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  • June 20, 2020

    Canadian and European Union Instances – Enterprise Video Platform RC20200619 Released

    Canadian Zones European Union Zones General Platform HTML5 Video Editor Media Management

    We have successfully released an update of the YuJa Enterprise Video Platform to all instances in the European Union and Canada. This release includes over 155+ new features and improvements. A corresponding release will be deployed to United States instances in one week.

    1. New Notifications Tab within Admin Panel That Unifies All Logging, Audit Logs, and System Events
      All audit logging capabilities of the Video Platform and Video Conferencing Platform – including Device Logging, Admin Overview, Software Capture Audit Tracking, and Video Conferencing Audit Logging – have been unified into a single Notifications tab. This new tool provides scalable filtering of millions of events by type, name, user, device, and date. In an upcoming release, we will introduce the ability to selectively create self-subscription to specific event subsets.

    2. Deep Audit Tracing for Media and Folders Actions Including Content Deletions and Moves
      Audit logs for actions performed on media and folders – including deletion, renaming, changing owner, and dozens more – are now available within the new Notifications tab. This enables Administrators to carefully trace videos in situations where, among other things, end-users cannot find a specific video or are unsure about a performed video action.

    3. Added Drag-and-Drop Support for WAV and M4A Audio Files
      The drag-and-drop Media Management ingestion capability has been extended to support both WAV and M4A audio formats.
    4. 15+ New Video Editor Improvements and Options:
      • Edits of Videos with an Internal Audio Track – Improved trimming of videos that contain an internal audio track. Previously the internal (system) audio track could be lost during an edit operation.
      • High Volume of Cuts – Improved performance when performing a large number of cuts (20+), as well as situations where so many cuts are performed that the video’s duration has been reduced by 90%+
      • Advanced Edit Operations – Resolved a number of issues where advanced editing workflows involving multiple blurs, text-labels with special characters and telestrations could fail to properly process within the Video Editor pipeline.
    5. Brand-Aligned “Forgot Your Password” Screen with Improved Workflow
      The Forgot Your Password workflow is now aligned to the branding and styling of the Login page. Further, the workflow for resetting a user password is also streamlined into a two-step email verification process.

    6. Improved Overview Panel for Administrators with Faster Load Times
      The Overview tab of the Admin Panel now loads more quickly and provides at-a-glance visuals on overall activity via the Summary Cards at the top and current storage utilization below.

    7. Unified Media Security Tab with New Domain Restriction Capability for Embedded Content
      The Security Settings for Password, Authentication, Date, IP Range, Location and Domain have been consolidated within the Links tab of Media Details. In addition to being a more natural place for it, the Video Platform’s Security tab now includes:

      • The ability to restrict an embed code for use on a particular website sub-domain.
      • New capabilities to layer multiple security settings for a given media. Now content can have simultaneous security settings such as Date, Password and Location restrictions.

    8. New Video Quiz Settings Including the Ability to Limit Number of Reattempt and Specify Which Attempts to Record
      Video Quizzes now provides more customization options to specify how many quiz attempts to permit, which quiz attempts should be stored, and which attempts should be recorded in the LMS Gradebook.

    9. More Readable Gradebook View
      The Video Platform’s Gradebook table view now has a more modern tabular view with additional Attempts filtering capabilities.

    10. New Zoom Enterprise Connector Options for Deletion After Importing and Self-Enrollment
      The Zoom Marketplace Enterprise Connector now offers some additional options for deleting recordings after the import is complete, as well as options for users to self-enroll their Zoom account (which is part of an Organization-wide Zoom master account) to import meeting recordings. Depending on when you installed the Zoom Marketplace application, the new deletion capabilities may necessitate re-installing the Zoom Marketplace app to associate the updated permission sets.

    11. New Zoom Audit Logging Capabilities
      To better trace issues and status during Zoom import operations, the Zoom Enterprise Connector now provides audit logging capabilities on actions performed during importation. Of course, these Zoom audit logging capabilities are shown within the Admin Panel’s Notification tab.

    12. Pop-up Blocker Detector Installed for Video Editor and In-Browser Capture
      To help prevent confusion when a browser-based Pop-up Blocker plugin blocks access to the Video Editor or In-Browser Capture (which open in a new tab), the Video Platform now provides notification to the user of the situation.

