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  • November 17, 2018

    Canadian Zone – Semi-Monthly RC20181109 Released

    Canadian Zones

    We have successfully pushed an update to all physical zones residing in the Canada. For a summary of the release, please refer to the corresponding tag for United States zones.

  • November 10, 2018

    United States Zone – Semi-Monthly RC20181109 Released

    General Platform HTML5 Player HTML5 Video Conferencing Improved Media Management United States Zones

    We have successfully pushed an update to all physical zones residing in the United States. Please note that this release will be pushed to Canadian zones next week. This release includes over 125+ new features and improvements.

    1. An Even Easier-to-Use and More Modern Media Experience
      We’ve introduced a more unified and easier-to-use media experience that encompasses better media library navigation elements, clearer primary and secondary action menus, as well as a host of design-forward innovations that appeal to today’s video consumer (hover effects, modern status notifications and more).
    2. Media Channels Unified with the Central Media Library
      Media Channels now open directly within the Manage Media’s All Channels view. This provides a more cohesive experience and further simplifies how users navigate within the Platform. We also offer users the ability to toggle between optimized channel-style viewing and library-style editing experiences.
    3. New Drag-and-Drop Enabled Left Navigation Element for Faster Folder Transversal and Media Organization
      We added a new Left Navigation Bar that provides the ability to quickly navigate sub-folders, move content via drag-and-drop, and publish content to channels via drag-and-drop. We also refined Administrator-level workflows when navigating large volumes of folders and Media Collections.
    4. Integrated Video Analytics Directly within Video Details
      Content Owners will be able to view at-a-glance content analytics directly within the video’s Media Details popup. Users can also delve deeper into the video analytics by simply clicking the See More button.
    5. Refined Recording Workflow with Improved Notifications
      When launching the Software Capture desktop application using the Create Recording button, the UI is clearer and more informative when the software capture is actively launching. The inline pop-up will now automatically disappear after a few moments…one fewer user click.
    6. Improvements to HTML5 Video Conferencing to Scale to Higher Loads
      We added additional load monitoring and fault tolerance to the HTML5 Video Conferencing sub-system. This includes more robust video conferencing replay recording, resolution of a number of smaller issues that could cause a premature disconnection in rare situations and resolution of an issue which prevented users from inviting participants via email.
    7. Improved Audio-Only File Streaming Compatibility with Safari Web Browsers
      We improved some aspects of the encoding used to stream MP3 files on Safari web browsers while maintaining optimized audio streaming playback on other browsers. Along the same lines, we expanded our compatibility when encoding rare and older types of MOV file formats.
    8. 50+ Smaller Fixes and Improvements
      Additionally, we used this month-long update cycle to resolve over 50+ smaller issues and improvements which we will detail in the upcoming newsletter.

    Next release, we’ll be introducing: 1) improved multi-source live stream synchronization for both hardware and software platforms; 2) the ability for individuals to have folder-level sharing via the Share action; 3) the ability to obtain a direct link to both channels and sub-folders within the Shared Folder hierarchy; 4) refinements to the video editing experience when performing granular trims and cuts.

  • October 20, 2018

    Canadian Zone – Semi-Monthly RC20181012 Released

    Canadian Zones

    We have successfully pushed an update to all physical zones residing in the Canada. For a summary of the release, please refer to the corresponding tag for United States zones.

  • October 12, 2018

    United States Zone – Semi-Monthly RC20181012 Released

    General Platform HTML5 Video Conferencing Upcoming Update Video Editor

    We have successfully pushed an update to all physical zones residing in the United States. Please note that this release will be pushed to Canadian zones next week. This release includes over 25+ new features and improvements.

    1. Improved Analytics Report Exportation Performance for Large Data Sets – When exporting large raw data sets from the Analytics tab, both the performance and overall capability have been improved.
    2. Improved Performance of Video Conference Invite for Large Groups of Users – In instances where the available number of internal users or the invite list is large, improved the page responsiveness.
    3. Improved Performance of Courses & Groups Invite dialog for Large Groups of Courses – In instances where there are thousands of active courses, improved the overall performance of the invite list.
    4. Improved Performance of the Share dialog for Large User Sets – Improved both the initial load performance and the selector to add additional users. Also added additional asynchronous aspects to improve overall load performance.
    5. Improved the Video Editor’s Zoom-In-Zoom-Out Rendering Speed – When using the zoom capabilities of the video editor, the audio waveform renders faster and more efficiently.
    6. Improved the HTML5 Video Conference Replay Stability – Handled additional “edge cases” related to the replay of the video conference afterwards.
    7. Added “Follow Me” Presentation Mode within HTML5 Video Conference – New capabilities enable viewers to automatically see what’s being presented while the Presenter toggles between documents, whiteboards and screenshares.

