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  • August 18, 2018

    Canadian Zone – Semi-Monthly RC20180810 Released

    Canadian Zones

    We have successfully pushed an update to all physical zones residing in the Canada. For a summary of the release, please refer to the corresponding tag for United States zones.

  • August 11, 2018

    United States Zone – Semi-Monthly RC20180810 Released

    Fixed General Platform HTML5 Player HTML5 Video Conferencing HTML5 Video Editor Live Streaming Media Management United States Zones

    We have successfully pushed an update to all physical zones residing in the United States. Please note that this release will be pushed to Canadian zones next week. This release includes over 70+ new features and improvements including:

    1. EnterpriseTube Event Streaming – The new Events tab on the EnterpriseTube enables organizations to live stream to their public-facing EnterpriseTube.
    2. HTML5 Video Editor Now Supports Video Insertion – The Insert Video feature has been migrated over from the previous legacy editor. We do plan to introduce new video insertion modes in future releases.
    3. Video Editor Now Allows Cuts and Inserts to be Previewed – The playback experience within the Video Editor now offers the ability to preview the applied cuts and inserts prior to saving the edits.
    4. In-Progress Video Edits Show Processing Indicator – To make it clear to the user when their edits are being processed and finalized, we now display a thumbnail with a Processing indicator.
    5. Improved Media Player Layout with Open Sidebar – When the sidebar is opened within the Media Player, the video boxes will shift and resize appropriately. This improves upon the preview “overlay” style.
    6. HTML5 Video Conferencing Now Offers Participant Management Tools – To facilitate larger video conferencing sessions, meeting owners can now manage and group participants into permission-based roles.
    7. Enhanced Video Views Report – The views report in the Usage & Analytics suite now Unique Views and Last Views. This makes it easier to identify candidate files for pruning.

    In the next release, we have some useful capabilities on-deck including:

    • New LMS Extension that supports the Content Item Messaging (CIM) protocol for D2L, Moodle and Blackboard (we implemented Canvas a few months ago). This will enable user-level analytics tracking for embedded video that uses the CIM tool and workflow. Along with this release, we will be publishing a set of Help Guides on how to the CIM workflow works for your LMS.
    • Ability to overlay an image or watermark using the HTML5 Video Editor
    • New HTML5 Video Conferencing capabilities including improved live chat, whiteboard capabilities, and object durability within the recording
    • 24/7 Live Streaming will be added to complement the newly added EnterpriseTube-level Live Streaming
  • August 4, 2018

    Canadian Zone – Semi-Monthly RC20180727 Released

    Canadian Zones

    We have successfully pushed an update to all physical zones residing in the Canada. For a summary of the release, please refer to the corresponding tag for United States zones.

  • August 4, 2018

    Update for YuJa Software Station for Apple and PC Now Available to All Zones

    Software Station for Apple

    We have successfully pushed a version update to both the YuJa Software Station for Apple, as well as PC, to all zones. This release includes:

    1. Apple Capture – Continuous Feed Monitoring – Support for continuous audio and video monitoring, as well as ability to generate and preview current audio samples within the Devices tab of Admin Panel.
    2. Apple Capture – Configurable Save Location – Ability to select the Save Location for given recording.
    3. Resolved rare issue which could cause Apple Capture to quit unexpectedly in the situation where a selected source is not available.
  • July 26, 2018

    United States Zone – Semi-Monthly RC20180727 Released

    General Platform HTML5 Player HTML5 Video Conferencing HTML5 Video Editor Live Streaming Media Management United States Zones Update

    We have successfully pushed an update to all physical zones residing in the United States. Please note that this release will be pushed to Canadian zones next week. This release includes over 65+ new features and improvements including:

    1. Media Channel Select All Capability for Easy “Course Copy” – Added a capability to perform a wholesale “Select All” channel copy from one channel to one-or-more channels. The primary use-case is to essentially roll forward a pre-existing channel to an upcoming semester’s channel.
    2. Multi-Channel Publish Capabilities – Introduced the ability to multi-select channels to publish one-or-more media objects simultaneously to multiple channels. This capability, along with the new Media Channel “Course Copy”, enables the ability to create pre-defined channels that can be copied from semester-to-semester or to multiple sections simultaneously.
    3. Ability to Add Pre-Defined Responses During Live Streams – Building on the existing capabilities of pre-defined commenting capabilities, we added the ability to insert comments from a pre-defined Comment Bank within a live stream session (previously it was just available for recorded media).
    4. Migrated Insert Slide Capability to HTML5 Video Editor – The Insert Slide capability, which enables users to upload a PowerPoint slide to override a particular video stream, has been migrated to the HTML5 Video Editor.
    5. Improve Keyboard Shortcuts to HTML5 Video Editor – Added eight keyboard hotkey (shortcuts) for video editing sequences. For more information on this, please review the related help documentation.
    6. Improved Media Player Compatibility with Safari – To improve compatibility with Safari 11.1.2 and 11.0.3 versions, we now take advantage of the built-in HLS auto-streaming.
    7. Added New Live Streaming Audience Engagement Capabilities – In addition to integrated live chat capabilities, we have now added the ability to send emojis (visual icons) as part of the integrated live stream chat. This capability mirrors the chat capabilities of popular social media platforms.
    8. HTML5 Video Conferencing Supports Larger Files – Increased the maximum per-document file size to 50MB to support larger slide decks and documents.

