Category: European Union Zone

  • November 25, 2022

    YuJa Enterprise Video Platform – Update RC20221125 Released to CAN and EU Zones

    Canada Zone European Union Zone YuJa Enterprise Video Platform

    We have successfully pushed an update to all YuJa Enterprise Video Platform instances residing in Canada and the European Union. This release provides our users with remote management tools for Software Capture, new third-party hardware support, new API scoping capabilities, Video Quiz improvements, Bulk Merge for videos, and much more. This update will be released to the United States zones next Friday.

    1. Enhanced Fleet Management and Remote Administration Capabilities for Software Capture Devices
      Building upon the recently improved Devices Panel, Content Creators may access the Devices page to perform operations on classroom-installed Software Capture application including:

      • Remotely create custom recording profiles for the YuJa Software Capture application.
      • Update existing profiles to shared recording profiles.
      • Adjust bitrate settings for live streaming and adjust recording devices settings.

      In essence, institutions can now remotely deploy Software Capture application packages, configure them with pre-defined configuration files, and then use the new Fleet Management tools to adjust remote configuration, deployment, and monitoring of the Software Capture application. To learn more about our remote profiles feature, please visit our support guide on Creating a Profile Remotely.
      Manage Software Capture Profiles panel to customize YSC video sources such as, Video, Audio, Screen, and Live Stream.

    2. Audio Segment Amplification Adjustments Available Within the Video Editor
      Content Creators may now digitally raise or lower the audio within their video with the Video Editor. Select specific segments and then adjust the audio to the desired volume for that specific section. To learn how to adjust audio, please visit our support guide on Adjusting Audio Levels in the Video Editor.
      The Video Editor features the new Audio Adjustment tool.
    3. Customizable API Endpoint Scopes for API Tokens
      Administrators now have granular control of API tokens for API endpoints. Create customized tokens that allow token-holders to have access to specific APIs.
      The API Token Settings features a list of devices and API endpoints that can be enabled.
    4. Streamlined Way to Bulk-Merge Videos into a New Video
      Content Owners looking to combine multiple videos into a single video can now easily do so. Our new Bulk Merge feature allows users to connect multiple videos without having to even launch the Video Editor. For example, this will allow individual students to merge their assignments effortlessly before submission.
      The Merge Media panel features three videos that will be merged into a single video.
    5. Add Multiple Video Quiz Questions at Given Timepoints
      In providing a complete learning experience, instructors can choose to add multiple pre-assessment, mid-video, and summative assessment questions to their Video Quiz at a given timepoint.
      Video Quiz features multiple questions added at the beginning of the video.
    6. Sync Video Quiz Gradebook Data for Group Owners
      Instructors wishing to preview the Video Quiz, including the Gradebook Sync, can now do so for their courses. Additionally, this feature will allow students with TA roles or other higher-level roles to take part in graded video quizzes.
    7. Drag & Drop Media Content Now Available in List View
      Achieving parity with the Grid View, Content Owners may now simply drag-and-drop media content into their media folders while in List View. This feature provides a completely streamlined experience between our Grid View and List View for media content.
      My Media in List View features the Drag & Drop feature.
    8. Metadata Schemas are Now Integrated with the Advanced Search Console
      The Advanced Search Console will now auto-populate metadata schemas that are defined by an Organization’s administrator.
      The Advanced Search Console features a list of predefined Metadata.
    9. Improved Auto-Scaling and Detection for Video Playback
      To provide users with faster initial playback, we have made improvements to the Media Player to adjust the video quality ahead of the initial playback based on the initial network characteristics.
    10. Added Support for NCast Third-Party Hardware Encoders
      Complementing our market-leading integration with Matrox, Extron, and Epiphan, we have now added support for NCast hardware encoders. Users can now register their NCast devices and upload recordings directly to their My Media folder.
      The NCast logo is above an NCast device.
    11. Live Stream Player Chat Can be Disabled
      Complementing the new Live Stream single sign-on capabilities added in the previous release, we now allow administrators to disable the Live Stream Chat for a live stream.
    12. Create Custom URLs for Videos
      Content Owners wishing to create personalized links to enhance URL branding may now do so for their media content. By creating unique links, media content will retain the underlying URL while providing custom identifiers.
      Custom Direct Link features a text box where users can edit the end of their link.
  • November 19, 2022

    YuJa Engage Student Response System – Update RC20221118 to US, CAN, and EU

    Canada Zone European Union Zone United States Zone

    We have successfully pushed an update to all YuJa Engage Student Response System instances residing in the United States, Canada, and the European Union. This release provides our users with Canvas LTI 1.3 integration, an update to the PowerPoint Ribbon Add-in, improved accessibility for Survey Polls, and various performance optimizations and bug fixes.

