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  • February 10, 2018

    United States Zone – Semi-Monthly RC20180209 Released

    Analytics General Platform Media Management United States Zones Update

    We have successfully pushed an update to all physical zones residing in the United States. Please note that this release will be pushed to Canadian zones next week. This release includes 75 new features and improvements including:

    1. New Visual Analytics Overview tab – After extensive research and feedback about what Administrators wished to see in the Analytics Overview, we’ve incorporated more relevant statistics and a more attractive look-and-feel.
    2. Improved Media Preview for Non-Video Digital Assets – Organizations storing digital assets such as Word, Excel, PowerPoints, PDFs, images, etc. now have the ability to click on the thumbnail to view an inline preview of the file.
    3. Refreshed Visual Analytics UI and Color Scheme – Alongside the new Visual Analytics Overview tab, we also refreshed the other Usage & Analytics suite, as well as resolved a dozen-or-so related issues. Among other things, this includes improves aesthetics of the Contents tab and provides easier-to-read graphs.
    4. Performance Improvements to LMS Media Extensions – Re-factored the algorithms that the Media Choosers use to make them even faster when there are thousands of video objects in the Internal Library for a given user. While most users won’t notice the improvements, those power-users with thousands of video assets will certainly take note.
    5. Better Quota Management Capabilities including Self-Service Preview – Ability to send “approaching assigned quota” and “quota exceeded” emails when users are approaching or have exceeded their admin-allotted quota. We also now provide a way within the user’s My Account settings to view their current data usage.
    6. New Social Syndication Tab within Media Details – Improved workflow for Content Owners to cross-syndicate media to Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and YouTube with API-level integrations with each Platform.
    7. Minor Improvements to Media Player – We added some minor improvements to the Media Player including in the scenario when the Thumbnail Bar is hidden. In this situation, when hovering over the scrubber bar, it shows the thumbnail for that region of the video.
  • January 27, 2018

    United States Zone – Semi-Monthly RC20180126 Released

    General Platform HTML5 Player United States Zones Update Video Editor

    We have successfully pushed an update to all physical zones residing in the United States. Please note that this release will be pushed to Canadian zones next week. This release is largely a maintenance update with about 60 smaller improvements including:

    1. Additional Administrative Alerts – Admin Panel’s Overview tab now provide alerts on newly-created automated schedules for hardware and software devices listed on the Devices tab.
    2. HTML5 Video Editor (Beta) Improvements – We’ve added further refinements to the UI, added the ability to zoom-in-and-out of the timeline, edit mobile captures, as well as edit uploaded (single-stream) media. We also added editing compatibility with media that has an Audio Description tag. Related to this, we also provided interim clarification on the purpose of each editor type while we work to consolidate them into the HTML5 Editor.
    3. Improved Email Filtering and Toggles – We now provide Administrators with toggle on-off capabilities on all emails sent to users. We also added the ability to customize additional email templates including Live Stream invitations.
    4. Media Chooser Improvements – Resolved some issues with the LMS Media Extensions related to displaying incorrect thumbnails in some rare cases, as well as, showing media on the EnterpriseTube that cannot be embedded.
    5. Small Updates to the Media Player – We refined the placement of a few less frequently used controls including the Indicate Confusion and Toggle Full-Screen buttons to be within the Options sub-menu.
  • January 13, 2018

    United States Zones – Semi-Monthly Scheduled Release Successfully Deployed

    General Platform HTML5 Player United States Zones Update Video Editor

    We have successfully pushed an update to all physical zones residing in the United States. This product release includes:

    1. New Admin Panel Overview Cards – We continue to add new administrative and system alerts to the Admin Panel’s Overview tab. We also added new Overview Cards on Views, Live Stream and Video Classroom activity.
    2. New Artificial Intelligence Captioning Engine – This new engine is faster and more accurate. With this new engine, during the course of 2018 we will be adding new functionality capabilities. One of those, we included with this release: the ability to automatically redact profanity in captions and transcripts.
    3. Improvements to HTML5 Video Editor – As we continue to transition away from our legacy Flash-based Video Editor, we have improved the overall fit of the HTML5 Video Editor including operation within LMS platforms. In our subsequent release, we will be adding improved timeline navigation and zoom capabilities. Our current target is full migration of all capabilities during this quarter and we are currently on-target.
    4. Improvement to Network Sensing Algorithm in Media Player – Our original network quality sensing algorithm that detected which bitrate to use was overly pessimistic on initial load when streaming on broadband networks. The new algorithm now makes a more intelligent decision resulting in a better quality initial streaming experience.
    5. Improved Server-Side Logging of RESTFul API Calls – For institutions developing custom applications with our RESTFul API, YuJa’s Professional Services team now has enhanced internal logging capabilities to assist customers with any debugging or assistance that their agreement with us includes.

    A total of 41 features, improvements, and fixes were released within this update. If you have questions on anything with this release, please do not hesitate to email

  • November 24, 2017

    Upcoming Change: Improved Capture & Live Stream Workflow

    Upcoming Update Update

    As we close out the 2017 calendar year, we will be using the slower December holiday season to refine and improve a few workflows. One, in particular, is a workflow that will simplify initiating a Software and In-Browser Capture from within the Platform or LMS (non-finalized preview screenshot below).

