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  • November 18, 2017

    Semi-Monthly Scheduled Release Successfully Deployed

    General Platform HTML5 Player Improved iOS App Media Management Software Station for Apple

    We have successfully pushed an update to all zones. This release includes:

    1. Introduction of “One-Click Drag-and-Drop” which enables users to drag content right onto the Media Library window pane for uploading and inclusion within their Personal Library.
    2. Migration to general availability in all physical zones of Custom Metadata Schema which enables institutions to define customized – and optionally mandatory – metadata fields for media. This offers improved metadata-based organization and metadata search. To ensure a successful incorporation of these capabilities, we will not be enforcing the Required Flag for metadata schema rules while institutions learn about these capabilities. Enforcement of the Required Flag will happen in a subsequent release.
    3. Improved integration with Rev, AST CaptionSync and 3Play Media for submitting human captions. We have had conversations with all our human captioning vendors to improve their error reporting in instances where captioning isn’t possible (low audio levels, zero audio levels, etc.) and, based on this, will be deepening the integration further in an upcoming, near-term release.
    4. Updates to the iOS mobile apps to match the Android app’s ability to upload pictures and videos already present on the device.

    We also added about 50+ minor improvements and fixes including: a minor update to the Apple Capture application related to improvements in device compatibility, media library permission and usability fixes, HTML5 Media Player browser compatibility fixes, and more.

    Looking ahead, we are putting the final touches on some improvements to our YuJa Cloud’s media processing pipeline (to be even faster, have more capacity, and fault tolerant), an improved YuJa Software Station for PC with more capabilities, and much more.

  • November 4, 2017

    Semi-Monthly Scheduled Release Successfully Deployed

    Android App General Platform HTML5 Player Media Management Software Station for PC Update

    We have successfully pushed an update to all zones. This release includes:

    1. Improved Hardware Hub firmware which includes support for SDI and HDMI embedded audio within HLS-based Live Streaming, support for Hardware Appliance-based OCR meta-layer creation, and improved error and alert reporting. To receive this firmware update, please contact your Account Manager to receive an update appointment.
    2. New System Alert tab within the Admin Panel that enables Administrators to send custom email notices to users of the Platform within their organization including – but not limited to – internal policy changes, notices of newly available media relevant to all users, upcoming user training sessions, etc.
    3. Minor version update of the Software Capture for PC including general availability for screen region capture, improved behavior when the desktop icon is clicked on during an active capture, and more. We will be releasing another minor application update with some additional capabilities in a few weeks.
    4. General availability of Recycle Bin capability with an Admin-configurable retention period. The organization’s Administrators can establish a retention period (default is 30 days) for all users. All deleted media automatically goes to the user’s Recycle Bin (underneath their My Account) where it be self-recovered prior to the retention period.

    We also added about 65+ additional smaller features and improvements such as new third-party captioning vendor support, minor update to the Android app to support uploading locally stored photos and videos, and more.

    To take advantage of these new capabilities, you may need to clear your browser cache.

  • October 21, 2017

    Semi-Monthly Scheduled Release Successfully Deployed

    General Platform HTML5 Player Improved Media Management

    We have successfully pushed an update to all zones. This release includes:

    1. New YuJa Software Station for PC binaries which includes:
      • Improved MPEG restoration capabilities in instances where capture-only sessions are terminated abruptly (forgetting to press Stop, premature machine termination, abrupt logout)
      • “Robustification” of PC-based software capture automation
      • New capabilities within Watch Point ingestion, namely ability to select a Publish location and Owner
      • A dozen or so smaller bug fixes and UI improvements

      Note: We will be performing one additional PC Software Capture application update within the next month as we roll-out fully HTML5-based live-streaming capabilities across all capture platforms, including the ability to “pause and resume” Live Streams. We have already rolled out HTML5-based live streaming to some zones and are pleased with the response. We will continue to broaden this in the next release. RTMP-based Adobe Flash streaming will continue to be officially supported by YuJa Product Support for approximately 60 days after our HTML5-based Live Streaming enters general availability.

    2. We also did a very minor binary improvement to the YuJa Software Station for Apple binary in all zones that resolves a few relatively rare issues.
    3. Media Channels offer Sub-Channel capabilities within course-linked Media Channels with separate permission capabilities. The primary use-case is the ability to create sub-channels within a course for student submissions, and better organization with large numbers of media assets aligned to a given course.
    4. General improvements to the Software Capture suite’s Auto-Scheduling capabilities in edge-case scenarios including when the remote machine is switched off, turned on late, turned off early/abnormally, etc. We will continue to analyze aggregate log data to identify mechanisms to improve Auto-Scheduling capabilities even further.
    5. Improvements to the Accessibility Dashboard including the ability to create a downloadable report of all media that matches specific criteria such as missing copyrights, missing captions, missing audio descriptions, etc.

    In addition to the above items, we also added about 62 smaller features and improvements. Looking ahead to our November releases, we will be introducing a fully HTML5 Live Stream player, customized Metadata Schema Management tools, new standardized and fully automated caption integrations with Rev and CaptionSync, configurable Transcoding Profiles, and much more.