    1. Canvas LTI 1.3 Integration
      Similar to our Blackboard Learn integration, this update allows users to integrate YuJa Engage into their Canvas instance. Polls may be created and published directly to desired courses and viewed by admins, instructors, and students. For more information, please visit our support guide on Integrating YuJa Engage for Canvas.
      YuJa Engage integrated within the Canvas LMS.
    2. New Installation Method for the PowerPoint Ribbon Add-in for Poll Integration
      To provide users with an easier installation method, we have updated the YuJa Engage plugin to be installed directly from the Office Add-ins store. This method will allow our users to take advantage of the plugin for browser-based PowerPoint presentations. Simply search for the YuJa Engage plugin and click Add to integrate and administer live polls during PowerPoint presentations. For more information, please visit our support guide on Integrating the YuJa Engage plugin with PowerPoint.
      Office Add-ins for YuJa Engage.
    3. New UI for the YuJa Engage Plugin for PowerPoint
      We have enhanced the overall UI of the YuJa Engage plugin for PowerPoint. Question types and questions are now displayed clearly on individual cards, allowing instructors to access and integrate questions into their presentations effortlessly. To utilize the new UI, please install the YuJa Engage plugin through the PowerPoint Add-ins store. 
      The YuJa Engage plugin featuring integrated questions within a PowerPoint presentation.
    4. Improved Accessibility for Survey Polls
      Survey Polls can now be accessed directly through the main navigation menu.
      Create polls drop-down menu featuring options to select Survey poll types.
    5. Optimized Performance and Bug Fixes
      We have optimized the performance of YuJa Engage and made several bug fixes to improve the user experience. Highlighting some of these optimizations and fixes are:

      • Polls will now autosave as drafts.   
      • Users can now drag and drop images into poll questions.
      • Updated the Manage Polls table to include Survey Polls.
  • November 12, 2022

    YuJa Verity for Test Proctoring – Update RC20221110 Released to US, CAN, AND EU Zones

    Canada Zone European Union Zone Uncategorized United States Zone YuJa Verity Test Proctoring Platform

    We have successfully pushed an update to all YuJa Verity for Test Proctoring instances residing in the US, Canada, and the European Union. This update includes the ability to enable full-screen viewing of the Video Player, a new expandable student verification window, support for additional browsers, and new Verity Results placements for Canvas and Moodle.

    1. Enable Full-Screen Viewing of the Video Player
      The Video Player features a full-screen viewing experience for instructors reviewing proctoring sessions. Full screen can be enabled for individual screen-capture or webcam recordings, or instructors can choose to view both recordings in full screen.
      A recording of a proctored exam switching between the different stream displays.
    2. New Expandable Student ID Verification Window
      We have implemented a new feature that will allow instructors to see the ID verification easily. Instructors can click any ID within the Results table to view high-resolution images.
      ID verification panel showing Candidate ID and Candidate Photo
    3. Support for New Canvas Quizzes
      In keeping pace with updates for our Canvas users, YuJa Verity is now available to use within New Quizzes for Canvas.
      Canvas New Quizzes featuring the YuJa Verity Recording panel.
    4. Support for Additional Browsers
      YuJa Verity is now supported by the following browsers: Google Chrome, Opera, Microsoft Edge, and Brave. Future releases will focus on providing support for additional browsers, such as Safari and Firefox.
      Google Chrome, Opera, Mircosoft Edge, and Brave icons as supported browsers for verity.
    5. New Verity Results Placement for Canvas and Moodle
      The Verity Results table is now easily accessible under Related Items for Canvas instructors. Moodle instructors will be pleased to see access to Verity Results directly from the Verity-enabled quiz.
      Verity Results displayed under Related Items for Canvas, ann within the Verity-enabled quiz for Moodle.
    6. Bug Fixes and Optimizations
      To improve the overall user experience for Verity, we have made improvements to the UI and resolved several bugs.

