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  • February 18, 2022

    YuJa Himalayas for Data Archiving and Compliance – Update RC20220218 Released to US, CAN, and EU Zones

    Canadian Zones European Union Zones Himalayas United States Zones

    We have successfully pushed an update to all instances residing in the United States, Canada and the European Union. This release focuses on providing users the ability to Undo a completed Archive Job, new Data Policy attributes, improvements to the WebEx Enterprise Connector, Archive Alert customizations, and more.

    Keep in mind that many of the capabilities provided by YuJa’s Himalayas Team are also available to customers that license only the Enterprise Video Platform.

    1. Ability to Undo Archive Jobs in Job Management Dashboard
      To easily revert an Archive Job, Administrators can now Undo archive Jobs directly from the Job Management dashboard. This will undo all files included in the Job. To learn more about this feature, please click here.
    2. Policy Creator Now Offers the Ability to Filer by Locked Videos Attribute
      This update provides Administrators the ability to filter and display Locked Videos (locked videos are those submitted as a video assignment by students). To learn more about this feature, please click here.
    3. CSV Report Now Includes User’s First + Last Names and E-mail Addresses
      When Administrators export a CSV file from the Data Management tab, the e-mailed file will now contain the user’s first and last names, alongside their e-mail addresses. This allows Administrators to easily follow-up with users.
    4. Ability to Customize Media Archive Alert Notification to Content Owners
      Administrators will now be able to customize notification e-mails to inform Content Owners of their media being sent for archiving purposes.
    5. Additional Details Provided for Archive Jobs
      Administrators will now be able to view additional details of an archive Job, including: Total Job Duration, Status, and current Progress Percentage. To learn more about this feature, please click here.
    6. Ability to View All Files Associated with Job
      Users are now able to View All Files associated with an archive Job, alongside the Status for each individual file. For unsuccessful archived files, an explanation will be provided and remedies will be suggested in the Message column. To learn more about this feature, please click here.
    7. Bulk Enrollment for Webex Users
      Administrators will now be able to Bulk Enroll users to receive imported Webex videos in their Media Library. To learn more about this feature, please click here.
    8. Notifications for Blackboard Collaborate & Webex Bulk Enrollment
      Administrators can now receive a notification in the Audit Log when a user has performed a bulk enrollment for the Blackboard Collaborate and Webex integrations.
  • December 17, 2021

    YuJa Himalayas for Data Archiving and Compliance – Update RC20211217 Released to US, CAN, and EU Zones

    Canadian Zones European Union Zones Himalayas

    We have successfully pushed an update to all instances residing in the United States, Canada and the European Union. This release focuses on brand new features that will help Administrators easily organize and manage large quantities of data.

    1. Himalayas Now Provides the Ability to Track Archive and Restore Jobs via Job Management
      We are excited to announce the new Job Management dashboard that allows Administrators to keep track of existing and upcoming jobs. The dashboard allows Administrators to identify a Job’s beginning and completion date, type, and its current progress.

      Moreover, Administrators will be able to refine their search by using the Job Management’s filtering options. In future releases, we intend to provide the ability to undo a restoring and archiving job, view associated files, access advanced filtering capabilities, and much more! To learn more about this feature, please click here

      YuJa Admin Alert

    2. Ability to Undo Active Archive Jobs to Video Platform
      This update will undo an archive job for files being transferred to the Video Platform. To learn more about this feature, click here.YuJa Admin Alert Pic Shadow
  • December 11, 2021

    YuJa Himalayas for Data Archiving and Compliance – Update RC20211210 Released to US, CAN, and EU Zones

    Canadian Zones European Union Zones Himalayas United States Zones

    We have successfully pushed an update to all Himalayas instances residing in the United States, Canada and the European Union. This update focuses on providing users an enhanced data management experience by offering new sorting and filtering capabilities, and, automatically uploading and organizing users recordings from a variety of third-party video conferencing software.

    Keep in mind that many of the capabilities provided by YuJa’s Himalayas Team are also available to customers that license only the Enterprise Video Platform.

    1. Support for Zoom LTI Pro Provides Automatic Uploading of Zoom Meetings in Media Channel (Available to EVP Customers Too)
      When an instructor completes a Zoom meeting in their course using the Zoom LTI Pro connector (available in the Zoom Marketplace), this update will now provide an option to automatically upload their recording and make it visible for students. This removes the responsibility off instructors in having to upload their Zoom media.
      Zoom LTI Pro
    2. Policy Creator Now Offers the Ability to Add File Size and Video Length as Rules (Available to EVP Customers Too)
      This update provides Administrators the ability to filter content by File Size and Video Length. When selected, users will be able to refine their search by entering a video length and file size value.
    3. Distinguish Between Blackboard Collaborate Recordings with the Inclusion of a Timestamp (Available to EVP Customers Too)
      To help content owners distinguish between Blackboard Collaborate recordings, Administrators can enable the inclusion of the date and timestamp in video titles. To learn how to enable this feature, please click here.
    4. Designated Folders for Imported Webex, Blackboard Collaborate, and Microsoft Teams Recordings in Media Library (Available to EVP Customers Too)
      To replicate what was offered for imported Zoom recordings, designated folders will now be created in users Media Library for imported Webex, Blackboard Collaborate, and Microsoft Teams videos.
    5. Bulk Enrollment for Blackboard Collaborate Videos (Available to EVP Customers Too)
      Administrators will now be able to bulk enroll users to receive imported Blackboard Collaborate videos in their Media Library.
    6. ‘Delete Optional Transcodes’ Notification in Audit Logs (Available to EVP Customers Too)
      This update will provide Administrators a notification when the ‘Delete Optional Transcodes’ rule has run with a policy. Users will be able to filter results by selecting ‘Recurrent Action Performed’.
    7. Ability to Sort Files by Date Added and Last Viewed (Available to EVP Customers Too)
      This update allows Administrators to easily sort content by Date Added (oldest to newest) and Last Viewed.
  • June 26, 2021

    Enterprise Video Platform – Update RC20210618 Released to US Zone

    Analytics Enterprise Video Platform General Platform Himalayas HTML5 Player Live Streaming Media Management Media Player SSO United States Zones Video Quizzes

    We have successfully pushed an update to all instances residing in the United States. For a summary of the release, please refer to the corresponding tag for the most recent Canadian and EU zones release.

  • April 24, 2021

    YuJa Himalayas for Archiving & Compliance – Released to US Zone

    Himalayas United States Zones

    We have successfully released a new product called YuJa Himalayas for Archiving & Compliance. This product works in tandem with the YuJa Enterprise Video Platform to more cost-effectively manage large volumes of media in a compliant manner. It is specifically designed to actually lower total cost-of-ownership as media usage continues to scale. To learn more about licensing this offering, please contact your Account Executive.

    1. YuJa Himalayas Integration with YuJa Enterprise Video Platform – Implemented enterprise integrations between YuJa Enterprise Video Platform and YuJa Himalayas so the two systems can effectively cooperate to lower effective costs.

    2. Integration with Data Management tab via Archive to Himalayas Option – The Data Management tab within the Admin Panel now offers an integration with Himalayas to directly archive content to YuJa Himalayas.

    3. Manage and Recover Archived Content – Use Himalaya’s Data Explorer tools to restore archived content within 12 hours. Future releases will include new machine learning and multi-level archiving capabilities.