  • September 30, 2017

    Semi-Monthly Scheduled Release Successfully Deployed

    Added Fixed General Platform HTML5 Player Media Management SSO Video Classrooms Video Quizzes

    We have successfully pushed an update to all zones. This release includes:

    1. Ability to create “virtual edits” using the Sub Clip capability within the HTML5 Player. This enables Content Owners to send a video link that plays at a certain start point or sub-section without needing to use the Video Editor to create a new copy.
    2. Improved accessibility of HTML5 Player with new use of highlight color on the buttons, the ability to initiate the initial play action with only the keyboard, and the ability to incrementally control the volume bar with only the up-and-down keys.
    3. Improvements to IMS role mappings to ensure LTI mapping roles are preserved within a Course for TA and other non-student and instructor roles.
    4. UI improvements including improved thumbnail icon for videos and more consistent dialog format across the Platform.
    5. Ability to customize the name of your Login options. For example, if your institution calls your Single-Sign-On a institution-specific name, you can now use that in the Platform label.

    We also used this release to improve a total of 115 separate items across the Platform. Looking ahead to October and early November we will be introducing some key features including: Metadata Schema Management and Enforcement, new filtering tools for administrators to better track Accessibility Compliance across all video assets, brand new secure HTML5 Live Streaming Player, configurable Transcoding Profiles, an update to the YuJa Software Station for PC, and much more.

    Important Notes:

    1. We introduced a feature to set a customizable color for the Sliding Side Bar within the Platform. This also updated the rendering of the icon colors which your web browser may have cached. To see your new or customized color palette, please clear your browser cache.
    2. With the new ability to customize Platform Login options, Administrators will need to re-select their preferred Login method. We apologize for the oversight in setting the most likely default for institutions.
  • September 16, 2017

    Semi-Monthly Scheduled Release Successfully Deployed

    General Platform HTML5 Player Media Management SSO Video Classrooms

    We have successfully pushed an update to all zones. This release includes:

    1. Probably the most noticeable is we made some cosmetic improvements to the look-and-feel with a more modern main menu, modern font-face and blue styling.
    2. Improved Media Extension improvements to D2L Brightspace and Moodle to bring them to parity with Canvas and Moodle, including: drag-and-drop upload, initiate capture, select media sub-folders, and more.
    3. Thumbnail preview for uploaded images
    4. Replace video capabilities which will replace video A with B.

    Since we had pushed back this release by a week, this semi-month release also includes 83 additional features and product improvements.

  • September 9, 2017

    Minor Platform Update Completed Successfully

    General Platform Improved

    As many of our enterprise customers head back into the school year this past week, we made a decision to perform only a minor Platform update of about a dozen small fixes and improvements. We will be resuming our regular bi-monthly by mid-September.

  • July 29, 2017

    Bi-Monthly Scheduled Release Successfully Deployed

    Added Fixed General Platform HTML5 Player Improved Media Management Video Classrooms Video Quizzes

    We have successfully pushed an update to all zones. This release includes:

    1. Toggle capabilities for offline media download capabilities within the HTML5 Media Player;
    2. New Video Classroom capabilities for switching presentation sources;
    3. Resolution of some minor accessibility gaps within the HTML5 Media Player;
    4. Refined Polls & Quizzes user interface (we also pushed out an incremental set of capabilities that includes the ability to add a picture to a quiz question).

    In this release there were a total of 94 features, smaller improvements and fixes.

  • July 15, 2017

    Bi-Monthly Scheduled Release Successfully Deployed

    Fixed General Platform HTML5 Player Media Management Video Classrooms Video Quizzes

    We have successfully pushed an update to all zones. This release includes the introduction of configurable LMS-to-YuJa role mappings, new folder-level embedding and direct-linking capabilities to share a full media playlist, the ability to preview a linked-document right within the HTML5 Media Player, improvements to the Quizzes & Polls user interface, new settable roles and end-meeting workflows within the Video Classrooms. There are also 42 smaller features and fixes.

  • June 17, 2017

    Bi-Monthly Scheduled Release Successfully Deployed

    Added Android App Fixed General Platform HTML5 Player Improved Media Management Update Video Editor Video Quizzes

    We have successfully pushed an update to all zones. This release includes a refreshed Main Menu, more modern Institution->Devices tab, an updated Android app that resolved a number of device playback issues on recent devices (we will commence work on refreshing our iOS app in July for the same purpose), and updates to our Video Quizzes to use our branded HTML5 Player.

    We also added over 50 features and fixes included the ability for authenticated users to download their digital notes and bookmarks as a PDF, improved performance and search within the  Courses & Groups tab, the ability to better manage auto-generated PDFs and Audio Description tags.

    We have some exciting features rolling out in phases this summer – stay tuned!

  • June 3, 2017

    Bi-Monthly Scheduled Release Successfully Deployed

    Fixed General Platform HTML5 Player Media Management Video Editor

    We have successfully pushed an update to all zones. This release includes a new Metadata tab within Institution that enables improved copyright association of media for library services and improved compliance with specific copyright rulesets. We also improved and refined some user experience workflows within Media Management, added multi-source audio (3+) capabilities within the HTML5 Player, improved slide insertion compatibility within the Video Editor, and 95+ other improvements and fixes.

    Over the next few releases in June we will be adding new capabilities including a new and improved PC Software Capture desktop application, bookmark exporting capabilities, and exciting new media management features. We will also be consolidating and rationalizing capabilities including removal of the Group Messaging tab, Shared Files tab (since Media Management now allows enables full digital asset management), and Course Syllabus. If you are using these tabs, please contact your Account Manager to discuss alternate workflows.