      • Resolved issues related to UI text for student names.
      • Flag Level 0 will display as “None.”
      • Fixed issue for new courses with users being unable to access Verity-enabled quizzes.
      • Exit Tabs Here button will close Incognito tabs.
  • November 12, 2022

    YuJa Himalayas for Data Archiving and Compliance – Update RC20221104 Released to US, CAN, and EU Zones

    Canada Zone European Union Zone United States Zone

    We have successfully pushed a maintenance update to all YuJa Himalayas for Data Archiving and Compliance instances residing in the United States, Canada, and the European Union. This release provides our users with a new feature to view and download individual group recordings for Microsoft Teams, annual recurring policies will now run from the date of creation, and improved UI and text across the platform.

    1. View and Download Individual Group Recordings for Microsoft Teams
      To provide admins with more flexibility in how they retrieve recordings from Microsoft Teams, we have implemented a new feature to view and download specific recordings. The Group Provisioning and Mapping panel provides admins with a list of groups for their institution. When user recordings are filtered, only recordings for the selected groups will appear.
      Group Provisioning and Mapping for Microsoft Teams.
    2. Annual Recurring Policy Will Now Run from the Date of Creation
      Previously, all annual recurring policies would run on the 31st of December. We have optimized this feature to run annually from the date the policy is created.
    3. Bug Fixes and Optimizations
      • Resolved an issue where Automatic Enrollment did not add users under the Manual Enrollment list for the Blackboard Collaborate integration.
      • Improved UI design and text across the platform.
  • November 4, 2022

    YuJa Engage Student Response System – Update RC20221104 to US, CAN, and EU

    Canada Zone European Union Zone United States Zone YuJa Engage Student Response System

    We have successfully pushed an update to all YuJa Engage Student Response System instances residing in the United States, Canada, and the European Union. This release provides our users with Blackboard LTI 1.3 integration, new survey polls for non-graded questions, the ability for instructors to share an entire poll, as well as add images to their questions, and various performance optimizations and bug fixes.

    1. Blackboard Learn LTI 1.3 Integration
      This update will allow our users to integrate YuJa Engage into their Blackboard instance. Polls may be created and published directly to desired courses and viewed by admins, instructors, and students. Future updates will focus on providing Grade Book sync across all instances. For more information, please visit our support guide on Integrating YuJa Engage for Blackboard Learn.
      YuJa Engage is open within Blackboard and features the Create Poll page.
    2. New Survey Polls for Non-Graded Questions
      Instructors may now create and publish a survey to administer non-graded polls. These polls do not have correct answers and can provide insight into ideas and opinions students wish to express.
      The YuJa Engage Create Poll page featuring the new option to create an ungraded survey.
    3. Instructors Can Now Share Entire Polls
      We have added a new feature that will provide instructors and students with a more dynamic learning experience. In addition to being able to share individual questions throughout a lecture, instructors will now be able to share an entire poll with their students. Instructors may choose to use this feature as part of a mid-class structured assessment for their students to gauge student comprehension and boost engagement.
      The new Share Poll page UI featuring the option to set a time for an entire poll.
    4. Upload Images for Questions
      Poll creators may now add images to their questions. Future releases will allow creators to add images to possible answers.
      A multiple choice question with an inserted image into the question.
    5. Optimized Performance and Bug Fixes
      We have optimized the performance of YuJa Engage and made several bug fixes to improve the user experience. Highlighting some of these optimizations and fixes are:
      • Fixed an issue where poll results were not accurately displayed.
      • Resolved an issue where longer poll questions would not save.
      • The countdown timer is now synced for creators and viewers.
      • Resolved crash issues when pausing the poll.
      • Updated the UI text for viewers.
      • Fixed redirect links.
  • October 28, 2022

    YuJa Panorama for Digital Accessibility – Update RC20221028 Released to US, CAN, and EU Zones

    Canada Zone European Union Zone United States Zone YuJa Panorama LMS Accessibility Platform

    We have successfully pushed an update to all YuJa Panorama for Digital Accessibility instances residing in the United States, Canada, and the European Union. This release provides our users with a new direct-access Panorama Platform (in addition to the LTI-only integration), Alternative Formats for math equations, privacy and security enhancements, and a more responsive and accessible UI.