    13. Infrastructure for Custom Transcode and Bitrate Management Tools
      Laying the groundwork for an upcoming Admin Panel tool to provide Transcode Management capabilities, this release we deployed the foundational infrastructure to soon support this functionality. In an upcoming summer release, the Video Platform will introduce the actual Advanced Transcode Management capabilities.
    14. Third-Party Integration with Epiphan Third-Party Hardware Capture Appliances
      The Devices tab within the Admin Panel now integrates a rich Epiphan device integration that provides the ability to register, auto-schedule, and auto-ingest recordings. The new Epiphan Middleware Controller architecture ensures that the Epiphan integration can scale to any number of local Epiphan appliances. Further, this Controller architecture can be extended to manage any third-party hardware capture appliances.

  • December 6, 2019

    United States Zone – Semi-Monthly RC20191206 Released

    General Platform HTML5 Video Conferencing HTML5 Video Editor Media Management Media Player United States Zones

    We have successfully pushed an update to all instances residing in the United States. Please note that this release will be pushed to Canadian and European Union zones next week. This release includes over 165+ new features and improvements.

    1. Easier-to-Use and More Robust Video Uploading Experience
      The Platform now integrates a new media uploading experience that’s easier-to-use, more fault-tolerant and faster. The new upload experience now includes:

      • Faster uploads with auto-queuing capabilities
      • Better adaptation to browser capabilities and constraints
      • Upload continuation even when navigating between Video Platform pages
      • Better user interface with “docking” window controls

    2. Video Editor Now Shows Captioning Confidence Scores
      Users can now highlight words within the captioning that was below a specific Confidence Score. The words that the captioning engine AI was not “sure of” are highlighted to enable a more streamlined editing experience. Users can also hover over any word to see the specific Confidence Score attained when transcribing the given word. Please note this capability is only available for newly auto-captioned content.

    3. Multi-Level Training Dictionary Available for Improved Caption Quality
      Both organizations and individuals have new tools to improve the captioning quality of the Platform’s integrated artificial intelligence-based captioning. Organizations can establish an instance-wide dictionary, and users submitting videos for auto-captioning can also include a video-specific custom dictionary.

    4. Create Multiple Media Player Branding “Skins”
      Organizations can now create multiple Media Player branding options (often called “skins”) that can be applied organization-wide or to specific videos. Customizations include primary and secondary button placements, colors, and menu option selections.

    5. Improved Media Player User Interface
      New iconography and menu style provides a more modern user experience for both instructional and marketing video use-cases alike. These improvements to the Media Player can be utilized in conjunction with the Multiple Player Branding capabilities also released in this update.

    6. Video Editor Supports Removal of Video Stream While Retaining the Embedded Audio Track
      Users who use the capture tools to record a multi-source recording, but then wish to subsequently remove the video source that contains the audio track, can now do so.
    7. New Video Conference Start Panel with Participant and Chat Pane
      A new “Start Screen” is now available within the Video Conference that provides the ability for participants to quickly access meeting bridge, participant list, and chat information.

    8. New Participant Panel with “Raise Hand” Capabilities
      Video Conference participants now have the ability to perform a virtual “Raise Hands” within a meeting. The meeting owners and presenters receive a notification of the hand-raise as both a notification message and indicator on the Participant Panel.

  • March 9, 2019

    United States Zone – Semi-Monthly RC20190308 Released

    Analytics General Platform HTML5 Video Editor United States Zones Video Editor Video Quizzes

    We have successfully pushed an update to all physical zones residing in the United States. Please note that this release will be pushed to Canadian and European Union zones next week. This release includes over 20+ improvements.

    1. Performance Enhancements and Minor Improvements
      We also added about a dozen fixes to various stability improvements and edge cases. Highlights of the fixes are noted below:

      #163670023 – Visual Analytics – Set of small consistency fixes across the Content tab focused on correcting data aggregation issues, consistency between tabs, and calculation method for a number of fields. Adjustments made in this ticket will affect calculations going forward.
      #163768811 – Visual Analytics – Improved performance of Contents tab where creation visualizations necessitated calculating large volumes of playback position data.
      #164117963 – Mobile Apps – Improved channel load performance in situations where channels have a large number of videos published to it.
      #164188942 – Admin Panel – Significant performance improvements to Accessibility Dashboard where loading large volumes of internal and external caption requests. Also made the individual caption request lists to be fetched asynchronously.
      #164342266 – Infrastructure – Improved, cloud-hosted media recoverability algorithm to cover some recovery scenarios not previously addressed.
      #161461360 – Video Editor – Made zoom-level warning message less obtrusive.
      #164224624 – Video Editor – Resolved issue where the Play button needed to be pressed twice when commencing a video quiz.