    We also wanted to provide advanced notice of some workflow improvement and new features that will be available in an upcoming release currently slated for late-October / early-November. This update is focused on creating a more intuitive and design-forward experience for users.

    If you’d like to learn more about these updates, please contact your Account Manager to schedule a live training session. Improvements include:

    1. Unification of Media Channels Navigation Buttons – The View Channels is now part of a unified Media Library. This promotes a more cohesive overall experience – especially for new users – when viewing and managing media. Currently, there are separate “View Channels” and “Upload & Manage” navigation buttons which historically causes some users confusion on which to use.
    2. Unification of Media Channels into the Media Library – Media Channels interface directly within the Manage Media’s All Channels view. This cohesive experience further simplifies how users navigate within the Platform. We offer users the ability to toggle between the Channel-style and Library-style viewing experience depending on their preference.
    3. Left Bar Sub-Folder Navigation Capabilities – New Left Bar capabilities simplify navigation across folders and sub-folders. This new folder navigation is also integrated with our existing drag-and-drop for convenient content publishing.
    4. Resizable Navigation Bar with Improved LMS Layouts – Along with a more compact and resizable Left Navigation Bar, we also have created a more dynamic Media Channels layout when viewed inside LMS windows.
    5. Quick Access to Video Analytics – Content owners will be able to view summary analytics directly within the Media Details popup, as well as, click to see a more detailed Content Analytics view.
    6. Clearer Create Recording Workflow with Improved Notifications – When launching the Software Capture desktop application using the Create Recording button, the UI is clearer and more informative.
    7. Design-Forward Cues and Effects – We incorporated a host of design-forward effects including innovative hover effects when navigating a specific video, modern status notifications and page transition effects. All of them are subtle but focused on creating a more appealing environment for today’s video consumer.
  • October 6, 2018

    Canadian Zone – Semi-Monthly RC20180928 Released

    Canadian Zones

    We have successfully pushed an update to all physical zones residing in the Canada. For a summary of the release, please refer to the corresponding tag for United States zones.

  • September 28, 2018

    United States Zone – Semi-Monthly RC20180928 Released

    General Platform HTML5 Video Conferencing HTML5 Video Editor Live Streaming Media Management United States Zones

    We have successfully pushed an update to all physical zones residing in the United States. Please note that this release will be pushed to Canadian zones next week. This release includes over 50+ new features and improvements.

    1. Ability to Setup Device Auto-Schedules Using an Organization-Wide XML Schedule – Administrators can now setup an entire organization’s schedule – or just a few capture device’s schedules – by uploading an XML schedule file.
    2. Improved Internal Audit Logging for Single-Sign-On Authentication – To improve our Professional Services’ ability to identify issues when performing SSO integrations, we have added more detailed audit logging.
    3. Ability to Customize Role Names – The terminology we use within the Platform to refer to the three YuJa roles can now be consistent with your organization’s role names. We now offer a new capability to rename roles to mirror your organization’s preferred terminology.
    4. Uploaded Videos Now Have Full Breadth of Editing Capabilities – We have unified editing functionality across both captures and uploaded media. Previously a few of the more advanced editing capabilities could only be performed on captures.
    5. Video Editor Supports Ability to Remove a Video Stream – In situations where you wish to remove an extra stream, we now offer the ability to remove a video stream using the editor.
    6. Video Editor Supports Ability to Create a “Blur” Region – To better support situations where a particular region of the video needs to be redacted, we now offer the ability to define a area of the video that will generate a blur region in the post-edited video.
    7. Improved Live Stream Player Embedding and Mobile Layout – Improved how the document viewer renders in embedded scenarios, resolved some issues with the chat box and improved layout on mobile devices.
  • September 22, 2018

    Canadian Zone – Semi-Monthly RC20180914 Released

    Canadian Zones

    We have successfully pushed an update to all physical zones residing in the Canada. For a summary of the release, please refer to the corresponding tag for United States zones.

  • September 14, 2018

    United States Zone – Semi-Monthly RC20180914 Released

    Analytics HTML5 Player HTML5 Video Conferencing HTML5 Video Editor Live Streaming United States Zones Update

    We have successfully pushed an update to all physical zones residing in the United States. Please note that this release will be pushed to Canadian zones next week. This release includes over 60+ new features and improvements.

