• October 21, 2022

    YuJa Verity for Test Proctoring – Update RC20221020 Released to US, CAN, AND EU Zones

    Canada Zone European Union Zone United States Zone YuJa Verity Test Proctoring Platform

    We have successfully pushed an update to all YuJa Verity for Test Proctoring instances residing in the United States, Canada, and the European Union. This update provides our users with an improved UI for the Proctoring Results table to view ID verification photos, a new quick setup guide for students, a new UI page for unauthenticated students, student account authentication for proctored sessions, and several improvements and bug fixes across all instances.

    1. Improved User Experience for the Student Results Table to View ID Verification Photos
      Before beginning a proctored session, students are required to verify themselves and their student ID. We have updated the Results table to include the ID verification photo for instructors to view.
    2. New Quick Setup Guide for Students Accessing Verity
      To provide students with clear instructions on how to enable Verity for their proctored session, we have implemented a Quick Setup Guide for Verity-enabled quizzes. Students attempting to access their quiz will be prompted with a three-step guide.
      New quick setup guide in 3 steps for students using YuJa Verity for test proctoring.
    3. New Quiz Setup Guide for Unauthenticated Students
      Students trying to access a YuJa Verity-enabled quiz without the proper prerequisites will be presented with our new Setup Guide. By following three simple steps to enable their proctoring session, students will be able to begin their quiz.
      Three steps to authenticate students: Click the YuJa Verity Link, Download the Extension, and begin your quiz
    4. Student Account Authentication for Proctored Sessions
      Before the start of a quiz, students will be required to confirm their name to ensure the correct LMS account is authenticated for the proctored session.
      Student account authentication for proctored sessions as student to confirm their name.
    5. Optimized Performance & Resolved Bug Including the Folllowing:
      • Resolved an issue where the Canvas theme editor was not blocking quizzes within certain links in the Course Navigation menu.
      • Fixed styling issues on Moodle.
      • Users will no longer be able to proceed past System Check if their share screen has stopped.
      • Adjusted monitoring of flagged events.
  • October 21, 2022

    YuJa Video Conference Platform – Update RC20221018 Released to US, CAN, and EU Zones

    Canada Zone European Union Zone United States Zone

    We have successfully pushed an update to all Video Conference platform instances residing in the United States, Canada, and the European Union. This update provides our users with an increased number of video participants, support for HD webcams, live chat engagement through emoji reactions, the ability to open a screenshare in a separate tab, and improved stability.

    1. Increased Number of Video Participants to 100
      In continuing to enhance the overall collaborative experience, we have increased the number of simultaneous video participants to 100. For future releases, we intend to continue our efforts to attain 200 on-video participants.
      Video Conference Platform featuring increased number of video and dial-in participants.
    2. Support for HD Webcams
      Participants may now take advantage of their HD webcams. Stream and record high-definition videos on our Video Conference platform.
    3. Live Chat Engagement Through Emoji Reactions
      Express yourself with emoji reactions! By providing a fun alternative to engage with the live chat, we continue to foster new experiences to enhance the quality of our Video Conference platform.
      Live Chat between students planning to meet at the library and using new emoji reactions.
    4. View Screenshare in Separate Tab
      To provide more flexibility with how participants view the Video Conference platform, we have implemented a feature to open a live Screenshare within a new tab. Participants now have the freedom to move the Screenshare and enlarge the video.
    5. Improved Video Conference Stability
      In an effort to significantly improve user experience, we have adjusted our back-end server support to provide better connectivity. For future releases, we intend to improve our protocols on network trafficking to include support for firewalls and VPN settings.
  • October 14, 2022

    Enterprise Video Platform – Update RC20221014 Released to Canadian and European Union Zones

    Canada Zone European Union Zone YuJa Enterprise Video Platform

    We have successfully pushed an update to all YuJa Enterprise Video Platform instances residing in Canada and the European Union. This update provides our users with an enhanced user experience for the Admin Panel’s Devices page, new Group Management options for internal CampusTube media distribution, added security options for Live Streams, and several improvements and bug fixes across the Video Platform. This update will be released to the United States zones next Friday.