  • February 23, 2019

    United States Zone – Semi-Monthly RC20190222 Released

    HTML5 Video Conferencing HTML5 Video Editor Media Management United States Zones Video Editor Video Quizzes

    We have successfully pushed an update to all physical zones residing in the United States. Please note that this release will be pushed to Canadian and European Union zones next week. This release includes over 80+ new features and improvements.

    1. Media Chooser for D2L Brightspace Extension Now Supports Video Quiz Insertion and Multi-Column Gradebook Integration
      Similar to the Canvas and Blackboard implementations introduced in the last few releases, we have rolled out D2L Brightspace support for Video Quiz insertion within the Media Chooser. This includes deeper native LMS-specific integration for Video Quizzes that expand upon the more limited LTI-based Gradebook integration (which we still support). The result is that users can create video quizzes, insert them virtually anywhere in the LMS and better track the results with multi-column gradebook integration. We’ve implemented it for all LMS’s, however we are releasing it in stages. Now that Canvas, Blackboard, and D2L Brightspace are released, Moodle is next.

    2. Improved Viewability of Embedded Quizzes
      Our new LMS-specific quiz integration released this past quarter with multi-column gradebook integration has created new use-cases around embedding quizzes. To improve the viewability in “tight spaces”, we’ve created a special overlay mode in instances where the side-by-side layout isn’t possible. Note: To take advantage of this new style, the quiz will need to be re-embedded within the LMS.

    3. Improved Performance of Visual Analytics’ Bandwidth Summary and Top Videos
      Improved the query performance for loading the Top Video and Bandwidth Summary analytics data.

    4. New Fast “Initial Thumbnailing” Algorithm Implemented
      We’ve improved the algorithm used to generate thumbnails to generate it very quickly after the video file has uploaded to the Platform. This is part of a new smarter heuristic project we are working on during the month of March to improve job queueing behavior and sub-task execution.

    5. Multi-Caption Account Support for Organizations
      To provide support for organizations using multiple caption accounts – across various departments and hierarchies – organizations can setup integrations with multiple, simultaneous caption vendors and/or accounts.

    6. New In-Progress Recording Indicators within Media Library
      As a precursor to end user-facing audit logging project for non-admin users (also a project this quarter), we are introducing a Processing icon indicator that appears for in-progress (and un-uploaded) captures. Once our end user-facing audit trails are finished, a user will be able to accurately and fully trace the current status of any uploaded or recorded media item. These capabilities will be released in phases through the month of March and April.

    7. Video Editor Now Has Ability to Set the Primary Stream
      For multi-stream recordings, Content Owners can now select which source is the primary source (the one that initially appears as the larger source).

    8. Audio-Only Files Now Generate Audio Waveforms
      The Video Editor has extended support for the audio waveforms to include audio-only media.

  • January 22, 2019

    United States Zone – Semi-Monthly RC20190125 Released

    Added Fixed General Platform HTML5 Video Editor Software Station for PC Video Editor Video Quizzes

    We have successfully pushed an update to all physical zones residing in the United States. Please note that this release will be pushed to Canadian and European Union zones next week. This release includes over 75+ new features and improvements.

    1. Media Chooser for Canvas Extension Now Supports Video Quiz Insertion and Multi-Column Gradebook Integration
      We have implemented deeper native LMS-specific integration for Video Quizzes that expand upon the more limited LTI-based Gradebook integration (which we still support). The result is that users can create video quizzes, insert them virtually anywhere in the LMS and better track the results with multi-column gradebook integration. We’ve implemented it for all LMS’s, however we are releasing it officially in stages starting with Canvas, then Blackboard and finally D2L Brightspace and Moodle.

    2. Architectural Changes for Improved Bandwidth Tracking and Deeper Analytics
      The new Bandwidth tab now derive source data directly from the Platform’s Content Delivery Network (CDN) edge nodes. This enables more accurate, timely and detailed analytics data. Additionally, we added tools to gather better insights into bandwidth usage including:

      – Summary Cards providing breakdowns of overall usage, utilization within groups and split between videos and non-video assets
      – Ability to view bandwidth usage by group and by digital asset object
      – “Leaderboard” for bandwidth usage by Top Media and Top Groups

      Please keep in mind that this new sub-system will begin populating with data commencing tonight for all usage henceforth.

