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  • April 25, 2020

    Canadian and European Union Instances – Enterprise Video Platform RC20200424 Released

    Analytics Canadian Zones European Union Zones General Platform HTML5 Video Conferencing Video Editor Video Quizzes

    We have successfully released an update of the YuJa Enterprise Video Platform to all instances in the European Union and Canada. A corresponding release will be deployed to United States instances in one week.

    1. Video Lifecycle Management with New Data Retention and Data Policy Management Tools
      Administrators have new tools to manage data retention including the ability to create data policies. Policies can be created with customizable rules including identifying unused data, older content, and specific content types. When executing policies, Administrators can review matching data, preview content, purge content, as well as aggregate it into an Archive Folder. In future releases, we intend to provide tools to offload Archive Folders onto offsite or AWS-side storage locations. We encourage you to try your data management workflows and provide us with feedback on future improvements you would like to see.

    2. New Auto-Captioning Engine with Better Accuracy and Room Acoustic Models
      The Video Platform now provides a new auto-captioning engine that offers higher-quality auto-captioning. This auto-captioning engine also operates better in larger lecture halls and in situations where the microphone may be further away from the speaker. We encourage you to enable Model A in your organization’s Admin Panel and try it out for yourself.

    3. Video Editor Now Provides Clearer Indication of Trimmed Captions
      The Video Editor provides an easier interface to edit captions while simultaneously making trims and cuts to the video (which naturally affects the caption time-points). The new Video Editor interface includes a color indicator showing which caption entries will be removed, which will have an invalid timestamp (post edit), and which ones will remain valid.

    4. Increased the Maximum Video Size to 1TB
      By default, all Video Platform instances now have a maximum single file size of 1TB. For a basis of comparison, that’s about the combined size of two hundred and fifty, full-length HD movies.

    5. User Interface Improvements to Browser Capture Studio
      Updates to the Browser-based Capture Studio include improvements to the compatibility across web browsers, minor improvements to the capture workflow, and better messaging once a recording is complete.
    6. New Media Chooser Behavior for Blackboard and Moodle Students
      The Media Chooser is once again useable by student roles. Following changes to Blackboard and Moodle’s security model, student roles were unable to embed content. Now, the Video Platform will detect the role and place a permitted link into the chosen LMS region.
    7. Sub-Organization Now Supports Auto-Provisioning of Shared Folders
      Organization Management capabilities now include the ability for sub-organization creation to automatically create a Shared Folder matching the hierarchy of the Sub-Organization structure.
    8. Performance Improvements to UI Screens Displaying and Filtering Large Volumes of Users
      Several web application screens which had slightly sluggish behavior when filtering against ten-of-thousands of users has been improved. This included the Link Users within the Zoom Enterprise Connector and the Admin Panel’s Overview and Roster tabs.
    9. Pre-Quiz Error Messaging to Quiz Takers with Browser Settings That Prevent LMS Gradebook Sync
      Users who are likely to have browsers or browser settings – such as disabling third-party cookies – that could prevent LMS Gradebook synchronization of quiz results will now see an in-context LMS message preventing quiz entry. This is aimed at reducing the chances that a student takes an LMS-embedded quiz without being able to transmit the resulting quiz grade to the LMS Gradebook.

    10. HTML5 Video Conference Now Has Improved Screen-Reader Support
      A minor update to the Video Conference web application interface addressed a number of screen-reader issues related to missing alt-text for UI components.
  • March 30, 2020

    Important Capacity Upgrade to Specific US-based Instances Deployed

    Fixed General Platform

    Update from the Operations Team: This morning, we saw approximately a 300% surge in user activity commencing on Monday at 10am Pacific and continuing to increase hour-by-hour. We made the decision to quickly provision additional capacity which is now complete.

  • February 29, 2020

    Canadian Zone – Semi-Monthly RC20200229 Released

    Android App Canadian Zones General Platform Media Management Update Video Editor Video Quizzes

    An update to the YuJa Enterprise Video Platform has been released to instances hosted in our Canadian zone. This release will be made available to instances in the United States and the European Union next week. This update contains over 150+ new features and improvements with highlights provided below.

