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  • February 8, 2024

    Software Capture for Apple – Update v7.2.4 – Michigan Lake Released to US, CAN, AU, and EU Zones

    Australian Zones Canadian Zones European Union Zones Software Capture for Apple United States Zones

    We have successfully pushed an update for Software Capture for Apple to all instances residing in the US, Canada, Australia, and the European Union. This update provides a new user interface for Software Capture, a new recording mini-bar, the option to record a selected area on your monitor, the capability to auto-publish recordings from the course channel Software Capture was launched, and a new sign-out option. 

    1. Refreshed User Interface Using Material Design System
      The entire Software Capture user interface has been refreshed to use a Material Design interface. This refreshed design offers a cleaner interface with a key emphasis placed on updating colors and buttons to clearly indicate UI elements, all of which are keyboard accessible.
      The new software capture confidence monitor featuring a video and screen recording.
    2. New Recording Mini-Bar with Slide-Out Video and Screen Preview
      The Software Capture’s Mini-Bar is fully redesigned to provide a sliding video and screen preview.
      The preview icon in the toolbar is selected to show a live video feed.
    3. Select an Area of Your Monitor for Screen Recording
      Content creators can select specific areas on their monitor for screen recording, ensuring that only relevant content within the chosen area is visible.
      The display settings modal features the option to capture a selected area.
    4. Publish to the Course Channel From Where Software Capture Was Launched
      When launching the Software Capture application from a Course Channel on the Video Platform, the course information will automatically be pre-selected.
      A video is automatically published to the channel Software Capture was launched from.
    5. New Sign-Out Option for the Software Capture Application
      Previously, Content Creators had to sign out of Software Capture from the system tray. To make the process more intuitive, we have added a dedicated sign-out button within the Confidence Monitor of the Software Capture application.
      A logout button is shown in the confidence monitor.
  • June 13, 2023

    Software Capture for Apple – Update v7.2.0 Released to US, CAN, AU, and EU Zones

    Australian Zones Canadian Zones European Union Zones Software Capture for Apple United States Zones

    We have successfully pushed an update for Software Capture for Apple to all instances residing in the US, Canada, Australia, and the European Union. This update provides our users with the option to perform software updates, select multiple locations to publish recordings, publish recordings into their Internal Library, create shared profiles, view new version updates for the Software Capture application, set storage capacity thresholds for recordings, and in-depth audit tracking for recordings. 

    1. Integrated “New Version” Notification with Integrated Software Update Capability
      To provide users with a streamlined workflow for obtaining the most up-to-date version of the Software Capture application, we have implemented a built-in update tool that mirrors the capability already available with the PC version. The update tool will allow Content Creators to receive notifications of a new version and download the latest version of the Software Capture application directly from the main window. Simply select the “Update Available” button to download the latest version.
    2. Publish Recordings into Multiple Channels
      Mirroring our Software Capture for PC application, Content Creators may now publish recordings to multiple channels simultaneously by taking advantage of our tree-structured layout. Use the search filter feature to easily navigate an organized list of channels and subchannels in alphabetical order. Once all desired locations have been added to the publication list, simply begin recording.

    3. Publish Recordings to the Internal Library / CampusTube
      With the introduction of publishing Software Capture recordings to the Internal Library, we have now deployed full publishing capabilities within the Video Platform. Content Creators can effortlessly add their desired locations to the list of selected channels, facilitating instant uploads of their recordings.
    4. Create Profiles to Share with Internal Users
      Content Creators that require profiles to be set across multiple devices can now conveniently create Shared Profiles. These profiles can be accessed across their institution, allowing their preferred settings to be applied immediately for automated or manual recordings. To learn how to create a Default Shared Profile, please visit our guide on Creating Profiles in the Software Capture for Apple application.
    5. Customizable Low-Disk Space Warning
      To ensure that Content Creators have the appropriate disk space required for recordings, we have implemented a monitoring system that tracks the storage capacity of their device. The monitoring system can be customized by selecting the threshold of when Content Creators would like to be notified for insufficient disk space.
    6. In-Depth Audit Tracking for Recording Events
      The new version of Software Capture for Apple provides audit logging of actions when using the application. This will make it possible to review and trace over 100 individual recording events and actions such as user login, dynamic source switching, profile selection, and much more. From a practical standpoint, the inclusion of these logs provides administrators support in identifying potential challenges encountered during recordings. By using this resource, we hope to help administrators troubleshoot recordings in a timely manner.
    7. Accessible Keyboard Navigation
      The Software Capture application is committed to ensuring accessibility for all Content Creators. To facilitate a more inclusive user experience, Content Creators now have the ability to utilize the Tab and Spacebar keys for navigating and selecting menu items, system settings, and recording options. By incorporating these keyboard functionalities, we strive to provide a seamless and intuitive experience, enabling Content Creators of all levels to navigate and utilize the application’s features effortlessly.
      Software Capture tab navigation.
  • April 24, 2023

    Software Capture for Apple – Update v7.0.2 Released to US, CAN, AU, and EU Zones

    Australian Zones Canadian Zones European Union Zones Software Capture for Apple United States Zones

    We have successfully pushed an update for Software Capture for Apple to all instances residing in the US, Canada, Australia, and the European Union. This update provides our users with improved viewing of recording devices, the option to enable live streaming during profile creation, improved backend servers for live sessions, improvements in monitoring crash reports, and several bug fixes and optimizations.