    1. New Standalone Panorama Platform for Admins and Instructors
      To provide more flexibility to admins and instructors, we have created a Standalone Platform that can be used to manage their institution, access the LTI App, and review the functionality of the APIs for their Alternative Formats.

      In future releases, institutions will be able to customize their personal domain, access features like our upcoming Library and Reserve Desk capabilities, and more. The Standalone Platform will soon have support for SSO integration and a Sandbox environment where users can view Alternative Formats and Accessibility Reports. For more information, please visit our support guide on Signing Up for the Panorama Management Portal.The login screen for the standalone management portal for admins and instructors.
    2. New Alternative Math Formats Support for Printed and Handwritten Math Equations
      To expand upon our alternative formats, we now support converting documents containing math equations into MP3 files and clear text (i.e. numbers and symbols to words) to improve readability. Whether your document contains printed math equations or chemical diagrams, we support up to a dozen image types to ensure that Panorama is as accessible as possible. Below are examples of some of our supported math formats, including printed math and handwritten math.Supported image types for Math Formats.
    3. Math Equation Support for Screen Readers
      We have implemented a new feature that will allow users to have math equations read aloud to them when using screen readers across all instances. This includes equations embedded in documents and included in images.
    4. Improved Accessibility for Alternative Formats Button
      Our Accessibility Icon will now change shape based on the document’s accessibility score. There will be five different shapes to ensure that instructors with color impairments can easily distinguish the scores.
      The new accessibility buttons for instructors featuring new distinct shapes.
    5. Users Can Now Convert all Text Files to LaTeX
      In continuing to provide alternative formats, Panorama can now convert text-based files to LaTeX. This includes the ability to recognize and convert math equations within documents, whether they be directly embedded into the document or included as an image.
      LaTeX document describing the functionality and use of the format.
    6. Instructors and Admins Can Now Hide Alternative Formats
      With the implementation of our new toggle switch, instructors and admins can choose to enable or disable student access to the Alternative Formats menu for individual files.
      The Alternative Formats menu featuring the new Visible to Students toggle switch.
    7. Admins Can Now Test Alternative Formats API Access
      If alternative formats are not being generated, admins may test the API access for their institution through the new Panorama Management Platform. For more information, please visit our guide on Testing the Alternative Formats API Access.
    8. Enhanced Privacy and Security for the Panorama Chrome Extension
      To provide our users with the latest standards for privacy and security, as well as performance enhancements, Panorama’s Chrome extension will now adopt Manifest V3.
    9. Optimized Institution Report Exporting
      We have optimized the performance of institution reporting across all Panorama instances. Exporting reports will now take significantly less time.
    10. More Responsive and Accessible User Interface
      By partnering with third-party auditors, we have identified key areas of improvement for Panorama’s UI. In this release, we’ve improved the responsiveness and accessibility of our UI across all instances. In future releases, we will continue to identify and expand upon the accessibility of our Platform.
  • October 21, 2022

    Enterprise Video Platform – Update RC20221021 Released to CA and EU Zone

    Canada Zone European Union Zone YuJa Enterprise Video Platform

    We have successfully pushed a minor update to all instances residing in Canada and the European Union. This release includes a number of smaller issue and improvements that have also been included in the simultaneously-released United States update.

  • October 21, 2022

    YuJa Engage Student Response System – Update RC20221021 to US, CAN, and EU

    Canada Zone European Union Zone United States Zone YuJa Engage Student Response System

    We have successfully pushed an update to all YuJa Engage Student Response System instances residing in the United States, Canada, and the European Union. This update provides our users with the ability to Scan QR Codes to log-in, Progressive Web App support for iOS and Android devices, along with several performance optimizations and bug fixes.

