Category: YuJa Enterprise Video Platform

  • October 6, 2023

    YuJa Enterprise Video Platform Update – “Zelkova” Released to CAN, AU and EU Zones

    Australia Zone Canada Zone European Union Zone YuJa Enterprise Video Platform

    We have successfully pushed an update to all Enterprise Video Platform instances residing in Canada, Australia, and the European Union. Release highlights include: a refreshed Media Player theme, option to edit Platform emails, publish playlists across the Video Platform, transform folders into Playlists, dynamically select layout preferences, custom embed sizes for the Media Chooser, enhancements to the Video Editor, manage Rosters for individual campuses within the Umbrella System, and so much more.

    1. Refreshed Media Player with Enhanced Search Video Sidebar
      As part of our multi-release commitment to refining the Media Player, we’re introducing a new interface with redesigned icons and color adjustments. You can now view labeled timestamps for the Index, Captions, and Notes to ensure seamless navigation.
      Redesigned Media Player.
    2. Edit All Platform Emails to Align with Brand and Communication Preferences
      Administrators can tailor their email notifications to meet their specific preferences. Simply choose the Edit option next to any email notification in the Platform tab to customize the email’s content to align with school-specific branding.
      A customized email in the Email Editor.
    3. Publish Playlists to the EnterpriseTube, CampusTube, and Course Channels with Real-Time Updating
      Playlists now offer the flexibility to be published across EnterpriseTube, CampusTube, and Course Channels. After publication, Content Creators can continue to modify Playlists, with the changes instantly reflected across all published locations.
      A Playlist being published into multiple areas.
    4. Transform Folders into Playlists
      Users with curated content within folders can seamlessly transform folders of video content into sharable Playlists, enabling them to share and dynamically update their content across the Video Platform. To recap, Playlists will eventually be the preferred way to distribute lists of videos, and Folders will remain the preferred way to organize content.
      Option to turn folder into Playlist in the Media Details panel.
    5. Viewers Can Dynamically Select Layout Preference Between Grid, List, and Gallery with Default View Options
      To establish a default viewing experience for each Channel on the Video Platform, administrators and Channel Owners have the option to configure the default view for a given Course Channel.

      • Grid
        Grid view of a course channel.
      • List
        List view of a course channel.
      • Gallery
        Gallery view of a course channel.
    6. Set Custom Embed Sizes for the Media Chooser
      Content Creators can select a default standardized embed size for their media content when selecting to embed videos through the Media Chooser. Furthermore, Creators can customize the embed sizes.

    7. Video Editor – “Undo” Function Now Works with Recently Introduced Split Tool
      In the previous release, we introduced a Split tool to complement the existing Cut tool. We have now added compatibility with the Video Editor’s “Undo” capability and the Split tool.
      Undoing a split in the Video Editor.
    8. Umbrella System – Manage Dedicated Rosters for Campuses
      With the introduction of our Umbrella System Panel designed for Super Admins overseeing multi-campus institutions, our attention now turns to the distribution of Admin Panel settings to the System Panel, commencing with the Roster panel. Super Admins and Campus Admins will be able to oversee lists of provisioned users within each campus, enabling precise user role adjustments that exclusively impact individuals within their designated campus. In addition, we’re actively exploring how aspects of the Umbrella System could help large organizations, such as research institutions, to provide hierarchical distribution of administration and permission management for Campus and Sub-Admin roles to better support single-campus entities.
      Accessing the Roster tab from the System Panel.
    9. Mirror Single Sign-on ID Names in the Video Platform With Existing YuJa IDs
      In our previous update, we allowed Single Sign-on (SSO) ID names to be mirrored on the Video Platform when creating a new user. We have updated this feature to allow the YuJa IDs of existing users to be mirrored based on their SSO ID names.
    10. Pre-Select the Course Channel for Browser Capture Publication
      When launching the Browser Capture Studio from within a course channel, Content Creators now have the option to publish recordings to the course.
      The option to publish recording into the Course Channel from the Create Recording panel.
    11. Copied LMS Courses Will Have Their Published Videos and Quizzes Migrated to Pre-Existing Courses
      In our last update, while we allowed LMS-copied courses to be connected with pre-existing courses on the Video Platform, the migration of published videos and Video Quizzes associated with these courses needed to be supported. We’ve now updated this functionality to allow associated videos and quizzes to migrate into courses previously established on the Video Platform.
    12. API to Schedule Events and Publish Them to CampusTube
      We’ve introduced an API (4.2.8) that enables administrators to schedule live streams and media for direct publication to their CampusTube folder. To learn how to use this and any of our other APIs, please visit our API Support guide.
  • September 1, 2023

    Enterprise Video Platform & Himalayas Update – “Yoshino” Released to US Zones

    United States Zone YuJa Enterprise Video Platform YuJa Himalayas Archiving Add-On

    We have successfully pushed an update to all instances residing in the United States. For a complete summary of the release, please refer to the corresponding release tags.

