using the online recording tool have a more consistent experience that improves upload response times on local networks running firewalls. Click here to learn more about using Browser Capture.
  • February 27, 2021

    Enterprise Video Platform – Update RC20210219 Released to US Zone

    Enterprise Video Platform Live Streaming Media Management Media Player United States Zones Video Editor

    We have successfully pushed an update to all instances residing in the United States. For a summary of the release, please refer to the corresponding tag for the most recent Canadian and EU zones release.

  • February 19, 2021

    Enterprise Video Platform – Update RC20210219 Released to EU and CA Zone

    Canadian Zones Enterprise Video Platform European Union Zones Live Streaming Media Management Media Player Video Editor

    We have successfully pushed an update to all instances residing in the European Union and Canada. Next week, we will perform the same update to United States-based instances.

    1. Video Editor Now Supports Insertion of “Virtual Backgrounds”
      Users can record with any tool within our Capture Portfolio (Hardware, Software, In-Browser or Mobile), a third-party capture tool, or simply upload content and then use the Video Editor to apply a “Virtual Background”. The Video Editor also supports adding different background images to each stream. We will continue to enhance this new capability in two keys ways:

      • Refine the Artificial Intelligence models used to generate the “Virtual Backgrounds”.
      • Continue to scale out the deployment of a newly introduced GPU-Accelerated Processing sub-system (a cluster of more advanced processing infrastructure).

      Click here to learn more about this capability.

    2. Dedicated GPU-Enabled Adaptive Bitrate Live Streaming Now Available for PC and Apple Capture Applications
      The Live Stream sub-system has been extended to support adaptive bitrate streaming for live streams originating from both the PC and Apple Capture applications. This same capability was recently introduced for live streams originating from our Hardware Capture appliances.

    3. New WebEx Enterprise Connector for Video Conference Content Ingestion
      Similar in function to our Zoom Enterprise Connector, the new WebEx Enterprise Connector enables ingestion of video conference recordings from WebEx video conferences. Based on user feedback, this feature will continue to be customized to support deeper system interconnectivity. Click here to learn more about this capability.

    4. Additional Zoom Connector Integration Options for User Synchronization, Related Metadata Ingestion and More
      The Zoom-to-YuJa integrations has been extended to support new user enrollment options including Manual Enrollment, Self-Enrollment, Bulk Enrollment, and Automatic Enrollment. Further, we added additional features including:

      • Importing the Zoom-generated auto-captioning for use within the Video Platform
      • Improved support for multi-fragmented Zoom recordings when a recording is stopped and resumed within a single meeting
      • Ingestion of meeting poll and chat information

      Keep in mind that you will need to refresh your Zoom Marketplace application to take advantage of these new capabilities. Click here to learn more about this capability.

    5. Improved Social Media Connectors for Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and YouTube
      The Social Media Enterprise Connectors that provide the facility to cross-syndicate video content to social media platforms have been updated to use each platform’s latest APIs. Click here to learn more about this capability.

    6. Video Player Optimizations and Caching Improvements
      The Video Player is now smaller in size, offers faster load times, aligns better with existing caching infrastructure, as well as utilizes the Content Delivery Network for the Video Player’s “front-end script” assets.

    7. Lightweight Button Style to Better Align Video Platform UI with LMS UI
      A new lighter-weight button style enables more natural brand alignment with the Organization’s LMS.

    8. Granular Capabilities to Configure Course Name Provisioning
      Organizations can now design their own course name provisioning template based on the standard LMS fields of Label, Term and Title. This enables Organizations to fully align Video Platform course names with their existing LMS course provisioning structure. Click here to learn more about this capability.

    9. Improved Support for East Asian Language Character Sets in Search-Filter and Drop-Down Menus
      Based on a review of incompatible UI elements, the filtering capabilities were improved to better support East Asian language character sets.

