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  • June 24, 2022

    Enterprise Video Platform – Update RC20220624 Released to CAN and EU Zones

    Analytics Browser Capture Canadian Zones Enterprise Video Platform European Union Zones General Platform Live Streaming

    We have successfully pushed our update to all instances residing in Canada and European Union. This update provides in-depth Live Stream statistics, new customizations for the Canvas LTI 1.3 integration, a new Sub-Admin Captioner role, consent forms workflows, our new Facial Analysis tool, and much more. This will be released to the United States zones next Friday.

    1. View Real-Time Live Stream Statistics (Beta)
      We have introduced a new Live Stream tab within Usage & Analytics that provides real-time live stream statistics across Hardware Hub, Software Capture, and RTMP-initiated live streams. Content Owners and Administrators are now provided with in-depth knowledge of their live streams, including real-time stream quality, downstream bandwidth, geo-location maps, and viewer statistics. The Live Stream Analytics tab also offers a space to view statistics for past and current live streams, as well as view upcoming events.
    2. Ability to “Favorite” Documents and Images, as well as, Filter Based On Favorited Items
      Content Owners can now “star” documents and images as a favorite item and then use the Visual Search capabilities to search across all Favorited items. We have also provided a Favorite tab within My Media as a single space to view all your Favorite items. We will be extending this capabilities to video content in a subsequent release.
    3. New “Shared with Others” Tab within My Media
      To complement our Shared With Me feature and improve the ability to collaborate on content with others, we have added a Shared with Others capability. This provides you with a single pane view of content that you have shared with other individuals using the Share capability. To learn more about our sharing feature, please click here.
    4. New Version History Tab for Documents and Images

      Content Owners can now view past metadata history, including file renaming, metadata tags, ownership changes, publishing events, thumbnail changes and dozens more.
    5. Commenting Now Available for all Media Types
      To further increase media engagement, we have expanded our commenting capabilities from video-related media to now include many document types such as DOCX, PDF, and PPT. To learn more about this feature, please click here.
    6. Course Copy Now Also Supports Moodle “Importing Courses” Workflow
      In addition to the Moodle Course Copy workflow, we now support the Moodle Import Course workflow to effectively perform course copy of Media Channels, Video Quizzes, and Embedded Videos. To learn more about this feature, please click here.
    7. Institutions Can Now Send an Electronic Consent Form that Will Record the Recipient’s Response
      Institutions that use photos for marketing purposes often have to receive consent from the model within the picture. The new Consent Form tab allows Content Creators to send, review and manage consent forms within a single space. This feature can integrate with the newly introduced Facial Recognition tool that is part of this release. To learn more about this feature, please click here.
    8. Added Facial Recognition Analysis to Manage Consent Forms

      To ensure all recognized faces within a photo have consent forms tied to them, the Automated Facial Recognition tool can scan an existing library of images owned by the institution to see if a consent form exists. To utilize this capability, please contact your Admin to turn this capability on within your Video Platform instance.
    9. Ability to Generate Reports to Identify Duplicate Content

      As institutions expand their media libraries, we now provide a report that identifies duplicate content. Content Owners can choose to manually generate a report or schedule reports on a daily, weekly, monthly, or quarterly basis. To learn more about this feature, please click here.
    10. Imported Caption Files to the Media Player now Support Bold, Italics and Underline Formatting
      We have expanded our caption capabilities by adding formatting tags within VTT, XML and SRT-based caption files to be rendered within our Media Player.
    11. Improved End-to-End Course Copy Now Supported with LTI 1.3 Integration
      Mirroring the Course Copy workflow introduced in the last release for LTI 1.1, the same end-to-end Course Copy that seamlessly transfers content items such as Media Channels, Video Quizzes, and Embedded Videos is supported in LTI 1.3.
    12. YuJa LTI Link now Available in the Canvas Global Navigation Menu with LTI 1.3 (Optional)
      Institutions using Canvas with LTI 1.3 integration can now enable YuJa along the Canvas Global Navigation Menu if they wish to do so.
    13. Support for Canvas ‘Hidden Tool’ Integration with LTI 1.3