  • August 25, 2023

    YuJa Enterprise Video Platform Update – “Yoshino” Released to CAN, AU and EU Zones

    Canada Zone European Union Zone YuJa Enterprise Video Platform

    We have successfully pushed an update to all Enterprise Video Platform instances residing in Canada, Australia, and the European Union. Release highlights include: real-time device health status info, refined capabilities to split and cut recordings in the Video Editor, a new System Panel to manage affiliated campuses, a new Admin Campus role, the option to bulk suspend users, delegate schedule Hardware Hub recordings for activation, generate role-specific API tokens, and so much more.


    1. Devices Panel Now Offers Real-Time Device Health Status Information
      The Health Status overview provides real-time statistical data on the current CPU, memory, and disk space usage of devices running the Software Capture application or the Hardware Hub. With this information, administrators will be able to monitor these critical areas of concern to ensure the classroom podium computer or Hardware Hub is performing well when under heavy use.
      To take advantage of this feature, please update your Software Capture Application to the Eclair release. The Hardware Hub version of this feature will be available in the coming week for all devices on the Everest release. In future releases, we’ll focus on bringing this feature to Software Capture for Apple.
      Device tab in the Admin Panel.
    2. More In-Depth Hardware Hub Device Health Status Panel
      The Hardware Hub features advanced analytics to monitor the performance of the device in real time. View key analytics for the device, such as fan speed, memory, CPU, disk, and network usage, to determine areas of improvement for:

      • Video Streaming quality
      • Storage Management
      • Hardware Issues


      We are actively engaged in the R&D work to provide the same In-Depth Health Score Panel for Software Capture applications to match the Hardware Hub’s capabilities. This feature will be available in the coming week for all Hub devices on the Everest release.

      Device status modal for the Hardware Hub.

