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  • July 24, 2020

    Video Conference Platform – Update RC20200724 Released to All Zone

    Canadian Zones European Union Zones HTML5 Video Conferencing United States Zones

    We have successfully pushed an update to all instances residing in the United States, Canada and the European Union.

    1. Video Conference Recordings Are Now Playable in the Media Player

      Multi-party video conference recordings with screen, video and audio are now playable directly within the Enterprise Video Platform’s standard Media Player. This means that video conference recordings can now be edited, captioned, downloaded, thumbnailed, etc. with all the same capabilities afforded to standard captures and uploaded videos.

      In subsequent releases, we will be adding improved multi-person layouts, removing the interim step where a newly created recording initially plays back using the Video Conference application, and adding the ability for whiteboards and document sharing content to be linked to the recording as an attachment.

    2. Ability to Limit Access to Video Conference to Only Specific Users
      Administrators can now restrict access to the Video Conference to only specific users. This includes the ability to define who can create meetings and who can only attend meetings.

  • July 18, 2020

    Software Capture for Apple (v4.1.1) – Update Released to All Zones

    Canadian Zones European Union Zones Software Capture for Apple United States Zones

    A new version of the Software Capture for Apple version (version v4.1.1) has been released to all instances located in the United States, Canada and the European Union.

    1. Brand New, Faster and More Efficient Capture Engine
      This version introduces a brand-new Capture Engine that provides improved stream synchronization on Retina displays, better memory and CPU efficiency, and a snappier user experience. This engine also provides improved device compatibility with external peripherals (example: Yeti Professional Microphone).
    2. Support for Recording Internal System Audio
      Content Creators can record the system internal audio as a secondary audio source alongside the primary microphone source. This can be used to record the sound of a video being played back during an active recording.

    3. Improved Compatibility When System Language is Simplified Chinese
      Resolved minor incompatibilities with the application when launched when Apple’s System Language is Simplified Chinese.
    4. Support for Recording with Apple Airpods
      Alongside the new Capture Engine is support for using Apple Airpods to perform recording.
    5. New Apple Capture Audit Logging Capabilities
      To provide Administrators with better visibility in remote user actions and system activity, the Apple Capture now provides audit logging capabilities for specific actions. Over the coming releases, additional events will be added to the Apple audit logging capabilities.

    6. New Permission Management Panel
      In many cases, Apple OS’s default permission settings for applications is to deny Camera, Microphone and Screen Recording access. On start-up, the new Permission Management Panel provides a clear indication of available permissions and the ability to directly open the Apple OS Security & Privacy tools needed to enable the required permission.

  • July 18, 2020

    Video Conferencing Platform – Update Released to All Zone – RC20200717 Released

    Canadian Zones European Union Zones HTML5 Video Conferencing United States Zones

    A new version of the Video Conference platform has been released.

    1. Improved Firewall Traversal for Screenshare
      Capabilities to allow the screenshare connection to better traverse specific firewall and router configurations.
    2. Improved Audio and Video Permission Edge-Cases
      Resolved a number of edge cases that could cause webcam and microphone permissions to be blocked during the Video Conference initiation.
  • July 4, 2020

    Update to HTML5 Video Conferencing System Released to All Zone – RC20200703 Released

    Canadian Zones European Union Zones HTML5 Video Conferencing United States Zones

    A new version of the Video Conference platform has been released. Please keep in mind that the release cadence for the Video Conference has been increased to twice-a-month (or more) as we roll out capabilities on a more aggressive release schedule in preparation for the Fall.

    1. Improved Connection Management and Retry Capabilities
      The Video Conference Platform now will perform individual connection-level retries to re-establish connections that may be on slower or high-latency connections.
    2. Improved Firewall Traversal Capabilities
      Capabilities to better traverse specific firewall and router configurations have been deployed. This should resolve several connection issues that users experience.
    3. New Ability to Select Video and Audio Options from the Entry Panel
      Now the Entry Panel has a new option to select Video and Audio directly before entering the Video Conference.
    4. New Top Bar Audio and Video Selection Options
      The Audio and Video buttons within the Top Bar now provide the ability to toggle between available video and mic sources.
  • June 27, 2020

    United States Instances – Enterprise Video Platform RC20200619 Released

    United States Zones

    We have successfully pushed an update to all instances residing in the United States. For a summary of the release, please refer to the corresponding tag for Canadian zones.

  • June 20, 2020

    US, Canadian and European Union Instances – Video Conference Platform RC20200619 Released

    Canadian Zones European Union Zones HTML5 Video Conferencing United States Zones

    A new version of the Video Conference platform has been released that includes 15+ features and improvements. Please keep in mind that the release cadence for the Video Conference has been increased to twice-a-month (or more) as we roll out capabilities on a more aggressive release schedule in preparation for the Fall.

