March 19, 2020
YuJa Mobile for Apple iOS 2.0.0 Published to AppStore
UncategorizedWe have successfully published a new version of the YuJa Mobile for Apple application to the Apple AppStore.
- Refreshed User Interface and Navigation Experience
The application introduces a refreshed UI and menu navigation experience. This includes a new Navigation Bar that provides quick access buttons for Channels, Recording, Uploads, and Downloads.
- Ability for Users to Download Media for Offline Viewing
Approved content can now be downloaded within the mobile application for offline viewing (without WiFi or network connectivity).
- New Playback and Caption Bar Capabilities
Added new playback options including auto-replay, play-in-background and full-screen playback. Also added capability to modify the caption style and size.
- Improved Media Playback Experience Across Devices
Introduced a more modern mobile playback experience with improved stability across both older and newer devices.
- New Instrumentation to Receive Reports of Crashes and Abnormal Situations
We now have integrated application instrumentation to receive crash reports and abnormal terminations. Along with this, an improved process to resolve issues more quickly by acting on the crash data has been defined.
- Refreshed User Interface and Navigation Experience
March 8, 2020
Video Conferencing Update – March 2020 Release
Canada Zone European Union Zone United States ZoneA new Video Conferencing release is now available that provides new viewing and localization options, as well as, several smaller improvements and fixes.
- New Views Option to Show Video-Only, Sharing-Only and Everything Views
Users now have more flexible viewing options within a video conferencing including the ability to toggle between the video streams, the sharing panel, and everything-at-once. - French Localization Support of Video Conferencing
As part of an initiative to provide users with dynamic language options across all our products, the Video Conferencing is the first product in our portfolio to be localized. Users can now select from French or English within their My Account settings to see the UI updated to French. Please note: Localizing the Enterprise Video Platform web application in a similar manner is on our roadmap for Summer 2020.
- Smaller fixes and improvements
About a dozen smaller fixes and improvements are also included. Highlights include:- #170680657 – Resolved issue where the meeting title was not properly reflected in the Notification tab of the Video Platform
- #169652427 – Resolved issue where the Invitee URL was not sharable in all cases.
- #169153329 – Resolved a potential race condition that could cause the video stream “loading dots” to remain.
- #162100138 – Notification Bell icon now displays actual meeting title instead of displaying a generic meeting name.
- #171390971 – Resolved issue where attendees who join a meeting before the owner changes the view, the follower and main presenter’s views do not match.
- #171190930 – Resolved issue which caused some video conference recordings to remain in a “stuck” status despite being complete.
- New Views Option to Show Video-Only, Sharing-Only and Everything Views
March 7, 2020
Hardware Hub Firmware Update – March 2020 Release
UncategorizedA new Hardware Hub firmware release is now available. This firmware is primarily a maintenance update with a larger firmware update scheduled for early-Spring. To request a firmware update to your organization’s Hardware Hub’s please contact your Customer Success Manager. A summary of the updates is provided below.
- HDCP Signal Detection
The Hardware Hub will now detect an inbound HDCP signal and display this within the Devices Source’s tab. - New Disconnection State Alerts
In instances where a Hardware Hub is disconnected for more than 10 minutes, an alert will be issued. Below are the rules that govern disconnection and re-connection alerts:- Hub is Disconnected (more than 10 mins) followed by Hub is Connected (more than 2 mins): Hub notifiers will receive a Hub Reconnected email.
- Hub is Connected (more than 2 mins) followed by Hub Disconnected (more than 10 mins): Hub notifiers will receive a Hub Disconnected email.
- Smaller Improvements
In instances where a Hardware Hub is disconnected for more than 10 minutes, an alert will be issued. Below are the rules that govern disconnection and re-connection alerts:- #167764910 – Hardware Hub – Resolved a rare issue where the stream uploading could stall.
- #168906970 – Hardware Hub – Improved appliance recovery logic in very rare situations where an abnormal event triggers a crash in the capture card device driver.
- #169371452 – Hardware Hub – Improved audio alert when the Device’s panel is detecting the appliance’s audio source. Previously it showed an “error detecting signal” rather than the more accurate “searching for signal”-type message.
- HDCP Signal Detection
March 7, 2020
United States and European Union Instances – Semi-Monthly RC20200229 Released
European Union Zone United States ZoneWe have successfully pushed an update to all instances residing in the United States and the European Union. For a summary of the release, please refer to the corresponding tag for Canadian zones.
February 29, 2020
Canadian Zone – Semi-Monthly RC20200229 Released
Canada ZoneAn update to the YuJa Enterprise Video Platform has been released to instances hosted in our Canadian zone. This release will be made available to instances in the United States and the European Union next week. This update contains over 150+ new features and improvements with highlights provided below.