    3. Independently Split and Trim Multi-Stream Videos Multi-Stream in the Video Editor
      As part of a multi-quarter commitment to refine workflows in the Video Editor, we’ve introduced a much-anticipated workflow: a more intuitive method for cutting videos that aligns with editing tools familiar to end-users who use popular purpose-built video editors and social video tools alike.
      By selecting any timeline segment in the Video Editor, Content Creators can effortlessly create two distinct videos on their track by utilizing the ‘Split’ button. Refine the video further by clicking and dragging on its edges, allowing Creators to easily trim unwanted footage. For a complete list of features available in the Video Editor, please visit our guide on the Video Editor Overview.
      Split tool being used in the video editor.
    4. Umbrella System – New System Panel to Manage Physical Campuses
      Quick recap, the Umbrella System is a strategy to better support multi-campus systems with both central administration of a Video Platform instance alongside distributed sub-administration of individual campus nodes by Campus Admins.
      As part of the third phase of our Umbrella System plan, institution administrators, also known as ‘Super Admins,’ will have access to a new System Panel. This panel will seamlessly present a comprehensive list of registered Campuses affiliated with the institution. Within this framework, Super Admins can access the Admin Panel for individual campuses or apply global settings to all campuses by accessing the System Panel.
      The next phase of our work involves distributing the various settings between the System Panel and Admin Panel and finally providing roll-up System-level statistics to Super Admins. We are exploring ways, in 2024, of making aspects of the Umbrella System available to large individual institutions to offer better distributed administration and permission management of a single campus entity.
      System Panel view of campuses.
    5. Umbrella System – Customize the URL Sub-Domain Name for Campuses to Access their Dedicated EnterpriseTube
      Institution-affiliated campuses can have their URL sub-domain customized. These URLs serve as direct access points to individualized EnterpriseTube environments, allowing personalized content viewing for each campus. Simply access the Edit Insitute page for your desired campus and customize the sub-domain name.
      Three custom EnterpriseTube domains.
    6. Umbrella System – New ‘Campus Admin’ Role for Managing Individual Campuses
      Complementing our Super Admin role for managing all campuses under an institution, Campus Admins can be assigned to manage their respective campuses to create custom branding and adjust platform settings based on the individual needs of their campus.
      Adjusting the branding of the campus.
    7. Bulk Suspend Users on the Roster List
      The Roster panel will allow administrators to suspend multiple users simultaneously by uploading a CSV file. Simply download our template, fill out the relevant information for each user, and upload the document. For detailed instructions on suspending users, please visit our guide on Bulk Suspending Users on the Video Platform.
      Dialogue box showing the option to suspend user.
    8. Delegate and Activate Scheduled Hardware Hub Sessions
      Scheduled Hardware Hub sessions can now serve solely as placeholders, enabling session owners and delegated users the option to activate recordings at their preferred times during the scheduled event. This provides enhanced recording control for cases where sessions may begin later than initially scheduled. Please note that this capability does not extend to version 6 Hardware Hub devices.
      Meeting details panel showing Start Session and Stop Session options.
    9. Visual Refresh for the Organization Tab
      As we build out the Umbrella System architecture, we have also enhanced the UI Of the Organization tab to our modern design system that seamlessly blends functionality with aesthetic appeal. We hope you love our new interface, and stay tuned for more visual improvements coming soon.
      The Organization tab in the Admin Panel.
    10. Generate Role-Scoped API Tokens
      Users across the Video Platform now have the capability to generate API tokens tailored to their roles, simplifying access to role-specific API features. Administrators will still have access to manage these tokens, including the option to revoke API access for specific users if required. If you would like to enable this feature for your institution, please contact your Customer Success Manager.
      Navigating to my account to access API tokens.
    11. Mirror Single Sign-on ID Names in the Video Platform When Generating YuJa IDs
      Similar to how Canvas user IDs can replace existing ID numbers on the Video Platform, we have expanded this feature to encompass Single Sign-on (SSO) ID names as well. Simply configure your SSO integration to allow the Video Platform to generate matching IDs.
    12. Link Copied Courses in the LMS with Pre-Existing Courses on the Video Platform
      Previously, an LMS-copied course would automatically create a new course within the Video Platform and have its associated media content added immediately. We have now expanded this functionality to allow the option for copied courses to be linked with a pre-existing course on the Video Platform as well. To learn how to enable this optional feature, please visit our guide on Using Course Copy for Media Channels, Video Quizzes, and Embedded Videos.
      Course configuration settings.
    13. SSO Integrated Groups Will Have Their Names Auto-Updated on the Video Platform
      Administrators integrating SSO-provisioned groups into the Video Platform can update group names, leading to immediate synchronization of these changes across the Video Platform.
    14. New API for Adding Transcripts or Caption Files to Videos
      We are introducing a new API to allow users to add caption srt files and transcript txt or pdf files to a video. Please visit our API Support guide to learn how to use this and any of our other APIs.
    15. New APIs for Creating Folders in EnterpriseTube and CampusTube
      We’re introducing two new APIs to help users create folders within their EnterpriseTube and CampusTube libraries. Please visit our API Support guide to learn how to use these and any of our other APIs.
  • July 15, 2023

    Enterprise Video Platform Update – “Xanthium” Released to US Zones

    United States Zone YuJa Enterprise Video Platform

    We have successfully pushed an update to all instances residing in the United States. For a complete summary of the release, please refer to the corresponding release tag.

  • July 7, 2023

    YuJa Enterprise Video Platform Update – “Xanthium” Released to CAN, AU and EU Zones

    Australia Zone Canada Zone European Union Zone YuJa Enterprise Video Platform

    We have successfully pushed an update to all Enterprise Video Platform instances residing in Canada, Australia, and the European Union. Release highlights include: independent Admin Panels for institutions with multiple schools within an Umbrella System structure, ability to rearrange streams by drag-and-drop in the Video Editor, ability to set download permissions for CampusTube folders, ability to archive courses within Courses & Groups, dynamic user-language support for Dutch and Finnish languages, ability to embed playlists through the Media Chooser, and so much more. This update will be released to US zones next Friday.