    1. Refreshed Confidence Monitor UI for Multi-Stream Profiles
      The Software Capture for Apple’s Confidence Monitor has been upgraded to offer an improved multi-source viewing experience, allowing for seamless monitoring of up to four connected video or screen devices, as well as two audio sources, all within a single view.
      YuJa Software Capture Confidence Monitor with the new four-panel layout.
    2. Improved Internal Monitoring and Issue Analysis CapabilitiesWe have implemented updates that allow for efficient Product team analysis of issues that may occur in the fields. The Software Capture application now offers comprehensive monitoring capabilities, enabling our Support and Product teams to accurately identify and provide effective solutions to issues that may arise.
    3. Create Live Stream Profiles from Software Capture Settings
      Mirroring our Software Capture for PC profile settings, we now offer a more streamlined approach to configuring profiles for live streaming. With this update, users can seamlessly configure their preferred capture settings and enable live streaming for their selected profile.
      The Live Recording Setting when creating a profile.
    4. Upgraded the Backend Library for Stability and Fault Tolerance
      We have upgraded our internal structure for live streaming to provide a smoother and more reliable experience.
      Confidence Monitor of a live Session.
    5. Optimization and Bug Fixes
      We have optimized the performance of the YuJa Software Capture application and made 25+ bug fixes to improve the user experience.

  • October 27, 2021

    Minor Version Update for Software Capture for Apple and Software Capture for PC

    Canadian Zones European Union Zones Software Capture for Apple Software Capture for PC United States Zones

    We have released a minor version update for the Software Capture for Apple and Software Capture for PC version to all instances located in the United States, Canada and the European Union. This version incorporates WCAG 2.1 Level AA accessibility-approved colors, as well as some small improvements to our Single-Sign-On capabilities within the applications.

    1. Updated UI for YuJa Software Capture for PC with Improved Alignment with WCAG 2.1 Level AA Contrast Requirements
      With accessibility in mind, we’ve given the application an updated look to incorporate approved accessibility colors throughout the application.

    2. Updated UI for YuJa Software Capture for Apple with Improved Alignment with WCAG 2.1 Level AA Contrast Requirements
      In parallel, we’ve updated the UI of YuJa Software Capture for Apple to reflect accessibility approved colors throughout the application. 
    3. Improved Single-Sign-On integration with YuJa Software Capture
      The Software Application now supports integration with multiple, separate Single-Sign-On (SSO) systems, as well as added use of the WebView 2 Control for better SSO page rendering. These improvements aim to simplify the log in process for users across organizations that use more complex Single-Sign-On infrastructure.
  • July 26, 2021

    Software Capture for Apple (v6.0.0) – Major Update – Released to All Geographic Zones

    Canadian Zones European Union Zones Software Capture for Apple United States Zones

    We have released a new Software Capture for Apple version (version v6.0.0) to all instances located in the United States, Canada and the European Union.

    1. On-Demand Source Switching in an Active Recording Session
      You’ve asked and we delivered. We’ve added on-demand source switching to our MacOS application to let Content Creators enabled and disable video, screen and microphone sources while they are actively recording. Click here to learn more about switching sources while recording.
    2. Updated UI with a Cleaner-and-Crisper Feel
      We’ve given the application an updated look to make improve the intuitive feel of the application and bring the experience closer inline with our Software Capture Application for PC.
    3. Click-and-Drag Recording Toolbar
      In an effort to provide users more control over their preferred recording session layout, we’ve made the Recording Toolbar movable. Click-and-drag the Recording Toolbar to an intuitive location or so that it doesn’t block what you are sharing on your screen.
    4. Additional Advanced Audit Logging Support
      New audit logging makes it easier for Content Creators and Administrators to monitor when a camera or microphone source is enabled or disabled making it easier to investigate user issues. Click here to learn more about our advanced audit logging capabilities in the Video Platform.
    5. Enhanced Keyboard Accessibility
      User can now use their keyboard to navigate through the Software Capture application using the Tab key to make the application easier to use. Click here to learn more about YuJa’s efforts to make content accessible for all.
    6. Improved Support for Multi-Monitor Devices
      Multi-Monitor device setups are becoming increasingly common amongst our user base and we’re adding additional support for them. Before users with 3 monitors were only able to chooser from left and right monitors, but not their center monitor. Now, they can select up to 2 displays from the list of 3 available displays. Click here to learn more about selecting a display to record.
    7. Software Stability Improvements
      We’ve added over 25 smaller improvements and fixes including resolving minor language localization issues, invalid time stamps for early segments in the sessions and more.
  • April 5, 2021

    Software Capture for Apple (v5.1.1.0) – Minor Update – Released to All Geographic Zones

    Canadian Zones Enterprise Video Platform European Union Zones Software Capture for Apple United States Zones Update

    We have released a new Software Capture for Apple version (version v5.1.0.0) to all instances located in the United States, Canada and the European Union. This release is specifically targeted at achieving full localization support of the Apple Capture application. From here, we will continue to add new language packs.