    1. Redesigned and Higher-Performance Devices Panel with New Summary Statistics and Admin Options
      We have released a comprehensive redesign of the Admin Panel’s Devices page. The focus of this re-design is to provide a more modern UX experience that also sets the stage for two features focused on Hardware Hub Fleet Management and Software Capture Application Remote Administration and Source Management.
      New capabilities include better performance with hundreds of simultaneously connected Devices, new tab for reviewing and filtering upcoming device schedules, Device Status Summary Cards, as well as an improved Device Preview section.The new Devices Panel featuring an enhanced UI.
    2. New Group Provisioning, Automation and Permission Management for CampusTube Media Distribution
      To provide Administrators with provisioning flexibility and automation for their CampusTube, Groups can now be created through their institution’s SSO integration. Content Creators may give special permission to entire Groups to edit media files within CampusTube Media Channels. For more information, please visit our support guides on Integrating Your Institution’s SSO with Groups and Sharing Folders with Groups.Groups panel within Courses & Groups with associated members.
    3. The Advanced Search Console is Now Available Within the Media Chooser LMS Extension
      In providing the same interactive search capabilities found within the Video Platform’s Media Library, the Advanced Search Console is now available to use within the Media Chooser for all LMS users.
      The Media Chooser dialog featuring the Advanced Search Console for LMS users.
    4. Ability to Create Secure Live Stream Links with Enhanced Security Access Controls, Including Single-Sign-On
      We have added Live Stream Security Settings to the list of options for pre-scheduled Live Streams. Users can now create private Live Streams that have access-controlled restrictions including Institution’s Single-Sign-On, custom password, IP address, geo-location or domain.
    5. Enhanced Gallery View Thumbnails for CampusTube
      Users are now able to see summary statistics on the nested Media Channels within the CampusTube, as well as a thumbnail preview of recently added video content.Video Platform sub-folders with 0 videos featuring custom thumbnails.
    6. New API to Add or Remove Bookmarks from Recordings
      We have added a new API that allows Content Creators to add or remove bookmarks for their recordings. To learn how to use this API or any of our other APIs, please visit our API support guide.
    7. Enhanced Media Chooser User Interface
      To provide users with more relevant metadata in the video descriptions, we have enhanced the Media Chooser UI and set the default layout to List View.
      Enhanced Media Chooser UI featuring List View as the default layout.
    8. Option to Require Students to Enable Third-Party Cookies to Ensure Tracking of Analytics and Course Grades
      Instructors now have the option to Require Authenticated Viewing to ensure that video analytics are collected. If third-party cookies are blocked by the viewer, they will be prompted with an error message and instructions on how to enable Third-Party Cookies.
      Course Settings featuring a new option to require users to enable 3rd-party cookies.
  • October 14, 2022

    YuJa Engage Student Response System – Update RC20221014 Released to US, CAN, and EU

    Canada Zone European Union Zone United States Zone YuJa Engage Student Response System

    We have successfully pushed an update to all YuJa Engage Student Response System instances residing in the United States, Canada, and the European Union. This is a new product, and this update provides our users with live polling and audience engagement capabilities, CSV file support for roster imports, and a Microsoft PowerPoint Ribbon add-in for Poll Integration.

    1. Student Response System for Understanding and Comprehension
      YuJa Engage offers an interactive course experience for students and instructors. With the goal of bringing an active learning environment to any course, the Student Response System (SRS) provides instructors the ability to create and publish live polls and view analytics for individual questions to gain a deep apprehension of student success. To learn more about our Student Response System, visit the YuJa Engage product page.
      A mouse cursor is shown, adding a new question. The mouse cursor moves to select the correct answer and publish the poll. A countdown begins, and the question is shown. An answer is selected and submitted. The user is congratulated for selecting the correct answer.
    2. CSV File Support for Bulk-User Import
      Courses may require a large number of users to be uploaded to the Manage Users panel. We now provide the option to have a CSV file of a list of users uploaded to the YuJa Engage platform. To learn how to create and upload import files, please visit our support guide on Creating a YuJa Engage CSV File. A list of managed users is shown. The list includes their Username, Role (as either IT Manager, Creator, or Viewer), First Name, Middle Name, Last Name, Email, Phone number, and the option to update or delete a user is shown for each individual.
    3. Microsoft PowerPoint Ribbon Add-On for Poll Integration
      The YuJa Engage plugin can be installed in the Microsoft PowerPoint ribbon to provide users with a more seamless Student Response System. The plugin will allow users to insert individual questions within their PowerPoint presentation and view the associated results. To learn how to install and use the plugin, please visit our support guide on Integrating the YuJa Engage Plugin with PowerPoint.
      The YuJa Engage plugin is shown within the Microsoft PowerPoint Ribbon. On the right-hand side of the image is the YuJa Engage panel. From here, users can select their poll and insert questions into their presentation.
  • September 30, 2022

    YuJa Panorama for Digital Accessibility – Update RC20220930 Released to US, CAN, and EU Zones

    Canada Zone European Union Zone United States Zone YuJa Panorama LMS Accessibility Platform

    We have successfully pushed an update to all YuJa Panorama for Digital Accessibility instances residing in the United States, Canada, and the European Union. This release focuses on enhanced real-time suggestions for WYSIWYG content, new accessibility profiles and features for webpage and in-LMS page content, an option for Admins and Instructors to reprocess all items within a course, and more.

