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  • May 18, 2018

    United States Zone – Semi-Monthly RC20180518 Released

    General Platform HTML5 Player Media Management United States Zones Video Editor Video Quizzes

    We have successfully pushed an update to all physical zones residing in the United States. Please note that this release will be pushed to Canadian zones next week. This release is mostly a maintenance update that includes over 40+ new features and improvements including:

    1. Crisp Sub-Channel Visualization and Improved LMS Integration – For those users using sub-channels within their course Media Channels, we’ve changed to a tab-style interface that is easier to navigate.
    2. Keyboard-Only Tab Navigation Improvements – We have an ongoing project to review our keyboard-only navigation and ensure that all screens are a smooth navigation experience. We’ve reviewed many of the screens and this effort continues.
    3. Better Media Channel Layout – To better use the top-region of the Media Channel, we’ve move away from a 3-video layout and introduced a 7-video layout (where space allows). This is a better use of the available screen (see screenshot above).
    4. New Visualization of Word Clouds, Transcripts, and Tags – Along the same theme of better use of space, rather than a linear down-the-page style, we’ve moved each of the AI-powered video cognition attributes to individual tabs. See screenshot below.
    5. Bulk Download Now Integrated With Date Search – We’ve integrated the existing date-based media searching with the ability to use the Bulk Download capabilities. This enables users to refine their search to identify which media to bulk download.
    6. General Platform Improvements – In addition, we also made some general Platform improvements:
      • Changed Blackboard Media Chooser Extension to use the actual zone-specific embed code rather than the generic Platform URL. This ensures that use of an embedded video with a Single-Sign-On is directed to the organization’s SSO.
      • Identified rare issues within the Media Player that could cause the geographic restrictions to fail for specific network types. Also resolved rare issues related to Blackboard media embedding within self-hosted instances.
      • Improvements to the HTML5 Video Editor in handling very large caption files
      • Improved overall Platform compatibility with older versions of Internet Explorer (the predecessor to Edge)
      • Improved HTML5-based Editor’s multi-stream sync when editing large media files.
    7. Limited Release of Zoom Connector – We’ve finished deploying all the backend infrastructure for the Zoom Connector and those organizations that had expressed interest in using it should be able to. In a few weeks, we’ll open this up to all organizations to try out.

    In the next release, we anticipate rolling out some updates to the HTML5 Video Conferencing, Platform performance improvements, new notifications for any media transcoding errors and more.

  • April 28, 2018

    United States Zone – Semi-Monthly RC20180427 Released

    General Platform HTML5 Video Conferencing HTML5 Video Editor Live Streaming Media Management United States Zones

    We have successfully pushed an update to all physical zones residing in the United States. Please note that this release will be pushed to Canadian zones next week. This release includes over 50+ new features and improvements including:

    1. Improvements to HTML5 Video Editor – We ported and added some additional functionality including thumbnail visualization for video streams, simple visualization for separate audio streams, undo button with new “Changelist” pane (and the ability to view and revert current changes), new save options namely the ability to save captions & indexes to the current video object, UI improvements, and general bug fixes & tweaks. If you run into issues with the HTML5 Video Editor, we encourage you to provide us with specific reproduction steps and we will actively aim to get this reviewed and resolved in a near-term release.
    2. Optimizations to Bulk Download – We have further optimized the self-service Bulk Download feature to work even more efficiently across nested folders and both video and non-video digital assets.
    3. Student-Oriented My Gradebook Tab – For organizations using Video and Text Quizzes, in addition to the LTI Gradebook integration, we now provide a specific tab where students can view grades of post quizzes.
    4. Mobile Live Streaming Player Improvements – We bolstered our mobile live streaming capabilities with broader mobile device support.
    5. Improved Live Stream to Capture Transition – We now provide the option of the Live Stream URL being used to auto-forward to the subsequent recording of the Live Stream event. We also added some general bug fixes and small improvements to the HTML5 Live Stream Player.
    6. General HTML5 Video Conferencing Improvements – We integrated recorded conference recordings into the Storage analytics, improved participant box sizing, and improved overall stability. Upcoming releases will focus on continuing to port over functionality present in the Flash-based Video Classrooms tool.
    7. Improved Usability of Accessibility Tab within Media Details – We’ve made managing and uploading accessibility related metadata including caption files, Audio Description files, and transcripts – easier to do with a more intuitive user interface.