    1. Full Localization of the Apple Capture Application to French
      The Software Capture for Apple application is now fully localizable and we are introducing support for French in this edition. Future updates will include localization support for additional languages.
  • January 12, 2021

    Software Capture for Apple (v5.0.0) Released to All Geographic Zones

    Canadian Zones European Union Zones Software Capture for Apple United States Zones

    We have released a new Software Capture for Apple version (version v5.0.0) to all instances located in the United States, Canada and the European Union. This releases contains over 75+ features and improvements. The highlights are summarized below.

    1. Support for Up to 6 Simultaneous Audio, Screen or Video Sources
      Ability to record from multiple sources simultaneously, including up to two video sources, two audio sources and two screen sources in a single recording.
    2. Improved Recording Toolbar with Audio-Level Bars
      Matching the PC-based Software Capture, the Apple Capture now has a new Recording Toolbar which also provides integrated audio-level bars.
    3. Integrated Stream Upload Progress Indicators with Estimated Time and Bandwidth Speed
      After a recording, an Upload Status bar will appear providing accurate upload status information as your recording streams upload to the cloud-hosted Video Platform. Additionally, the estimated completion time and current connection speed are also added.
    4. Installer Provides Error Message When Attempting to Install on Non-Compatible macOS
      We moved the minimum OS version message to the installer rather than the application file itself.
    5. Dozens of Newly Audit Logged Events Including Full State Tracking of In-Progress Recording Uploads
      Administrators and our Support Staff can now view the upload progress of videos, along with dozens of newly logged audit events.
    6. Proctoring Sessions Now Show Upload Progress Just Like Regular Recordings
      Just like regular recordings, proctored sessions now show the upload progress, as well as an extra reminder to not turn off your computer.
    7. Streamlined Organization Search and Login Workflow
      The sign-in process has been streamlined with improved Organization search, a facility to auto-detect and pre-configure the user’s organization, and pre-selection of the Single Sign On login method.
    8. Ability to Preset the Default Profile
      Users can now establish what the Default Profile for a given Software Capture installation should be.
  • July 18, 2020

    Software Capture for Apple (v4.1.1) – Update Released to All Zones

    Canadian Zones European Union Zones Software Capture for Apple United States Zones

    A new version of the Software Capture for Apple version (version v4.1.1) has been released to all instances located in the United States, Canada and the European Union.

    1. Brand New, Faster and More Efficient Capture Engine
      This version introduces a brand-new Capture Engine that provides improved stream synchronization on Retina displays, better memory and CPU efficiency, and a snappier user experience. This engine also provides improved device compatibility with external peripherals (example: Yeti Professional Microphone).
    2. Support for Recording Internal System Audio
      Content Creators can record the system internal audio as a secondary audio source alongside the primary microphone source. This can be used to record the sound of a video being played back during an active recording.

    3. Improved Compatibility When System Language is Simplified Chinese
      Resolved minor incompatibilities with the application when launched when Apple’s System Language is Simplified Chinese.
    4. Support for Recording with Apple Airpods
      Alongside the new Capture Engine is support for using Apple Airpods to perform recording.
    5. New Apple Capture Audit Logging Capabilities
      To provide Administrators with better visibility in remote user actions and system activity, the Apple Capture now provides audit logging capabilities for specific actions. Over the coming releases, additional events will be added to the Apple audit logging capabilities.

    6. New Permission Management Panel
      In many cases, Apple OS’s default permission settings for applications is to deny Camera, Microphone and Screen Recording access. On start-up, the new Permission Management Panel provides a clear indication of available permissions and the ability to directly open the Apple OS Security & Privacy tools needed to enable the required permission.

  • April 15, 2020

    Software Capture for Apple (v3.2.4) Released to All Geographic Zones

    Canadian Zones European Union Zones Software Capture for Apple United States Zones

    We have released a new Software Capture for Apple version (version v 3.2.4) to all instances located in the United States, Canada and the European Union. This minor release focused on improving performance and user guidance on high-resolution Retina displays.

    1. Decrease in CPU Usage When Recording Apple Retina Display Screens
      CPU usage during a recording has been significantly improved when recording the screen of Apple Retina Display screens. This should result in fewer skipped frames and better overall system performance.
    2. Detection of Resolutions That May Be Too High
      In situations where the resolution, frame-rate and CPU may ultimately result in audio and video frames to get dropped, we now provide better detection of this and display a warning to the user. This warning also provides specific steps to resolve the issue.

  • April 1, 2020

    Software Capture for Apple (v3.2.3) Released to All Geographic Zones

    Software Capture for Apple Update

    We have released a new Software Capture for Apple version (version v 3.2.3) to all instances located in the United States, Canada and the European Union. This minor release focused on improving the audio frame buffer to prevent lost audio packets in situations where the computer is under high CPU or memory load.