    1. Scan QR Codes to Log In and Join Live Polls
      Students will now be able to log in and join live polls when scanning the QR code.YuJa Engage login page showing "Login & Join" button and the "Join Anonymously" button.
    2. Progressive Web App Support Enabling iOS and Android Device Support
      To provide users with quick access to Engage on their mobile devices, we have added support to implement YuJa Engage as a Progressive Web App. Download the web app through Safari or Chrome and access your account, join polls, and view results directly from your smartphone.
      YuJa Engage app icon.
    3. Optimized Performance and Bug Fixes
      We have optimized the performance of YuJa Engage and made several bug fixes to improve the user experience. Some improvements include enhancements made to the PowerPoint plugin, the login page, and the overall UI. Highlighting some of these optimizations and fixes are:

      • Resolved an issue that prevented poll result counts from showing in some cases.
      • Instructors will now be able to edit the title and description of a poll draft.
      • Class Results page will now be visible to those attempting the quiz as anonymous users.
      • Fixed an issue that prevented Bulk User uploads via CSV.
  • October 21, 2022

    YuJa Verity for Test Proctoring – Update RC20221020 Released to US, CAN, AND EU Zones

    Canada Zone European Union Zone United States Zone YuJa Verity Test Proctoring Platform

    We have successfully pushed an update to all YuJa Verity for Test Proctoring instances residing in the United States, Canada, and the European Union. This update provides our users with an improved UI for the Proctoring Results table to view ID verification photos, a new quick setup guide for students, a new UI page for unauthenticated students, student account authentication for proctored sessions, and several improvements and bug fixes across all instances.

    1. Improved User Experience for the Student Results Table to View ID Verification Photos
      Before beginning a proctored session, students are required to verify themselves and their student ID. We have updated the Results table to include the ID verification photo for instructors to view.
    2. New Quick Setup Guide for Students Accessing Verity
      To provide students with clear instructions on how to enable Verity for their proctored session, we have implemented a Quick Setup Guide for Verity-enabled quizzes. Students attempting to access their quiz will be prompted with a three-step guide.
      New quick setup guide in 3 steps for students using YuJa Verity for test proctoring.
    3. New Quiz Setup Guide for Unauthenticated Students
      Students trying to access a YuJa Verity-enabled quiz without the proper prerequisites will be presented with our new Setup Guide. By following three simple steps to enable their proctoring session, students will be able to begin their quiz.
      Three steps to authenticate students: Click the YuJa Verity Link, Download the Extension, and begin your quiz
    4. Student Account Authentication for Proctored Sessions
      Before the start of a quiz, students will be required to confirm their name to ensure the correct LMS account is authenticated for the proctored session.
      Student account authentication for proctored sessions as student to confirm their name.
    5. Optimized Performance & Resolved Bug Including the Folllowing:
      • Resolved an issue where the Canvas theme editor was not blocking quizzes within certain links in the Course Navigation menu.
      • Fixed styling issues on Moodle.
      • Users will no longer be able to proceed past System Check if their share screen has stopped.
      • Adjusted monitoring of flagged events.
  • October 21, 2022

    YuJa Video Conference Platform – Update RC20221018 Released to US, CAN, and EU Zones

    Canada Zone European Union Zone United States Zone

    We have successfully pushed an update to all Video Conference platform instances residing in the United States, Canada, and the European Union. This update provides our users with an increased number of video participants, support for HD webcams, live chat engagement through emoji reactions, the ability to open a screenshare in a separate tab, and improved stability.

    1. Increased Number of Video Participants to 100
      In continuing to enhance the overall collaborative experience, we have increased the number of simultaneous video participants to 100. For future releases, we intend to continue our efforts to attain 200 on-video participants.
      Video Conference Platform featuring increased number of video and dial-in participants.
    2. Support for HD Webcams
      Participants may now take advantage of their HD webcams. Stream and record high-definition videos on our Video Conference platform.
    3. Live Chat Engagement Through Emoji Reactions
      Express yourself with emoji reactions! By providing a fun alternative to engage with the live chat, we continue to foster new experiences to enhance the quality of our Video Conference platform.
      Live Chat between students planning to meet at the library and using new emoji reactions.
    4. View Screenshare in Separate Tab
      To provide more flexibility with how participants view the Video Conference platform, we have implemented a feature to open a live Screenshare within a new tab. Participants now have the freedom to move the Screenshare and enlarge the video.
    5. Improved Video Conference Stability
      In an effort to significantly improve user experience, we have adjusted our back-end server support to provide better connectivity. For future releases, we intend to improve our protocols on network trafficking to include support for firewalls and VPN settings.