    1. New Real-Time Accessibility Suggestions Available within WYSIWYG Editor
      Building on the Real-time Accessibility Suggestion Engine introduced last release, we have added new accessibility suggestions for WYSIWYG Editor content. Panorama will now make suggestions and prompt instructors to fix issues associated with font size, color contrast, alternative text, and descriptive text. Content Creators will be prompted when there is a detected accessibility issue—which will be flagged as Minor, Major, or Severe—and subsequently offered an appropriate solution.
    2. Real-Time Improvement Suggestions for Color Contrast When WCAG 2.1 Color Contrast Issues Are Detected
      Suggestions for color contrast allow Content Creators to resolve WCAG 2.1 color contrast issues by choosing from a recommended selection of complementary text or background colors.
    3. Real-Time Improvement Suggestions for Font Sizes When Font Readability Issues Are Detected
      Font size issues that could affect readability will automatically be detected and easy-to-use recommendations to adjust the text size are provided.
    4. Customized Website Accessibility Profiles for Motor Impairment, Color Blindness, Dyslexia, Visually Impairments, Seizure-Prone Users, and More
      To make web-based content more accessible to viewers, we have implemented an improved layout alongside one-click Accessibility Profiles, which will automatically alter the website or LMS content for viewers with: motor impairments, color blindness, visual impairments, dyslexia, ADHD, cognitive or learning disabilities, and those prone to seizures.
    5. Addition of Font Face Designed to Be Easier to Read for Dyslexic Users
      Further enhancements include the addition of Comic Sans to the list of Readable Fonts, and a customizable option for the Reading Guide.
    6. Ability to Reprocess All Documents Within a Course To Take Advantage of Newly Introduced Accessibility Engine Enhancements
      Admins and Instructors who wish to re-generate Alternative Formats and Accessibility Reports for a course may do so with the click of a button. Simply access your Course Report or Content tab within the Panorama LTI app and select Reprocess Course.
      Reprocess Course
    7. Support for Moodle Books
      In continuing to integrate Panorama into new areas of Moodle, we now generate Alternative Formats and an Accessibility Score for Moodle Books. Future updates will further expand Panorama into other areas such as Discussion Topics and Moodle Chapters.
  • September 29, 2022

    YuJa Verity for Test Proctoring Platform – Update RC20220929 Released to US, CAN, and EU Zones

    Canada Zone European Union Zone United States Zone YuJa Verity Test Proctoring Platform

    We have successfully pushed an update to all YuJa Verity for Test Proctoring Platform instances residing in the United States, Canada, and the European Union. This update provides our users with an improved user experience for the Review Video Player, custom Exam Agreements, asynchronous support integrated into the Verity Recording Panel, and several improvements and bug fixes across Canvas and Moodle instances.

    1. New Review Video Player UI Featuring Flagged Timestamps
      We have provided our users with a sleek redesign of the Review Video Player UI. Instructors will be able to view detected flags as timestamps, citing when the issue was detected, along with a complete description of the potential issue.
    2. Asynchronous Support Resources Integrated into the Verity Recording Panel
      Our Verity support team is here to help! With our new Assistance feature, students can visit our support guides or connect with our dedicated team through ticket, email, or call our toll-free number for immediate assistance.
    3. New Quick Setup Guide for Students
      In recognizing the need to provide students with clear instructions on how to enable Verity for their proctoring session, we have implemented a quick-start guide for Verity-enabled quizzes. Students may access the guide from the Quizzes tab and follow these three easy steps: launch the Chrome browser, install the Verity plugin, and navigate to the Quiz page.
    4. Improved Our Server-Side Monitoring
      Additional infrastructure has been deployed to monitor the server-side load in real-time, allowing us to collect metrics for YuJa Verity to improve stability for existing infrastructures.
    5. Custom Exam Agreements Available for Institutions
      Canvas and Moodle Administrators will be able to implement custom Exam Agreements specific to their institution’s exam policies. Students must agree to the terms before beginning their proctored session. Please visit our support guides to learn how to add Exam Agreements to your Moodle or Canvas instance.
    6. Optimized Performance & Resolved Bugs
      • Screen-capture recordings are initiated at the start of quizzes.
      • Canvas students now have access to Verity-enabled quizzes through the Modules and Grades tab.
      • Resolved an issue where some students’ names were not appearing in the Results tab for completed quizzes or would appear multiple times for repeated attempts.
      • Fixed Moodle “Start Attempt” dialog preventing access to quizzes.
      • Resolved Disable New Tab feature allowing tabs to open under certain conditions.
  • September 16, 2022

    YuJa Verity for Test Proctoring Platform – Update v1.2

    Canada Zone European Union Zone United States Zone YuJa Verity Test Proctoring Platform

    We have successfully pushed an update to all YuJa Verity for Test Proctoring Platform instances residing in the United States, Canada, and the European Union. This is a new product and this update provides our users with an improved UI for the Verity Results table, a new plugin to block quiz access without YuJa Verity, the YuJa Verity Panel, and optimization improvements for the Moodle platform.