    1. Drag-and-Drop, Multi-Stream Adjustment in the Video Editor
      As part of a multi-release plan to enhance the Video Editor, the tool now enables Content Creators to move inserted video clips along their timeline via drag-and-drop. Simply add a clip to your video and drag it to your desired location. For a complete list of features available in the Video Editor, please visit our guide on the Video Editor Overview.A stream being moved in the Video Editor.
    2. Custom Admin Panel Management for Each School within an Umbrella System 
      In our initial phase, we provided our partnered Umbrella System institutions the option to provision courses and users into the correct hierarchical element (sub-institution) using existing attributes from upstream infrastructure (LMS, SIS, SSO). Building on this, our latest release introduces Admin Panel management for each school, along with synchronized viewing of Video Platforms.

      • Administrator Allocation: Each top-level element can have an allocated System Administrator that will grant the sub-institution its own dedicated Video Platform instance.
      • Admin Panel Management: Administrators can efficiently access and manage multiple Video Platform instances with respect to Branding and Platform settings.
      • Synchronized Management: Administrators, instructors, and students can access their complete Media Libraries, courses, roster, or devices across different Video Platforms they are members of. 

      Allocate Admin confirmation window.

    3. Ability to Archive Courses within Courses & Groups
      Administrators and instructors can now archive and unarchive courses within the Video Platform. When courses are required, a simple Unarchive action brings them back to the active Courses tab.
      Course tab in Courses & Groups.
    4. Set Permission to Download Videos within CampusTube Folders
      Content Owners now have the option to grant users with Read Only permission the ability to download videos within designated folders for their CampusTube. By conveniently configuring folder permissions, users can not only view but also download media content within CampusTube.
      Permission Read Only settings applied to students and download video window.
    5. Bulk-Merge Videos Tool Enhanced to Filter “Shared With Me” Content
      In previous updates, we enhanced the Bulk Merge functionality to provide Content Creators with the capability to merge videos within shared folders. In this current release, we now provide Bulk Merge functionality for videos located within “Shared With Me”. This feature enables Creators to conveniently select multiple videos, rearrange their order, and effortlessly generate a new video that combines group projects, assignments, and other relevant content.
      Merge Video window.
    6. Support for Dutch and Finnish Languages
      As the Video Platform continues to expand into new regions, we’re committed to providing local language support to our users. The Video Platform will now fully support Dutch and Finnish languages across the entire Platform. Simply access your My Account settings to adjust your language preferences.

      • Dutch Language Support
        Video Platform with Dutch language support.
      • Finnish Language Support
        Video Platform with Finnish language support.
    7. Embed Playlist Objects Through the Media Chooser
      We have added a dedicated tab within the Media Chooser for Content Creators to effortlessly select and embed their Playlists within their Learning Management System. By using the LTI 1.3 integration, Playlists can be embedded without the need to enable cookies, simplifying the process when using the Media Chooser.
      Playlists within the Media Chooser.
    8. Media Chooser Will Auto-Detect Gradeable Areas for Video Quiz Insertions
      To optimize the integration of Video Quizzes into the gradebook of Learning Management Systems (LMSs), the Media Chooser will only permit Video Quizzes to be embedded into gradable areas of the LMS. With this feature, grades will be accurately synced to the LMS gradebook and reduce potential user errors of insertion of a Video Quiz in an area the LMS does not support gradebook synchronization.