    10. New Gradient Top Bar Style Branding Option
      A new gradient Top Bar styling provides added customization and styling options. All existing Top Bar color options are retained.

    11. Improved Live Streaming Performance in Low Bandwidth Scenarios
      The Live Streaming capabilities have been bolstering to better support live streaming in lower bandwidth scenarios including where the Internet quality fluctuates or experiences longer latencies.
    12. Media Library Thumbnail Now Shows Recording Status for Live Streamed Sessions
      Now the Media Library overlay shows the current recording, uploading, and processing states for live stream sessions just as it already does for non-live recordings.

    13. Offline Download Availability Can Now Be Limited to In-App Downloads Only
      Content Owners can now limit offline downloading of content to only YuJa’s native iOS and Android mobile apps. This balances the viewer’s desire for flexible viewing options with the Content Owner’s concern with maintaining secure digital rights management.

    14. Institution-Wide Auto-Publish Delay Now Provides Time-Based Granularity
      Organizations using the delayed auto-publishing capability for auto-scheduled sessions can now specify a specific time at which the recording is made available to the published Media Channel. Click here to learn more about this capability.

  • February 1, 2020

    United States Zone – Semi-Monthly RC20200131 Released

    Android App General Platform HTML5 Player HTML5 Video Conferencing Live Streaming Media Management Media Player United States Zones Update

    We have successfully pushed an update to all instances residing in the United States. Please note that this release will be pushed to Canadian and European Union zones next week. This release includes over 135+ new features and improvements.

    1. Full Sub-Administrator Capabilities within Custom-Designed Hierarchies
      The Video Platform now provides full capabilities to create hierarchical representations of your organization including Faculties, Departments, Schools, Campuses and Schools. Within this hierarchy, custom-defined Sub-Administrators can be created that can manage specific sets of Users, Courses, Devices, as well as create subsets of functionality. Over the coming months, we will continue to create new Sub-Organization capabilities so your feedback will help shape the future product roadmap of this capability.

    2. Create Sub-Administrators Based on Both Role Scope and Functional Needs
      Custom sub-administrator roles can be defined based on virtually any role scope and functional need. Some examples of possible sub-administrator roles you could create include:

      • Classroom Device Manager for Medical School
      • Closed Captioning Associate for the Department of Earth Sciences
      • Full Admin for the Online Campus

    3. Each Sub-Administrator Role Can Be Assigned a Custom Start Page
      Each sub-administrator role can now select the default start page that is shown on login. The options listed in the drop-down will adjust based on the functional capabilities of the sub-admin role.

    4. Support for Upcoming Chrome 80 Version (“The Cookie Crumbling Update”)
      In advance of the upcoming – and much anticipated – Chrome 80 release which introduces several breaking changes to most major third-party web applications, we released an update that is compatible with this new browser version. With this change, we believe your users will not be affected when the Chrome 80 browser, that is currently in beta, releases to production.

    5. New Picture-in-Picture Viewing Mode Designed for Tight Spaces
      We have introduced a new viewing mode that is designed for tighter embedded viewports such as within an LMS. The Picture-in-Picture mode can also be enabled selectively as an additional viewing option on the primary or secondary Media Player menu. The Picture-and-Picture sources can be swapped and users can also move the embedded picture source within the window to suit their viewing preference.

      Note: To enable the new Picture-in-Picture capability within the Media Player, within the Admin Panel’s Branding tab, please add this option to your Media Player branding.

    6. Live Streaming Infrastructure Now Scales Elastically with No Practical Limit
      As part of a larger-scale project to create elastic scalability in all key sub-systems, the Live Streaming infrastructure can now stream to any-size audience without the need for in-advance provisioning. There are some related capabilities we have planned for future releases to also elastically scale the real-time live stream transcoding sub-system.

    7. New Video Platform Branding Options Enable Customization of the Left Navigation Bar Colors
      The Video Platform now includes the ability to customize the colors of the Left Navigation Bar to align with your organization’s brand.

