April 1, 2017
Minor Update Pushed to All Production Zones
UncategorizedOn Friday March 31st, 2017 we pushed a minor update that added some new capabilities around uploading non-media content in a manner consistent with video content. This update also improved the Canvas-specific LMS Media Extension including an improved user experience, filtering content type and embedding shared content.
March 29, 2017
Adding ability to upload files and links into the Media Management
UncategorizedThe next release will include the ability to also upload non-video content – such as files, images, PDFs, etc. – into the Media Management platform. This will be updated in our minor “dot” scheduled for March 31st, 2017. Updates to all of the LMS Media Extensions will be forthcoming.
March 29, 2017
Unifying small and large group video classrooms
UncategorizedFor our release currently scheduled for release in all production zones on April 7th, 2017 we will move from to a unified model for Video Classrooms. This provides improved classroom management capabilities.
March 29, 2017
Confusion button on HTML5 player linked to the time point in the video
UncategorizedIn an effort to offer improved 360-degree feedback of instructional content, a minor “dot” release scheduled for March 31st, 2017 with the addition of a Confusion button that triggers an email alert to the instructor.
March 29, 2017
Android app update for tablets and phones that includes improved HLS streaming
UncategorizedWe are pushing an update this week (pending Android Store approval) to improve the use of HLS encoded streams. We expect this to be available for download by March 31st, 2017.
March 29, 2017
Resolved some issues with video quizzes not working with unified media pipeline
UncategorizedThe previous release which unified the single-stream and multi-stream pipeline into a unified one resulted in an unintended effect with video quizzes. This will be resolved in our April 7th, 2017 release.