    3. Improved Device Scheduling Delegation Capabilities and Opt-Out Options
      To better serve organizations doing auto-scheduled recordings, we’ve introduced more structured workflows to delegate a schedule and provide opt-out options to delegated users. Administrators can delegate session opt-out to a given user who can then review and opt-out of sessions within their My Account -> Upcoming Recordings.

    4. Audio-Only Files Can Now Be Edited with the Video Editor
      The Video Editor’s editing capabilities have been extended to edit audio-only recordings and uploaded audio files.

    5. Ability to Edit-and-Replace-Existing Right Within the Video Editor
      To expedite edit-and-replace video editing workflows, we’ve introduced a new Replace Existing Video option directly integrated into the Save dialog of the Video Editor.

    6. We also implemented about 75 smaller improvements and fixes. Some of the highlights include:

      • Improved the Media Chooser LMS extension to dynamically update for any new recordings made directly from the Create Recording button. This enables click to record and then immediate LMS insertion without requiring a refresh or re-opening the Media Chooser.
      • Improved API integration with Delcom in-room visual integrator integration with Software Capture application including press-button pause/resume capability.
      • Implemented more useful zoom-in and zoom-out capabilities within the Video Editor. This is now easier to use for shorter video files
      • Timeline elements within the Video Editor are now clickable to make adjustments to their options and values.
  • December 20, 2018

    United States Zone – Semi-Monthly RC20181221 Released

    Analytics General Platform HTML5 Video Conferencing HTML5 Video Editor Media Management United States Zones Video Editor

    We have successfully pushed an update to all physical zones residing in the United States. Please note that this release will be pushed to Canadian zones next week. This release includes over 50+ new features and improvements.

    1. Video Editor Caption Edits Can Now Automatically Update Indices and Transcripts – We added selection toggles to the Video Editor’s Save dialog that enable users to select if they would like their caption edits to also update the index and transcript (both PDF and text transcripts). In the next release, we will be adding some further improvements to provide both a Replace Existing option to complement the Save as New Video option.

    2. Improved Robustness of Video Analytics Percentage Watched Detection – We resolved an internal tracking issue that could prevent the Percentage Watched value from being computed properly.
    3. Improved Moodle Media Chooser Integration with Some Moodle LMS Versions – Implemented a new YuJa Media Chooser for Moodle plugin which invokes an account creation only in the specific case when the YuJa button is pressed. Please email your Customer Success Manager to receive the latest plugin.
    4. Left Navigation Bar Expansion Behavior Makes It Easier to Perform Drag-and-Drop Operations – To make it easier to navigate while performing drag-and-drop operations, opening a folder via the tree-like structure does not trigger a navigation action.

    5. Improved Left Navigation Bar Keyboard Accessibility and Visual Cues – Improved both keyboard-only navigation of the Left Navigation Bar and added a visual key to indicate the highlighted folder. Also added folder expansion with the Spacebar key.

    6. Improved Capabilities to Establish a System-Wide Publishing Delay within the Admin Panel – Previously establishing a system-wide publishing delay required Professional Services to deploy an on-demand module. Now organizations can use self-service options within the Admin panel to establish a System-Wide Publishing Delay and Content Owners can override this with Publish Now and Skip Publish options.

    7. Video Editor Timeline Now Shows Blur Regions and Image Insertion Visual Indicators – We improved the timeline to show visual indicators for elements added as video overlays.

    8. Faster Analytics Visualization for Media Objects with 250,000+ Data Points – We completely re-tooled the visualization generation algorithm used within the Visual Analytics’ Contents tab to more quickly process the analytics visualizations. This will improve the overall speed and ensure that analytics load properly for heavily used media.
    9. Blackboard Media Chooser Extension Now Compatible with Blackboard Build Contents section – The latest Media Chooser extension can be used to insert media into Blackboard’s Build Contents section. We encourage our Blackboard customers to request the newest Media Chooser for Blackboard from their Customer Success Manager.
    10. New Blackboard Integration Supports Blackboard Web Link Module Including Ability to Add Homepage Web Link – To provide improved support to our Blackboard customers, we have released a new integration capability that allows organizations to add a My Media link directly onto non-course level pages via the Blackboard Web Link Module.