      YuJa links can now be hidden through JSON integration, allowing Instructors to only enable links for the courses they desire. To learn how to enable this feature, please click here.
    14. Browser Capture is Now Able to Recover Interrupted Recordings
      If a recording is interrupted or abruptly terminated, the user will be able to recover the recording automatically when re-entering the Browser Capture Studio.
    15. New Specialized Sub-Admin Role—Caption Editor
      To provide Content Creators with more options when creating a sub-admin, we are introducing new roles targeting specific actions for sub-admins. The Caption Editor role is the first to be released, allowing sub-admins to use the Video Editor and Accessibility Tab tools to edit captions for shared videos while preventing this role from making additional changes. To learn more about this feature, please click here.
  • January 28, 2022

    Enterprise Video Platform – Update 20220128 Released to CAN and EU Zones

    Browser Capture Canadian Zones Enterprise Video Platform European Union Zones Upcoming Update Video Editor Video Quizzes

    We have successfully pushed an update to all instances residing in Canada and the European Union. This update includes about 200+ features and smaller improvements including improved Media Chooser recording options, new video editing insertion capabilities, refreshed layouts, faster loading of course and roster data, enhanced metadata searching capabilities, and much more! This will be released to the United States zone next Friday.

    1. LMS Media Chooser Integration with Browser Capture Studio
      Users are now able to launch the Browser Capture Studio via the Media Chooser (LMS Extension). Simply by clicking Start, users can easily create presentation recordings, and then select them within the Choose Media tab afterwards. This enables Content Creators to quickly record course content and student assignments.
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    3. New Video Editor Insertion Options for Inserting Single-Stream Videos into Multi-Stream Videos
      The Video Editor now provides more seamless tools for Content Creators to insert (and override) single-stream videos seamlessly into multi-stream videos. Moreover, we have also expanded the Video Editor’s capabilities to include inserting lengthy videos into shorter videos.
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    5. Improved EnterpriseTube with New ‘More Videos’ Carousel 
      As part of a multi-release plan to add more powerful capabilities to the EnterpriseTube, this release we start some UI improvements. The EnterpriseTube now has an additional More Videos carousel, which provides additional room to publicly showcase content.
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    7. Refreshed Courses & Groups UI Layout with Improved Filtering, Faster Data Loading and Responsive Design
      Courses and Groups was completely overhauled from the ground-up to be more capable of handling tens-of-thousands of courses and roster entries. Users will now experience a faster, efficient, and more functional flow that is based on user feedback.
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    9. Ability to Search for Video PID within Media Library Using Information Encoded in Direct Link or Embed Code
      Users are now able to use the Media Search Bar to search for a video using the information encoded in a Direct Link or an Embed Code. This was a heavily requested feature by our Administrators to identify where a video, known only by Direct Link or Embed Code, resided within the Video Platform. Instructions on how to search a video through Direct Link or Embed Code can be found by clicking the arrow icon located in the Search Bar.
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    11. Detection of Errors in Manually Edited SRT Caption Files
      This new capability is able to detect and provide more detailed remediation information when users manually upload a SRT caption file that contains formatting issues. This aids Content Creators in easily correcting the errors, and saves all users from future inconveniences.
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    13. Ability to Search by Metadata Fields Defined in a Custom Metadata Schema
      The Metadata Fields defined within a Metadata Schema are now searchable with a new search operator called “metadata:” For Organizations using a Custom Metadata Schema, users will now be able to generate more accurate search results.

      • Metadata Field Search in the Media Library

      • Metadata Field Search in the Media Chooser
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    14. New APIs Available for Deeper Device Status Information and Functionality Customization
      As third-party Developers seek to do more with their external tools and integrations, we continue to add new capabilities within our REST APIs.

      • Ability to Query Device Status Through Supported REST API
        This API allows Application Developers to create an external page or application that summarizes their Organization’s Device statuses and provides a preview of a Device’s audio and video activity. We understand that some Organizations prefer to operate within a custom-built monitoring system, so now they have the capabilities to build this out fully. Please refer to this guide to learn more.