    1. Introducing YuJa Pro Captioning Service Offering ADA-Compliant Captioning
      YuJa is introducing YuJa Pro Captioning, a human-based ADA-compliant captioning service that delivers 99%+ captioning. This service complements our existing human-based, third-party captioning integrations to offer competitively priced human-based captioning. We offer 24-hour, 48 hours, and 5-day turnaround options and pricing as low as $0.95 per minute. For more information, please contact your Account Manager.

    2. HTML5-Based In-Browser Capture Now Available
      A new HTML5-based capture solution is now available as a beta feature of the Video Platform. This enables users to create short recordings quickly without requiring any downloads. Over the upcoming releases we will be introducing screen recording and multi-video capabilities.

    3. New Video Editor Options Including Blackout Video Source and Image Title Card Insertion
      New editing options are available within the Video Editor to upload a still image as a Title Card, as well as black out a particular video source for a period of time. Blacking out a video source provides time-synchronized redaction of a particular video stream.

    4. Minor Version Update to YuJa Mobile for Android application (2.1.0)
      A new minor update to the YuJa Mobile for Android was deployed to the Android Play store. This resolved 10+ small issues including an issue that could cause the Mobile Capture to crash on Android devices with stratified storage space

    5. Recording Initiated Via Media Chooser LMS Extension Now Show Up Faster
      Content recorded by initiating the Software Capture link within the Media Chooser now more quickly selectable for LMS insertion.

    6. Video Quizzes Now Offer the Ability to Create Custom Points (“Weights”) to Certain Questions
      To enable customized grading structures of video quizzes, Content Creators can now add customized grade points for particular questions. This enables certain questions to be weighted more heavily than others.

    7. Shared Folders Are Now Continually Updated When Content Owners Add New Content to the Folder
      Folders shared with others now are updated continuously to reflect any new content that Content Owners add to the folder.

    8. Ability to Search and Filter by User within the Admin Panel’s Audit Log
      Administrators can now filter through the audit log entries by username or name. This enables viewing audit log entries generated for a particular user.

    9. Organization Management Supports Org-Level Media Player Brand Selection
      Administrators can now select a Media Player branding scheme for a particular hierarchical organization level. This released also included 15+ smaller fixes and improvements to the Organization Management feature.

  • February 1, 2020

    United States Zone – Semi-Monthly RC20200131 Released

    Android App General Platform HTML5 Player HTML5 Video Conferencing Live Streaming Media Management Media Player United States Zones Update

    We have successfully pushed an update to all instances residing in the United States. Please note that this release will be pushed to Canadian and European Union zones next week. This release includes over 135+ new features and improvements.

    1. Full Sub-Administrator Capabilities within Custom-Designed Hierarchies
      The Video Platform now provides full capabilities to create hierarchical representations of your organization including Faculties, Departments, Schools, Campuses and Schools. Within this hierarchy, custom-defined Sub-Administrators can be created that can manage specific sets of Users, Courses, Devices, as well as create subsets of functionality. Over the coming months, we will continue to create new Sub-Organization capabilities so your feedback will help shape the future product roadmap of this capability.

    2. Create Sub-Administrators Based on Both Role Scope and Functional Needs
      Custom sub-administrator roles can be defined based on virtually any role scope and functional need. Some examples of possible sub-administrator roles you could create include:

      • Classroom Device Manager for Medical School
      • Closed Captioning Associate for the Department of Earth Sciences
      • Full Admin for the Online Campus

    3. Each Sub-Administrator Role Can Be Assigned a Custom Start Page
      Each sub-administrator role can now select the default start page that is shown on login. The options listed in the drop-down will adjust based on the functional capabilities of the sub-admin role.

    4. Support for Upcoming Chrome 80 Version (“The Cookie Crumbling Update”)
      In advance of the upcoming – and much anticipated – Chrome 80 release which introduces several breaking changes to most major third-party web applications, we released an update that is compatible with this new browser version. With this change, we believe your users will not be affected when the Chrome 80 browser, that is currently in beta, releases to production.