- Introducing YuJa Pro Captioning Service Offering ADA-Compliant Captioning
YuJa is introducing YuJa Pro Captioning, a human-based ADA-compliant captioning service that delivers 99%+ captioning. This service complements our existing human-based, third-party captioning integrations to offer competitively priced human-based captioning. We offer 24-hour, 48 hours, and 5-day turnaround options and pricing as low as $0.95 per minute. For more information, please contact your Account Manager. - HTML5-Based In-Browser Capture Now Available
A new HTML5-based capture solution is now available as a beta feature of the Video Platform. This enables users to create short recordings quickly without requiring any downloads. Over the upcoming releases we will be introducing screen recording and multi-video capabilities. - New Video Editor Options Including Blackout Video Source and Image Title Card Insertion
New editing options are available within the Video Editor to upload a still image as a Title Card, as well as black out a particular video source for a period of time. Blacking out a video source provides time-synchronized redaction of a particular video stream. - Minor Version Update to YuJa Mobile for Android application (2.1.0)
A new minor update to the YuJa Mobile for Android was deployed to the Android Play store. This resolved 10+ small issues including an issue that could cause the Mobile Capture to crash on Android devices with stratified storage space - Recording Initiated Via Media Chooser LMS Extension Now Show Up Faster
Content recorded by initiating the Software Capture link within the Media Chooser now more quickly selectable for LMS insertion. - Video Quizzes Now Offer the Ability to Create Custom Points (“Weights”) to Certain Questions
To enable customized grading structures of video quizzes, Content Creators can now add customized grade points for particular questions. This enables certain questions to be weighted more heavily than others. - Shared Folders Are Now Continually Updated When Content Owners Add New Content to the Folder
Folders shared with others now are updated continuously to reflect any new content that Content Owners add to the folder. - Ability to Search and Filter by User within the Admin Panel’s Audit Log
Administrators can now filter through the audit log entries by username or name. This enables viewing audit log entries generated for a particular user. - Organization Management Supports Org-Level Media Player Brand Selection
Administrators can now select a Media Player branding scheme for a particular hierarchical organization level. This released also included 15+ smaller fixes and improvements to the Organization Management feature.
- Introducing YuJa Pro Captioning Service Offering ADA-Compliant Captioning
February 8, 2020
Canadian and European Union Instances – Semi-Monthly RC20200131 Released
Canada Zone European Union ZoneWe have successfully pushed an update to all instances residing in Canada and the European Union. For a summary of the release, please refer to the corresponding tag for United States zones.
February 1, 2020
United States Zone – Semi-Monthly RC20200131 Released
United States ZoneWe have successfully pushed an update to all instances residing in the United States. Please note that this release will be pushed to Canadian and European Union zones next week. This release includes over 135+ new features and improvements.
- Full Sub-Administrator Capabilities within Custom-Designed Hierarchies
The Video Platform now provides full capabilities to create hierarchical representations of your organization including Faculties, Departments, Schools, Campuses and Schools. Within this hierarchy, custom-defined Sub-Administrators can be created that can manage specific sets of Users, Courses, Devices, as well as create subsets of functionality. Over the coming months, we will continue to create new Sub-Organization capabilities so your feedback will help shape the future product roadmap of this capability. - Create Sub-Administrators Based on Both Role Scope and Functional Needs
Custom sub-administrator roles can be defined based on virtually any role scope and functional need. Some examples of possible sub-administrator roles you could create include:
- Classroom Device Manager for Medical School
- Closed Captioning Associate for the Department of Earth Sciences
- Full Admin for the Online Campus
- Each Sub-Administrator Role Can Be Assigned a Custom Start Page
Each sub-administrator role can now select the default start page that is shown on login. The options listed in the drop-down will adjust based on the functional capabilities of the sub-admin role. - Support for Upcoming Chrome 80 Version (“The Cookie Crumbling Update”)
In advance of the upcoming – and much anticipated – Chrome 80 release which introduces several breaking changes to most major third-party web applications, we released an update that is compatible with this new browser version. With this change, we believe your users will not be affected when the Chrome 80 browser, that is currently in beta, releases to production. - New Picture-in-Picture Viewing Mode Designed for Tight Spaces
We have introduced a new viewing mode that is designed for tighter embedded viewports such as within an LMS. The Picture-in-Picture mode can also be enabled selectively as an additional viewing option on the primary or secondary Media Player menu. The Picture-and-Picture sources can be swapped and users can also move the embedded picture source within the window to suit their viewing preference.Note: To enable the new Picture-in-Picture capability within the Media Player, within the Admin Panel’s Branding tab, please add this option to your Media Player branding.