      • Ability to Specify Scheduled Recording Storage Location
        This feature allows Application Developers to determine where a scheduled recording will be stored upon completion (as opposed to storing completed recordings in a general Default Collection).
    15. Ability to Customize YouTube Ingest Compliance Notification to Meet Local Compliance Laws
      Administrators can now customize the prompt that will appear when users import a video from YouTube. In addition to a custom message, Administrators are able to provide a link to their country’s relevant legal rulings and institution policies for users to refer to. To learn more about this feature, please click here.
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    17. Improved Visualization of Word Cloud and Confidence Score Highlights when Using the Model A – Auto-Captioning Engine
      We have made significant visual improvements to the Word Cloud feature for the Model A – Auto-Captioning Engine. Additionally, we have made significant improvements to the Confidence Scores shown in the Video Editor for Model A.
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    19. More Expansive Spanish and Portuguese Translations Now Available
      To better support users from diverse linguistic backgrounds, we are providing more comprehensive Spanish and Portuguese translation support within our Enterprise Video Platform. To learn how to enable your preferred language, please click here. For future releases, we are currently working on expanding our services to provide Finnish and Dutch translations.
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    21. Refreshed Hub Profile and Workflow
      The Hub Profile creation workflow has been refined to allow users to more efficiently create Hub Profiles. To learn more about this feature, please click here.
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    23. Ability to Search by Full Name in Roster
      To allow for a faster and more refined search process, Administrators will now be able to search for users using their full names.
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    25. Notification when User Role Has Been Changed
      To allow for easier tracking of purposeful and inadvertent role changes, Administrators can now receive a notification in the Audit Log when a user’s role has been changed within the Video Platform.
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    27. Refined UI Flow for Downloading a Transcript from Media Player Sidebar
      The workflow for downloading a Transcript from the Media Player Sidebar has been improved (from a slightly confusing previous UI). Moreover, the Transcript will now be included when students decide to Bulk Download all associated Resources. To learn more about this feature, please click here
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    29. Ability to Disable Ability to Take Video Quiz via “Bell Icon” in Video Platform
      Administrators can now disable Video Quiz Notifications which, in turn, prevents students from accessing video quizzes from the Bell icon. The most common reason to do so is to ensure that all quiz attempts flow to the LMS Gradebook (via an authenticated LMS LTI Launch event) instead of only the Video Platform’s Gradebook.
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  • October 10, 2021

    Enterprise Video Platform – Update RC20211008 Released to CAN and EU Zone

    Analytics Browser Capture Canadian Zones Enterprise Video Platform European Union Zones General Platform Media Player Video Editor Video Quizzes

    We have successfully pushed an update to all instances residing in the European Union and Canada. Next week, we will perform the same update to United States-based instances.

      1. Redesigned Media Player Sidebar with Improved Visualizations
        The Video Platform’s Media Player now offers a redesigned experience for each of the metadata panels of the Media Player. This change was focused on optimizing the visibility and usability of each panel. Click here to learn more about the Media Player Sidebar.

        • The new Chapter Index panel

        • The new Optical Character Recognition (OCR) panel

        • The new Resources panel
      2. Live Stream Integration Directly into Media Channels
        To make it easier for students to join course-level Live Streams, a new integration within the Media Channels provides notification of active Live Streams to the course.
      3. Video Editor Now Provides the Ability to Insert Video from Your Existing Media Content
        Content Owners can insert existing media into a video stream from their My Media library without having to first upload the content (as was previously the case). Click here to learn more about Insert Video.
      4. Video Editor Now Supports Simultaneous Editing of Caption Files in Multiple Languages
        Content Owners can now context-switch and edit multiple Caption Files within a single editing session. Click here to learn more about editing caption files in multiple language.
      5. Video Editor Now Supports Find-and-Replace for Editing Captions
        Caption editors now have a quick find-and-replace workflow to make editing captions more efficient.
      6. Video Editor Performance Optimizations (EU and CA Zone) 
        The processing infrastructure used by the Video Editor in the EU and CA zone has been optimized using the same elastic edit-processing infrastructure utilized in the US zone. The result is faster editing of long videos.
      7. Gradebook-Aligned Video Completion Scoring 
        The Video Platform now offers an LMS Gradebook-aligned video completion scoring capability previously offered within the Techsmith Knowmia product. With this product being sunset, the ability to apply a grade based on a percentage-threshold watched was a heavily requested feature by former Knowmia customers. Click here to learn more about how to create a Playback Quiz.