    5. New Picture-in-Picture Viewing Mode Designed for Tight Spaces
      We have introduced a new viewing mode that is designed for tighter embedded viewports such as within an LMS. The Picture-in-Picture mode can also be enabled selectively as an additional viewing option on the primary or secondary Media Player menu. The Picture-and-Picture sources can be swapped and users can also move the embedded picture source within the window to suit their viewing preference.

      Note: To enable the new Picture-in-Picture capability within the Media Player, within the Admin Panel’s Branding tab, please add this option to your Media Player branding.

    6. Live Streaming Infrastructure Now Scales Elastically with No Practical Limit
      As part of a larger-scale project to create elastic scalability in all key sub-systems, the Live Streaming infrastructure can now stream to any-size audience without the need for in-advance provisioning. There are some related capabilities we have planned for future releases to also elastically scale the real-time live stream transcoding sub-system.

    7. New Video Platform Branding Options Enable Customization of the Left Navigation Bar Colors
      The Video Platform now includes the ability to customize the colors of the Left Navigation Bar to align with your organization’s brand.

    8. Minor Version Update to YuJa Mobile for Android Native Application
      We released a new minor version update to our YuJa Mobile for Android application (2.0.9) that incorporates 15+ smaller bug fixes and video streaming improvements. We are actively working on a new iOS application which matches the current functionality of the Android application.

    9. Improved Video Quiz Integration with LMS Course Copy
      To support the use of LMS Course Copy and the creation of Master Course Shells, for LMSs that support Content Item Message-based Course Copy, namely Canvas and Blackboard, previous Video Quizzes can be re-posted to the newly copied course as a new Video Quiz directly within the LMS interface. For Moodle and D2L customers, to take advantage of this capability, please contact your LMS vendor and request a status on the following open feature items: Moodle MDL-66934 and D2L LTI Copy Course Updates.

    10. New Video Conference Start Meeting Panel
      The new Video Conference Start Panel provides quicker access to start an impromptu meeting, schedule meetings, and view the calendar of scheduled meetings.

    11. New Video Player Capabilities including Click-to-Pause, Improved Multi-stream Mobile Compatibility and More
      The Media Player now offers some additional enhancements including the ability when viewing single-stream videos to click the video box to pause and resume the video. For multi-stream videos, there is a new hover effect to swap the primary stream. We also improved multi-stream compatibility on mobile browsers and added a new hover-glow effect for the Media Player icons.

    12. Support for Canvas Accommodated Groups
      To provide specialized video support for designated Accommodated Groups within Canvas, the Video Platform can now interface with the Canvas LMS to pull Accommodated Group rosters and display specific sub-channel content designated only for the Accommodated Group.

  • December 6, 2019

    United States Zone – Semi-Monthly RC20191206 Released

    General Platform HTML5 Video Conferencing HTML5 Video Editor Media Management Media Player United States Zones

    We have successfully pushed an update to all instances residing in the United States. Please note that this release will be pushed to Canadian and European Union zones next week. This release includes over 165+ new features and improvements.

    1. Easier-to-Use and More Robust Video Uploading Experience
      The Platform now integrates a new media uploading experience that’s easier-to-use, more fault-tolerant and faster. The new upload experience now includes:

      • Faster uploads with auto-queuing capabilities
      • Better adaptation to browser capabilities and constraints
      • Upload continuation even when navigating between Video Platform pages
      • Better user interface with “docking” window controls

    2. Video Editor Now Shows Captioning Confidence Scores
      Users can now highlight words within the captioning that was below a specific Confidence Score. The words that the captioning engine AI was not “sure of” are highlighted to enable a more streamlined editing experience. Users can also hover over any word to see the specific Confidence Score attained when transcribing the given word. Please note this capability is only available for newly auto-captioned content.

    3. Multi-Level Training Dictionary Available for Improved Caption Quality
      Both organizations and individuals have new tools to improve the captioning quality of the Platform’s integrated artificial intelligence-based captioning. Organizations can establish an instance-wide dictionary, and users submitting videos for auto-captioning can also include a video-specific custom dictionary.

    4. Create Multiple Media Player Branding “Skins”
      Organizations can now create multiple Media Player branding options (often called “skins”) that can be applied organization-wide or to specific videos. Customizations include primary and secondary button placements, colors, and menu option selections.