      • Gradeable Areas
        Media Chooser within a gradable area of Canvas.
      • Non-Gradeable Areas
        The media chooser within a non-gradable area in Canvas.
    9. Simplified the Playlist Creation Process
      We have further improved the process for creating Playlists within the Video Platform. By following our step-by-step process, you can generate a personalized playlist to share or embed using the Media Chooser. For more information on how to create and share your own custom Playlists, simply visit our guide on How to Create and Share Playlists.
      A view of the Playlist inside the Video Platform.
    10. Locate Video Quizzes with our Search Features
      In response to the growing use of Video Quizzes, quizzes can be easily located using the Search bar and Advanced Search Console. Content Creators will no longer be required to locate the corresponding video for a quiz and can instead search for the Video Quiz title, streamlining the workflow for quiz management.
      Advanced Search Console featuring a search for Quiz Title.
    11. Visual Video Quiz Badge on Video Thumbnails with Quizzes
      We have added a visual enhancement to thumbnails to help users identify Video Quizzes without accessing the Media Details window for their selected media. Simply look for the Quiz indicator in the top-right corner of thumbnails to identify Video Quizzes.
      Video Quiz thumbnail.
    12. Improved Subscription Management of Hub Hardware Alert Emails
      We understand that administrators may have preferences regarding email notifications for Hub Hardware issues and alerts. To provide flexibility, Administrators can selectively enable specific email notifications based on their unique requirements.
      Add Subscription window.
    13. Courses and Groups Offer Distinct APIs
      With our transition into creating a distinction between Courses and Groups, we now provide separate APIs for each instance. This will give administrators results targeted toward their desired space.
    14. Video Player Keyboard Accessibility Shortcuts now Mirror YouTube
      The Video Platform has always supported keyboard accessibility shortcuts for our Video Player. We have now redesigned our accessibility keys to match YoutTube’s by recognizing the need to provide familiar and intuitive shortcuts. With this, viewers can effortlessly use keyboard shortcuts to adjust speed, video quality, volume, screen display, sidebar actions, and so much more.
      Arrow keys on a keyboard.
    15. Enhanced Branding Across the Video Platform
      As we continue to grow and partner with more institutions, we’re dedicated to providing custom branding for institutions while maintaining a consistent look and feel to the Video Platform. To achieve our branding goals, we have refined our designs for buttons and dialog boxes. Future releases will focus on color schemes for default layouts, icon enhancements, and updates to our fonts.
      Welcome to the Video Platform Dialogue Window.
  • May 27, 2023

    Enterprise Video Platform Update – “Willow Tree” Released to US Zones

    United States Zone YuJa Enterprise Video Platform

    We have successfully pushed an update to all instances residing in the United States. For a complete summary of the release, please refer to the corresponding release tag.

  • May 19, 2023

    YuJa Enterprise Video Platform Update – “Willow Tree” Released to CAN, AU and EU Zones

    Australia Zone Canada Zone European Union Zone YuJa Enterprise Video Platform

    We have successfully pushed an update to all Enterprise Video Platform instances residing in Canada, Australia, and the European Union. This release provides our users with several updates. Highlights include: “no cookies” LTI implementation, integrating hierarchical accounts into the Video Platform, the YuJa app for Microsoft Teams, importing audio clips to the Video Editor, creating custom playlists, improved functionality for consent forms, and so much more. This update will be released to US zones next Friday.  