    We also resolved a number of issues. A few notable issues include:

    • Resolved an issue where, in some cases, an embedded video’s Loading event could trigger a view count increment instead of the Play event.
    • Improved Media Player rendering on small device screens including both portrait and landscape mode on iOS.
    • Resolved issue on iOS devices which could result in the Media Player failing to playback an MP3 file.
    • Improved error notification in instances where an invalid Adobe Presenter file is selected for ingestion.

    In the next release, we’ll be rolling out new capabilities including migration of the Insert Video capability to the HTML5 Video Editor, improved Media Player Sidebar “pinning”, new admin report showing infrequently used content, and much more.

  • July 23, 2018

    Canadian Zone – Update to YuJa Software Station for PC RC20180713 Released

    Canadian Zones

    We have successfully pushed an update to all physical zones residing in the Canada. For a summary of the release, please refer to the corresponding tag for United States zones (Tag #RC20180713).

  • July 21, 2018

    Canadian Zone – Semi-Monthly RC20180713 Released

    Canadian Zones

    We have successfully pushed an update to all physical zones residing in the Canada. For a summary of the release, please refer to the corresponding tag for United States zones (Tag #RC20180713).

  • July 20, 2018

    United States Zone – Update to YuJa Software Station for PC RC20180713 Released

    Software Station for PC United States Zones

    We have successfully pushed a new YuJa Software Station for PC to all physical zones residing in the United States. Please note that this release will be pushed to Canadian zones next week. This release is a maintenance release with one key new feature: Auto-Updating Device Preview.

    1. Auto-Updating Device Preview – The Software Capture for PC now offers the ability to setup full and auto-updating Device Preview capabilities (video, audio and status) within the Devices tab of the Admin Panel. This enhanced room monitoring of active recordings. While the product documentation is being updated with this new capabilities, we provided a stop-gap guide on how to enable this capabilities (see below):
    2. Improved Error Handling When Source Unavailable – If a pre-selected source is unavailable, the software will now attempt to initiate a recording with the remaining available sources.
    3. Resolved issue on Windows Machines with Brazilian Localization – Resolved an issue where a PC running a Brazilian instance of Windows could fail to upload a software capture.

      We also resolved some minor and rare issues which could occur when initiating the Screen and A/V encoders and auto-recovery if a XML configuration file is corrupted.

  • July 13, 2018

    United States Zone – Semi-Monthly RC20180713 Released

    General Platform HTML5 Video Conferencing HTML5 Video Editor Live Streaming Media Management Video Editor

    We have successfully pushed an update to all physical zones residing in the United States. Please note that this release will be pushed to Canadian zones next week. This release includes over 95+ new features and improvements including:

    1. Live Chat Capabilities Alongside Live Streaming – This summer, we’re adding a number of new Live Streaming improvements and fixes. One of the areas of focus is improving audience engagement. To this end, we added an integrated live chat capability to accompany active live streams.
    2. Live Stream Questions Become In-Video Comments – Questions that arise during live streams now automatically become in-video comments that are searchable as part of the recordings. One key use-case this enables is for viewers to visually scan and search for questions asked during the live presentation.
    3. Ability to Create Pre-Defined Template Responses within In-Video Comments – We improved upon one key use-case for In-Video Commenting which is simulation training (medical, nursing, teaching, public speaking, etc.). Now instructors can create a personalized “bank” of pre-defined comments that can be used to provide feedback and standardized textual markers within the video.
    4. Improvement to the Moodle Media Chooser – We improved the video playback of media selected via the Moodle Media Chooser. Media now will play inline within its placement inside Moodle (similar to the Media Chooser extensions of all other LMS’s). While this does not require a Moodle plugin update, you may need to enable a specific and obscure Moodle setting. If you need help, let us know and we’ll assist you in getting this configured.
    5. UI Improvements to “Act as User” – Based on feedback from a number of organizations, we implemented a number of small UI improvements to the user interface of the “Act as User” functionality introduced in the last update
    6. Ability to Change the Default Save Location for Auto-Scheduled Captures – Administrators establishing auto-scheduled captures can now specify a storage locations other than the Default Collection of a given user. Note: To use this feature, you’ll need the updated Software Capture binaries being released in a few weeks (we’ll send an alert once they’re available).
    7. Automatic and Pre-Generation of Audio Waveform within the Video Editor – During July and August, we’re rolling out a set of HTML5 Video Editor updates. The newest version now will show an audio wave-form based on the primary audio track of the recording.
    8. Ability to Customize Buttons within the Video Player’s Play Bar – Administrators can now customize which buttons (and the order of them) within the Play Bar of the Video Player.
    9. Drag-and-Drop Multi-Document Uploading with HTML5 Video Conferencing – The HTML5-based Video Conferencing now has the ability to accept drag-and-drop uploads of documents during a video conference session.
    10. Additional Capabilities and Improvements to HTML5 Video Conferencing – In addition to the multi-document drag-and-drop uploading, we also improved live pen drawing on the whiteboard, improved whiteboard synchronization, optimized document resizing, improved zoom-in document orientation settings, created an easier-to-use webcam and mic detection dialog, and more.

    In the next release, we’ll be rolling out new capabilities including: 1) Improved Device Preview of both Hardware Capture and Software Capture applications including the ability to continuously monitor connected A/V sources with audio clip preview; 2) Improved capabilities for bulk channel copy and multi-section publishing; 3) Updated Software Capture applications for both PC and Apple, and much more.

  • July 7, 2018

    Canadian Zone – Semi-Monthly RC20180629 Released

    Canadian Zones

    We have successfully pushed an update to all physical zones residing in the Canada. For a summary of the release, please refer to the corresponding tag for United States zones.