      8. Support for Organization-Approved Pre-Roll and Post-Roll (Trailer) Videos
        Organizations can now upload approved Pre-Roll and Post-Roll video content that can then be utilized by Content Owners. The goal is to allow Organizations to more easily distribute brand and compliance-aligned pre-roll and post-rolls. Click here to learn more about using Video Bumpers.
      9. Support for Downloading Video Podcasts with “Burned In” Captions
        Content Owners and Administrators can now opt to download their video content with a “burned in” copy of the time-synchronized caption file. For videos with multiple associated caption files, users can select which caption file to “burn in”. Click here to learn more about obtaining burn-in captions within your downloaded videos.
      10. Create Auto-Scheduled Placeholder Recordings That Can Be Immediately Inserted Into Instructional Content
        Auto-schedule recordings can now create placeholder videos ahead of the actual event. These placeholder objects can be inserted similar to actual videos. Click here to learn more about creating a Placeholder Video.
      11. Browser Capture Now Provides the Ability to Download a Single Stream Podcast of the Newly Created Content
        Users now have an option to immediately download an offline podcast of their newly created multi-stream content. Previously within the Brower Capture Studio, multi-stream content had to be downloaded as separate streams. Please note, the most popular workflow of saving directly to My Media is not affected by this enhancement.
      12. New Device Management and Integration APIs
        In an effort to continue to expand the capabilities of our Hardware Capture appliance partners, we have continued to extend our APIs to provide additional device management and integration APIs. These include: the ability to programmatically register and unregister third-party hardware capture appliances, integration of Live Stream ingestion, recording pause and resume support, and more.
      13. Support for D2L Homepage Link to Video Platform
        D2L institutions can now add a link to the YuJa Enterprise Video Platform that is not contextually associated with a course. When the LTI link is followed, the Video Platform will present the user’s My Media content and is agnostic to any specific course view.
      14. Support for Moodle Media Chooser Insertion of a Direct Link When the LMS Strips the Embed Code 
        Institutions that use Moodle can now use the Media Chooser in scenarios where the Moodle LMS strips the inserted video link, such as within a Moodle Forum post of a student. Now this scenario is detected and a link is, instead, inserted.
      15. Support for Bulk Human Caption Operation 
        Human captioned-enabled users can now bulk-select multiple videos to send for human captioning.
      16. Improved the Loading Time of the User-Level Analytics View
        Optimized the retrieval and tabulation functions of this user-centric analytics view. Now this user-level view loads, in most cases, within a matter of seconds rather than over a minute.
      17. Optimized Loading Speed of Media Player When Embedding 5+ Videos in a Page
        Now embedded videos will load much more quickly as a result of a number of packaging, caching, and localization optimizations.
      18. Continued Work on Accessibility Improvements Across Video PlatformAs part of our continued efforts to deepen the accessibility of our offerings, we have focused this release on improved Tab Ordering. For example, the Video Editor’s Tab Order is more logical and intuitive than it was previously.
  • July 24, 2021

    Enterprise Video Platform – Update RC20210723 Released to All Zones

    Analytics Browser Capture Canadian Zones Enterprise Video Platform European Union Zones General Platform Media Player United States Zones

    We have successfully pushed an update to all instances residing in the US, European Union and Canada.