    8. Minor Version Update to YuJa Mobile for Android Native Application
      We released a new minor version update to our YuJa Mobile for Android application (2.0.9) that incorporates 15+ smaller bug fixes and video streaming improvements. We are actively working on a new iOS application which matches the current functionality of the Android application.

    9. Improved Video Quiz Integration with LMS Course Copy
      To support the use of LMS Course Copy and the creation of Master Course Shells, for LMSs that support Content Item Message-based Course Copy, namely Canvas and Blackboard, previous Video Quizzes can be re-posted to the newly copied course as a new Video Quiz directly within the LMS interface. For Moodle and D2L customers, to take advantage of this capability, please contact your LMS vendor and request a status on the following open feature items: Moodle MDL-66934 and D2L LTI Copy Course Updates.

    10. New Video Conference Start Meeting Panel
      The new Video Conference Start Panel provides quicker access to start an impromptu meeting, schedule meetings, and view the calendar of scheduled meetings.

    11. New Video Player Capabilities including Click-to-Pause, Improved Multi-stream Mobile Compatibility and More
      The Media Player now offers some additional enhancements including the ability when viewing single-stream videos to click the video box to pause and resume the video. For multi-stream videos, there is a new hover effect to swap the primary stream. We also improved multi-stream compatibility on mobile browsers and added a new hover-glow effect for the Media Player icons.

    12. Support for Canvas Accommodated Groups
      To provide specialized video support for designated Accommodated Groups within Canvas, the Video Platform can now interface with the Canvas LMS to pull Accommodated Group rosters and display specific sub-channel content designated only for the Accommodated Group.

  • December 6, 2019

    United States Zone – Semi-Monthly RC20191206 Released

    General Platform HTML5 Video Conferencing HTML5 Video Editor Media Management Media Player United States Zones

    We have successfully pushed an update to all instances residing in the United States. Please note that this release will be pushed to Canadian and European Union zones next week. This release includes over 165+ new features and improvements.

    1. Easier-to-Use and More Robust Video Uploading Experience
      The Platform now integrates a new media uploading experience that’s easier-to-use, more fault-tolerant and faster. The new upload experience now includes:

      • Faster uploads with auto-queuing capabilities
      • Better adaptation to browser capabilities and constraints
      • Upload continuation even when navigating between Video Platform pages
      • Better user interface with “docking” window controls

    2. Video Editor Now Shows Captioning Confidence Scores
      Users can now highlight words within the captioning that was below a specific Confidence Score. The words that the captioning engine AI was not “sure of” are highlighted to enable a more streamlined editing experience. Users can also hover over any word to see the specific Confidence Score attained when transcribing the given word. Please note this capability is only available for newly auto-captioned content.

    3. Multi-Level Training Dictionary Available for Improved Caption Quality
      Both organizations and individuals have new tools to improve the captioning quality of the Platform’s integrated artificial intelligence-based captioning. Organizations can establish an instance-wide dictionary, and users submitting videos for auto-captioning can also include a video-specific custom dictionary.

    4. Create Multiple Media Player Branding “Skins”
      Organizations can now create multiple Media Player branding options (often called “skins”) that can be applied organization-wide or to specific videos. Customizations include primary and secondary button placements, colors, and menu option selections.

    5. Improved Media Player User Interface
      New iconography and menu style provides a more modern user experience for both instructional and marketing video use-cases alike. These improvements to the Media Player can be utilized in conjunction with the Multiple Player Branding capabilities also released in this update.

    6. Video Editor Supports Removal of Video Stream While Retaining the Embedded Audio Track
      Users who use the capture tools to record a multi-source recording, but then wish to subsequently remove the video source that contains the audio track, can now do so.
    7. New Video Conference Start Panel with Participant and Chat Pane
      A new “Start Screen” is now available within the Video Conference that provides the ability for participants to quickly access meeting bridge, participant list, and chat information.