- Live Streaming Infrastructure Now Scales Elastically with No Practical Limit
As part of a larger-scale project to create elastic scalability in all key sub-systems, the Live Streaming infrastructure can now stream to any-size audience without the need for in-advance provisioning. There are some related capabilities we have planned for future releases to also elastically scale the real-time live stream transcoding sub-system. - New Video Platform Branding Options Enable Customization of the Left Navigation Bar Colors
The Video Platform now includes the ability to customize the colors of the Left Navigation Bar to align with your organization’s brand. - Minor Version Update to YuJa Mobile for Android Native Application
We released a new minor version update to our YuJa Mobile for Android application (2.0.9) that incorporates 15+ smaller bug fixes and video streaming improvements. We are actively working on a new iOS application which matches the current functionality of the Android application. - Improved Video Quiz Integration with LMS Course Copy
To support the use of LMS Course Copy and the creation of Master Course Shells, for LMSs that support Content Item Message-based Course Copy, namely Canvas and Blackboard, previous Video Quizzes can be re-posted to the newly copied course as a new Video Quiz directly within the LMS interface. For Moodle and D2L customers, to take advantage of this capability, please contact your LMS vendor and request a status on the following open feature items: Moodle MDL-66934 and D2L LTI Copy Course Updates.
- New Video Conference Start Meeting Panel
The new Video Conference Start Panel provides quicker access to start an impromptu meeting, schedule meetings, and view the calendar of scheduled meetings.
- New Video Player Capabilities including Click-to-Pause, Improved Multi-stream Mobile Compatibility and More
The Media Player now offers some additional enhancements including the ability when viewing single-stream videos to click the video box to pause and resume the video. For multi-stream videos, there is a new hover effect to swap the primary stream. We also improved multi-stream compatibility on mobile browsers and added a new hover-glow effect for the Media Player icons.
- Support for Canvas Accommodated Groups
To provide specialized video support for designated Accommodated Groups within Canvas, the Video Platform can now interface with the Canvas LMS to pull Accommodated Group rosters and display specific sub-channel content designated only for the Accommodated Group.
- Full Sub-Administrator Capabilities within Custom-Designed Hierarchies
January 11, 2020
Software Capture for Apple (v3.12) and Software Capture for PC (v10.3.0) Released to Canadian and European Union Zones
Canada Zone European Union ZoneWe have released a new Software Capture for PC version (10.3.0) and Software Capture for Apple version (3.12) to all instances located in Canada and the European Union. For a summary of the release, please refer to the corresponding tag for United States zones.
December 27, 2019
Software Capture for Apple Version 3.12 Released to United States Zone
UncategorizedWe have released a new Software Capture for Apple version (3.12). The key new capability is an Express Installation capability. Similar to the recently released PC software, the latest Software Capture for Apple is accessible from the Create Recording dialog and can perform a one-click installation-to-launch process. Once the user has selected the installer to launch, it will quickly install, configure and launch the Software Capture in a ready-to-record state. In our focus groups, this experience greatly simplified the first-time user experience.
Please note that this release has been pushed out to all instances within the United States zone.
December 25, 2019
Software Capture for PC Version 10.3.0 Released to US Zone
United States ZoneWe have released a new Software Capture for PC version (10.3.0) that introduces a one-click install-to-launch capability, internal audio recording and ability to record from IP-based wireless cameras.
- New Express Click-Install-Launch
The latest Software Capture accessible from the Create Recording dialog can perform a one-click installation-to-launch process. Once the user has selected the installer to launch, it will quickly install, configure and launch the Software Capture in a ready-to-record state. In our focus groups, this experience greatly simplified the first-time user experience. We will be launching a similar experience for Apple users in early January.
- Integrated Capability to Record Internal Computer Audio via a Single Toggle
Content Creators can now opt to record the internal system audio directly via the Software Capture’s main Confidence Monitor interface.
- Integrated Support for IP / Wireless Cameras
Organizations deploying IP cameras with RTSP capabilities can now directly integrate these cameras with the Software Capture application.
- Automatic Firewall Rule Inclusion Where Applicable
In instances where a firewall rule is required to enable audio and video preview, this is now automatically performed on the user’s behalf during the installation process. - Performance Improvements When Recording a High-Resolution Video Source at High Framerates
Originally intended to support higher-resolution Logitech cameras, this performance improvement is also applicable more broadly to all USB-based video sources. - Improved the Fault Tolerance of the Photo ID Capture During Intermittent Bandwidth Scenarios
The Photo ID capture process is now more resilient in situations of weak or intermittent Internet situations. - Full Installers Available for Download within My Account
To provide access to the regular (full) installer files, a new Downloads tab is available within the My Account section.
- New Express Click-Install-Launch