    5. Improved Media Player User Interface
      New iconography and menu style provides a more modern user experience for both instructional and marketing video use-cases alike. These improvements to the Media Player can be utilized in conjunction with the Multiple Player Branding capabilities also released in this update.

    6. Video Editor Supports Removal of Video Stream While Retaining the Embedded Audio Track
      Users who use the capture tools to record a multi-source recording, but then wish to subsequently remove the video source that contains the audio track, can now do so.
    7. New Video Conference Start Panel with Participant and Chat Pane
      A new “Start Screen” is now available within the Video Conference that provides the ability for participants to quickly access meeting bridge, participant list, and chat information.

    8. New Participant Panel with “Raise Hand” Capabilities
      Video Conference participants now have the ability to perform a virtual “Raise Hands” within a meeting. The meeting owners and presenters receive a notification of the hand-raise as both a notification message and indicator on the Participant Panel.

  • October 9, 2019

    United States Zone – Semi-Monthly RC20191011 Released

    Analytics General Platform HTML5 Video Conferencing Media Management Media Player United States Zones Video Quizzes

    We have successfully pushed an update to all instances residing in the United States. Please note that this release will be pushed to Canadian and European Union zones next week. This release includes over 175+ new features and improvements.

    1. IMS Caliper Analytics 1.1 Certification Achieved
      Our big data analytics achieved a major milestone by being awarded IMS Caliper Analytics 1.1 certification. Interested organizations can take advantage of this optional SKU that is available to all Enterprise Video Platform customers. A little more on IMS Caliper: “Caliper Analytics enables institutions to collect learning data from digital resources to better understand and visualize learning activity and product usage data, and present this information to students, instructors, and advisors in meaningful ways to help inform: student recruitment and retention plans, program, curriculum, and course design, student intervention measures”
    2. New Ad Astra Integration for Integration with Enterprise Scheduling Systems
      A new Ad Astra enterprise scheduling integration is now available to all organizations. Room calendars can by synch-ed and then mapped to specific Software Capture and Hardware Hub capture resources. This enables fully automated scheduling, recording, publishing and distribution.
    3. New Reflective Pause Question Type for Video Quizzes
      A new question type called Reflective Pause is now available within Video Quizzes. This question type is designed to re-focus the viewer on the video content through the use of a rhetorical and thought-provoking question. This tool is a new capability to ensure that all video content – including compliance training, security compliance, etc. – receives the focus and attention of the viewer.
    4. Improved Device Source Preview Window
      Improved the view of the Source Preview shown within the Devices tab of Admin Panel. Also, clarified case where there is no active signal to show a status of No Active Signal instead of an error state.
    5. Deprecated Video Classroom Name within Platform
      As we have transitioned fully to an HTML5-based Video Conferencing tool, the old tool’s name (Video Classrooms) has – for the most part – been transitioned-out from the Platform.
    6. New Overlay Style Captioning for Single Stream Videos
      A new overlay caption style, similar to Netflix and YouTube, provides viewers with the opportunity to use the full window for viewing the video instead of allocating a significant portion to a fixed caption bar. The same 21st Century Communications and Video Accessibility Act (CVAA)-compliant user-selectable opacity, color and font settings are also available with this new capability.
    7. Improved Performance for Folders with Pictures
      The load-time performance for folders containing a large number of pictures is now considerably better (10x faster).
    8. Performance Improvements for Change Owner Capability
      Improved performance within the Change Owner dialog for institutions with over 25,000 user entries.
    9. Simplified Process to Request Data Backups
      Organizations wishing to request a copy of their organization’s Storage may initiate the request directly within the Admin Panel’s Storage Quota tab. Please note that Professional Services may apply to the fulfillments of these requests.
    10. Media Chooser LMS Extension Offers More Clear Action and UI
      The available actions within the LMS Media Chooser are now shown more clearly within the Top Bar. This is aimed at improving the user experience for novice users who may be using the video tools to embed their first video or create their first Video Assignment.
    11. Ability to Watch a Video in Chrome within an Inactive Tab
      Users watching video content within one Chrome tab, while actively navigating within another tab, can now continue to listen to the YuJa-hosted video. Previously, due to a recent Chrome update, the video would automatically pause when the Chrome tab became inactive.
    12. Improved Test Proctoring Workflow for Courses with Multiple Instructors
      Courses with multiple instructors co-teaching can now designate where proctored test recordings should go.
  • September 14, 2019