    In the next release, we will be introducing to General Availability a new add-on called the Zoom Connector to connect to enterprise Zoom instances and import Zoom recordings into the Media Library (please contact your Account Manager regarding pricing, availability and feature set), new media search options, new video editor capabilities and more.

  • April 14, 2018

    United States Zone – Semi-Monthly RC20180413 Released

    General Platform HTML5 Player HTML5 Video Conferencing HTML5 Video Editor Live Streaming Media Management United States Zones

    We have successfully pushed an update to all physical zones residing in the United States. Please note that this release will be pushed to Canadian zones next week. This release includes over 90+ new features and improvements including:

    1. Improved HTML5 Video Editor – Migrated the caption editing and index editing into the HTML5 video editor tool. We also implemented a synchronized scrubber bar with zoom capabilities. In this release, we also added the ability to edit captions inline underneath the video feeds to provide an easier caption editing experience.
    2. General Availability of External RTMP Ingestion – We now offer organizations the ability to use their existing tri-caster or RTMP-based streaming software to live stream at scale. This allows organizations to use their existing hardware and software encoders with our cloud-hosted live streaming infrastructure to create embedded live stream players for events and graduations. This capability was originally available to a limited set of zones, however it is now offered to all organizations.
    3. Aesthetic Improvements to Media Player – We improved some of the graphics and play-pause transition changes to the Media Player.
    4. HTML5 Video Conferencing (alpha) – We implemented and migrated the group chat capabilities, UI improvements, and smaller improvements to meeting recording capabilities. We expect to exit alpha in the next month-or-so with a limited set of functionality.

    In the next release, we anticipate migrating over more of the Flash-based video editor’s capability to the newer HTML5 editor, improved Media Details panel, and more.

  • March 31, 2018

    United States Zone – Semi-Monthly RC20180330 Released

    General Platform HTML5 Player HTML5 Video Conferencing Media Management United States Zones Update Video Quizzes

    We have successfully pushed an update to all physical zones residing in the United States. Please note that this release will be pushed to Canadian zones next week. This release includes over 70+ new features and improvements including:

    1. Improved In-Video Commenting with Timeline Commenting and Pop-up Comment Bubbles – We improved in-video commenting by enabling the ability to comment directly on the video timeline, see comments on the timeline, and see “pop-up” comments as the video plays. As you’re using the new capabilities, we encourage you to provide feedback on ways you’d like to use this capability so that our Product Team can extend and expand it.
    2. In-Video Quiz Suite Now Part of Media – We’ve extended the video quizzing to be integrated more deeply with the Video Platform as a whole. While this will change how users create and access quizzes, we are confident that the improvements will make it even easier to create video-based assessments. Here are some of the details:
      • Top-Bar Take-Quiz Workflow – Quizzes that are available for users to “take” are now linked directly within the top-bar of the Platform (look for a new “Bell” icon). This makes it easier for students to find available quizzes without having to “dig into” the Polls & Quizzes suite.
      • Quizzes Stored in My Account tab – Created text-based and video quizzes are now stored in your My Accounts under a sub-tab called My Assessments.
      • UI Refinements – We also tidied up some naming inconsistencies with the use of the term “poll”, resolved a Unicode oversight that prevented non-English languages from being used for quiz questions, as well as a few other smaller improvements.
      • Supports In-Video Commenting – In-video quizzes can be used in conjunction with in-video commenting.
    3. New Tab Orientation for Media Details – To accommodate the new Comments tab within Media Details, our design folks switched the tabs to stack vertically. We will be further refining the user experience within the Media Details sub-tabs in upcoming releases.
    4. HTML5 Video Conferencing (alpha) – Our plan to migrate capabilities from the Flash-based Video Classrooms tool to the HTML5-based Video Conferencing continues. In this release, we moved over record-and-replay capabilities. We’re getting there!

    Looking ahead, in the next release we’ll be providing some feature updates to the HTML5 Video Editor, providing better self-service Bulk Downloading capabilities, new Live Streaming capabilities, and much more.