    1. Enhanced UI Experience for the Verity Results Table
      We are pleased to introduce our new Results table. Through our new filtering settings, Instructors will find it easier than ever to see and review quiz attempts by students. Filter seamlessly through student names, suspicious activity levels, submission start dates, and submission end dates for quizzes.
    2. New Plugin to Block Quiz Access Without YuJa Verity Enabled 
      To provide Instructors and Students with reliable quiz proctoring, we have introduced a new plugin to ensure Students are unable to access Verity quizzes without the YuJa Verity extension enabled. This feature can be added for Canvas and Moodle LMS platforms (D2L and Blackboard coming soon).
    3. Support for Incognito Windows in Chrome
      Verity-enabled quizzes are now accessible through incognito windows in Chrome.
    4. Introducing the YuJa Verity Recording Panel
      The YuJa Verity panel offers students a live view of their recording, as well as zoom adjustment levels for their screen. Future updates for the Recording Panel will focus on providing tools for students to utilize, such as the ability to have an on-screen calculator, a whiteboard tool, and the option to ask our amazing team for direct assistance regarding YuJa Verity.
    5. Optimized Compatibility Issues for all Moodle Instances
      We have optimized compatibility issues related to several Moodle quiz features. More improvements will follow in subsequent minor and patch releases next week.
  • September 16, 2022

    YuJa Hardware Hub – Firmware Update Now Available

    Canada Zone European Union Zone United States Zone

    We have released a new Hardware Hub (5 series) firmware update that is available for update. This update provides our users with NDI camera compatibility, HDMI and SDI-embedded audio preview, as well as includes 20+ smaller fixes and improvements. Please contact your Customer Success Manager to request an update.

    1. NDI-Compatible Cameras Are Now Supported on the YuJa Hardware Hub
      In recognizing the need for institutions to manage remote video sources, we now support NDI compatibility. Simply connect your NDI-enabled camera to the network to take advantage of this feature. Manage your video preview, stream quality, recording resolution, and embedded video and audio sources when configuring your NDI-compatible cameras. For support on how to activate and configure your NDI-compatible cameras, please click here.
    2. View Embedded Audio for HDMI and SDI Sources
      We have provided Admins the option to listen to embedded audio previews for their connected sources directly from the Devices tab within the Admin Panel.
  • August 26, 2022

    Enterprise Video Platform – Update RC20220819 Released to US Zone

    United States Zone

    We have successfully pushed an update to all instances residing in the United States. For a summary of the release, please refer to the corresponding tag for the most recent Canadian and EU zones release.

  • August 26, 2022

    YuJa Himalayas for Data Archiving and Compliance – Update RC20220819 Released to US, CAN, and EU Zones

    Canada Zone European Union Zone United States Zone

    We have successfully pushed an update to all instances residing in the United States, Canada, and the European Union. This update provides our users with a new Recurring Jobs tab, accurate file size representation, improvements to file restoration, and enhanced UI across Himalayas.

    1. New Recurring Jobs Tab to View Active Data Management Policies
      Viewing all active and recurring Data Policies is now easier than ever. The new Recurring Jobs tab offers a comprehensive overview of recurring tasks associated with installed Data Policies. Admins have a quick snapshot of the Data Policy and its occurrence. We have also provided a View All button to showcase the list of files associated with the Data Policy.
    2. Improved the Restore Behavior for Files
      We have made several improvements to the behavior of restored files. Administrators will now find it easier to manage and locate files within their Video Platform instance.

      • Files will be automatically restored to their original folder.
      • If the original folder no longer exists, Himalayas will restore the folder with the file.
      • If the original folder has been renamed, the file will be restored in the renamed folder.
      • If the Content Owner has been removed from the Video Platform, the file will be restored under the Administrator’s account inside the “Himalayas Restored” folder.
    3. Data Explorer Now Offers the Ability to Search by Owner Email
      To expand upon our search filter capabilities for Data Explorer, this update allows Administrators to search for files based on the Content Owner’s email.
    4. Added an Exclusion List for Videos to Not Be Archived By Recurring Policies
      Recurring policies may schedule a video to be archived again if a Content Owner restores their file. To prevent this from occurring, Administrators will be prompted by Himalayas to add the video to the exclusion list for 90 days to prevent a subsequent archive from taking place.
    5. Himalayas Now Provides an Automatic Retry Feature for Failed Archives and Restores
      To provide our users with robust archiving and restoring capabilities, we have implemented an automatic retry feature for failed Jobs.
    6. Manually Importing Zoom Videos Now Shows Individual Meetings 
      This update refreshes the user interface when users manually import their Zoom recordings. Instead of users seeing individual video streams for a multi-party meeting, the new interface will provide a simple view of the entire meeting as one video.