    United States Zone – Semi-Monthly RC20190913 Released

    General Platform HTML5 Player HTML5 Video Conferencing Media Management United States Zones Video Quizzes

    We have successfully pushed an update to all physical zones residing in the United States. Please note that this release will be pushed to Canadian and European Union zones next week. This release includes over 200+ new features and improvements.

    1. 360°/VR Video Media Player Now Moved to General Availability
      By popular request, the Professional Services Team migrated the 360°/VR Video Media Player, a previously custom capability, to a feature available in all instances. The new 360°/VR Video enables the viewing of 360-degree VR content and supports perspective changes via the gyroscope (when viewed on a mobile device).
    2. New Advanced Visual Search Capabilities
      The Visual Search capabilities introduced in the last release are now even more powerful with the following new additions that incorporate “fuzzy search”, advanced filtering options and improved performance:

      • Implementation of a Fuzzy Search algorithm – Established a fuzzy search that will match against a threshold of about 80%. This enables keyword searches such as engineer~ which will, for example, return engineers and engineer.
      • Ability to Restrict Searches to the Current Folder – New option within the Advanced Search operations to restrict search matches to media contained in the current folder.
      • Ability to Restrict Searches to a Given Channel – New option to restrict search for content to a particular Media Channel by using the channel: attribute. An example is channel:”MATH 235″.
      • Searching for YouTube and Vimeo Videos Included – Linked YouTube and Vimeo videos will be searched based on the available metadata fields.
      • Support for Prefix Searching – New option to search based on a keyword prefix via keyword* search operator. For instance, entering te* returns results with words starting with te including tell and test.
      • Support for Owner Filter – New option to filter searches based on the owner of the media via the owner:”{Your Name}” search option.
      • Custom Metadata Schema Search for Non-Videos – Visual Search now will search a custom Metadata Schema applied to non-video assets.
      • Speed Improvements with Large Match Sets – When searching for words that are mentioned thousands or tens-of-thousands-of-times in a given folder, the search results will now be returned within seconds instead of over a minute.

    3. Go Back Folder Quick Link for Faster Folder Traversal
      Within My Media’s Action Bar, a new Go Back button enables users to traverse to the parent folder of the current location.
    4. Optical Character Recognition (OCR) Capabilities Extend to Video Sources Recorded by PC and Apple Software Capture Application
      To enhance our Visual Search capabilities, we now will perform a full OCR scan of video sources – not just the screen source – recorded by the Software Capture for PC and Apple applications.
    5. Media Player’s Slide Text Section Supports Multi-Source OCR
      Within the Media Player, recordings that have multiple sources with OCR results for the same time point – which is now possible with the newly introduced multi-source OCR – will now be shown.
    6. HTML5 Video Conferencing Now Offers Breakout Room Capabilities
      The Video Conferencing product now includes the ability to create and manage Breakout Sessions with attendees. Future releases will further refine this capability so we certainly welcome your feedback on features and improvements we can make.
    7. Extended API to Support Automatic Publishing Capabilities When Auto Scheduling
      To better support end-to-end automatic scheduling and publishing workflows, the RESTFul API now supports automatic publishing when performing auto-scheduling operations.
    8. Media Player Improvements When Viewed in Portrait Mode on Mobile Devices
      This release includes improvements to the Media Player when viewed on mobile devices in portrait mode. A new top-and-bottom viewing capability for multi-stream videos ensures a crisp viewing experience irrespective of the mobile device form-factor or screen orientation.
    9. Better Notifications for Auto-Scheduled Software Capture Applications
      To ensure that Administrators are informed on the status of auto-scheduling events when using the Software Capture applications, the Devices tab within Admin Panel now has a new status called Not Ready, as well as new notifications.