  • March 17, 2018

    United States Zone – Semi-Monthly RC20180316 Released

    General Platform HTML5 Player Live Streaming Media Management United States Zones Update Video Quizzes

    We have successfully pushed an update to all physical zones residing in the United States. Please note that this release will be pushed to Canadian zones next week. This release includes over 80+ new features and improvements including:

    1. General Availability of new Media Chooser for Canvas with Analytics Capabilities – We are now offering all customers with more powerful LMS media embedded with the Canvas Media Chooser to track analytics. To take advantage of this, please uninstall the old Canvas Media Chooser and follow the installation documents to install the new one with the revised Paste XML. If you have questions on how to install this, please email us at
    2. Emebeddable Live Stream Media Player – Administrators can now pre-schedule an embeddable HTML5-based HLS-compliant Live Stream Player. This expands the available use-cases to include guest speakers, events and graduation ceremonies. Through March and April we will be rolling out a number of exciting Live Streaming capabilities that will also move to General Availability.
    3. New Live Stream “Waiting Room” Experience – For pre-scheduled Live Stream events, if users try to enter a scheduled Live Stream ahead of time, they will now receive an waiting room UI with a countdown timer. Once the event starts, they will be automatically placed in the live stream.
    4. New Media Details Pop-up for Faster Media Organization – When users access the More… option within the Media Library for a particular media object, we now offer a fast-loading inline pop-up rather than having to click to navigate to a new page.
    5. Additional Player Branding Options – Administrators can now customize which options they would like to have within their Media Player’s secondary menu. We also did some further refinements to the Media Player playback experience.
    6. Minor Aesthenic Improvements for Processing Media – We improves some of the visuals for the ingestion process as well as improved the main menu button. This is part of a longer-term initiative to bring visual and user experience consistency to all suites.
  • March 3, 2018

    United States Zone – Semi-Monthly RC20180302 Released

    Analytics General Platform HTML5 Player iOS App Live Streaming Media Management United States Zones Video Editor Video Quizzes

    We have successfully pushed an update to all physical zones residing in the United States. Please note that this release will be pushed to Canadian zones next week. This release includes 150 new features and improvements including:

    1. Easier to Use Main View with Action Buttons for Common Workflows – The Platform user interface has been updated to include the most common tasks as Action Buttons in the top-bar. Users can access media channels, create captures, and manage & uploads media all from the main screen.
    2. Refined Media Player with Better Search Visualization and Small-Screen Capabilities – We’re introducing a new Media Player which offers even easier to navigate search-inside-video capabilities, improved embeddability in smaller windows, and better support for mobile devices and tablet screen sizes. We also added some new capabilities including topic highlighting in the auto-scrolling sidebar, better search-inside-video sidebar, and a simplified Play-Bar.
    3. Live, Multi-Source Room Preview Snapshots of Active Captures – The latest Software Capture applications for both PC and Apple, as well as the latest Hardware Hub firmware now supports multi-source preview within the Admin Panel’s Devices tab. Administrators can now keep tabs on active room recordings with periodically updating snapshots of actively recording rooms and lecture halls.
    4. New Quiz Question Types and Refined Quiz-Taking Interface – The Video Quiz suite now has new question types including Multi-Select, Short Answer and True-False options.
    5. Auto-Captioning Support Now Available in Six New Languages – As part of the more powerful Artificial Intelligence-based auto-captioning engine we integrated in the last release, we are now introducing the ability to auto-caption in additional languages including French, Dutch, German, Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish.
    6. Improved Support for Legacy Browsers – Our focus was improving support for the deprecated since IE Edge – but still used – Internet Explorer browser.
    7. Improved Media Library Performance – We optimized a number of heavily used search and general sub-routines to make them much faster. Our performance tests in various physical zones showed improvements in overall Media Library load time and snappier navigation.
    8. Additional Infrastructural Work for HTML5 Video Conferencing – While still in an alpha state, we have continued to bolster the infrastructure, as well as, migrate over functionality from our Flash-based Video Classroom. We expect this suite to enter Beta in the March / early-April timeframe.
  • February 13, 2018

    United States Zone – Performance Optimization for Analytics

    Analytics Fixed United States Zones Update

    We have successfully pushed 5 optimizations focused on improving the dynamic generation and loading of the new Overview tab for Visual Analytics. The result of this optimization is that on our customer’s production data workloads, there is a 5x improvement in load speed compared to the version we deployed on Friday.