    We also used this release to improve about 35+ other smaller items. In the next release, we are deepening our Device Auto-Scheduling capabilities around delegating schedule opt-out, support for audio-only editing capabilities, improved zoom-in and zoom-out within the video editor, video conferencing improvements, the ability to insert video quizzes using your respective LMS’s Media Chooser extension, and much more.

  • December 8, 2018

    United States Zone – Semi-Monthly RC20181207 Released

    General Platform HTML5 Video Conferencing HTML5 Video Editor Live Streaming Media Management United States Zones

    We have successfully pushed an update to all physical zones residing in the United States. Please note that this release will be pushed to Canadian zones next week. This release includes over 50+ new features and improvements.

    1. HTML5 Video Conferencing Now Offers Toll-Free Dial-In Options – We’ve added new phone dial-in options for attendees to join and participate in video conferences. The toll-free access capability is available to users of our video conferencing products. Keep in mind that this is still in beta so we will continue to be enhancing the toll-free dial-in capabilities over the coming month.

    2. Improvements to Storage Calculations for Transfer of Owner Scenarios – We improved the accuracy of user account quotas in situations where content is transferred via the Change Owner capability. We also enhanced the accuracy across a number of additional edge-cases.
    3. Improve Blackboard Assignment Integration – We deepened our Blackboard Assignment integration with improved capabilities to view embedded content within Blackboard Assignments and related screens within the Blackboard LMS.
    4. Faster and More Responsive External Captioning Permissions UI – To better support large organizations (35,000+ users), we optimized the External Captioning Permissions dialog. At the same time, we modernized aspects of the UI to more consistent with the Platform.
    5. Improved Mobile Live Streaming Support – We resolved a number of issues to improve live streaming on mobile devices, particular more recent iOS devices. Also improved layout of the embedded Live Stream Player.
    6. Cloud-Hosted Media Recoverability Infrastructure – Next week, we will be updating the Apple Capture application to include complete Media Recoverability. Media recoverability enables abruptly terminated or incorrectly terminated recordings to be uploaded and restored without manual intervention.

    By moving the recovery process to the cloud, it enables us to continue to fine-tune and strengthen the recovery algorithms without necessitating end-users’ update their software capture applications. Software Capture on PC – which already has local media recoverability – will also benefit from this new architecture in a future release that we have planned.

    In the next release, we will be: 1) improving our Visual Analytics ability to quickly process big data workloads (millions of data points) when creating visualization; 2) adding a new Blackboard LMS integrations for creating a Homepage Media Plugin; 3) providing new options within the Video Editor to automatically update indexes and transcripts based on caption edits; and more.

  • September 28, 2018

    United States Zone – Semi-Monthly RC20180928 Released

    General Platform HTML5 Video Conferencing HTML5 Video Editor Live Streaming Media Management United States Zones

    We have successfully pushed an update to all physical zones residing in the United States. Please note that this release will be pushed to Canadian zones next week. This release includes over 50+ new features and improvements.

    1. Ability to Setup Device Auto-Schedules Using an Organization-Wide XML Schedule – Administrators can now setup an entire organization’s schedule – or just a few capture device’s schedules – by uploading an XML schedule file.
    2. Improved Internal Audit Logging for Single-Sign-On Authentication – To improve our Professional Services’ ability to identify issues when performing SSO integrations, we have added more detailed audit logging.
    3. Ability to Customize Role Names – The terminology we use within the Platform to refer to the three YuJa roles can now be consistent with your organization’s role names. We now offer a new capability to rename roles to mirror your organization’s preferred terminology.
    4. Uploaded Videos Now Have Full Breadth of Editing Capabilities – We have unified editing functionality across both captures and uploaded media. Previously a few of the more advanced editing capabilities could only be performed on captures.
    5. Video Editor Supports Ability to Remove a Video Stream – In situations where you wish to remove an extra stream, we now offer the ability to remove a video stream using the editor.
    6. Video Editor Supports Ability to Create a “Blur” Region – To better support situations where a particular region of the video needs to be redacted, we now offer the ability to define a area of the video that will generate a blur region in the post-edited video.
    7. Improved Live Stream Player Embedding and Mobile Layout – Improved how the document viewer renders in embedded scenarios, resolved some issues with the chat box and improved layout on mobile devices.
  • September 14, 2018

    United States Zone – Semi-Monthly RC20180914 Released

    Analytics HTML5 Player HTML5 Video Conferencing HTML5 Video Editor Live Streaming United States Zones Update

    We have successfully pushed an update to all physical zones residing in the United States. Please note that this release will be pushed to Canadian zones next week. This release includes over 60+ new features and improvements.