      The Not Ready status indicates that the Software Capture application is not in a state to record. For example, there could be a firewall issue, device conflict or perhaps the computer is logged out. Further, if an error blocks the use of a particular source, an error message will show up above the affected source. Please note: The full capabilities of this feature will be realized with the upcoming versions of the PC and Apple Software Capture applications that are forthcoming next month.

    10. Ability to Lock / Override Roles for Users within Specific Courses
      To support scenarios where a Student role (such as a “student helper” or “course note-taker”) needs Instructor-level permissions within a given course, we now provide a manual “override” of the role value supplied by the Learning Management System.
    11. Video Quiz Audit Log Capabilities
      To ensure the integrity of the Video Quiz-taking process, Content Creators and Administrators now have an Audit Log capability. This provides granular information on creation, editing, quiz attempts and user submissions.
    12. Improved Screen Reader Support for Media Player Sidebar
      This release improves the screen-reader accessibility support of the Media Player’s Sidebar. Specifically, we applied user-interface changes to ensure that screen-readers can fully narrate the options in a consistent and clear manner.
  • August 7, 2019

    United States Zone – Semi-Monthly RC20190809 Released

    General Platform HTML5 Video Conferencing Media Management United States Zones Video Quizzes

    We have successfully pushed an update to all physical zones residing in the United States. Please note that this release will be pushed to Canadian and European Union zones next week. This release includes over 160+ new features and improvements.

    1. New Visual Search Available to Upgrade Across All Instances
      All the sub-system infrastructure and related metadata upgrades to take advantage of the new Visual Search is available to organizations. Within the next 60 days, this will be turned on incrementally to all customer instances, however we will provide the opportunity for Administrators to request it be turned on within their instances. New capabilities of the new Visual Search include:

      • Ability to perform full media library searches across all videos within all metadata types including captions, optical character recognition (slides) and comments.
      • Capability to see all matches across the timeline of the video as clickable push-pins.
      • Play All Matches feature that generates a dynamic playlist of five-second snippits of all search matches.

      We will continue to refine and improve this capability over the coming months and value your feedback in improving the quality of the visual search across your production data workloads.

    2. Ability to Perform an OCR “Sweep” on Uploaded Media
      Content Owners uploading content can now trigger an OCR sweep of their uploaded media using the same OCR-generation algorithms that run when processing content captured via our capture tools. This ensures that uploaded content displaying significant textual content can take advantage of our Visual Search capabilities.
    3. Improved Zoom Connector Integration
      The Platform’s Zoom integration is being migrated from a traditional API integration into a Zoom Marketplace application. For organizations enabling this Product SKU within their Instance, this provides an easier installation process, as well as a more future-proofed integration via Zoom’s preferred integration method. To learn more, visit our Zoom integration steps available here.
    4. Sub-Channel Rosters Can Now Be a Subset of the Main Channel Roster
      To provide more flexible intra-course sharing of content, Media Sub-Channel rosters can now be a customizable subset of the full course roster of the main Media Channel. This enables new scenarios such as, among other things, providing specific accessibility accommodations to subsets of course participants.
    5. Video Quiz Creation and Administration Now Within Media Details
      Content Creators can now create and manage their video quizzes directly within the familiar Media Details view. Previously, quiz content was managed in a special section within My Account settings. Over the coming months, we will continue to introduce new quiz capabilities, as well as improved creation workflows.
    6. Video Quiz Creators Can Now Add Hints to Questions
      Video Quizzes now support the ability to add a Hint to a question. Users who opt to view the Hint are displayed to the instructor within the YuJa Gradebook.
    7. Richer Video Quiz Question and Answer Fields including LaTeX Support
      To support more sophisticated formatting options, the question and response fields now allow entries that can exceed 140 characters and be formatted via a built-in formatting toolbar. For users wishing to create richer formatting for STEM-based content, we have also integrated support for the LaTeX language in the question and response fields.
    8. More Intuitive Question Markers Below Timeline of Video Quiz
      The Video Quiz timeline incorporates new question markers that “fill in” as a particular question has been completed.
    9. Improved HTML5 Video Conference Replay
      This release, we completely overhauled the conference replay to be more robust. This should provide both a more intuitive replay experience, as well as fewer situations with video conference replay issues.
    10. More Intuitive Thumbnail Selection Option within Media Details
      Based on customer feedback, we improved the selection of custom thumbnails within the Media Details. The new selection uses an image carousel with more clear delineation of the current thumbnail being used.
  • July 12, 2019