    Essentially currently clicking on the Capture & Live Stream currently goes to a three-box layout from which you then initiate a capture. In mid-December onwards it will be a dialog which allows you to perform a one-click software capture initiation. Keep in mind that this dialog will preserve any Browser Capture ON/OFF settings that you have established within the Admin Panel -> Platform Tab. If you have questions about this upcoming change, please do not hesitate to reach out to

  • November 4, 2017

    Semi-Monthly Scheduled Release Successfully Deployed

    Android App General Platform HTML5 Player Media Management Software Station for PC Update

    We have successfully pushed an update to all zones. This release includes:

    1. Improved Hardware Hub firmware which includes support for SDI and HDMI embedded audio within HLS-based Live Streaming, support for Hardware Appliance-based OCR meta-layer creation, and improved error and alert reporting. To receive this firmware update, please contact your Account Manager to receive an update appointment.
    2. New System Alert tab within the Admin Panel that enables Administrators to send custom email notices to users of the Platform within their organization including – but not limited to – internal policy changes, notices of newly available media relevant to all users, upcoming user training sessions, etc.
    3. Minor version update of the Software Capture for PC including general availability for screen region capture, improved behavior when the desktop icon is clicked on during an active capture, and more. We will be releasing another minor application update with some additional capabilities in a few weeks.
    4. General availability of Recycle Bin capability with an Admin-configurable retention period. The organization’s Administrators can establish a retention period (default is 30 days) for all users. All deleted media automatically goes to the user’s Recycle Bin (underneath their My Account) where it be self-recovered prior to the retention period.

    We also added about 65+ additional smaller features and improvements such as new third-party captioning vendor support, minor update to the Android app to support uploading locally stored photos and videos, and more.

    To take advantage of these new capabilities, you may need to clear your browser cache.

  • July 1, 2017

    Bi-Monthly Scheduled Release Successfully Deployed

    Fixed HTML5 Player Media Management SSO Update Video Classrooms Video Quizzes

    We have successfully pushed an update to all zones. This release includes a refined workflow within the Capture & Live Stream tab, improved performance and experience within the HTML5 Media Player, improvements to Video Classroom recording, and 67 other features and fixes. As a reminder, as previous indicated we sunsetted the Shared Files and Course Syllabus to better focus on the the capabilities most relevant to our customers.

  • June 22, 2017

    Preview of Important Workflow Changes in Next Bi-Monthly Release

    Improved Update

    Our Product Team has been busy preparing for the next bi-monthly release currently scheduled for next Friday. We have some exciting new features planned and about 50 smaller improvements and fixes. Additionally, there will be three key workflow changes that you should expect to see.

    1. Refined Workflow for Capture and Live Stream suite. We have simplified the four-box layout into three boxes that focus on the three main activities that the majority of users perform on a regular basis.
    2. Ability to turn ON/OFF capture workflows. While we offer the industry’s most comprehensive capture suites, some institutions wish to only enable specific workflows, especially during initial deployment. A common example is whether to enable the Web Capture workflow and Configured Rooms workflow to end-users. IT Managers will have the ability to toggle these three tiles within their Platform Settings.
    3. Sunset of Course Syllabus and Shared Files. We have now fully completed our transition to enable file and document storage in the Media Library. This also includes the ability to link documents to Media Channels. With this, the ongoing need for a separate Shared Files and Course Syllabus suite is increasingly minimal. Our Support and Account Management team can assist any institutions in transitioning to the newer features. Please contact us if you would like assistance.



  • June 17, 2017

    Bi-Monthly Scheduled Release Successfully Deployed

    Added Android App Fixed General Platform HTML5 Player Improved Media Management Update Video Editor Video Quizzes

    We have successfully pushed an update to all zones. This release includes a refreshed Main Menu, more modern Institution->Devices tab, an updated Android app that resolved a number of device playback issues on recent devices (we will commence work on refreshing our iOS app in July for the same purpose), and updates to our Video Quizzes to use our branded HTML5 Player.

    We also added over 50 features and fixes included the ability for authenticated users to download their digital notes and bookmarks as a PDF, improved performance and search within the  Courses & Groups tab, the ability to better manage auto-generated PDFs and Audio Description tags.

    We have some exciting features rolling out in phases this summer – stay tuned!

  • May 20, 2017

    Bi-Monthly Scheduled Release Successfully Deployed

    General Platform HTML5 Player Improved Update

    We used this release to address a number of smaller features and fixes including improved Media Channel accessibility, cleaner Web Capture publishing workflow, an improved HTML5 Player (including resolving a potential hardware capture sync issue) and 28 features and improvements across the Enterprise Video Platform.

  • April 22, 2017

    Bi-Monthly Update Released

    Added Media Management Update Video Classrooms Video Quizzes

    All production zones received a bi-monthly update which added over 150 new features and improvements including updated Video Classrooms, new Media Management capabilities, added capabilities within Visual Analytics, and general UI updates / enhancements.