    1. A Brand New Browser Capture User Experience
      We redesigned the user experience of the Browser Capture to focus on a more intuitive interface, better control of source recording, and previewing of active sources. We also implemented 15+ stability and firewall traversal improvements. Reach out to your dedicated Customer Success Manager to learn how to enable Browser Capture for your Organization. We’ve got plenty more in store for the Browser Capture as we continue to enhance and extend this tool’s capabilities in future releases. Click here to learn more about Browser Capture.
    2. New Media Player Viewing Options for Multi-Stream Content
      User now have more flexible viewing options for multi-streamed content with the ability to hover over the multi-stream content in the Media Player to select from a Side-by-Side, Picture-in-Picture or Single Source view. Click here to learn more about configuring default settings for Multi-Stream viewing.
    3. Improved Media Player Accessibility with the Ability to Dynamically Move the Caption Bar
      Viewers can now dynamically move the caption bar around to suit their personal preferences. Click here to learn more about Media Player Accessibility tools.
    4. Better Messaging When Captions are Being Processed
      The “No Captions Available” when ASR-based captions are being generated has been replaced with the message “Captions are being processed and should be available soon.”. Further, when no captions are pending, a more prescriptive message of “No captions available. To request captions, please contact the Video Owner.” shows. Click here to learn more about Media Player Accessibility tools.
    5. Media Detail Advanced Capabilities Tucked Under “More Options”
      As the Video Platform expands, we’re constantly adding new features under the Media Details panel. We didn’t want to overwhelm the novice user and as such, we’ve tucked away advanced media tools under More Options.
    6. Editable Embed Code for Advanced Configurations
      We’ve added the ability to edit a video’s Embed Code elements to give power users more control over embed code behavior. Click here to learn more about editing a video’s embed code.
    7. Quick-Click for Direct Links and Embed Codes
      Copy a direct link or embed code in a single click using the new Copy button now available for all media content. Click here to learn more about sharing content using a Direct Link or Embed Code.
    8. Improved Publish Dialog Layout for Smaller Screens
      We’ve made changes to the Publish dialog to optimize the space for smaller viewports. Click here to learn more about publishing media in the Video Platform.
    9. Ability to Manage Video Quiz Open and Close Dates within the Media Chooser
      We’re continuing to improve our Video Quiz tools for Instructors who post video quizzes directly within their LMS. Now, Instructors can set the Video Quiz’s Open and Close dates directly within the Media Chooser. Click here to learn more about Video Quizzes.
    10. Additional Security for the Zoom Enterprise Connector
      A new Verification Code is now required when changing the email address associated with a Video Platform account. This was done to ensure that Zoom-mapped accounts are mapped securely to the correct Video Platform account.
    11. New Bulk Actions Options for Bulk Security
      Set the security of a group of videos from Private to Public, or enable Portal Authentication at the same time using our new Bulk Security feature. Content Owners managing large media collections can now set video security in bulk. Click here to learn more about Bulk Media Management options.
    12. Improved the Accessibility and Navigability of Charts and Graphs
      In our drive to improve digital accessibility for all users, we’ve added additional screen reader support for graphs and charts in the Video Platform which includes adding data tables to complement graphical chart elements.
    13. 24/7 RTMP Live Streaming
      We’ve more formally added 24/7 RTMP Live Streaming as we previously deprecated this capability only to release the ever-growing use cases our users had for 24/7 live streaming of content. Administrators can now start a non-recorded 24/7 RTMP Live Stream that can be used for permanent digital signage. Click here to learn more about RTMP Live Streaming.
    14. Archiving Notifications
      New archiving notifications alert users when their content has been archived by their Administrators. As organizations ramp up archiving media content using YuJa Himalayas, we will continue to roll out new Video Platform notification capabilities.
    15. Zoom Metadata
      New Zoom metadata like the Zoom Meeting ID, Name of the Organizer and List of Participants makes it easier for Content Creators and Administrators to search for Zoom recordings imported automatically using the Zoom Connector. Click here to learn more about the Zoom Connector.
    16. Additional Third-Party Hardware Integration APIs
      Added improved Device API error handling and new API to retrieve Device Status and Audit Logs. Click here to learn more about available Video Platform APIs.