    United States Zone – Semi-Monthly RC20190714 Released

    General Platform HTML5 Video Conferencing Media Management United States Zones Video Quizzes

    We have successfully pushed an update to all physical zones residing in the United States. Please note that this release will be pushed to Canadian and European Union zones next week. This release includes over 180+ new features and improvements.

    1. Improved Media Channels Interface with Drag-and-Drop Channel Reordering
      The release introduces a more compact, flexible and configurable Media Channels view. This includes a more compact video thumbnail, improved visibility of tabbed Sub-Channels, and most importantly, the ability to re-order published content with convenient drag-and-drop facility.
    2. Improved Media Thumbnails within Media Library View and Loading Performance
      The new, more compact Media Thumbnail has also been incorporated into My Media and EnterpriseTube. New content will also more clearly show key attributes, including duration, using a gradient overlay which uses the available space better. We also made the entire experience load faster.
    3. Video Quizzes Now Offers “Skip for Now” and “Disable Fast Forwarding” Options
      Over the coming months, the Product Team will be introducing over 50+ new interactive video and text quiz capabilities. This release, the Platform now offers two new quiz capabilities to disable fast-forwarding during video quiz attempts, as well as the ability to provide the answer immediately following a question submission.
    4. Improved Optical Character Recognition Algorithm Deployed
      As part of a longer-term project to improve the searchability and quality of auto-generated metadata, the Platform now has an improved Optical Character Recognition (OCR) algorithm. New content will automatically take advantage of the improved OCR algorithm that, among other things, will read the text off recorded slides better.
    5. Improved Auto-Generation of Table of Contents Based on Screen Transition Algorithm
      As part of the same longer-term project to improve the searchability of auto-generated metadata, the Platform now has an an improved algorithm for pre-generating the Table of Contents shown within the Media Player. This algorithm leverages screen transition data to better detect truly distinct presentation segments and, in turn, generates a more relevant Table of Contents section.
    6. Improved Iconography for Admin Panel, Analytics and My Account
      The Platform now incorporates clearer and more understandable iconography for the Left Navigation Bar within the Admin Panel, Visual Analytics and My Account.
    7. New SIS, LMS and SSO Auto-Merge Module
      Organizations now have new integration options with the ability to integrate the Platform directly into a Student Information System (SIS) while using both a Learning Management System (LMS) and Single Sign On (SSO) system. Both courses and users will be cross-matched among the systems for a consistent and unified media experience.
    8. New Podcast Syndication Capabilities
      For organizations looking to cross-syndicate channels to other forms of distribution, Media Channel owners can now generate an RSS Feed that can be enabled on a per-channel basis. This can be “consumed” by RSS syndication tools such as Apple iTunes.
    9. Auto-Resizing Media Details Dialog that Fits Better within an LMS and Smaller Screens
      The Media Details pane has been improved to dynamically adjust to the available size in two ways. First, the window vertical scroll adjusts to keep the Save buttons visible. Second, the horizontal space is used more efficiently with the left icon labels tucking away when there is not an ideal viewing size.
    10. Improved Resolution of Default Thumbnail
      For new video content, the Platform now generates and associates a higher resolution thumbnail. Previously, the thumbnail generated could appear slightly grainy when viewed within a mid-sized browser window. Please note that this is not retroactive on existing media.
    11. More Flexible External Sharing with the Share Dialog
      The Share dialog now supports the ability to input an email address to send a recipient a direct link to a video. Email recipients will get an email and if they have an associated YuJa account, they can also access it within the Shared with Me section of their account.
    12. Folders and Channels Can Now Be Sorted by Last Viewed
      Now that the Platform offers the ability to adjust the order of your content, the Product Team has also released a Sort By Last Viewed option to all production zones.
    13. Improved the Video Editor’s Launch Behavior
      Since the Video Editor opens in a new browser tab, the Platform now provides an on-screen notification that it is being launched.
    14. Improvements to Media Player Layout and Multi-Source Sync Performance at Faster Speeds
      The Media Player now has an improved capability to play multi-source content, in synchronicity, at faster speeds. Previously, we saw edge cases where, in certain browsers, at higher speeds (1.75x or faster), that the sources could become slightly out-of-sync.
    15. Improved Network Quality Detection and Notification of HLS Bitrate
      The Media Player now has an integrated notification of the current bitrate being streamed, as well as more reliable adherence to automatic or manual adjustments to the bitrate.
    16. Video Conferencing Have Ability to Change A/V Sources
      The beta HTML5-based Video Conferencing product now has the ability to switch webcam and mic sources while in a video conference meeting.
    17. EnterpriseTube Tools Can Be Turned On-and-Off
      Organizations now can selectively enable the EnterpriseTube Library and Events tab. The Product Team also moved the EnterpriseTube administrative tools into the Admin Panel Platform tab for a more consistent experience.
    18. Coming Soon – New “Visual Search” to Replace Existing “Intuitive Search” Capability
      You may have noticed an emphasis on improved metadata generation in this release. This is part of a new Visual Search capability that the Product Team is launching soon. This will eventually replace the current search capabilities (called “Intuitive Search”). This new Visual Search will enable users to:

      • Perform a deep search across all their media content and see playable push-pins where there are matches in the captions, optical character recognition, index and more.
      • Click Play All Matches to dynamically generate a unified playlist clip that shows all the matches. This enables a user to quickly find topics of interest and watch just those topic excerpts.

      Over the coming weeks, we will be launching some new media processing “horsepower” that will re-process in the background the petabytes-on-petabytes of existing media data. The end result is that all your content will be able to take advantage of this new capability.

  • June 9, 2019

    United States Zone – Semi-Monthly RC20190614 Released

    General Platform Hardware Hub HTML5 Player HTML5 Video Conferencing Media Management

    We have successfully pushed an update to all physical zones residing in the United States. Please note that this release will be pushed to Canadian and European Union zones next week. This release includes over 110+ new features and improvements.

    1. New Offline Downloading Capabilities with Podcast Pre-Generation
      The Media Player now supports the ability to auto-play based on settings We now provide the ability to download directly from the Media Player without the need to wait for an email with the streams. Now, Content Owners can opt to pre-generate podcasts for viewers enabling quick and direct downloading while watching the video.
    2. Ability for Organizations to Customize Speed Controls
      Administrators have new Media Player customization capabilities to select which variable speeds, including much more granular speed options. This was a heavily requested capability from our Medical and Nursing school partners.
    3. New Top Bar and UI for HTML5 Video Conference Tool
      As part of our beta HTML5-based Video Conference, we incorporated a visual refresh aimed at a better user experience. This includes clear top-bar buttons of key tools, a higher-contrast user experience, and more attractive integrated chat.
    4. New Branded Video Conference Landing Page for Guests
      As part of the visual refresh of the HTML5-based Video Conference, we also incorporated a branded guest landing page for those joining a video conference.
    5. New Chat Integration with Visual Notification of Unread Chats
      We’ve introduced a new chat box integration that’s more similar to iMessage’s style that users are familiar with. We also introduced a visual notification on the Top Bar of the number of unread chat messages.
    6. Ability for Organizations to Adjust the Control Time Used for the Go Back Button
      Organizations can now customize the Media Player’s Go Back button’s control time. The default will remain unchanged; however, customers can now change the control time to one better suited to their users.
    7. New Control Options for Ad-Hoc Hardware Captures Initiated from Room Touch Panels
      Administrators now can manage which user and to which location an ad-hoc hardware capture should be stored in. The primary use-case is administrators would like to centralize the management of touch panel-initiated recordings.
    8. Schedule Priority Setting for CTRL=Extend Touch Panel Command
      Administrators can now choose if, when a Extend command is sent from the room touch panel, they would like to prioritize the existing auto-scheduled event or the current, active event.