    1. Look, ‘Ma, No Cookies! Deeper Implementation of New 1EdTech Protocol That Eliminates the Need for Third-Party Cookies
      The Video Platform has a long-standing, IMS-certified implementation of the LTI 1.3 / LTI Advantage protocol with both LTI 1.3 Core, LTI Advantage Deep Linking, and IMS Caliper. Until recently, these protocols relied on third-party cookies for a security handshake with integrated tools. With 1EdTech’s release of an enhanced protocol, we are now able to eliminate the need for third-party cookies.The YuJa Enterprise Video Platform is the first LMS-integrated video solution to no longer require cookies. This simplifies product use particularly on Apple-based products – such as iOS devices and Safari – which often disable third-party cookies by default. To enhance the privacy and security of institutions, users can now access the Video Platform from within their LMS without enabling third-party cookies.
      No Cookie Symbol
    2. Launching Umbrella System Infrastructure for Distributed Administration of Multi-Tenant College Systems
      To support our partner system and state-level institutions who often have centrally managed IT with distributed college-level sub-administration, we are rolling out multi-tenant capabilities within the context of a single, large Video Platform instance. These capabilities will allow Super Admins to centrally manage a state or system-level deployment while offering Sub-Admins at the individual college level with management capabilities of their individual colleges.The Umbrella System architecture is aligned to a multi-release product roadmap that will be done in consultation with partners who are actively adopting this model. In this release, we are introducing Umbrella System infrastructure for Blackboard Nodes and D2L Brightspace Org Units to be able to provision courses, users, and devices into the correct hierarchical element using existing attributes from upstream infrastructure (LMS, SIS, SSO).
      The Video Platform's Organization tab features a hierarchical viewing of sub-accounts.
    3. New Client-Side Microsoft Teams App Available in Microsoft App Store
      We have created a streamlined video-sharing workflow between Microsoft Teams and the Video Platform that complements our existing server-side Microsoft Teams API-level integration. This new approach provides greater flexibility to institutions in managing imports compared to our existing integration, which restricts the setup of Teams recordings imports to group administrators on behalf of users.Whether institutions want this increased flexibility or prefer administrators to control imports, the Video Platform will enable them to select the integration that best suits their needs. With the new YuJa app available in the Microsoft Teams App Store, Content Creators can view a list of recordings and choose whether they would like to manually or automatically import their recordings to the Video Platform. To learn more about the new YuJa app, please visit our guide on How to Use the YuJa App for Microsoft Teams.
      The YuJa app is featured within Microsoft Teams. The app features a table with a list of recordings, and options to automatically or manually sync recordings.
    4. The Video Editor Now Offers the Ability to Import Audio-Only Files into Multi-Stream Videos
      Content Creators can now import audio files into single and multi-streams videos to add audio excerpts, soundtracks, and more.
      The Video Editor's insert video option showcasing MP3 files that can be added.
    5. New Customized Playlist Creation Tool
      The Video Platform has always supported the ability to associate related content into sequential, course-linked Media Channels; however, an increasing need to provide the ability to associate non-course content into sequential playlists led to the introduction of Playlists.Now available from the My Media Navigation Bar, Content Creators can create a custom playlist by adding and rearranging media content in any sequence they desire. Once a playlist has been created, it may then be directly linked or embedded for viewing on any desired website. Future updates will enhance the Playlist feature to provide custom branding, the option to publish playlists to courses, and more.
      The Add to Playlist window featuring Playlists users can select to insert media into.
    6. Create a Personalized List of Related Media Content
      We have expanded the options for Content Creators to personalize and curate the viewing experience of users on the Video Platform. When viewing media content, users can now be presented with a carefully chosen list of related media by the Content Creator. This enhancement allows Content Creators to have greater control over their environment, ensuring that every piece of media contributes to the overall learning experience.
      Two images are shown with an arrow in between them. The first image showcases the Media Details Branding tab to add custom media assets. The second image features the assets in the Related Videos panel on the Video Platform.
    7. New Protocol Between Video Platform and YuJa Hardware Hub Enables Fault Tolerance for Long-Term Offline Performance
      Our new network protocols allow the YuJa Hardware Hub to cache a long-running schedule and continue to record the scheduled captures even amidst longer durations of Internet outages. Once Internet connectivity is restored, all the recordings will automatically upload to the Video Platform for seamless playback.
    8. Advanced Video Quality Options for Browser Capture
      The Browser Capture application will now offer advanced video quality options for users based on their selected video camera. With this new feature, users can easily adjust their camera settings to select from a range of video quality options that best fit their needs. Additionally, users can also adjust the framerate of their screen recording up to 30 frames per second for a smoother and more seamless recording experience.
      The Browser Capture features Advanced Screen Options and Advanced Video Options.
    9. Institutions Can Now Apply Electronic Consent Forms to Media Content
      We have implemented a new feature to facilitate the management of consent forms for Content Creators. With this update, it’s now possible to apply accepted consent forms to media content, providing an efficient way to keep track of forms. Once the forms are submitted, users can conveniently access and review all accepted responses within the Branding tab or the Media Details panel for individual content. To learn more on how to apply consent forms to media and review responses, please visit our guide on Uploading and Sending Consent Forms.
      A list of QR Accepted consent forms in the Media Details window.
    10. Multi-Folder ZIP Files for Bulk Downloads of Multiple Video Files
      We now support downloading a ZIP file that contains their selected media content but, unlike before, will now place video in their own individual folder. Once the files have been extracted, all of the content will be available in segmented folders. Additionally, for multi-stream videos, users can choose to download the entire video or each stream separately.
      Download Request Window featuring videos to be downloaded.
    11. New Data Management Policy for Inactive Users
      Administrators can create a recurring policy to detect and delete users who haven’t logged into the Video Platform for a specific number of days. If the institution has access to Himalayas, all video content associated with the user will be archived in Himalayas, and other media will be archived in the Video Platform before the user is deleted. For institutions without access to Himalayas, all media content will be archived in the Video Platform.
      The Policy Creator featuring the new rule.
    12. NORDUnet Cloud Now Integrates with the Video Platform for Zoom Recordings
      Our European users who have integrated Zoom with NORDUnet’s cloud-based storage will be pleased to know that the Video Platform now supports integration with NORDUnet. Once integrated, the Video Platform will automatically scan NORDUnet’s cloud storage to retrieve and upload any Zoom recordings securely.
      NORDUNet Logo
    13. Downloadable CSV Files for Quiz Results
      Instructors can now access a comprehensive report of their students’ quiz results in the form of a downloadable CSV file. This report will allow instructors to compare individual student responses to the quiz questions and view scores for video playback quizzes. To view the file, simply access the Gradebook to review and download results for the selected quiz.
      CSV file for a playback quiz. Student names, ID, and score for each student is shown.
    14. Enable Institution-Wide Single Sign-On for Embedded or Linked Media Content
      In addition to the existing auto Single Sign-On (SSO) for recorded content, administrators can now choose to enable auto-SSO as the default setting when a new video is added to the Platform. This new feature enhances the platform’s security by requiring SSO authentication when accessing recorded media through direct links or embed codes.
      Setting to check Enable automatic Single sign-on for embedded and direct linked media content.
    15. Customize Bitrate Encoding Flavor to Optimize File Storage & Network Performance 
      Administrators and instructors can now adjust the preset of videos to reduce the overall size of their files and maintain optimal network performance during playback, or alternatively re-encode to improve the quality.
      Media Details panel showing the Transcode tab. The tab features option to optimize bandwidth.
  • April 14, 2023