    1. Link Documents to Live Stream Events – Added both the ability to view documents side-by-side within the Live Stream Player, as well as implemented the ability to pre-insert documents into a scheduled live stream event (or dynamically while the event is in-progress).
    2. Clear Video Analytics for Particular Videos – To better support a content owner’s ability to re-use content and derive clear insights, we now offer the option to clear analytics data on a per-video basis.
    3. Upload Custom Thumbnails of Any Digital Asset – Extended our custom video thumbnailing support to include audio, YouTube, Vimeo, hyperlinks and documents. This enables content creators to provide thumbnails that better reflect the content of the underlying digital asset.
    4. Branding Capabilities of the Platform’s Main Navigation Bar – Organization administrators can now customize the Platform even further with the ability to change the colors of the top-bar and button links.
    5. New Moodle Roster Sync Plugin – For our customers that use the Moodle LMS, we have implemented a native LMS plugin that complements our IMS-certified LTI integration to provider course roster sync-ing. To learn more, view the help documentation.
    6. Increased Maximum Sub-Channel Support to 20 – The Sub-Channel capability within the Media Channels has been increased from up-to-6 sub-channels to up-to-20 sub-channels.
    7. Improvements to Video Ingestion of Rare Media Encodings – Added additional browser support for playback of HLS streams where the HLS chunk length is not aligned.
    8. Performance Improvements for Organizations with 1,000+ Active Courses and Groups – Optimized the speed and performance of a number of search and input fields to better handle situations with hundreds or thousands of active courses.
    9. Ported Over Text Overlay and Video Insertion Capability to Video Editor – Completed the feature migration from the legacy editor to the HTML5 editor. This release, we ported over the capability to insert text overlays and perform video insertions via the HTML5 video editor.
    10. New HTML5 Video Conferencing Capabilities – Addition of a “Laser Pointer” tool to the whiteboard and improvements to acoustic echo cancellation.

    Next release, we’ll be introducing the ability to: 1) upload organization-wide XML formatted device schedules; 2) customize the display-name shown for the role name; 3) add new video editor capabilities to blur regions for a specific time-period, use the full capture editing toolset on uploaded videos, remove a video stream and more.

  • September 1, 2018

    Canadian Zone – Semi-Monthly RC20180824 Released

    Canadian Zones

    We have successfully pushed an update to all physical zones residing in the Canada. For a summary of the release, please refer to the corresponding tag for United States zones.

  • August 24, 2018

    United States Zone – Semi-Monthly RC20180824 Released

    Fixed General Platform HTML5 Player HTML5 Video Editor Media Management United States Zones

    We have successfully pushed an update to all physical zones residing in the United States. Please note that this release will be pushed to Canadian zones next week. This release includes over 50+ new features and improvements focused primarily on improved LMS integration and sub-system infrastructure improvements including:

    1. Implementation of Content Item Messaging for Non-Canvas LMS Platforms – To support LMS-authenticated media viewing – which will enable user-level analytics tracking (among other things) – for content embedded with the YuJa Media Chooser we have implemented the IMS Content Item Message (CIM) protocol.Each major LMS vendor chose to implement CIM differently so we have written up steps on how to embed media via the CIM method for your LMS. For Canvas users, we already implemented CIM last quarter and the workflows are identical to regular media embedding (since Canvas chose to implement CIM in a identical manner as regular Canvas extensions). To get started with CIM, click to view installation and usage instructions for Moodle, D2L Brightspace or Blackboard.
    2. Infrastructural Improvements to Support 24/7 Streaming – To better serve some of our event broadcasting scenarios, including 24/7 OTT-type live video streaming, we have improved our sub-system infrastructure to be able to provide more robust 24/7 live streaming capabilities.
    3. Updated Video Editor Capabilities – First, we have removed the deprecated Flash-based editor which now makes it easier to go directly into the HTML5 Video Editor via the Edit selection. We also improved the audio waveform synchronization and, lastly, improved the Preview Changes option. We also pushed some more minor improvements.
    4. Layout Improvements to Media Player – We improved compatibility of various view types including full-screen, and full-screen-plus-side-by-side with all major web browsers. There are also about a half-dozen smaller layout improvements including resolving some rare rendering issues with certain web browsers.

    In the next release, we will be adding some new Video Editor capabilities (such as text and image insertion and more), ability to create custom thumbnail options for non-video objects, a new Moodle LMS Roster Synchronization plugin, new top-bar branding options, new EnterpriseTube capabilities (ability to see Word Clouds, download transcripts, and documents), more robust recording capabilities within the HTML5 Video Conferencing suite and much more.