    1. Improved Participant Management Capabilities with Integrated Virtual Classroom Tools
      The Participant Management panel now offers an improved visualization of participant capabilities and roles. The Panel also now provides an integrated menu to manage mute settings, charge role and enable and disable media sources.

    2. New Mute Management Capabilities for Simplified Virtual Classroom Management
      Meeting owners now have additional mute capabilities to better manage the number of speakers during a multi-person virtual classroom. New mute management capabilities include:

      • Mute specific participants
      • Mute All participants with sub-capabilities to enable participants to subsequently unmute themselves
      • Offer the ability to speak to specific, owner-selectable participants

  • June 12, 2020

    Update to HTML5 Video Conferencing System Released to All Zones

    Canadian Zones European Union Zones HTML5 Video Conferencing United States Zones

    A new version of the Video Conference platform has been released that includes one key improvement. Please keep in mind that the release cadence for the Video Conference has been increased to twice-a-month (or more) as we roll out capabilities on a more aggressive release schedule in preparation for the Fall.

    1. Improved Re-Connection Logic in Unstable, Intermittent, or Weaker Connections
      Improved re-connection logic between peer-to-peer connections in situations where the link is temporarily unstable, intermittent or weaker. We will continue to monitor “connection graphs” to identify additional connection management improvements required.
  • June 12, 2020

    YuJa Mobile for iOS 2.3.0 Release Published to Apple AppStore

    Canadian Zones European Union Zones iOS App Uncategorized United States Zones

    We have successfully published a new version of the YuJa Mobile for iOS application to the Apple AppStore.

    1. Improved and More Modern Playback Experience
      A refreshed video playback experience using an overlay style Play Bar now provides better use of the available screen size.

    2. New Recording and Orientation Options
      Improved video display orientation to match the orientation used when recording for both portrait and landscape, as well as the ability to select the capture resolution when recording.

    3. Easier to Use Entry Screen
      The login experience has been streamlined. Rather than having to scroll through a list of Organizations and Schools, users can simply enter their email address, organization name or organization’s email domain to login to their organization’s configured authentication methods.

    4. Integration with Playback Analytics
      Playback analytics shown within the Visual Analytics now integrate with playback events generated by users when accessing the iOS application.
    5. Ability to Record Audio Podcasts
      The recording capability now includes the ability to create audio-only recordings (podcasts).

    6. Additional Variable Speed Playback Option
      Improved variable speed playback and device capability, as well as added new 4x speed control.

    7. Extended Control of Use of Non-WiFi Connections
      Selectable option to control whether downloads content for offline use can be performed only when connected to non-Wifi connections. This is aimed at helping users avoid situations where downloading or uploading content exceeds their phone’s data plan thresholds.

    8. Stability Improvements Based on Customer Usage
      Leveraging the previous deployment to resolve 50+ application crashes and errors that were discovered in the field. The result is an even more stable and robust user experience.
  • June 6, 2020

    Update to HTML5 Video Conferencing System Released to All Zone

    Canadian Zones European Union Zones HTML5 Video Conferencing United States Zones

    A new version of the Video Conference platform has been released that includes several improvements and features. The release cadence for the Video Conference has been increased to twice-a-month as we roll out capabilities on a more aggressive release schedule in preparation for the Fall.

    1. Support for Up To 9 Participants on Video
      The maximum number of participants on video has been increased to 9. Over the coming months, we will continue to increase this maximum.
    2. 10+ Smaller Fixes and Improvements Including:
      • Improvement to mute, no-sound and no-video icon sizes to be more consistent and sized to the video box.
      • Improved handling of video source switching in instances where it is performed very quickly (or toggled).
      • Resolved issue where copying the meeting link via the Copy Link button did no work on Chrome or Edge.
  • May 26, 2020

    Software Capture for PC (v10.6) Released to All Geographic Zones

    Canadian Zones European Union Zones United States Zones YuJa Software Capture - PC

    We have released a new Software Capture for PC version (version v10.6) to all instances located in the United States, Canada and the European Union.

    1. Upload Progress Window Integrated with Both PC Application Recording Toolbar and Standalone Window
      Post-recording, users can now see a status upload bar to track the status of in-progress uploads. This is available on both the Recording Toolbar and a Standalone Upload window.
    2. Improved Alert When a Source is Unplugged
      In instances where a recording source is disconnected mid-recording, in addition to the alert shown on the Confidence Monitor, a Windows Toast Notification alert is also provided.
    3. Improved Pause Processing in Instances of Dozens of Pause Operations
      Videos where a significant number of pauses exist (10+ pause-resume sequences) now are processed in a manner that better maintains the synchronization of the audio and video feeds.
    4. 15+ Smaller Fixes and Improvements Including:
      • Resolved issue that would prevent an unregistered Software Capture device from utilizing Watch Point.
      • Resolved issue where a recording could, in a specific instance, become corrupt if a source is unplugged mid-recording.
      • Resolved issue where the Video Encoding process could get stuck during an active recording.