    Enterprise Video Platform Update – “Vitex Tree” Released to US Zones

    United States Zone YuJa Enterprise Video Platform

    We have successfully pushed an update to all instances residing in the United States. For a complete summary of the release, please refer to the corresponding release tag.

  • April 7, 2023

    YuJa Enterprise Video Platform Update – “Vitex Tree” Released to CAN, AU and EU Zones

    Australia Zone Canada Zone European Union Zone YuJa Enterprise Video Platform

    We have successfully pushed an update to all Enterprise Video Platform instances residing in Canada, Australia, and the European Union. This release provides our users with over 200+ updates. Highlights include: the ability for institutions to customize their EnterpriseTube menu tabs and carousels, a brand new Image Editor, direct live stream integration with the internal CampusTube, QR Code-based media consent forms, and much more. This update will be released to US zones next Friday.

    1. Deep EnterpriseTube Customizability Including Adding Custom Menu Tabs to Video Channels and Adding Video Carousels
      Institutions can now more deeply customize their EnterpriseTube with the ability to create a more tailored viewing experience. New capabilities include the ability to create Custom Tabs to Video Channels, as well as add additional video carousels to a given EnterpriseTube page.
      EnterpriseTube featuring new tabs and custom carousels.

        • Custom Menu Tabs – Custom-created tabs for Video Channels will be displayed in the navigation bar for users to access easily.
          Tabs within the nav bar of the EnterpriseTube.


        • Add Additional Carousels – Multiple video carousels of custom playlists can now be placed on a given EnterpriseTube page.
          View of a custom carousel.
        • Customized Ordering – EnterpriseTube Configuration settings allow administrators to set up customized tabs and carousels, adjust the order of the tabs, and link tabs and carousels to the EnterpriseTube.
          EnterpriseTube Configuration Settings.
    2. New Image Editor to View and Edit Photo Resources
      Complementing our Video Editor, we are now extending our media editing to include images. Here are a few key features of our new Image Editor:

      • Crop, rotate, and flip images.
      • Add shapes, texts, and shadows.
      • Adjust the size of the image to any resolution.
      • Choose from a range of filter styles to transform images.
      • Fine tune images by adjusting the brightness and contrast.
      • Add custom watermarks.
    3. Interchangeable Pre-Rolls and Post-Rolls to Align with Updated Institutional Branding Guidelines
      Complementing our ability to add fixed pre-rolls and post-rolls to videos, we now have the option to create interchangeable rolls by preserving the original video. This capability allows Content Creators to define branding guidelines for an institution, yet modify these guidelines without having to reprocess large amounts of video content.
      New option for the PLayer tab within media details to Burn Pre-roll and Post-roll permanently.
    4. YuJa User IDs Can Now Match Your Single-Sign-On or LMS Username
      To provide a consistent and streamlined process when identifying users on the Video Platform, we now can match the auto-generated YuJa User ID with your Single-Sign-On or LMS system usernames. Additionally, we’ve given administrators more control and flexibility by allowing them to rename existing user IDs within the Roster Panel.
      The Video Platform roster User IDs are shown to be the same as the LMS user ID.
    5. Delegate EnterpriseTube Folder Management to Non-Admin Users
      As part of our initiative to further the capabilities of EnterpriseTube, administrators can now delegate folders for non-admins to manage media content within. By editing the permissions of a folder, administrators can allow edit access to specific users, groups, or roles (i.e., all students or instructors). This enables non-admins to efficiently manage EnterpriseTube within a designated location.
      Edit Permissions for folder window.
    6. Link External Resources to Video Quiz Decision-Point Questions
      Quiz creators can now seamlessly add videos, documents, and links to decision-point questions, providing students access to relevant resources when selecting a decision.
      Video Quiz decision point question featuring Additional Resources.
    7. Video Quiz Slow-Down Controls Available
      In our previous release, we provided instructors with the option to disable speed controls for their video quizzes to prevent students from playing videos at increased speeds. This release enhances the feature by enabling slow-down controls when speed controls are disabled (but not speed-up controls).
      Video Speed Controls featuring only slowdown controls.
    8. Set Embargo Dates for Digital Assets Through Metadata Schema
      To ensure digital assets are only shared with the intended audience at the appropriate time, all media can now be tagged with an Embargo Date using a defined metadata schema. Embargoed media will be uploaded and labeled as such until the intended release date.
      Media Details panel showcasing the Embargo metadata.
    9. CampusTube now Supports Viewing Live Streams
      Building upon our initiative to broadcast and publish RTMP live streams across the Video Platform, Content Creators can now live stream to an internal audience using the the internal-facing CampusTube.
      RTMP Session being created and then shown inside CampusTube.
    10. RTMP Streams Now Support Fixed Stream Keys
      To provide a consistent integration point for third-party RTMP encoders, RTMP streams can now be integrated into the video platform with fixed stream keys. This enhancement ensures a consistent integration experience and allows administrators to maintain the same stream key for each session, enhancing the efficiency of their workflows. Further, to provide an added layer of security, the stream key token can be regenerated.
    11. View Real-Time Analytics for Individual Stream in Multi-Live Stream
      Live stream real-time analytics now provide more granular reporting for multi-stream sessions with details regarding Stream Health, Download Bandwidth, and Transcoding Status for each stream within the session.
      Live Stream Analytics.
    12. QR Code-Based Consent Form Distribution
      Institutions can now easily distribute consent forms using a simple and convenient QR code system. This simplifies the consent process and ensures that all necessary forms are obtained efficiently.
      QR Code for consent forms.
    13. Bulk-Merge Videos into a New Video Using Shared Folders
      We have expanded our Bulk Merge feature to allow users to merge media content within a shared folder. With this new functionality, the owner of the folder can merge multiple videos into a single video without having to launch the Video Editor.
      Merge Videos Window featuring three videos having been selected.
    14. Automatically Add the YuJa LTI Link to New Moodle Courses
      Administrators can now set up their LTI configuration within Moodle to automatically enable YuJa for newly created Moodle courses.
      Moodle Logo.
    15. Improved Folder Navigation Capabilities for Media Chooser
      Our previous breadcrumb-based navigation system has been replaced with a more intuitive tree-navigation system that allows Content Creators to view and transition between hierarchical folders more easily.
      The Media Chooser featuring a tree-like structure to folder navigation.
    16. Optimized Media Transcode File Size
      We have made several backend improvements to handle media transcode size and quality while retaining the quality of their content.
    17. New APIs for Managing Content and Folders
      We have added new APIs to manage video content. To learn how to use these and any of our other APIs, please visit our API Support guide.

      • Publish/Unpublish Content: Allow users to publish or unpublish content from both the EnterpriseTube and CampusTube libraries.
      • Group Folder Assignment: Assign groups of users to a given shared folder within the CampusTube.
      • Enable RSS: Folders with public permission on the EnterpriseTube can have an RSS feed enabled.
      • Edit Folder Permissions: Edit sharing permission of a CampusTube or EnterpriseTube Folder.
  • March 3, 2023

    Enterprise Video Platform – Update RC20230224 Released to US Zones

    United States Zone YuJa Enterprise Video Platform

    We have successfully pushed an update to all instances residing in the United States. For a complete summary of the release, please refer to the corresponding RC20230224 release tag.