  • February 10, 2018

    United States Zone – Semi-Monthly RC20180209 Released

    Analytics General Platform Media Management United States Zones Update

    We have successfully pushed an update to all physical zones residing in the United States. Please note that this release will be pushed to Canadian zones next week. This release includes 75 new features and improvements including:

    1. New Visual Analytics Overview tab – After extensive research and feedback about what Administrators wished to see in the Analytics Overview, we’ve incorporated more relevant statistics and a more attractive look-and-feel.
    2. Improved Media Preview for Non-Video Digital Assets – Organizations storing digital assets such as Word, Excel, PowerPoints, PDFs, images, etc. now have the ability to click on the thumbnail to view an inline preview of the file.
    3. Refreshed Visual Analytics UI and Color Scheme – Alongside the new Visual Analytics Overview tab, we also refreshed the other Usage & Analytics suite, as well as resolved a dozen-or-so related issues. Among other things, this includes improves aesthetics of the Contents tab and provides easier-to-read graphs.
    4. Performance Improvements to LMS Media Extensions – Re-factored the algorithms that the Media Choosers use to make them even faster when there are thousands of video objects in the Internal Library for a given user. While most users won’t notice the improvements, those power-users with thousands of video assets will certainly take note.
    5. Better Quota Management Capabilities including Self-Service Preview – Ability to send “approaching assigned quota” and “quota exceeded” emails when users are approaching or have exceeded their admin-allotted quota. We also now provide a way within the user’s My Account settings to view their current data usage.
    6. New Social Syndication Tab within Media Details – Improved workflow for Content Owners to cross-syndicate media to Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and YouTube with API-level integrations with each Platform.
    7. Minor Improvements to Media Player – We added some minor improvements to the Media Player including in the scenario when the Thumbnail Bar is hidden. In this situation, when hovering over the scrubber bar, it shows the thumbnail for that region of the video.
  • January 27, 2018

    United States Zone – Semi-Monthly RC20180126 Released

    General Platform HTML5 Player United States Zones Update Video Editor

    We have successfully pushed an update to all physical zones residing in the United States. Please note that this release will be pushed to Canadian zones next week. This release is largely a maintenance update with about 60 smaller improvements including:

    1. Additional Administrative Alerts – Admin Panel’s Overview tab now provide alerts on newly-created automated schedules for hardware and software devices listed on the Devices tab.
    2. HTML5 Video Editor (Beta) Improvements – We’ve added further refinements to the UI, added the ability to zoom-in-and-out of the timeline, edit mobile captures, as well as edit uploaded (single-stream) media. We also added editing compatibility with media that has an Audio Description tag. Related to this, we also provided interim clarification on the purpose of each editor type while we work to consolidate them into the HTML5 Editor.
    3. Improved Email Filtering and Toggles – We now provide Administrators with toggle on-off capabilities on all emails sent to users. We also added the ability to customize additional email templates including Live Stream invitations.
    4. Media Chooser Improvements – Resolved some issues with the LMS Media Extensions related to displaying incorrect thumbnails in some rare cases, as well as, showing media on the EnterpriseTube that cannot be embedded.
    5. Small Updates to the Media Player – We refined the placement of a few less frequently used controls including the Indicate Confusion and Toggle Full-Screen buttons to be within the Options sub-menu.
  • January 20, 2018

    Canadian and United Zones – Release RC20180119 – Minor Updates

    Canadian Zones General Platform Software Station for Apple Software Station for PC United States Zones

    This release resolves three issues that affected customers:

    1. Platform – Resolved issue with AST CaptionSync caption requests not being sent correctly in some cases.
    2. Software Station for PC – Resolved issue that occurs on PCs with extremely slow start-ups times (> 5 minutes) which could result in Windows Services failing to start. Software Station now can perform a delayed service start-up.
    3. Software Station for Apple – Clarified minimum installation requirements of YuJa Software Station for Apple. Now attempting to run the application will provide a clear error dialog indicating that MacOSX Version 10.10 (Yosemite) is required.