    1. Link Documents to Live Stream Events – Added both the ability to view documents side-by-side within the Live Stream Player, as well as implemented the ability to pre-insert documents into a scheduled live stream event (or dynamically while the event is in-progress).
    2. Clear Video Analytics for Particular Videos – To better support a content owner’s ability to re-use content and derive clear insights, we now offer the option to clear analytics data on a per-video basis.
    3. Upload Custom Thumbnails of Any Digital Asset – Extended our custom video thumbnailing support to include audio, YouTube, Vimeo, hyperlinks and documents. This enables content creators to provide thumbnails that better reflect the content of the underlying digital asset.
    4. Branding Capabilities of the Platform’s Main Navigation Bar – Organization administrators can now customize the Platform even further with the ability to change the colors of the top-bar and button links.
    5. New Moodle Roster Sync Plugin – For our customers that use the Moodle LMS, we have implemented a native LMS plugin that complements our IMS-certified LTI integration to provider course roster sync-ing. To learn more, view the help documentation.
    6. Increased Maximum Sub-Channel Support to 20 – The Sub-Channel capability within the Media Channels has been increased from up-to-6 sub-channels to up-to-20 sub-channels.
    7. Improvements to Video Ingestion of Rare Media Encodings – Added additional browser support for playback of HLS streams where the HLS chunk length is not aligned.
    8. Performance Improvements for Organizations with 1,000+ Active Courses and Groups – Optimized the speed and performance of a number of search and input fields to better handle situations with hundreds or thousands of active courses.
    9. Ported Over Text Overlay and Video Insertion Capability to Video Editor – Completed the feature migration from the legacy editor to the HTML5 editor. This release, we ported over the capability to insert text overlays and perform video insertions via the HTML5 video editor.
    10. New HTML5 Video Conferencing Capabilities – Addition of a “Laser Pointer” tool to the whiteboard and improvements to acoustic echo cancellation.

    Next release, we’ll be introducing the ability to: 1) upload organization-wide XML formatted device schedules; 2) customize the display-name shown for the role name; 3) add new video editor capabilities to blur regions for a specific time-period, use the full capture editing toolset on uploaded videos, remove a video stream and more.

  • August 24, 2018

    United States Zone – Semi-Monthly RC20180824 Released

    Fixed General Platform HTML5 Player HTML5 Video Editor Media Management United States Zones

    We have successfully pushed an update to all physical zones residing in the United States. Please note that this release will be pushed to Canadian zones next week. This release includes over 50+ new features and improvements focused primarily on improved LMS integration and sub-system infrastructure improvements including:

    1. Implementation of Content Item Messaging for Non-Canvas LMS Platforms – To support LMS-authenticated media viewing – which will enable user-level analytics tracking (among other things) – for content embedded with the YuJa Media Chooser we have implemented the IMS Content Item Message (CIM) protocol.Each major LMS vendor chose to implement CIM differently so we have written up steps on how to embed media via the CIM method for your LMS. For Canvas users, we already implemented CIM last quarter and the workflows are identical to regular media embedding (since Canvas chose to implement CIM in a identical manner as regular Canvas extensions). To get started with CIM, click to view installation and usage instructions for Moodle, D2L Brightspace or Blackboard.
    2. Infrastructural Improvements to Support 24/7 Streaming – To better serve some of our event broadcasting scenarios, including 24/7 OTT-type live video streaming, we have improved our sub-system infrastructure to be able to provide more robust 24/7 live streaming capabilities.
    3. Updated Video Editor Capabilities – First, we have removed the deprecated Flash-based editor which now makes it easier to go directly into the HTML5 Video Editor via the Edit selection. We also improved the audio waveform synchronization and, lastly, improved the Preview Changes option. We also pushed some more minor improvements.
    4. Layout Improvements to Media Player – We improved compatibility of various view types including full-screen, and full-screen-plus-side-by-side with all major web browsers. There are also about a half-dozen smaller layout improvements including resolving some rare rendering issues with certain web browsers.

    In the next release, we will be adding some new Video Editor capabilities (such as text and image insertion and more), ability to create custom thumbnail options for non-video objects, a new Moodle LMS Roster Synchronization plugin, new top-bar branding options, new EnterpriseTube capabilities (ability to see Word Clouds, download transcripts, and documents), more robust recording capabilities within the HTML5 Video Conferencing suite and much more.