    8. New Participant Panel with “Raise Hand” Capabilities
      Video Conference participants now have the ability to perform a virtual “Raise Hands” within a meeting. The meeting owners and presenters receive a notification of the hand-raise as both a notification message and indicator on the Participant Panel.

  • November 8, 2019

    United States Zone – Semi-Monthly RC20191108 Released

    HTML5 Video Conferencing Media Management Media Player United States Zones

    We have successfully pushed an update to all instances residing in the United States. Please note that this release will be pushed to Canadian and European Union zones next week. This release includes over 195+ new features and improvements.

    1. Users Can Now Resume Watching Where They Left Off
      Viewers watching content as an authenticated user can now resume watching a video from the place they previously left off. A user’s video resumption history is retained for all videos the user is authorized to view.
    2. Auto-Captioning Now Offers Advanced Punctuation Capabilities for both Captions and Transcripts
      Over the next two releases, we are rolling out some innovative updates to our auto-captioning capabilities. The first of these capabilities is that the captioning engine will now provide advanced punctuation when performing captioning and transcription.
    3. YouTube Media Ingestion to “Deep Import” Content
      User wishing to ingest a YouTube video can now specify a link and import the video content into their My Media account. This enables YouTube content to be ingested, auto-captioned and used in accordance with the TEACH ACT.
    4. New Dark Mode Branding Option for Top Navigation Bar
      The Platform offers a new Dark Mode branding option for the Top Navigation Bar that also includes color customization of the top-bar’s color.
    5. Roster View Displays the LMS and Single Sign Linkage Attribute Information
      The Roster tab within the Admin Panel now displays the dual integration parameters. This can be used by Administrators to ensure that the Linkage Attribute is being transferred correctly from the organization’s upstream enterprise systems.
    6. Support for Enabling End-User Downloading at the Media Channel Level
      Content Owners can now enable download privileges to an entire course-level Media Channel to viewers.
    7. Inline Action Menu Support within the List View of My Media
      Users managing their content within the List View now have the same inline Action Menu as they do with the Thumbnail View.
    8. On-Screen Message When an Ad Blocker Could Interfere with Platform Use
      With a plethora of browser-based plugins blocking webapp and website capabilities, in a situation where the Platform detects components were blocked, a clear message will be displayed informing the user of this situation.
    9. Added Support for the oEmbed Open Format
      To promote easier content exchange with third-party resources, as a content Provider, we have implemented the oEmbed protocol. This makes it easier to share content as embedding blog posts on websites and social platforms such as Twitter.
    10. Better On-Screen Guidance for Uploading Media for the First Time
      New users are now greeted with a “Happy Folder” icon that provides a succinct suggestion on how to add content to their My Media account.
    11. Added Native Integration Option for Microsoft Azure-based SAML
      Organizations integrating with Azure ADFS now have a dedicated integration tab rather than using the generic SAML integration tab.
    12. New Keyboard Shortcut to Toggle Between Primary and Secondary Streams
      The Media Player now supports faster toggling between sources using the lower-case v key.
    13. Media-Level Player Branding Option to Hide Video Chapters on a Per-Video Basis
      As part of a feature spanning multiple releases, we are adding media-level branding options for specific videos. The first of these capabilities is the ability to hide the left-side mini-bar of the Media Player.
    14. Native Support for VTT and XML Caption File Ingestion
      The Platform now supports the ability to ingest VTT and XML caption file formats and display them within the Media Player. All existing multi-language and caption capabilities are compatible with the new VTT and XML caption file formats.
    15. Video Conference Now Has Audit Log Capability
      To help troubleshoot Video Conferencing issues that arise, the Platform now integrates and audit log capability. Over the coming releases we will continue to add additional events and logs.
    16. Video Conference Has Server-Side Performance Improvements for Improved Scalability
      To support additional capacity and improve stability, additional server-side performance and stability improvements were deployed.